Ole Gunnar Solskjær | 2021/22 Discussion

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I want the Whiplash guy to manage our team. Are they rushing or are they dragging? Thats what I want.

Ole is the opposite of that. Probably never had it for this level and by this level I mean the Premier League.

Im sure the board has already decided to sack him, they are just likely waiting for Poch.
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Can't believe he's still not gone. I mean, if we lose against Liverpool next matchday (very likely) and Everton wins against West Ham then we're officially in the relegation zones. I get the feeling the entire club has just given up including the fans. If this was 5 years ago I would be fuming right now but as years of this clown fiesta has gone on I've become numb to the pain.

There isn't a single player in this squad except Mata+James that I like as a person. I couldn't give two fecks about any single one of these clowns and judging by our performances it's fair to say neither of them gives a shite about any of us either. Spoiled punks they are the lot of them.

Until we get players in who can take on the role as leaders in the dressing room accompanied with a manager who can get these guys to listen to him I'm afraid this shitshow will never end. I don't think we'll ever get back on track as long as the Glazer's remain. Might sound overly dramatic but it's honestly what I truly believe. Their incompetence have royally fecked us over.

Sponsorships and money, that's it for them, who cares about the team actually performing right?
Can't believe he's still not gone. I mean, if we lose against Liverpool next matchday (very likely) and Everton wins against West Ham then we're officially in the relegation zones. I get the feeling the entire club has just given up including the fans. If this was 5 years ago I would be fuming right now but as years of this clown fiesta has gone on I've become numb to the pain.

There isn't a single player in this squad except Mata+James that I like as a person. I couldn't give two fecks about any single one of these clowns and judging by our performances it's fair to say neither of them gives a shite about any of us either. Spoiled punks they are the lot of them.

Until we get players in who can take on the role as leaders in the dressing room accompanied with a manager who can get these guys to listen to him I'm afraid this shitshow will never end. I don't think we'll ever get back on track as long as the Glazer's remain. Might sound overly dramatic but it's honestly what I truly believe. Their incompetence have royally fecked us over.

Sponsorships and money, that's it for them, who cares about the team actually performing right?
What has Maguire and AWB done in such a short time to p*ss you off?
Most of you lot need to read the Athletic piece on Woodward. This is not going to be a quick fix, at all:

I did and it's brilliant.

I still can not get my head around how we can point at Ole as the problem when we have the squad that we do. If we had Rooney, Ronaldo, Giggs and Ferdinand i'd be all for focusing on the manager, but we play Lingard, Pereira, Young, Fred and then some of our best performers in attack have been James from the championship. The squad is so poor that it's impossible to tell whether a manager is good or not; SAF and Busby in their prime would not make this squad have results or play decent football.

It's going to take a bit more time and a bit more then just changing one man. Ole has to stay an fallow through with 2 years worth of transfers.
I did and it's brilliant.

I still can not get my head around how we can point at Ole as the problem when we have the squad that we do. If we had Rooney, Ronaldo, Giggs and Ferdinand i'd be all for focusing on the manager, but we play Lingard, Pereira, Young, Fred and then some of our best performers in attack have been James from the championship. The squad is so poor that it's impossible to tell whether a manager is good or not; SAF and Busby in their prime would not make this squad have results or play decent football.

It's going to take a bit more time and a bit more then just changing one man. Ole has to stay an fallow through with 2 years worth of transfers.
That’s disrespectful towards SAF, he would walk the top 4 with this squad, easy.
He wouldn’t even have this squad if he was appointed in last Dec, you think Fergie would’ve sold his most consistent striker without bringing anyone else in?
Fergie LOVED his strikers, he wouldn’t have spent 80m on Maguire, he would’ve spent it on his attack.

For me, it’s clear that a manager who makes us play worse the longer he’s been here, who left Cardiff 17th in the Championship before being given the boot, is not a good manager and would never be one.
What has Maguire and AWB done in such a short time to p*ss you off?
I forgot about those two tbh but since you mentioned them so far I don't dislike what they have done at all. The price for both was insane but I back the decision of getting them in. I guess over time I'll start liking them more depending on how they do. The reason I said Mata and James is because Mata is one of few very humble footballers out there and James is an inspiration to anyone with the way he lost his father to illness and came in to the team and instantly performed well. However, even though I like Mata I think the decision to extend with him was very stupid. Performance wise he doesn't really offer much anymore and he should have been let go.
You thinking Ole turn things around! Where have you been the last 10 months?

