MEN: Ole Gunnar Solskjaer Q&A


makes new threads with tweets in the OP
Oct 25, 2010

Edited as some objected to being directed to the Mail
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I'm not clicking on that link.

Q: How does this United tour compare to pre-season at Molde?

A: Of course, it's different. When you're at Manchester United, everything is different, but I'm used to this from before. But, of course, it has moved on since I left as well. Everything, the fans, and football in general, it's bigger, there's more media interest, so it's nice.

Q: Do you sense the camp is revived now after the disappointing end to last season?

A: It was disappointing, the last few months, obviously. But they've come back and it's been really encouraging. You didn't expect anything else though. You expected them to come back with a little bit of grit, but it's only two weeks into the pre-season and it's been very encouraging.

Q: Has it been as encouraging as you had hoped?

A: Yeah. Sometimes you expect players to be more negative and maybe we've been too kind to them, because they've not moaned enough. Maybe the pre-season hasn't been hard enough. I can still remember when I wasn't able to walk down the stairs. You had to walk backwards and all this, but I don't think we've had them there yet.

Q: You've been clear about playing front-foot, attacking football. Do you feel that going into the season you will have a squad of players more physically able to meet your expectations?

A: I would think so and that's obviously the aim now, to put the fitness in to everyone and get everyone fit for August 11. But it's after the first international break, that's when the games come thick and fast.

You can almost call it pre-season, the first month of the season, because with the first four or five games there are no midweek games, so there's still time to build a foundation.

We needed it because the stats have shown we haven't been up there, but there's been a big improvement. Like Scott (McTominay) said, they haven't had sessions like this the last few pre-seasons.

Q: Can we expect a transformation in the way United look on the pitch?

A: You've got opposition that wants to play as well. But we have a clear aim and we want to look a certain way. We know it's going to take time. It might not be a transformation like (clicks fingers) 'wow, that's a new team'.

But I think most of us saw the intention on Saturday (against Perth Glory). We want to play on the front foot, but you can't do that for 90 minutes in 38 league games, that's hard in the Premier League.

Q: Towards the end of last season there was a disconnect between the players and fans. Have you got a job on your hands to win back the trust?

A: I think it was a mentally draining season, and physically. But mentally because there were ups and downs, and especially when you change manager right in the middle it's also difficult.

We got a boost with the first few games, won a few, then got a few injuries and towards the end it was flat. It was flat towards the end and there are many reasons for that. We've just got to make sure we get more consistency.

Q: Louis van Gaal and Jose Mourinho, two of the biggest coaching names in football, didn't make a great success of the job. What makes you can think you can succeed?

A: It depends on what you think is success. They won trophies. I've admired Jose, Louis and David (Moyes). I admired them because I was still a player when they were successful managers. We're all different. I think they were more on the pitch, really on the pitch. That type of coach. I've got some great coaches that will do most of the coaching work. We're all different and we've all got different management styles.

Q: Only two players in and two out so far. Did you expect more change by this stage of pre-season?

A: I know it's hard getting players in and over the line. We've been doing our jobs. We've been finding and identifying players, scouting them. But they have got clubs.

It took time with Aaron (Wan-Bissaka) and it took time with Dan (James) but they got it over the line. It's not like we're going to sign 10 players. It can't be a quick fix.

As I've said to you, we're working on one or two and we're still hoping, but I also understand that the market has changed. Prices have soared.

Q: Is there a Man Utd tax? You always seem to end up paying more for players because the resources the club has.

A: We have been linked with so many players. I am sure you don't believe every single player that we have been linked with. Sometimes, because of the wealth, maybe we have had to pay more, a bigger premium to get players in. That's just the world we live in. We have taken our time and we are not going to over pay, but we have to get the right people in, the right players.

Q: Is there a maximum of four players in?

A: No there's never any maximum. There are players here that are coming into pre-season as well that (I think) 'I might just have a look at him again because if he has changed as I think he has and it looks like, he might have a career here'.

