New coach and other backroom changes

As.manager is the most important person in manager's staff. Not just my opinion, most of managers say that. And i think that Carrick is not good enough (yet). Mourinho's downfall started when he lost Faria and replaced him with Carrick. Are we forcing manager to take our coaches? Lvg had Giggs, Jose had Carrick, Ole has Carrick....just saying
What do you expect? Half of the posters on this forum still have their parents wipe their arse for them let alone understanding football coaching.
Hey buddy! feck you! I can wipe my own arse perfectly fine, its the shoe laces that I struggle with.
They don’t exactly go for the best staff, do they?
The guy went from being a boss at Rangers to be a team member at United. That's usually good recruitment.
Funny how little we know (or care) about our backroom staff yet it can be very important to the succes of a club in the long term.
How would one decide who the "best' analyst are? Can there actually be such a thing? Is it reputation thing, where they have worked at big clubs?

Surely the recruitment is similar to any other business. The head of recruitment reviews applicants, or identifies suitable candidates, then interviews them and then decides which guys knows his stuff or not, then whittle them down from there.

Would the CAF prefer that recruitment is done blindly and just phone the fella from Barca and just give him the job, because if hes doing it for Barca he must be good?
As.manager is the most important person in manager's staff. Not just my opinion, most of managers say that. And i think that Carrick is not good enough (yet). Mourinho's downfall started when he lost Faria and replaced him with Carrick. Are we forcing manager to take our coaches? Lvg had Giggs, Jose had Carrick, Ole has Carrick....just saying

Ole brought in Phelan, and has also added someone else he used to work with
We're hiring a lot of people lately. Wonder if I can apply too.
It's funny in a way that we have been hiring staff from some relatively obscure clubs and backgrounds.

Hopefully our recruitment in that department pays off and we can start picking out more gems similar to James.

At least Bahrain aren't bottom.
That's bahamas samid:lol:
just phone the fella from Barca and just give him the job, because if hes doing it for Barca he must be good?

To be fair that’s more or less what City did. Brought in Txiki and that other guy from when Pep was at Barcelona and just told them have at it :lol:
To be fair that’s more or less what City did. Brought in Txiki and that other guy from when Pep was at Barcelona and just told them have at it :lol:
:lol: True that! Maybe Barca was a bad example, That's good recruitment though, especially if they knew that at some point Pep was gonna be the manager and they were getting the backroom setup for when he eventually arrived. these guys though would probably be considered the superstars of backroom staff, even I had heard of Txiki before.

What I'm wondering is just your everyday normal analyst. Can they be considered good/bad/best ect when all they do (afaik) is translate stats and maybe identify strengths and weaknesses in opponents or potential recruitable players. Obviously they need to be able to be competent enough to do it accurately. So is it really important to get someone with a "name"? Or is it enough to have someone who does the job accurately and comprehensively who just passes that info onto the coaching team for them then to decide what to do with the information?

Tbh I have no idea what these analyst actually do, but apparently they are important these days.
:lol: True that! Maybe Barca was a bad example, That's good recruitment though, especially if they knew that at some point Pep was gonna be the manager and they were getting the backroom setup for when he eventually arrived. these guys though would probably be considered the superstars of backroom staff, even I had heard of Txiki before.

What I'm wondering is just your everyday normal analyst. Can they be considered good/bad/best ect when all they do (afaik) is translate stats and maybe identify strengths and weaknesses in opponents or potential recruitable players. Obviously they need to be able to be competent enough to do it accurately. So is it really important to get someone with a "name"? Or is it enough to have someone who does the job accurately and comprehensively who just passes that info onto the coaching team for them then to decide what to do with the information?

Tbh I have no idea what these analyst actually do, but apparently they are important these days.

It’s difficult to say to be honest. These days where football clubs are such massive organizations, the back room staff are just as important as the ones we see, especially when it comes to stuff like recruitment and scouting.

Thing is, as you said, since we don’t really know what these people do on a day to day basis, or even what their job description might be, it is extremely difficult to give a proper assessment of their capabilities. It all boils back down to what we see on the field at the end of the day.