In the same hell as the rest of you. I just don’t see any alternative out there that would tempt me toward another reboot. The last few didn’t work out particularly well so what makes people so sure it would this time. At least with Mourinho and Van Gaal there was some reason to take an opportunity on something different. What’s out there now, Allegri? No thanks.

Ole’s clearly had to deal with a lot of things going against him which any manager would’ve struggled with, nevermind someone as inexperienced as he is in top football.

That’s not to say his tenure hasn’t had good periods and to just completely deny him those and only judge him on what transpired after that is so unfair on the guy. Yes, he left the squad thin but it’s impossible to discount the role of the board and CEO there. If I remember correctly it was said early on that if Herrera and Lukaku left they’d be replaced. They weren’t though, so obviously that idea changed. Wether that was down to Ole or if the desicion was made for him who knows. As Ole has said though we’ll be looking to make improvements in january, maybe he wanted them in the summer and the board are realising he was right to want them in then. Or maybe he just made a mistake, it happens and will happen again. If that’s what it was, at least he’s obviously realised it and is looking for the opportunity to fix it.

I want to see how he performs when there’s no excuses left for anyone to make. Until then I’ll choose to believe and support him. In the meanwhile I’m at least happy to see him build a young and sustainable squad with the basic foundations of work ethic and talent that we need if we’re going to have any hope for the future, wether that includes Ole or not.
I did and it's brilliant.

I still can not get my head around how we can point at Ole as the problem when we have the squad that we do. If we had Rooney, Ronaldo, Giggs and Ferdinand i'd be all for focusing on the manager, but we play Lingard, Pereira, Young, Fred and then some of our best performers in attack have been James from the championship. The squad is so poor that it's impossible to tell whether a manager is good or not; SAF and Busby in their prime would not make this squad have results or play decent football.

It's going to take a bit more time and a bit more then just changing one man. Ole has to stay an fallow through with 2 years worth of transfers.
Because even with a bad squad we can still read when a manager is also inept. Same way midtable teams know when their managers are out of their depth. We didn't just make a checklist and eliminate everything else till Ole's name was the lone standing problem.
Give him more time, he’s been dealt a bad hand with lack of transfers and injuries. If the players are still behind him (as reported) then that’s enough for me, for now.
Understandable why the players will be behind him. They're trash and he's giving them a free reign in the club. These players finally got what they wanted, a soft manager who suited them, even if we get relegated or the results are crap, no more pressure or demanding on them. Some players can keep fecking up and they'll never get dropped as "Rashy". Very understandable.
Not sure about that.
Wonder what Ed thinks if we start losing games and end up 6th though.
Would have waited to see the responses after our recent defeats.
A mistake, I think. But obviously I love Ole and I hope for the best. Unfortunately, I don't think this will work out too well. I would rather see Pochettino.
Who do you think will replace him?
What happens when we end the season trophyless and outside the top four?
It's not a cheap gamble. They'll find it really hard to sack him if he struggles big time because of the fan response and bad PR it would generate.

Our fans over the last few years have shown they'll do anything to absolve the manager of the blame. Whether that's Moyes, LVG or even a thundercnut like Mourinho. Now imagine that but with the whole club legend factor.

Had a read through the first 3 pages, some smart folk there.

I don't know why our players like to work for a manager with 20% winning rate.

Wait... they still get paid a lot with little responsibility or any sort of retribution for being part of these shite (other than giving out a sad interview).
No big club in world football would put up with this shite & awful manager.

Only us. It smacks of arrogance to be honest & we deserve every piss poor performance we get

That is absolutely terrifying.

Understandable why the players will be behind him. They're trash and he's giving them a free reign in the club. These players finally got what they wanted, a soft manager who suited them, even if we get relegated or the results are crap, no more pressure or demanding on them. Some players can keep fecking up and they'll never get dropped as "Rashy". Very understandable.

