MERGED: Rooney signs new contract!


Member of the Muppet Empire
Jan 14, 2000
My Happy Place - So Don't Be fecking With Me!
What a load of toss. Maybe he'll contract HIV from his romps with hookers and we can all laugh at him as he wastes away.

No one is bigger than the club, maybe SAF made a mistake in Rooney because he backed him so feverishly that Rooney thought he could get away with asking for things other players wouldn't dare.

Tevez looks like a Saint in comparison.
I don't know about that... Tevez spent a good year winding up SAF in the press, after he left for City. That's a whole different kind of cnut.


New Member
Jun 10, 2010
GCHQ Saved The World!
I was interested to hear what Sir Alex has had to say yesterday, and surprised by some of it. I didn't think he'd have the balls to be so frank about me.

It is absolutley true, my agent and I have had a number of meetings with the club about a new contract. During those meetings in August, I asked for assurances that the continued ability of the club to attract the top players in the world because I have been playing so badly over the last six months that I thought we'd need them.

I never had anything but complete respect for Manchester United football club. How could I not have done, given its fantastic history, especially its last 6 years, which I've been lucky to play a part but I woke up on August 14th and found that my respect had disappeared while I was asleep.

For me, it's always about winning trophies, as the club has always done under Sir Alex Ferguson. You guys didn't think I left Everton to come here because I like the Mancunian accent, do you? I know no loyalty and will only go where the trophies are and, frankly, looking at this current bunch of players, I think we have no chance.

Because of that, I think the questions I ask were justified because it has been proven time and again that being a transfer muppet always gets results.

However, when I met with David Gill last week, he did not give me any of the assurances I was seeking about the future squad. In hindsight, I probably should have asked Sir Alex, being the guy responsible for that kind of thing and all, but that has only just occured to me.

I then told him I would not be signing a new contract despite recent dificulties because that's the kind of guy I am.

I know I will always owe Sir Alex a huge debt, he is a great manager and mentor who has helped and supported me from the day he signed me from Everton when I was 18. Unfortunately, I will not stick around to repay that debt because I'm off. I've received a better offer and it's time to say goodbye.

For Manchester United's sake, I wish he could go on forever because he is a genius and he is likely to kill me next time he sees me.

Cheers Wayne. You've just given Fergie's team talk for the next seven months.

Never before have I wanted to see United win trophies in a season as much as I do right now.

The Taurean

looks like a chipmunk
May 10, 2009
Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable.
I love the fact that Gill has reassured fans repeatedly that fergie has enough to splash the cash. And then we get a statement that Gill can't reassure Rooney. i mean what the hell! Just tell him.:p
I would love to have a questionnaire session with rooney or his agent now. I could rip into his statements.


There is non worthy of worship except God
Jul 7, 2006
Which page of the thread (or rough time) is Rooney's statement first posted on?

There's so much going on in the thread it could do with a contents page.


Got rid of his pee
Mar 22, 2009
feck me, what a way to shit on your team mates Wayne, I just can't believe this shit
Careful. Any more emotion than that and you'll be quoted in Womens' Weekly tomorrow.

Donkey's Ears

Full Member
Sep 10, 2004
This need quoting. In large text.

Rooney's treading new ground here. Loads of examples of players who fancied a move, whether for a better chance of a trophy, or a fatter contract (Torres and Fabregas spring to mind) but this is the first time any footballer has ever tried to bully the club/manager into giving him what he wants with such a public display of dissent. Fergie can't ever pick him again after this. He's been astonishingly disrespectful to his manager and his team-mates. There's no way he can start another game.

I couldn't give a feck about whether there's any truth to his alleged reasons for wanting to leave (and there might well be) but the way he's going about it is setting a new low.

And he's doing all this immediately after spending the summer letting down his country and disgracing his family?

Absolutely despicable human being. Scum of the earth. I hope he's shown the door tomorrow. Don't give a feck whether we get any money for him or not. Not fit to wear the shirt.

I cannot believe that any self-respecting United fan is believing any of this.