Q: You said after the Everton game last season that you will be successful at this club but some of the players wouldn't. Are you reconsidering your opinion of some of those players now?

A: No, on certain players yeah you do reconsider because there are only 11 players on the pitch and there are only 25 players that you can get into the squad.

Let's see three or four years down the line where we're at, if I have been successful and who's there. It's going to take time for players to buy into this and to see, 'hmmm I'm not part of the plans, I might have to go'.

Q: You've got a three-year contract. How long will it be before United are title challengers again?

A: I am always an optimist and let's see how we start off and how close we get this season. A successful season is if we win a trophy at this club. That's a good season. You have got to aim for trophies.

You want to say Premier League, you want to say Europa League, FA Cup, Carabao Cup, maybe in that order, but I am not going to how do you say it? Discard? I am not going to say that we can't, but it's not what we expect straightaway. But these players, if we get the consistency and get those margins hopefully we can get David (De Gea's contract) over the line and signed and we might be contenders, who knows?

Q: With the Europa League, is that a trophy you really want to win and how will you approach it? Will there be a chance for the young ones?

A: Yeah, I think that it'll be a chance for some of the young ones, definitely. Then again, it's a great chance of qualifying for the Champions League for next season, so I think you'll see quite a few of the young 'uns you've seen already.

They are exciting and we need to blood them in the right tournament. It depends on who you play and on the stage of the tournament. It's always a puzzle. Every weekend is a puzzle, you can't plan three months down the line.

Q: Is the Europa League just as good a route back into the Champions League as the Premier League?

A: It is a route but in cup competitions you never know, it's the luck of the dice, it's post and in, post and out. It's over the season and if we can get the consistency in the league and get a settled team in the league, I'm sure we've got a chance of getting closer to the top two. Let's see how close.

Q: After six difficult years, are fans more accepting that you won't be right at the top again within 12 months?

A: Our fans know about football. Many have followed as you say, successful years, but there have been many who have been before that as well. Probably them you don't see on Twitter or social media, so you don't hear from them as much. The young ones that have just had the success are maybe like, 'where's that?'

But the Premier League has changed. You have to say City how good they were last year, Liverpool won the Champions League, Tottenham in the final, Chelsea and Arsenal. When I played there were two – us and Arsenal – for a long, long time and then Chelsea came in.

Q: Do you feel like you're a long way behind City and Liverpool?

A: It did feel like it towards the end of last season but it didn't feel like it in the beginning when I came in. In the 21 games we had when I came in, we were still third in that 21-game period. That is including the bad spell at the end. It was only those two that were consistent, so we're still third in that respect.

Q: In the game against City were you just trying to find a way to stop them?

A: They were better than us, definitely. But there are chances and listening to the coaching staff we were closer than we were in the years before. They felt that was a better performance than a couple of times before. But they were exceptional last season, I have to admit that.

Q: You're used to meeting challenges and winning them at United. When you look at City and Pep Guardiola, is that a challenge you can win?

A: I think we have got to focus on ourselves. I don't think I can look at Liverpool or City and think 'they are doing it this way, we've got to do it that way'.

We have got to focus on us, and I believe in these players. They have shown me what they are capable of. They have also shown me some negative sides, which we have got to work on; get better habits and get the consistency in training which will get consistency in the games and results.

So, yeah, you look at those two clubs, (Jurgen) Klopp and Pep, and as I said about Jose and Louis. I have no problem saying good things about people, and they are good coaches, good managers. But we have to find our own way. We can't do it their way, we have to focus on what is going on at this club.

Q: United hierarchy have been impressed by the discipline you have brought back. On the negative side there have been some incidents like Jesse Lingard's holiday video which attracted a lot of controversy. Did you feel the need to speak to him about that?

A: That has been dealt with internally. I am old school, old fashioned, quite big on discipline. I am quite big on self-discipline and I can't spoon feed all these players, they have got to do it themselves.

Of course, I have had many, many years at this club and I have seen which players have been successful and those characters. You have got to be a strong character to play here. It is not like I can tell them to pass from A to B to C to D. They have to make their own decisions, and in life as well.