This guy gets it. These absolute jobbers worked their guts out and played every game like a relegation 6pter to get Ole the job. Once he's in, happy days .......back to doing bare minimum and when he's sacked "ah well, the manager wasn't good enough,it's not on us.....can I renew my contract please Ed?"

Every one of them,cnuts.

We are in a terrifying position.
Going to be a long drawn out affair before the club admits it's mistake in hiring him. Something everybody else already knows.
I have issues with the Ole blaming injuries and players needing to be bought.
He was the one who culled the squad and did not get replacements because the players he wanted did not want to come so he decided to go with what he had.
Then he could not even get them to take a corner right even for once. He could not get them to play in any way that's like a team.
Any manager decent will get this team to play in a better way. Yes it may not be attacking football. In any case we are not playing any attacking football even now.
I would say anyone who is not blind will see that Pogba needs to play further forward.
He simply is out of his depth much more than even Moyes.
Give him more time, he’s been dealt a bad hand with lack of transfers and injuries. If the players are still behind him (as reported) then that’s enough for me, for now.
Another news low. Players being behind him (who asked them?) should not be the crucial when appraising the manager. We'll sadly hang on to anything
Another news low. Players being behind him (who asked them?) should not be the crucial when appraising the manager. We'll sadly hang on to anything

In today's world with more power to players it's a thing. You can have the best manger with best CV but if players aren't behind the manager then he gets the sack.
Apparently winning is the only thing nobody cares about at this club.
I did and it's brilliant.

I still can not get my head around how we can point at Ole as the problem when we have the squad that we do. If we had Rooney, Ronaldo, Giggs and Ferdinand i'd be all for focusing on the manager, but we play Lingard, Pereira, Young, Fred and then some of our best performers in attack have been James from the championship. The squad is so poor that it's impossible to tell whether a manager is good or not; SAF and Busby in their prime would not make this squad have results or play decent football.

It's going to take a bit more time and a bit more then just changing one man. Ole has to stay an fallow through with 2 years worth of transfers.
Exactly mate, I've long given up on this thread. Hysterical would be an understatement and nobody ever gives me the answer to my question when I ask them what did they expect, when they took a squad that finished 6th and was already not fit for purpose with so many holes within it; and proceeded to gut it entirely with only three additions to account for the 7 outgoings.

They all fall silent on that, funnily enough.

I feel for Ole, and I desperately want him to work out. But the fact of the matter is, we simply don't know enough to know one way or the other. He's been dealt a poisoned chalice and he's made decisions for the long-term benefit of the club. My respect for him will never waiver just for that alone. I'd rather give him 2-3 seasons and find out (yes, even if we don't win anything or even look close to winning anything), rather than chucking him out and bring in someone else entirely and start the process all over again, which will just mean another 3-4 years of us figuring out what we want to do as a football club.

Like I said in this thread earlier, I'm perfectly well adjusted enough to handle us being in the doldrums for years - I enjoyed the success in the Fergie years and would happily follow us if we had a really bad fallow period. Many in this thread however, don't seem to be. At all.
Exactly mate, I've long given up on this thread. Hysterical would be an understatement and nobody ever gives me the answer to my question when I ask them what did they expect, when they took a squad that finished 6th and was already not fit for purpose with so many holes within it; and proceeded to gut it entirely with only three additions to account for the 7 outgoings.

They all fall silent on that, funnily enough.

I feel for Ole, and I desperately want him to work out. But the fact of the matter is, we simply don't know enough to know one way or the other. He's been dealt a poisoned chalice and he's made decisions for the long-term benefit of the club. My respect for him will never waiver just for that alone. I'd rather give him 2-3 seasons and find out (yes, even if we don't win anything or even look close to winning anything), rather than chucking him out and bring in someone else entirely and start the process all over again, which will just mean another 3-4 years of us figuring out what we want to do as a football club.

Like I said in this thread earlier, I'm perfectly well adjusted enough to handle us being in the doldrums for years - I enjoyed the success in the Fergie years and would happily follow us if we had a really bad fallow period. Many in this thread however, don't seem to be. At all.
Funnily enough, when you lot get asked the question as to why the teams with poorer players play better football than us, you fall silent.