Full Member
Jan 6, 2008
What absolute bollocks. His reasons for leaving are money and money alone. Get him out of the club as soon as possible as far as I'm concerned. I didn't want him to play for United again but I'd quite like one home game now so everyone can let him know EXACTLY what they think of him!


Full Member
Jun 5, 2008
He’ll play upon, Your naturalistic intuitions…
I am staunchly anti the current ownership and I do believe that it is affecting our ability to compete, simply because, without the debt, we would have £50m more available per season than we currently have. But this excuse makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever, and it smacks of a self-serving attempt to excuse his own actions and motives.

Firstly, no other club in Europe apart from Barcelona has been more successful than we have over the last several years, and while you can certainly argue that the lack of investment will eventually lead to a decline (something which I would agree with), that hasn't clearly and unambiguously happened, as yet, and may never happen, at all. No matter how much money is being wasted on debt repayments — and it's a lot, particularly if you include all of the costs of that debt — we are still earning enough money to compete with almost all clubs in Europe, financially. I don't personally see that as an excuse for the debt, as some appear to, but that doesn't therefore mean that we can't compete, it just means that we could be in an even better position than we are currently if there was no debt.

So, no, I don't accept the excuse that we can't compete, because money is there if needed, and we have even attempted to buy players for tens of millions of pounds in the very recent past. Only if we fail to spend over the next few years will that excuse look more reasonable, in my opinion.

Even without the debt we couldn't compete with Man City or Real Madrid, but that's because one of them has a multi-billionaire as an owner, and the other is able to borrow vast amounts of money at almost no real cost and with very little risk. Neither club has won very much in recent history, so it's not as if anyone has much success to point to as evidence that the spending is effective.


New Member
Sep 27, 2009
Playing Devil advocate.

1)United transfer dealing no matter what peoplea re saying have been curtailed due to the Glazers debt.

2) How long is SAF going to continue

3) We have not replaced Tevez or Ronaldo

4) Rooney shouldered so much of the responsibility last season and did he think he could do it again?

5) Ronaldo and Tevez have moved on and are earning more.

6) Staying United with uncertainty with the squad and manager - SAF, Gigs, VDS, Neville will most likley not be here in 2 years.

Add it all up and it seems Rooney has come to the conclusion that its best for him to leave now.


Jan 7, 2009
Even Souness saying Rooney will regret leaving Utd because it's a "special club" and has been for past 50 years. Yorkie agrees, but thinks there may be 1 more twist in the saga (I doubt it, it's all over imo)
No way. He's disrespected his teammates. He is out. And I'll carry his fat arse out of the club.


Full Member
Mar 25, 2008
Also, EVEN if it was true (which it isn't) ...Then how does it excuse him basically bailing on us when we need him?...After the last 4 years, and after finishing A POINT off last year...

I honestly can't believe he's managed to get ANYONE on his side...The agenda reek. fecks sake.
Like I said, he could have treated us better and if what he says is true (which contradicts with what Fergie said yesterday) that he asked for assurance that money will be invested into the squad, if Gill can't provide the assurance, then why would Rooney want to spend the peak of his career helping United rebuild when he could win trophies elsewhere?

Selfish, I know but understandable.


New Member
Sep 17, 2004
No doubt money has played a huge part in this.

However that statement is quite clear.

David Gill couldnt convince him.

What precisely did David Gill try to sell him, because if he's told him the funds are there then the blame lies flatly with Rooney.

However, we all know David Gill lies like a stone, and if he's had to finally admit there is no money then the blame should be directed at David Gill.
Can we like make a new thread with your post being the start of a constructive arguement because a lot of people on here seem to be talking with their hearts and missing the actual point!!

Obviously you have to take the statement with a pinch of salt.. He was great to drop the Fergie bit in there and obviously drop what everyone has been thinking when it comes to our team...

But believe me i'm sure that meeting with Gill took place and i'm quite concerned that maybe our project is about this new unknown investment in youth and if he wasn't attractive to Rooney maybe we should have a look at what is our club really doing for the future?