Q: You have said that United could do with a player and leader like Bryan Robson. Is that something you feel like you're missing?

A: From the talks I've had with many managers and coaches from my generation, when we played, I think it's a general society thing as well that there are less Robbos and Keanos around. It's the same in Norway. We're all too comfortable. Life is so comfortable. It's easy now when you're an academy player you make so much money (and think) 'well I've made it'. And the parents live through their kids.

I admired Robbo. I've heard Gary (Neville), Becks (David Beckham) all of them talk about Robbo. I played with Keano (Roy Keane) and I think any manager in the world would say I would love to have that type of leader.

Look at City. (Vincent) Kompany. Who knows what will happen? Because he was a fantastic human being, player and leader so someone else has to step up. And someone else has to step up for us.

Q: One of your big players is Paul Pogba. How confident are you that you can put this unsettled summer he's had behind you and get him back onside for next season?

A: I've said many times about Paul that he's a top, top boy and a great player and he's never, ever been a problem. When we get him playing as he did when I came in, and if we get him playing like that again, he will win you over.

Q: Are there any circumstances where Pogba will be sold? What's the situation now following the comments from him and his agent?

A: I've got to be careful. I can't dive into all this and hypothetical questions and all that. But we've not had offers. I can say the same about whichever player. If we don't get an offer for a player we would have to pay them out for them not to be here, don't we, so we haven't had offers.

Q: Last season after speaking to him you were convinced he wanted to be successful here, then he goes on holiday and says he wants a new challenge. Is that personally upsetting to you?

A: No. I've not been upset by anything he's said because we've had many conversations and I know exactly what Paul is thinking. I can give him a new challenge.

Q: Is the attraction for Paul that he can be part of something really big?

A: Many of these players haven't felt the winning feeling at this club, what it is to be at this club when you win. Yes David (De Gea) won the league, Ash (Young) has won the league and Phil Jones and Chris Smalling they have won the league here. But it's not been consistent like we were. Then this club is a fantastic place to be.

Jesse, Marcus (Rashford), Paul (Pogba), Andreas (Pereira), the ones that have been in the academy when I was playing, when we went on that run early on some of them said 'wow we have never had this feeling before'.

But, for me, the gaffer (Sir Alex Ferguson) would say, 'we need to win ten straight games to win the league – that's not much to ask is it? Ten games in a row?' And it wasn't.

That is the feeling I had all the time, we can win the next 10. And they felt in that period invincible. That is the winning feeling we want to create again.

Q: Marouane Fellaini, and Ander Herrera have left. Are you comfortable with the your midfield like it is? You've got James Garner coming through.

A: Jimmy is young, only 18, so you can't expect too much from him, but you can see he is going to be a top player.

Andreas I expect a lot more from, Scotty I expect a lot more from. Those two between them had maybe 15-20 starts last season. You expect them to have at least 20 each this season maybe even more. That's maybe two players into one that can replace Ander.

Q: City have signed Rodri and have some exceptional midfielders available. How long before you can reach that level of recruitment?

A: I can't say x amount of months or years before we are where they are. We've just got to focus on improving every day at this club. I know the difference between a post in and a post out. That's not a lot but it means so much at the end with the points if you win or lose that game.

Q: Do you have a replacement in mind if you sell Romelu Lukaku or will you bring players through from within?

A: If we sell players, we will have to replace them.

Q: What's your feeling on a technical director? Is it a bit of a drawback not having one this year?

A: I have a direct line to Ed (Woodward), Matt (Judge) and Mick (Court - technical chief scout). We are quite close in that respect. If there is someone in between us, technical director call it whatever you like, I'm happy with that either way because it's not going to be too big difference. We do have our process on how we scout players now, but once in a while you have to act quickly.

Q: Recruitment been a problem for the club for a number of years?

A: It's never a problem – it's a challenge.

Q: But compared to the rivals you're trying to catch, does something need to change?

