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2021-22 Performances

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4.2 Season Average Rating
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He wasn't good or bad but I guess being invisible is an improvement over getting on the ball and passing it into the defender's legs over and over and over again.

I'll save the Elanga thoughts for the Elanga thread but we were playing 2 strikers by that point in the game. I'm looking for the replay and am open to correction but his first touch needed to release Elanga for a tap in but he had his head down and decided to run straight into his strike partner's path to goal. Elanga should have subsequently gotten out of the way once the pass chance expired. Absolute poor awareness.
Put him on half a million a week wages and give him the armband.

And for good measure make him the player manager aswell.
One thing I find baffling is when pundits like Neville (more so) and Redknapp act incredibly shocked why Rashford isn’t in the starting lineup and just continuously harp on about it all game like the manager has made a catastrophic mistake. Have they not watched Rashford play this season? We can all see he has done absolutely nothing in every minute he has played.

Neville was going on about the manager not fancying him. If anything, Ragnick played him more than he should of when he was abysmal a few months ago. He kept playing him to try and get him into some kind of form. He had no choice in the end to drop him cause he was a passenger in the team.

No idea why anyone would be shocked he wasn’t starting even though he was our only recognised striker yet by his own admission Rashford doesn’t like being a striker. Anyway, when he did eventually come on he offered absolutely nothing again. Didn’t hear Neville say much about it even though he was desperately trying to illustrate how it wasn’t working without him in the first half.
One thing I find baffling is when pundits like Neville (more so) and Redknapp act incredibly shocked why Rashford isn’t in the starting lineup and just continuously harp on about it all game like the manager has made a catastrophic mistake. Have they not watched Rashford play this season? We can all see he has done absolutely nothing in every minute he has played.

Neville was going on about the manager not fancying him. If anything, Ragnick played him more than he should of when he was abysmal a few months ago. He kept playing him to try and get him into some kind of form. He had no choice in the end to drop him cause he was a passenger in the team.

No idea why anyone would be shocked he wasn’t starting even though he was our only recognised striker yet by his own admission Rashford doesn’t like being a striker. Anyway, when he did eventually come on he offered absolutely nothing again. Didn’t hear Neville say much about it even though he was desperately trying to illustrate how it wasn’t working without him in the first half.
I was thinking the same :lol:

Neville is a bit of a headcase though unfortunately. Only talks to suit his own agendas.

He's obviously chummy with Rashford, but he was talking like he is A) a striker and B) in good form.

The fact he's not in the starting line up is purely on his own back. I don't think the formation really worked today either, but Rashford has long lost the right to start every match whether he's playing well or not.
One thing I find baffling is when pundits like Neville (more so) and Redknapp act incredibly shocked why Rashford isn’t in the starting lineup and just continuously harp on about it all game like the manager has made a catastrophic mistake. Have they not watched Rashford play this season? We can all see he has done absolutely nothing in every minute he has played.

Neville was going on about the manager not fancying him. If anything, Ragnick played him more than he should of when he was abysmal a few months ago. He kept playing him to try and get him into some kind of form. He had no choice in the end to drop him cause he was a passenger in the team.

No idea why anyone would be shocked he wasn’t starting even though he was our only recognised striker yet by his own admission Rashford doesn’t like being a striker. Anyway, when he did eventually come on he offered absolutely nothing again. Didn’t hear Neville say much about it even though he was desperately trying to illustrate how it wasn’t working without him in the first half.
He's a fan of his talent but has entered the territory of full blown fanboying. Rashford is doing everything he criticised others for with the pitchside circus like leaks, player branding and threats to walk but I guess all those things are only a problem when it's the players he doesn't like. Going after the manager's selection like this is a new low. What is he going to do when ETH decides he doesn't want a striker who plays with his head down? Riot?
One thing I find baffling is when pundits like Neville (more so) and Redknapp act incredibly shocked why Rashford isn’t in the starting lineup and just continuously harp on about it all game like the manager has made a catastrophic mistake. Have they not watched Rashford play this season? We can all see he has done absolutely nothing in every minute he has played.

Neville was going on about the manager not fancying him. If anything, Ragnick played him more than he should of when he was abysmal a few months ago. He kept playing him to try and get him into some kind of form. He had no choice in the end to drop him cause he was a passenger in the team.

No idea why anyone would be shocked he wasn’t starting even though he was our only recognised striker yet by his own admission Rashford doesn’t like being a striker. Anyway, when he did eventually come on he offered absolutely nothing again. Didn’t hear Neville say much about it even though he was desperately trying to illustrate how it wasn’t working without him in the first half.

