Mason Greenwood (Please post respectfully)

Do you want Mason Greenwood to return next year ?

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I'd be very interested (and almost certainly entirely unsurprised) to see how these results break down by gender.

United have (quite rightly) been making a big deal about the impressive performances of its womens' team since its inception; to my mind, welcoming back Mason Greenwood would absolutely fly in the face of that.
Wouldn't it be skewed by the fact that presumably, the Caf is a male-dominated forum?
Also, the charges were dropped because she wouldn't give evidence. The only thing people should care about is if those pictures and audio were real. If they are, there is no story here. He should be booted out.
I definitely don’t want him at the club. But just imagine reading RAWK if he stays and gets a winner at Anfield and then pretends to choke Anthony in celebration. Would almost be worth it just for that.
I just ask that anybody who wants him back, to listen to the audio again and imagine it's your daughter or sister whose on the receiving end.

He's vile and should never play for us again.

Honestly I don't know how anyone can hear that audio and be comfortable endorsing him. I'm shocked how close the split is.
What swings it for me is that they are allegedly back together. If that was the mistake of his life and the lady forgives him because she knows him better then all of us, then there should be room for redemption. This is not a hardened criminal we are having, but a kid that if forgiven, could change his ways and be a decent human for the rest of his life.

If that was my sister or daughter, I never forgive. If that is my son, I ask for him to be given a second chance. In balance, I have to believe that young people can change and should be given a second chance.
But then you’re just sitting on the fence. Stand by your own convictions
I'm not the poster you're quoting but they make a fair point. I'd be open to Greenwood returning, but as I mentioned earlier there are many unknowns that could turn a "yes" vote to a "no" vote - hence, the poll isn't worded very well.

What will he do to earn his partner's forgiveness and reclaim the trust of his teammates? How will sponsors and the women's team react? Is there demand for him in the market that reflects his actual footballing value?
I think we need to move on. And that's said with full knowledge the case was dropped and while supporting the concept of redemption and second chances. Redemption, but not here.
It doesn’t work like that in UK.

Charges were dropped by the Police themselves because of new evidence. This is officially what was stated, legally.
This is what we need to know about. Can't just leave it like that. If there is no legal implication then this needs to be made public.
That makes no sense. Yes I want him back no matter what and yes I want him back if the club have done a thorough investigation and deemed it right that he comes back are 2 different stances. I should not have to tell you that and I'm sure you know it.
But all that you are being asked is do you want him back? We all know a Club investigation will be half arsed and depends on sponsor reactions etc
The thing is, and I’m not saying this in a sarcy way - you obviously believe he is guilty, but many who’ve voted ‘yes’ may not believe that. It’s important to remember that.

I just don't see how it's possible to see him as not guilty, though. This isn't like Ronaldo, where there were just allegations and counter-claims. I'm sure we all listened to the tape. He was forcing himself on her.
Is he still with the same girl? I mean if the girl has already forgiven him while he is also cleared of all charges, then it shouldn't be a big issue anymore.

What he has done is despicable mind, which means I probably wouldn't be supporting him in future. But you may argue everyone deserves a second chance.
Nasty fecking rat bastard.

Anyone voting yes needs to give their head a wobble. I'm assuming none of them have daughters, though it shouldn't take that to see the type of person he is.
Wouldn't it be skewed by the fact that presumably, the Caf is a male-dominated forum?
Alright, perhaps I should rephrase: I would be interested to see what the difference in proportions of "yes" voters there are between male and female United fans.

I am fairly confident I already know roughly what the answer would be.
We don't know though. We know key witnesses refused to cooperate and we can assume one of them was her but we don't know of there were others nor do we know what new material came to light.

We have a short audio clip. The new material could have been additional audio, video or something else altogether. We just don't know.

Fair enough we don't know but it's fairly obvious you can't get a conviction if the victim isn't willing to give evidence and is back the alleged abuser and having their kid. It doesn't take much to join the dots.

Do you really think there's some exonerating evidence out there?

People also seem to be ignoring the fact that she made this public so if he didn't do it why has he forgiven her for this heinous false accusation? It's not rocket science.
Trying to use his gf's father's support as evidence in Greenwood's favour is shaky.

He is a football player who's set for life financially. Some parents would gladly sell their children to slavery if it would guarantee them financial security (which proximity to Greenwood through his daughter marrying/having a child for him would).
It doesn’t work like that in UK.

Charges were dropped by the Police themselves because of new evidence. This is officially what was stated, legally.
I've seen a couple of people say this but it's not really accurate I dont think.

I'm pretty sure the CPS said the witness had "withdrawn their support" and as such, there was no realistic chance of conviction
I might be wrong but I'm sure I remember reading that.
Is he still with the same girl? I mean if the girl has already forgiven him while he is also cleared of all charges, then it shouldn't be a big issue anymore.

What he has done is despicable mind, which means I probably wouldn't be supporting him in future. But you may argue everyone deserves a second chance.
They’re together & expecting a child.
I voted no. Just seems a spectacular own goal on so many levels to keep him, be it in the hollow corporate 'brand value' sense, but the fact that we have a women's team, team morale etc . to consider. People say they believe in second chances but the person in question does indeed have a second chance, just not necessarily with us. He's got a very good deal of it in that most people would probably be in prison with those sort of recordings out there.

Also, i'm still slightly disturbed by the reaction to some of those closet to the alleged victim at the time who seemed more concerned that the relationship had ended than in anything else. that really struck me as something very odd.
Voted yes because, even though he is quite clearly a despicable cnut, I think his partner is not much better. They are expecting a child and it's only possible if they have been together while the trial was ongoing, and apparently they are back together now which to me means they are both cnuts so just bring him back, why not.