A: That's your opinion. I can only talk from my period. I wanted Aaron and Dan James. They were very high targets. Aaron was a top target. We can't expect Dan to be David Beckham or Ryan Giggs straightaway but he will be a top player. He's not a £70million player, no, but he'll be worth it.

Q: Can you get Alexis Sanchez back to his best?

A: I will have to help. I've just answered a question here that you can't spoon feed them. They've got to come in and grab their chances and Alexis is quality and he showed it in Copa America. Then he got his injury. I don't think it's too bad so I'm hoping he will be available for maybe Kristiansund or AC Milan so he will at least get some football before the season starts.

Q: He got 30 goals for Arsenal as a centre forward?

A: The way we hope we are going to play, it doesn't have to be a 6ft 4in striker, so Alexis can be part of that forward line.

Q: Are you planning for him to be here next season?

A: At the moment, yes I am.
"Manchester United's transfer strategy - are you the man who decides?

There won't be any players here I don't want. No. We are still looking at one or two options but it depends on outgoings. It might be more because if suddenly two or three go, then you have to replace players."

If ever you thought Ole wouldn't tow the line, sadly he's already doing it. Clearly doesn't have final say and has given as good a diplomatic response as possible.
Q: Marouane Fellaini, and Ander Herrera have left. Are you comfortable with the your midfield like it is? You've got James Garner coming through.

A: Jimmy is young, only 18, so you can't expect too much from him, but you can see he is going to be a top player.

Andreas I expect a lot more from, Scotty I expect a lot more from. Those two between them had maybe 15-20 starts last season. You expect them to have at least 20 each this season maybe even more. That's maybe two players into one that can replace Ander.
It seems like a huge gamble to go into the season without bringing in at least one central midfielder. It's far more important than signing another central defender, in my opinion.
"Manchester United's transfer strategy - are you the man who decides?

There won't be any players here I don't want. No. We are still looking at one or two options but it depends on outgoings. It might be more because if suddenly two or three go, then you have to replace players."

If ever you thought Ole wouldn't tow the line, sadly he's already doing it. Clearly doesn't have final say and has given as good a diplomatic response as possible.

One or two options. What?

So he’s happy with just a guy whose played in championship and right back.
I can give him a new challenge.

That is a really really good leader right there. My optimism at the end of the season has been tested by the lack of transfer action prior to the preseason. But that interview in particular is a reminder that we may just have something special with Ole...the heart of United back in place.

I hereon pledge to be only an optimist until the season starts.
except about Woodward. He's a feckin egomaniacal corporate mole rat
"Manchester United's transfer strategy - are you the man who decides?

There won't be any players here I don't want. No. We are still looking at one or two options but it depends on outgoings. It might be more because if suddenly two or three go, then you have to replace players."

If ever you thought Ole wouldn't tow the line, sadly he's already doing it. Clearly doesn't have final say and has given as good a diplomatic response as possible.

I have absolutely no idea how you have come to that conclusion after reading that sentence.
Anybody see the last bit where the press officer is asking them to take a line out about Pogba being sold. Said she doesn't mind then writing about it as an off the record story or something...

Don't think that's any reference to Pogba, that's just referring to him saying that if players go, we'll have to replace players (since he said if like 2 or 3 go, doesn't mean 2 or 3 are looking to leave, just that it was an example). How I saw it anyway.
Midfielder definitely doesn't seem likely based on that. Seems like Pereira and McTominay will both have decently big roles. Hope they can step up...
Don't think that's any reference to Pogba, that's just referring to him saying that if players go, we'll have to replace players (since he said if like 2 or 3 go, doesn't mean 2 or 3 are looking to leave, just that it was an example). How I saw it anyway.

I just thought it's strange that she mentions "Paul" when he didn't even mention Pogba leaving. Unless there's more that isn't shown?
It feels like ole is trying to recreate the class of 92. Give a lot of time to the kids and hope it works out.
I just thought it's strange that she mentions "Paul" when he didn't even mention Pogba leaving. Unless there's more that isn't shown?
Think she said "four" rather than Paul. Like "off the record if four go, we'll replace, not necessarily that four will go".
Think she said "four" rather than Paul. Like "off the record if four go, we'll replace, not necessarily that four will go".