On Sky Sports after the game. Redknapp said that "Rashford looks to have fallen out of love with the game, needed to go out and play some where. That he'd have 100's of offers (Yeah) and his time at United had run its course".

He also called Poch a "Serial underachiever".
I'm sorry, but he's infuriating.
Fresh off the bench, watching Elanga and Bruno press, only to have Leicester pass it out to the side Rashford is supposed to press.

Part of the reason we lost control later on is that when Mctominay came off, we lost some of the organization and ability to win the ball back.

I don't know where it's come from that Marcus thinks he does not have to press or run, and leave all the work for his teammates.
It's frustrating and irritating to watch, as his mentality is in the shit.

That alone, and the lack of desire say it all. I don't care how low on confidence you are. The least I think most United fans are asking for is effort, and he's not giving any. He just puts his head down and runs with the ball like the 13 year kid in the park who annoys everyone, because he doesn't fecking pass.
Worth no more than 70k a week right now. I don't know what's going to happen with him but he has lost focus on his football career and Utd can't possibly renew or better his current contract. I feel ready to chalk him up as an almost made-it, sell him or let him run down his contract and move on.
One thing I find baffling is when pundits like Neville (more so) and Redknapp act incredibly shocked why Rashford isn’t in the starting lineup and just continuously harp on about it all game like the manager has made a catastrophic mistake. Have they not watched Rashford play this season? We can all see he has done absolutely nothing in every minute he has played.

Neville was going on about the manager not fancying him. If anything, Ragnick played him more than he should of when he was abysmal a few months ago. He kept playing him to try and get him into some kind of form. He had no choice in the end to drop him cause he was a passenger in the team.

No idea why anyone would be shocked he wasn’t starting even though he was our only recognised striker yet by his own admission Rashford doesn’t like being a striker. Anyway, when he did eventually come on he offered absolutely nothing again. Didn’t hear Neville say much about it even though he was desperately trying to illustrate how it wasn’t working without him in the first half.
It's hilarious how much crap they kept going on about how Rashford should play during our games and how he would improve us and just kept their mouth shut when he did his usual disappearing act when he came on.

At his current performance levels, not even Championship teams would want him playing for them.
where else he should play?
On the wings ? Elanga should have been substituted or moved up front since he can hold the ball better than rashford at this point
Put him on half a million a week wages and give him the armband.

And for good measure make him the player manager aswell.
He could also become Fred the Red and the CCO of United.
His PR team have ruined the him. He’s a limited but sometimes effective-when-focused footballer, nothing more. The contrived St Marcus routine seems to have distracted him to the point of sabotaging his season and potentially career.
I couldn't believe what I hearing when Neville was talking about how shocking a decision it was to not play Rashford. Has he not seen how poor Rashford has been for the past few months? Rashford is not even a striker ffs. When was the last time he played up top and performed adequately? When he came on, did he change the game? Did he even put in any effort?

I'm sick and tired of the free ride Rashford gets from the media. He's been woefully out of form and worse, rarely puts in an effort out there on the field.

He's been a big disappointment, and really makes me question whether or not blooding in Academy players is worth it. When they're gonna stop putting in the effort once they've "made it", what's all that hoopla about having Academy players because they "care more for the club?"

I'd take a mercenary player who stays for less then 5 years but does his job and wins the club trophies before leaving than have the likes of Rashford and Lingard sporadically performing but stinking the place up for much of their careers whilst thinking they're entitled to the biggest wages in the league.
I'm sorry, but he's infuriating.
Fresh off the bench, watching Elanga and Bruno press, only to have Leicester pass it out to the side Rashford is supposed to press.

Part of the reason we lost control later on is that when Mctominay came off, we lost some of the organization and ability to win the ball back.

I don't know where it's come from that Marcus thinks he does not have to press or run, and leave all the work for his teammates.
It's frustrating and irritating to watch, as his mentality is in the shit.

That alone, and the lack of desire say it all. I don't care how low on confidence you are. The least I think most United fans are asking for is effort, and he's not giving any. He just puts his head down and runs with the ball like the 13 year kid in the park who annoys everyone, because he doesn't fecking pass.
Last sentence perfectly sums him up. He really is like the annoyingly selfish kid at school who thinks he's Pele. I used to think his poor decision making was due to him being incredibly thick. But I think it's simply ego. His head is so far up his own arse.
I find it amazing how poor he is attacking the crosses and running behind the defence.

