Paul Ince's open letter to Ed Woodward

I'm under the impression that the substance of this letter comes from tabloids and social media. There is nothing interesting or inisightful in it.
This doesn't seem necessary or especially useful right now. I think his point about not signing young hungry players is misguided too, City and Liverpool HAVE actually signed talented young players and seen them develop enormously.
Didn't City buy 3 FBs in one transfer window? Why is buying Wan-Bissaka for £50 million the "wrong way to go"?
If you buy you are wrong, If you dont buy you are wrong. Buy British Player: Brexit FC, Buy Foreign Player: Mercenary. Very difficult to satisfy current fan base specially the twitter brigade who survives on meme, trolling and attention seeking.
Balderdash from Paul Ince, not surprising at all.

Did his dog write it for him?

Why has he decided 1 week before the season starts is the perfect time to come out and question Ole and the players? If we start poor for the first couple of months I could understand it, but what is he going to achieve by rocking the boat now?

Bizarre that he took a needless swipe at the youth players too by saying not much is coming through the academy. There is a very talented bunch of lads coming through, actually.
Paul Ince loves Manchester United.That's what comes through here. He has some good points but a lot of it is very immature and basically unrealistic.
As for youth,United have been down the bringing in top talent,marquee route.Falcoa,Di Maria etc etc.IT hasn't worked for varying reasons.

I do agree that our forwards for example are not potent,such as liverpool or city have.Because they are young, inconsistent .However it looks like we have to go down that
route at this time,.
Paul Ince loves Manchester United.That's what comes through here. He has some good points but a lot of it is very immature and basically unrealistic.
As for youth,United have been down the bringing in top talent,marquee route.Falcoa,Di Maria etc etc.IT hasn't worked for varying reasons.

I do agree that our forwards for example are not potent,such as liverpool or city have.Because they are young, inconsistent .However it looks like we have to go down that
route at this time,.

Does he feck love Man Utd.
He can do one, Only doing it to get some tv time.
Worth it just for the Lingard barb tbh.
I'm all for ex players showing their love for the club (even quite constructively), but this man wore a Liverpool jersey, his opinion means nought. It's really that simple.
Remember when you said you could do what Ole's doing?

You bellend, stick to your shite punditry and keep your nose out of United. I have no interest in what this guy has to say.

Paul Ince Open Letter to Ed Woodward said:
Dear Ed,

If you want to make Utd a good team again, buy good players.

The Guvnor
He's a Scouse dickhead.
It's one thing to post on social media after a bad season (Lingard) but it's not nearly as bad as signing for that lot and then having the cheek to write open letters as if anyone is interested.
Super cringe from Ince. 3 horror managerial appointments in a row is shocking from Ed and the Glazers, but at least they're working hard to get, what appears to be, the right structure in now.
It's a fabulous bit of parody that. It has to be fake surely If it's real then I'm worried for the man's sanity.

'Ere Ed, these geezers you got in the squad. They're avin a laugh mate. Bin em off n get a decent squad in. Proper sawtid then innit?'
As much as I agree with many of his points, why now? Just before the season starts. Bad timing.
Judas ince can do one as far as I'm concerned .

A big time Charlie who called himself the guvnor and thought he was still Roy Keane came along and we went on to better things as he went to the spice boys thinks he can call out today's players for thinking they have it made
In a world where flagrant self-promotion and attention-seeking is pretty much the norm, Ince managing to do it so fecking badly is really quite impressive
At least we are sure he is the one who wrote it. I think this would get an average mark in most tests of English as a second language.

Paul Ince's open letter to Ed Woodward in full

Dear Ed,

There’s just so much about Manchester United that isn’t right. The footballing decisions have been mental for a few years now.

The club has fallen far behind the pack. I’d like to think that they will recover, but I think we could be waiting a while.

You’ve got to realise that, while United have fallen behind, City and Liverpool have kept advancing. Don’t think for one minute that those teams will give United any chance to catch up, they’ll only slip further behind.