Ah must have misheard.

Another interesting bit is where he says that you "see boys go to Germany, come back, and they're ready". Think Ole has got Sancho in his mind. He's spoke about him a few times now since he's been back here.
"A: No. I've not been upset by anything he's said because we've had many conversations and I know exactly what Paul is thinking. I can give him a new challenge."

Damn daddy
"Manchester United's transfer strategy - are you the man who decides?

There won't be any players here I don't want. No. We are still looking at one or two options but it depends on outgoings. It might be more because if suddenly two or three go, then you have to replace players."

If ever you thought Ole wouldn't tow the line, sadly he's already doing it. Clearly doesn't have final say and has given as good a diplomatic response as possible.

feck off. Go support City or 'Pool.
"Manchester United's transfer strategy - are you the man who decides?

There won't be any players here I don't want. No. We are still looking at one or two options but it depends on outgoings. It might be more because if suddenly two or three go, then you have to replace players."

If ever you thought Ole wouldn't tow the line, sadly he's already doing it. Clearly doesn't have final say and has given as good a diplomatic response as possible.

how have you come to that conclusion from what he said there?
"Manchester United's transfer strategy - are you the man who decides?

There won't be any players here I don't want. No. We are still looking at one or two options but it depends on outgoings. It might be more because if suddenly two or three go, then you have to replace players."

If ever you thought Ole wouldn't tow the line, sadly he's already doing it. Clearly doesn't have final say and has given as good a diplomatic response as possible.
What's this bollocks? This was basically the perfect interview from Ole, showed he has the balls to be the proper manager of Manchester United. Never hides from questions and never gets personal with his answers. A true professional and a red devil in his bones!
Excellent interview from Ole. Genuine and no reason to believe he’s being dishonest.

The one thing I noticed and have been preaching for ages was his comments about recruitment. His comment about not buying players he doesn’t want and downplaying the necessity of a director of football which has become the equivalent of signing Messi to a large portion of our fans.

He basically states they have an army of scouts who identify players and then Ole himself makes a decision on whether to bring them in. It was how we did it under Sir Alex and all our other managers. To me that’s the best way to go about doing things. I remember reading an interview with Sarri right after they signed Pulisic and he said he had no idea they were signing him. That shouldn’t happen. Ole has his vision and should be allowed to carry that on with the players of his choosing.
This is a hard one.

He don’t say anything controversial and he’s political correct about all questions who’re transfer related so why don’t I feel comfortable with some of his his answers?

“As I've said to you, we're working on one or two and we're still hoping, but I also understand that the market has changed. Prices have soared.”

“We have taken our time and we are not going to over pay,”

“There are players here that are coming into pre-season as well that (I think) 'I might just have a look at him again because if he has changed as I think he has and it looks like, he might have a career here'.”

“Many have followed as you say, successful years, but there have been many who have been before that as well. Probably them you don't see on Twitter or social media, so you don't hear from them as much.”

Andreas I expect a lot more from, Scotty I expect a lot more from. Those two between them had maybe 15-20 starts last season. You expect them to have at least 20 each this season maybe even more. That's maybe two players into one that can replace Ander.”

Once again! I don’t like when he in a passive aggressive manner criticize our supporters. That’s a battle he can’t win and I can’t understand why he’s going down that road. It’s clear as daylight that the club have media trained him in the last couple of days so then I can’t understand why they let him address this “problem”
again. If you ask me it’s stupid and counter productive.

The answers about Andreas and “Scotty” replacing Ander scares the hell out of me on so many levels. The other thing I don’t like is when he says that “prices has soured” and “we’re not going to overpay”.

I’m sorry but I don’t like it.
This is a hard one.

He don’t say anything controversial and he’s political correct about all questions who’re transfer related so why don’t I feel comfortable with some of his his answers?

“As I've said to you, we're working on one or two and we're still hoping, but I also understand that the market has changed. Prices have soared.”