We've had couple of quality crosses actually around penalty box yesterday when he came on, where defender cleared it in front of him every single time, and every single time he just stayed behind defender expecting defender will eventually miss the ball, and not even trying going ahead of him, and it's not just aerial duels. His movement is ridiculously poor, he is training every single day with Ronaldo, how on earth didn't he learn anything from him?

He doesn't show any attacking instinct.
I find it amazing how poor he is attacking the crosses and running behind the defence.

We've had couple of quality crosses actually around penalty box yesterday when he came on, where defender cleared it in front of him every single time, and every single time he just stayed behind defender expecting defender will eventually miss the ball, and not even trying going ahead of him, and it's not just aerial duels. His movement is ridiculously poor, he is training every single day with Ronaldo, how on earth didn't he learn anything from him?

He doesn't show any attacking instinct.
Ole said that about Rashford and Martial before Cavani came in. They dont score ugly goals
Neville said something in the line of Ragnick ruining him. Bollocks basically.
I find it amazing how poor he is attacking the crosses and running behind the defence.

We've had couple of quality crosses actually around penalty box yesterday when he came on, where defender cleared it in front of him every single time, and every single time he just stayed behind defender expecting defender will eventually miss the ball, and not even trying going ahead of him, and it's not just aerial duels. His movement is ridiculously poor, he is training every single day with Ronaldo, how on earth didn't he learn anything from him?

He doesn't show any attacking instinct.
Yeah, the lack of effort is what is most infuriating. You can replace the lack of instinct sometimes with an effort but he doesn't even to that.
I find it amazing how poor he is attacking the crosses and running behind the defence.

We've had couple of quality crosses actually around penalty box yesterday when he came on, where defender cleared it in front of him every single time, and every single time he just stayed behind defender expecting defender will eventually miss the ball, and not even trying going ahead of him, and it's not just aerial duels. His movement is ridiculously poor, he is training every single day with Ronaldo, how on earth didn't he learn anything from him?

He doesn't show any attacking instinct.
Not to mention that the one time the defender actually did miss the ball, he just stood there flat-footed and let the ball go past him and fell to Sancho who fluffed the shot.

He had one chance that was taken away from him by Elanga (and to be fair to the latter, Rashford dribbled right into the area where he was standing so even if he hadn't gone for the ball he probably would've been deemed to be interfering with the defender by blocking him) , but other than that he was very anonymous during his cameo. Barely saw him until the last five minutes. Surprised to see so many hailing it as a good performance.
Not to mention that the one time the defender actually did miss the ball, he just stood there flat-footed and let the ball go past him and fell to Sancho who fluffed the shot.

Yeah, I remember that situation too. That just goes to show how focused he is.
Not to mention that the one time the defender actually did miss the ball, he just stood there flat-footed and let the ball go past him and fell to Sancho who fluffed the shot.

He had one chance that was taken away from him by Elanga (and to be fair to the latter, Rashford dribbled right into the area where he was standing so even if he hadn't gone for the ball he probably would've been deemed to be interfering with the defender by blocking him) , but other than that he was very anonymous during his cameo. Barely saw him until the last five minutes. Surprised to see so many hailing it as a good performance.
Where? Swear people just make shit up when it comes to Rashford, literally nobody said he had a good performance. The best you'll find is he was less shit than normal or just completely anonymous.
The problem is up till now, people have been treated as a promising young player, promising young players will (rightly) get a little bit of pass when it comes to up and downs. But Rashford isn't a young player now, yeah a few players make some drastic improvements in their mid to late 20's but most players are round about as good as they are going to be by the time they reach his age. So this is Rashford, a player who doesn't really have a position, as he isn't great upfront or on the wing, and has no composure in the final 3rd.

Yeah, he still has a turn of pace, an ok dribbler(though with no end product), and a good shot when he manages to do so. Which are all great raw talents if you are 18-21, but when you're coming up to your 25th birthday that's not enough to play for a top half of the premiership team, never mind a team that wants to be in the champions league.
I find it amazing how poor he is attacking the crosses and running behind the defence.

He doesn't show any attacking instinct.

It's not even attacking instinct , just general football intelligence. That combined with his awful heading means he more often than not freezes up in the box.
I find it amazing how poor he is attacking the crosses and running behind the defence.

We've had couple of quality crosses actually around penalty box yesterday when he came on, where defender cleared it in front of him every single time, and every single time he just stayed behind defender expecting defender will eventually miss the ball, and not even trying going ahead of him, and it's not just aerial duels. His movement is ridiculously poor, he is training every single day with Ronaldo, how on earth didn't he learn anything from him?