It’s all about personnel for United now. How you improve not only the team but the club, from the top down.

You have to start again from fresh.

For me, a lot of the issues come down to the attitude of the squad. The players are doing exactly what they want, when they want, and there’s no control from above.

It wouldn’t happen under Fergie and it wouldn’t happen under Pep Guardiola. Players are dictating to you and the board what they want – and that’s not on.

I get it. You’re a banker – not a football man. You’re absolutely fantastic at bringing in profit and sponsorship deals but you can’t just keep throwing money away on players.

You need someone in who gets football, who has the presence to deal with these players and tell them they can’t demand X, Y and Z from United.

Tell them where to stick it.

Players like Jesse Lingard think they’re bigger than the club and the manager. If Fergie was in charge they wouldn’t be doing it, they wouldn’t even still be at the club.

Jesse has been bang average this year and if I’d performed the way he did last season the last thing I would do is post anything on social media. The way he played last season he should be embarrassed.

Then there’s Pogba – the man you spent £89million on. Why did he wait until the end of the season to say he wants to go with a sly comment in the press? If you’re gonna say it, say it in front of those thousands of fans who go to watch you.

Ole – the man you appointed – needs to come out against these players. He needs to come down hard on them and set a precedent that he’s not allowing players to behave like that anymore. The fans won’t have it. It’s a lack of respect for your team-mates who can behave, and it’s a total lack of respect for playing for Manchester United.

I hope Ole knows that he needs to have players who actually give a toss about playing for United.

On transfer business. I hear people say you need to get players in that will work hard and run around for the club – but it’s not about that. I can come in now and work hard and run about, even at my age. I mean, I wouldn’t last five minutes, but that’s not the criteria that you should want.

It’s about quality players with the right spirit and attitude.

Aaron Wan-Bissaka was signed for £55million, a lot of money for a full-back. Ole said he wanted to go down the route of bringing in younger, fresher talent and building the team that way – but that’s not the way to go.

Do you see many youth players in Manchester City ’s team except Phil Foden? No, and they just won the league.

Liverpool have a couple, but the majority of their team are senior, experienced players interspersed with youth.

Youth players today aren’t the likes of David Beckham, Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs. There’s just not that much coming through the academy.

Yes, pick two or three youngsters but then integrate them with top class, top quality senior players – don’t rely on it.

Then there’s the manager. I said last season you should’ve gone with someone more experienced and I stand by that.

But you have made your bed and now have to lie in it. You have tried the whole binning a manager after a year thing and it’s not worked. Now you have to stick with Ole.

If he starts badly you’ll want to change him – but that’s just another disruption and another step backwards for the club.

Let Ole bring in his players and have a full run at the season – then he has no excuses.

As for yourself, stick to counting the cash.

You never win anything with kids...

after the club sells a 1 Paul Ince and we win the league and FA Cup.

feck off you twat.
They must've chosen not to include his picture of a house, his family holding hands and a big, wobbly yellow sun.
The Fergie he knew fecked him off for being a big head so he knows only too well how that goes. Then there was Beckham, could probably throw in Kieran Richardson too who thought he was it at one point then binned off soon after. I'll cut him some slack on certain points there as a result, he's speaking from experience.

But open letters are still cringey as hell and he can bog off for celebrating like mad against us.
That's really just an opinion piece, no real insight and the solutions it suggests are vague as hell. You read a dozen better writeups on here everyday
I bet He received a template message from Ed as a response.

"Dear Paul Ince, We will be forwarding this message to the suitable Department (the bins)"
Number one rule when writing an open letter is to make it as professional as possible. This reads as if a teenager on reddit wrote it. Myself and probably more than half this forum could do a ten times better job than this but it's Paul Ince we are talking about so I'm not surprised. The fact he even needed to mention Lingard in an open letter sums him up. He's literally a grown man with the mentality of a petulant child.