Film Once Upon a Time In Hollywood (2019)


The Caf's Ezza.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable

Not enough violence, it will be pass from me unless Sam Jackson is slaughtering a motherfecker with an AK
Anything with Di Caprio in is likely to be good.
Yeah those were all shit.
Have you seen Inception though? Or Shutter Island or the Departed? Never get those hours back.

As much as you might not like them you could have made your point better than name 3 critically acclaimed and highly rated films surely!
As much as you might not like them you could have made your point better than name 3 critically acclaimed and highly rated films surely!

Everything Tarantino does is highly rated and critically acclaimed, guy's still dogshit without Robert Rodriguez.
Have been looking forward to this for ages. Trailer is shit. Give me lots of Manson and I'll be happy.
It's true though. :confused:
So, to be clear, you think the best films Tarantino has been involved in are Machete, Desperado, Grindhouse/Planet Terror/Deathproof, Four Rooms, From Dusk till Dawn, Sin City and Kill Bill Vol II (or the shit Kill Bill as it is better known)?
These are better than, say, Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction?
So, to be clear, you think the best films Tarantino has been involved in are Machete, Desperado, Grindhouse/Planet Terror/Deathproof, Four Rooms, From Dusk till Dawn, Sin City and Kill Bill Vol II (or the shit Kill Bill as it is better known)?
These are better than, say, Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction?

Well let's take Kill Bill out of the equation, because that's another 6h of life that nobody is getting back. But yes, all of those are entertaining films. And Tarantino even dies in a much deserved tortuous manner in From Dusk til Dawn which is great. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are boring, wanky, contrived, derivative skid marks on the Y-fronts of cinema. Though they're nowhere near as bad as all the dogshit films you didn't mention like Hateful 8, Inglorious etc.
Deathproof is his only shit film in my opinion. That was a struggle to get through, although I haven't seen the shorter version in Grindhouse.
Well let's take Kill Bill out of the equation, because that's another 6h of life that nobody is getting back. But yes, all of those are entertaining films. And Tarantino even dies in a much deserved tortuous manner in From Dusk til Dawn which is great. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are boring, wanky, contrived, derivative skid marks on the Y-fronts of cinema. Though they're nowhere near as bad as all the dogshit films you didn't mention like Hateful 8, Inglorious etc.

Mate, you are seriously in the wrong thread if that's your view... Pulp Fiction is an incredible movie!
A Tarantino film about Charles Manson has the potential to be absolutely hideous if he gives in to his worst, cartoonishly violent impulses.

A Tarantino film about Hollywood that just happens to feature Manson would be a lot more interesting as far as I'm concerned, especially if he manages to avoid some/any of his usual tropes.
Well let's take Kill Bill out of the equation, because that's another 6h of life that nobody is getting back. But yes, all of those are entertaining films. And Tarantino even dies in a much deserved tortuous manner in From Dusk til Dawn which is great. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are boring, wanky, contrived, derivative skid marks on the Y-fronts of cinema. Though they're nowhere near as bad as all the dogshit films you didn't mention like Hateful 8, Inglorious etc.
Fair enough, although, whilst I cannot agree, the thought of a contrived, wanky and derivative skid mark, which will torment me for days, is a gift you have given to me.
The end goal of this movie, quite frankly, is to turn the Manson "family" slaughter of Sharon Tate and a few others into a slaughter numbering the 20's or 30's instead, in true Tarantino fashion, of course.
Well let's take Kill Bill out of the equation, because that's another 6h of life that nobody is getting back. But yes, all of those are entertaining films. And Tarantino even dies in a much deserved tortuous manner in From Dusk til Dawn which is great. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are boring, wanky, contrived, derivative skid marks on the Y-fronts of cinema. Though they're nowhere near as bad as all the dogshit films you didn't mention like Hateful 8, Inglorious etc.

I get the impression that it's very much in vogue to retrospectively critique otherwise well-regarded movies in this fashion. In a way, it's almost counter-hipster-ish.
Rather self indulgent - 9TH FILM BY TARANTINO. Feck of Tanantino.
I get the impression that it's very much in vogue to retrospectively critique otherwise well-regarded movies in this fashion. In a way, it's almost counter-hipster-ish.

I watched pulp fiction in 2002 and didn't get it then. I don't see how thinking Tarantino is a boring, self indulgent wanker is hipster, it's just an opinion.
Watched the trailer and though it looks good I don’t really know what it’s about and it doesn’t really seem like a Tarantino film.

Then again I’m always complaining that trailers basically show the whole movie so maybe it’s on purpose. People will go see the film just because it’s Tarantino.
Well let's take Kill Bill out of the equation, because that's another 6h of life that nobody is getting back. But yes, all of those are entertaining films. And Tarantino even dies in a much deserved tortuous manner in From Dusk til Dawn which is great. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are boring, wanky, contrived, derivative skid marks on the Y-fronts of cinema. Though they're nowhere near as bad as all the dogshit films you didn't mention like Hateful 8, Inglorious etc.

Man, you are taking mad shit
A Tarantino film about Charles Manson has the potential to be absolutely hideous if he gives in to his worst, cartoonishly violent impulses.

A Tarantino film about Hollywood that just happens to feature Manson would be a lot more interesting as far as I'm concerned, especially if he manages to avoid some/any of his usual tropes.
Well said.