He doesn't show any attacking instinct.
One of the reasons he's not a number 9. When we had it in wide areas he was coming short and too deep. A number 9 would split the CB's and basically operate between the goalposts. We know he's a wide forward though and not a CF.
Put him on half a million a week wages and give him the armband.

And for good measure make him the player manager aswell.

This does seem to fit our policy. Pay them the wages of the player you wish they were and hope that responsibility === performances. Neither has worked even once for us but god loves a trier.
One thing i have noticed about Rashford is that he hardly competes for ball and simply lets defender to win first ball. Not sure if this post injury phenomenon.
Following on from that post above...

"Fernandes was more involved but the Portuguese squandered two big chances which ultimately cost the Red Devils two precious points, and the top four looks more of a pipe dream now than a possibility. Rashford, watching on from the bench, may have felt he could have put them away.

And when he did finally come on, the 24-year-old looked devoid of confidence. He was barely involved as United struggled to hold on for a draw. Few could blame him at this point for struggling to muster up the motivation to come on and prove his manager wrong, when there was clearly no belief from his manager that he could find the winner."

Even for Rashford's PR and their brain-dead tabloid mouthpieces this is fecking galling.

Firstly because one of those two chances Bruno squandered still ended in a goal. But just the rank delusion and idiocy in the other bold points, beggars belief.
Following on from that post above...

"Fernandes was more involved but the Portuguese squandered two big chances which ultimately cost the Red Devils two precious points, and the top four looks more of a pipe dream now than a possibility. Rashford, watching on from the bench, may have felt he could have put them away.

And when he did finally come on, the 24-year-old looked devoid of confidence. He was barely involved as United struggled to hold on for a draw. Few could blame him at this point for struggling to muster up the motivation to come on and prove his manager wrong, when there was clearly no belief from his manager that he could find the winner."

Even for Rashford's PR and their brain-dead tabloid mouthpieces this is fecking galling.

Firstly because one of those two chances Bruno squandered still ended in a goal. But just the rank delusion and idiocy in the other bold points, beggars belief.
:wenger: :lol:

So from that narrative, Rashford decided to protest on the pitch. Bruno chances are hardly sitters. How do you expect those chances without required work?
Following on from that post above...

"Fernandes was more involved but the Portuguese squandered two big chances which ultimately cost the Red Devils two precious points, and the top four looks more of a pipe dream now than a possibility. Rashford, watching on from the bench, may have felt he could have put them away.

And when he did finally come on, the 24-year-old looked devoid of confidence. He was barely involved as United struggled to hold on for a draw. Few could blame him at this point for struggling to muster up the motivation to come on and prove his manager wrong, when there was clearly no belief from his manager that he could find the winner."

Even for Rashford's PR and their brain-dead tabloid mouthpieces this is fecking galling.

Firstly because one of those two chances Bruno squandered still ended in a goal. But just the rank delusion and idiocy in the other bold points, beggars belief.
If we pay him more money, he could get motivated? worth a shot
This is pretty likely to be his worst scoring season ever, and that's including his breakthrough season where he didn't play until late February.
Following on from that post above...

"Fernandes was more involved but the Portuguese squandered two big chances which ultimately cost the Red Devils two precious points, and the top four looks more of a pipe dream now than a possibility. Rashford, watching on from the bench, may have felt he could have put them away.

And when he did finally come on, the 24-year-old looked devoid of confidence. He was barely involved as United struggled to hold on for a draw. Few could blame him at this point for struggling to muster up the motivation to come on and prove his manager wrong, when there was clearly no belief from his manager that he could find the winner."

Even for Rashford's PR and their brain-dead tabloid mouthpieces this is fecking galling.

Firstly because one of those two chances Bruno squandered still ended in a goal. But just the rank delusion and idiocy in the other bold points, beggars belief.
feck me, that’s probably the worst piece of journalism I’ve ever seen.
My dislike for rashford has exceeded my dislike for lingard.
Its gotten to the point where I just wish he was someone else's problem now. As with Pogba, I just feel fatigued with the Marcus Rashford show. Pundits always wondering why he's not being picked, why we aren't trying to work him back into form, seemingly oblivious to the fact he's been absolutely atrocious for over a season. I don't care if he's an academy lad or there was a point where he managed decent numbers, I'm just sick of his PR machine doing the rounds every week. He's not achieved anything of note in his footballing career, and yet we're made to believe we're the problem. Get rid.
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