We don't even play football, let alone be good at it.
That is absolutely terrifying.

This guy gets it. These absolute jobbers worked their guts out and played every game like a relegation 6pter to get Ole the job. Once he's in, happy days .......back to doing bare minimum and when he's sacked "ah well, the manager wasn't good enough,it's not on us.....can I renew my contract please Ed?"

Every one of them,cnuts.

We are in a terrifying position.
I don't know why our players like to work for a manager with 20% winning rate.

That is absolutely terrifying.

This guy gets it. These absolute jobbers worked their guts out and played every game like a relegation 6pter to get Ole the job. Once he's in, happy days .......back to doing bare minimum and when he's sacked "ah well, the manager wasn't good enough,it's not on us.....can I renew my contract please Ed?"

Every one of them,cnuts.

We are in a terrifying position.
:lol: hysterical up in here.
I don't know why our players like to work for a manager with 20% winning rate.

Wait... they still get paid a lot with little responsibility or any sort of retribution for being part of these shite (other than giving out a sad interview).

Yeah i wouldn’t really look towards unsuccessfully well paid players as an indicator of keeping a manager.
That is absolutely terrifying.

This guy gets it. These absolute jobbers worked their guts out and played every game like a relegation 6pter to get Ole the job. Once he's in, happy days .......back to doing bare minimum and when he's sacked "ah well, the manager wasn't good enough,it's not on us.....can I renew my contract please Ed?"

Every one of them,cnuts.

We are in a terrifying position.

We talking about David De Gea here? The squad is completely new compared to the other managers.
I did and it's brilliant.

I still can not get my head around how we can point at Ole as the problem when we have the squad that we do. If we had Rooney, Ronaldo, Giggs and Ferdinand i'd be all for focusing on the manager, but we play Lingard, Pereira, Young, Fred and then some of our best performers in attack have been James from the championship. The squad is so poor that it's impossible to tell whether a manager is good or not; SAF and Busby in their prime would not make this squad have results or play decent football.

It's going to take a bit more time and a bit more then just changing one man. Ole has to stay an fallow through with 2 years worth of transfers.

Reread it and then check how much of it is verified, it's an article designed to trigger fans who take things at face value. I'd wager there's little to no truth in it but it's designed to create a storm - there are clearly issues with the club but let's not just buy into every piece of sensationalist journalism we read. There are four different writers on that piece, there are contradictions in the writing and there are a lot of things in parenthesis but without a source. It belongs in the fiction section of a library.
We've all had incompetent bosses, I remember my first job, my boss was incapable of doing his job, no one took him seriously and every task was completed half assed. But he was nice, he was funny and caring, so we always had good banter, we always looked forward to coming into work. If this type of leadership is paralleled to Ole, then we are in big trouble. But if the dressing room gets all quiet when he enters, and all eyes are on Ole, and the determination is there, then it's the best situation we could be in right now. Sure, Ole can be tactically clueless and not able to handle the job, but in our current situation RIGHT NOW, the most important thing is that he has a bunch of players willing to run through walls for him. If he didn't, we'd be even lower in the table than we are right now.

With all the recent articles about how Ed runs the club, it also make me a bit more defensive towards Ole. The way Ed runs things is a fecking disgrace, everything is to please his enormous ego. Not getting the signings that was required, thinking his football knowledge is superior to everyone else's, no middleman (DoF) is hired, it's fecking hard to succeed when you get absolutely nothing to work with. Moyes couldn't, LVG couldn't, and the serial winner Mourinho couldn't. You get 2 years maximum to succeed. if you don't, your shown the door with no warning.

With Ed's incompetence showing this summer transfer window, Ole still takes all the blame, saying he is happy with his attacking options, he soaks in all the pressure after an embarrassing loss, saying things like "We should've had a penalty" even though we had 0 shots on target, and that he is "happy with the way we played" even though we couldn't string four passes together. He takes the pressure away from everyone but himself, he doesn't throw people under the buss. Maybe that's why the players are behind him, because he truly cares about the club and the players.