Apr 22, 2008
Rooney wants to go to Juventus - he'll never turn down an approach from an Old Lady.


Full Member
Sep 11, 2008
West London, UK
Has hit the Achilles heel. The Glazers. Either Rooney leaves or the Glazers with their debt, I know what I want.
Are you capable of thinking constructively? If so, now would be a good time.

Rooney wasn't going to come out and say "I want moar money lolz!!1!1!!!one!!".

If this is about future competitiveness why doesn't Rooney wait until we even seem like we can't compete at the top level? We're currently unbeaten in the Prem without him, given that's he's a gifted footballer it stands to reason that we'd be better with him.

As much as it pains me to say it, Torres is showing him how it's done right now. If anything, Torres has won a lot of my respect out of this.


Full Member
Jul 6, 2009
Your Left Ventricle
At least SAF can say something tonight.

A big IF I know. But IF we spend good money to replace him then it would be shown up as rubbish.
Erm, you mean the money we get from selling him?

Rooney in May: "If we can bring in 2 big-name players in it would give us a good chance of getting the League back."...
I vaguely remember that. It also ties in with what we've seen of his personality on the pitch, particularly during the Ronaldo years. He's not an "all eyes on me" character. Some might even go so far as to say he's a second-fiddle, albeit with first-violinist talent.


Full Member
Aug 1, 2006
Hope, We Lose
No doubt money has played a huge part in this.

However that statement is quite clear.

David Gill couldnt convince him.

What precisely did David Gill try to sell him, because if he's told him the funds are there then the blame lies flatly with Rooney.

However, we all know David Gill lies like a stone, and if he's had to finally admit there is no money then the blame should be directed at David Gill.
For what? Telling Rooney the truth?

Even if we have no money, Rooney is the bad guy here. Or one of them. In no way can he escape the blame.

Look at other players who have been in the same situation... Even foreign lads like Fabregas and Torres. Even they havent stooped to this ricidulous level to ensure they leave. They are acting fairly professionally while their moves are on hold - Rooney is going out of his way to make sure he doesnt need to play for us again.

He is to blame whether Gill has been lying to us or not.

The Taurean

looks like a chipmunk
May 10, 2009
Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable.
I am staunchly anti the current ownership and I do believe that it is affecting our ability to compete, simply because, without the debt, we would have £50m more available per season than we currently have. But this excuse makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever, and it smacks of a self-serving attempt to excuse his own actions and motives.

Firstly, no other club in Europe apart from Barcelona has been more successful than we have over the last several years, and while you can certainly argue that the lack of investment will eventually lead to a decline (something which I would agree with), that hasn't clearly and unambiguously happened, as yet, and may never happen, at all. No matter how much money is being wasted on debt repayments — and it's a lot, particularly if you include all of the costs of that debt — we are still earning enough money to compete with almost all clubs in Europe, financially. I don't personally see that as an excuse for the debt, as some appear to, but that doesn't therefore mean that we can't compete, it just means that we could be in an even better position than we are currently if there was no debt.

So, no, I don't accept the excuse that we can't compete, because money is there if needed, and we have even attempted to buy players for tens of millions of pounds in the very recent past. Only if we fail to spend over the next few years will that excuse look more reasonable, in my opinion.

Even without the debt we couldn't compete with Man City or Real Madrid, but that's because one of them has a multi-billionaire as an owner, and the other is able to borrow vast amounts of money at almost no real cost and with very little risk. Neither club has won very much in recent history, so it's not as if anyone has much success to point to as evidence that the spending is effective.
absolutely. its just hogwash.


Full Member
Jul 11, 2009
Sh*t creek
surely no one with even half a neurone is falling for it are they ?
Errr, it's called having an agenda. Even before any ball was kicked this season, some fans already had a pre conceived notion that we're falling apart, not good enough etc. So obviously they'll hand on to Rooney's statements to reinforce their claims.


Full Member
Mar 25, 2008
I doubt Rooney would stay but if Fergie or United were desperate enough, if Fergie had funds for the summer, perhaps Rooney would stay?