“We have taken our time and we are not going to over pay,”

“There are players here that are coming into pre-season as well that (I think) 'I might just have a look at him again because if he has changed as I think he has and it looks like, he might have a career here'.”

“Many have followed as you say, successful years, but there have been many who have been before that as well. Probably them you don't see on Twitter or social media, so you don't hear from them as much.”

Andreas I expect a lot more from, Scotty I expect a lot more from. Those two between them had maybe 15-20 starts last season. You expect them to have at least 20 each this season maybe even more. That's maybe two players into one that can replace Ander.”

Once again! I don’t like when he in a passive aggressive manner criticize our supporters. That’s a battle he can’t win and I can’t understand why he’s going down that road. It’s clear as daylight that the club have media trained him in the last couple of days so then I can’t understand why they let him address this “problem”
again. If you ask me it’s stupid and counter productive.

The answers about Andreas and “Scotty” replacing Ander scares the hell out of me on so many levels. The other thing I don’t like is when he says that “prices has soured” and “we’re not going to overpay”.

I’m sorry but I don’t like it.

McTominay by the end of last season was becoming more valuable than Herrera
Good interview.

Still think we need another midfielder. Yes, McTominay and Pereira can step up but they should take minutes off Matic and not in the Herrera role plus we have to replace Fellaini who had quite a few starts in the first half of the season. I'd imagine the expectation behind closed doors is that Fred can finally deliver on his £50m value after a season settling in.
Not replacing Herrera/Fellaini will be a mistake. Hopefully McTominay and Pereira will step up next season. McTominay already did last season, with few of his performances was good and looked like regular player. Pereira has technical ability but he looks very passive player.

If Ole trusts both of them to replace 2 players who left, then it's a risk. Hopefully they won't let him down.

Same with RW too, he said Dan James will play as LW and RW.
Not replacing Herrera/Fellaini will be a mistake. Hopefully McTominay and Pereira will step up next season. McTominay already did last season, with few of his performances was good and looked like regular player. Pereira has technical ability but he looks very passive player.

If Ole trusts both of them to replace 2 players who left, then it's a risk. Hopefully they won't let him down.

Same with RW too, he said Dan James will play as LW and RW.
I think not replacing Herrera may come back to bite us. Not entirely convinced with Pereira and needs to step up this season as he will be 24 come January and can't be considered a young player anymore. Hope McTominay continues his progression which I think he will do as Ole seems to like him, as he does whatever he told to exactly, which is a quality i think Ole admires mate.
Not replacing Herrera/Fellaini will be a mistake. Hopefully McTominay and Pereira will step up next season. McTominay already did last season, with few of his performances was good and looked like regular player. Pereira has technical ability but he looks very passive player.

If Ole trusts both of them to replace 2 players who left, then it's a risk. Hopefully they won't let him down.

Same with RW too, he said Dan James will play as LW and RW.

I think McTominay and Periera are fine, personally feel a lot less worried about them. I am more worried about our DM. We are basically hoping that Fred will come good and expecting Matic to be much better. IMO, that is a far bigger risk.

I also think we won't go for a winger, at least not this season. Not surprising, as we have to make space before we get more players. In terms of attack, I can only see us getting a player to replace Lukaku, if he goes.
I think McTominay and Periera are fine, personally feel a lot less worried about them. I am more worried about our DM. We are basically hoping that Fred will come good and expecting Matic to be much better. IMO, that is a far bigger risk.

I also think we won't go for a winger, at least not this season. Not surprising, as we have to make space before we get more players. In terms of attack, I can only see us getting a player to replace Lukaku, if he goes.
I couldn't have said it better. We have huge huge concerns at DM
I think McTominay and Periera are fine, personally feel a lot less worried about them. I am more worried about our DM. We are basically hoping that Fred will come good and expecting Matic to be much better. IMO, that is a far bigger risk.

I also think we won't go for a winger, at least not this season. Not surprising, as we have to make space before we get more players. In terms of attack, I can only see us getting a player to replace Lukaku, if he goes.