I'm going out on a limb here saying Ole deserves another summer transfer window to work things out. Not one to win the league, but on to see the style and culture he is trying to implement.
nobody ever gives me the answer to my question when I ask them what did they expect, when they took a squad that finished 6th and was already not fit for purpose with so many holes within it; and proceeded to gut it entirely with only three additions to account for the 7 outgoings.

They all fall silent on that, funnily enough.

I guess you answered your own question. Remind us of your expectations before the start of the season. What are your expectations now?
I did and it's brilliant.

I still can not get my head around how we can point at Ole as the problem when we have the squad that we do. If we had Rooney, Ronaldo, Giggs and Ferdinand i'd be all for focusing on the manager, but we play Lingard, Pereira, Young, Fred and then some of our best performers in attack have been James from the championship. The squad is so poor that it's impossible to tell whether a manager is good or not; SAF and Busby in their prime would not make this squad have results or play decent football.

It's going to take a bit more time and a bit more then just changing one man. Ole has to stay an fallow through with 2 years worth of transfers.
Eventually people will catch up.

It's a good article but doesn't really fill me with any confidence going forward under Woodward. If they do sack him in the near future i'd expect us to end up in even more of a mess.
Exactly mate, I've long given up on this thread. Hysterical would be an understatement and nobody ever gives me the answer to my question when I ask them what did they expect, when they took a squad that finished 6th and was already not fit for purpose with so many holes within it; and proceeded to gut it entirely with only three additions to account for the 7 outgoings.

They all fall silent on that, funnily enough.

I feel for Ole, and I desperately want him to work out. But the fact of the matter is, we simply don't know enough to know one way or the other. He's been dealt a poisoned chalice and he's made decisions for the long-term benefit of the club. My respect for him will never waiver just for that alone. I'd rather give him 2-3 seasons and find out (yes, even if we don't win anything or even look close to winning anything), rather than chucking him out and bring in someone else entirely and start the process all over again, which will just mean another 3-4 years of us figuring out what we want to do as a football club.

Like I said in this thread earlier, I'm perfectly well adjusted enough to handle us being in the doldrums for years - I enjoyed the success in the Fergie years and would happily follow us if we had a really bad fallow period. Many in this thread however, don't seem to be. At all.
Nonsense. Ole is perfectly capable of plunging us to depths that United haven't seen in a long while. It will take a lot longer than 3-4 years from there if he is allowed to do that.
So many stupid, insulting comments towards Ole, do people honestly believe everything he's said to the media, or are they just being wilfully ignorant when using it as ammo, because it fits their agenda? If ye almighty internet pundits are all knowing about the state of our squad, do you honestly not think someone far more knowledgable about football, who sees far more of the players you've deemed to be crap, realises that they aren't good enough?

How many teams at Utd's level have changed 9/10 players in one transfer window before? How can a manager get players in when the people above him refuse to execute deals in the time needed to try and buy replacements? Some of you need your heads checked.

I am not happy with how we are playing football at all at the moment, you can implement a style with Sunday league players, so we should at least be seeing something defined but raw(similar to Chelsea). It is crap to watch, and doesn't look like it's going to get any better, but some of the stuff people are throwing at Ole is just ridiculous.
Exactly mate, I've long given up on this thread. Hysterical would be an understatement and nobody ever gives me the answer to my question when I ask them what did they expect, when they took a squad that finished 6th and was already not fit for purpose with so many holes within it; and proceeded to gut it entirely with only three additions to account for the 7 outgoings.

They all fall silent on that, funnily enough.

I feel for Ole, and I desperately want him to work out. But the fact of the matter is, we simply don't know enough to know one way or the other. He's been dealt a poisoned chalice and he's made decisions for the long-term benefit of the club. My respect for him will never waiver just for that alone. I'd rather give him 2-3 seasons and find out (yes, even if we don't win anything or even look close to winning anything), rather than chucking him out and bring in someone else entirely and start the process all over again, which will just mean another 3-4 years of us figuring out what we want to do as a football club.

Like I said in this thread earlier, I'm perfectly well adjusted enough to handle us being in the doldrums for years - I enjoyed the success in the Fergie years and would happily follow us if we had a really bad fallow period. Many in this thread however, don't seem to be. At all.

Its all well and good to say that, but what if the club are in the relegation zone if this form continues until December?
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