I do believe that Rooney is issuing an ultimatum here. I won't sign unless.......


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Thats what the prick's at, let him rot in the reserves till January

All this talk of respect for the club and it's history is pure shite. We'll be seeing that soon enough.

It's a shame Must have gone down the agreeing with Rooney route. I think they'd done a lot more good to just thank Rooney, remind him that no one is bigger than Manchester United and we'll march forward, and we'll continue the fight.

What they've done (backed up with the ridiculous RK report) is basically become Stretford's puppets, and that's what a lot of our fans are doing.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
Can't be arsed to quote your post Pogue because I've only been reading quotes of this and I cannot find it on any page, but it's brilliantly put and I cannot agree more. What Rooney's done is truly awful.

Lance Uppercut

I doubt Rooney would stay but if Fergie or United were desperate enough, if Fergie had funds for the summer, perhaps Rooney would stay?

I do believe that Rooney is issuing an ultimatum here. I won't sign unless.......
You need help.


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
By helping him walking out of his club mid season?

fred, do you actually like United anymore? Maybe you are trying to 'save' something you just don't like.
You take it out of context.

When I say he's pulled a blinder I mean he's gone for the weakest part of Uniteds defence. As someone else put it. He's gone for the achilles heel.

This has feck all to do with the club, its got feck all to do with Fergie.

This is about a fat greedy scouse twat and a fecking lying twat who thinks everyone is stupid enough to believe every bit of crap he spouts about how the club can afford to compete and how we are not facing any difficulties.

THe person I feel sorry for is Fergie, because he stuck between the two of them.

feck Rooney off. No doubt. But also feck that lying two faced cnut off as well.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Well, good that we can put to bed the whole "let's support him to change his mind" argument. He should play for the club once more, to allow the fans to make their feelings clear. After that, he can go enjoy his money elsewhere. I'm beyond caring.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2003
On the plus side while I don't want us to panic buy it might force us to splash the cash a little and bring in a few players to prove what Rooney said is bullshit.


Ret's Slave
Aug 17, 2003
You don't show 'having respect' by announcing this shit 2 months into the season, or 2 hours before a CL game


Full Member
Sep 25, 2008
Friendzoning 'nice guys'
I am slowly beginning to hate Rooney.
'Slowly beginning'?

I don't think I hate any other player in football, past of present, more. Stevie Me, Carragher, John Terry, Ashley Cole, Stan Collymore, Fowler... all of them are better than Rooney. All of them. Rooney is the lowest of the low.


Apr 22, 2008
Just for laughs :

Wayne Rooney and Sir Alex Ferguson have changed their Facebook status from "In a relationship" to "It's complicated".

Odds on Wayne Rooney's next club have been shortened. It's now 8/11 Stringfellows, 3/1 Spearmint Rhino.

After what Rooney's agent has been up to, the Stretford End might have to be renamed soon...

John W Henry has bought Rooney for Liverpool. When he told his manager, "Wayne is on the way", Roy Hodgson immediately put up his umbrella.

Shrek 5 plotline revealed: Lord Farquaad "shocked and disappointed" as Ogre reveals plans to quit Far Far Away.

Ferguson said: "Rooney intimated to me, in his own way, he wanted to leave." Which means he pointed at himself, then the door, then grunted.

The sale of Wayne Rooney couldn't have been better timed, as there's apparently an awful lot of interest in America... going on the debt.

Rooney is planning a move to Real after mishearing that Madrid was "full of lovely Senior Ritas".

"Nice to see your home fans booing you"... You haven't seen anything yet, Wayne.

Rooney was sad to hear of Tom Bosley from Happy Days' death but glad Mrs Cunningham is back on the market.


Full Member
Aug 1, 2006
Hope, We Lose
I doubt Rooney would stay but if Fergie or United were desperate enough, if Fergie had funds for the summer, perhaps Rooney would stay?

I do believe that Rooney is issuing an ultimatum here. I won't sign unless.......
It may have started as an ultimatum. But its gone way beyond that now. He's leaving.