Yeah DM is also a bit worry but Herrera was big player for us, especially in big games. McT did well in few games but we should have added 1 more, at least a DM who is good defensively and mobile enough.

On winger I think Greenwood will play many games and good chance he will stand out as one of best options for RW. Might be completely wrong and Ole might introduce him slowly but just a gut feeling that Greenwood will play regularly as RW.
"Manchester United's transfer strategy - are you the man who decides?

There won't be any players here I don't want. No. We are still looking at one or two options but it depends on outgoings. It might be more because if suddenly two or three go, then you have to replace players."

If ever you thought Ole wouldn't tow the line, sadly he's already doing it. Clearly doesn't have final say and has given as good a diplomatic response as possible.
To the 100 mill thread :D
Think that's a good interview. But of course we already know he's very good at saying the right stuff. Has to show it now. However, enjoyable nonetheless.
This is a hard one.

He don’t say anything controversial and he’s political correct about all questions who’re transfer related so why don’t I feel comfortable with some of his his answers?

“As I've said to you, we're working on one or two and we're still hoping, but I also understand that the market has changed. Prices have soared.”

“We have taken our time and we are not going to over pay,”

“There are players here that are coming into pre-season as well that (I think) 'I might just have a look at him again because if he has changed as I think he has and it looks like, he might have a career here'.”

“Many have followed as you say, successful years, but there have been many who have been before that as well. Probably them you don't see on Twitter or social media, so you don't hear from them as much.”

Andreas I expect a lot more from, Scotty I expect a lot more from. Those two between them had maybe 15-20 starts last season. You expect them to have at least 20 each this season maybe even more. That's maybe two players into one that can replace Ander.”

Once again! I don’t like when he in a passive aggressive manner criticize our supporters. That’s a battle he can’t win and I can’t understand why he’s going down that road. It’s clear as daylight that the club have media trained him in the last couple of days so then I can’t understand why they let him address this “problem”
again. If you ask me it’s stupid and counter productive.

The answers about Andreas and “Scotty” replacing Ander scares the hell out of me on so many levels. The other thing I don’t like is when he says that “prices has soured” and “we’re not going to overpay”.

I’m sorry but I don’t like it.

If this to you is passive aggressive, I’d suggest to you you might be a bit paranoid today.

We didn’t have such psycoanalytical deconstruction of interviews before Mou, did we? Maybe we’re all a bit traumatized by his public relations violence?

There’s a lot of interesting in the interview if you read the lines in stead of between them. The Scotty/Andreas line is an example of that.

Some are not going to be happy about him expecting them to get 20+ games each. At the same time there’s an argument to be had about both having room for continued development.

He’s basicly saying 1-2 more players in and we keep Pogba and Lukaku. If they go, it’s 3-4 in.

So that’s a CB and possibly a MF.
One or two options. What?

So he’s happy with just a guy whose played in championship and right back.

Manchester United are working on a transfer for Bruno Fernandes reportedly, and has been in the works for a long time, so no we're not going into the new season with a guy from championship and a right back
Overall it's good to have Ole back at the club. The negativity towards him is a bit astonishing. He's quite suited to be the head coach, IMO.

A: If we sell players, we will have to replace them.
A few things i would like to add. Fellaini and Herrera left and there's no new midfielder coming in. Him mentioning the high prices and the criticism of some the fans weren't necessary.

We want to challenge for the top honours again, after last year fans especially when paying ticket prices have a reason to be sceptical about the quality of some of the players.
'I might just have a look at him again because if he has changed as I think he has and it looks like, he might have a career here'.

most disturbing quote for me..
This is the one thing I love about Ole he says it like it is, doesn't hide from any question.

And I agree with him we need that leader to to sort the weak mentality this squad has.

But Sanchez please forget him. Nevermind about his ability how can he be injured again! The new Darren Anderton.
“There are players here that are coming into pre-season as well that (I think) 'I might just have a look at him again because if he has changed as I think he has and it looks like, he might have a career here'.”

Liked a lot of what he said but this is a little worrying