Do you understand anything about the dynamics of an abusive relationship?
Is he still with the same girl? I mean if the girl has already forgiven him while he is also cleared of all charges, then it shouldn't be a big issue anymore.

What he has done is despicable mind, which means I probably wouldn't be supporting him in future. But you may argue everyone deserves a second chance.
Why do you think this? Have you never heard about domestic abuse victims continuously returning to their abusers?
So was I and somebody answered they had and are expected a kid. It seems to complicate things a lot.

Interesting. If the girlfriend has forgiven him and is willing to spend the rest of her life with him, and if he has has expressed publicly his remorse for his actions, the right answer is not a no-brainer.
Absolutely no.

Apart from what happened, many reports in the past seems to point that he is all round bad apple in the dressing room. He’s talented but not as talented to be worth all this hassle. He also hasn’t played over a year.
Nah, he's a cnut. Like, an actual human cnut. Not a football cnut.

And even if I wanted to ignore that, I don't think he'd find that promise again. A crucial part of his development has been wasted.

Also, he'd be a justified villain every week. Every single away game would have that extra layer of intensity to it. Away crowds would be out for blood, even more so than usual.
Trying to use his gf's father's support as evidence in Greenwood's favour is shaky.

He is a football player who's set for life financially. Some parents would gladly sell their children to slavery if it would guarantee them financial security (which proximity to Greenwood through his daughter marrying/having a child for him would).
Isn't the father quite well off himself?
The police dropping charges isn't a excuse for us to turn off our brains, it doesn't mean nothing happened.
New evidence didn't cause the police to drop the charges. We've all heard the audios (or have we ?), what more do people need ?

We heard a brief clip. In isolation it was awful.

The new material as the CPS put it, along with key witnesses (so multiple presumably) withdrawing there cooperation is why they dropped the charges.

So new evidence was partly why they stopped prosecuting.
Clearly a massive gobshite but little in the way of concrete evidence to anything more than that. I'm generally uncomfortable with social media playing judge and jury these days. If this had been able to be processed in private without parties being named/shamed I imagine the furore would be but a fraction

He was/is a very young man and I would hope this whole experience would teach him a real profound lesson which makes him a better man, I believe in second chances, I believe in rehabilitation and as a talented footballer he should be able to play football in order to provide the best for himself and his family

Having said all that, for a club the size of man utd I just don't think bringing him back is worth all the hassle. Potentially world class or not there's plenty of players out there without this baggage. It'd take a monumental pr effort and we'd still get constant criticism for years. We don't need him, let him go play somewhere else
Trying to use his gf's father's support as evidence in Greenwood's favour is shaky.

He is a football player who's set for life financially. Some parents would gladly sell their children to slavery if it would guarantee them financial security (which proximity to Greenwood through his daughter marrying/having a child for him would).
Yeah I didn’t like the dads reaction from day one. If it had been my daughter I’d have been spitting fire
What swings it for me is that they are allegedly back together. If that was the mistake of his life and the lady forgives him because she knows him better then all of us, then there should be room for redemption. This is not a hardened criminal we are having, but a kid that if forgiven, could change his ways and be a decent human for the rest of his life.

If that was my sister or daughter, I never forgive. If that is my son, I ask for him to be given a second chance. In balance, I have to believe that young people can change and should be given a second chance.
It generally takes victims of abuse (which she allegedly is), a long time to leave their abuser, so this doesn't really tell us much. My comment is obviously based on the limited information that we have by the way.
I voted no

We haven’t heard any remorse of any kind by him as yet. Second chances should come with the understanding of what you’ve done wrong.

I feel it’s not the last time we will hear something about this couple

even if he hadn’t been convicted I don’t see how he can continue to play in British football? He’d get grief at every ground.

if they want to kick the can down the road get him a loan abroad. After all he hasnt kicked a ball in nearly 2 years so he’s not going to waltz back in and score 20 goals like
Your correct we haven't. I'm not voting. As the evidence stands I would vote no immediately. But I'm not part of the whole discussion or know everything.

I find it strange that the families are behind them as a couple. May be it's a case of money but wtf do I know what they are all thinking. All I know is that are still a couple, about to have a kid together and getting married. I'll let the club decide.

Right now I think he's a piece of shit. I don't want him near the club. Those around him including the victim are acting as if it's not an issue.

i don't know everything. Until I do and we all do. I think this poll is a bad idea.
Trying to use his gf's father's support as evidence in Greenwood's favour is shaky.

He is a football player who's set for life financially. Some parents would gladly sell their children to slavery if it would guarantee them financial security (which proximity to Greenwood through his daughter marrying/having a child for him would).
Assuming the worst out of the victim and her family just to unleash your rage at Mason is just as bad imo. Not saying you are, but feels like some people heading that way when they keep calling out the father.

Not only was it investigated extensively, when the case was dropped the police statement said "new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction". We do not yet know what this "new material" is so let's wait and see if more information is made public before we sharpen our pitchforks and belittle any poster who voted 'Yes' on the poll.

I don't think we will, not should we ever know what it was. Not for Greenwoods sale but for hers as she's entitled to confidentiality.
I am fecking amazed this poll is this close.

By all means treat him as a football player, sell him and get as much as possible for him (wont be much), but how the feck do you put him out on the pitch again in this country in a United shirt? He might have a career in Italy or Turkey waiting for him but not in the Prem.
Set aside the morality of it (because it's obviously a big no to him staying) and think purely about the team.

If he did come back, do you think the players will be comfortable around him? They all must know what he did. Would you want to work with someone like him? Probably not. I wouldn't want to put the dressing room in any jeopardy.

This. After the news broke, a few of his teammates unfriended him on Insta. Must be uncomfortable having this guy back in the dressing room.
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