PL L FA Premier League

Brighton & Hove Albion 3:2 Manchester United

Post-match discussion

Sun, 19 August 2018

Sing you a song

Full Member
Oct 29, 2017
Didn’t do anything actively bad. Was ok but couldn’t get the ball in any decent positions to influence the game
You flatter him .
He was his usual miserable self, wandering aimlessly around with his “ woe is me “ face on
. Should have sold him in the summer when we had chance to replace him.I’ m staggered he has so many supporters ,a petulant child half as good as we thought he would be and a quarter as good as he thinks he is.
Vastly overrated needs to go back to the weak French Lge


Full Member
Jan 9, 2011
Loughborough university
You flatter him .
He was his usual miserable self, wandering aimlessly around with his “ woe is me “ face on
. Should have sold him in the summer when we had chance to replace him.I’ m staggered he has so many supporters ,a petulant child half as good as we thought he would be and a quarter as good as he thinks he is.
Vastly overrated needs to go back to the weak French Lge
He was no worse than anyone else. Didn’t do anything bad and wasn’t given the ball in any dangerous situations to harm the opposition. He isn’t going to get the ball off the keeper and run the pitch. Give him the ball in dangerous situations and see how he does otherwise what do you expect. None of the other attacks did anything of note so there’s no reason to single him out


Full Member
Dec 31, 2017
Managed to catch this on MOTD, sums up our tactics basically, Fellaini on the left going the box, nobody comes to the ball, it's straight up hoofball tactics at this point.



Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
The side out there today is riddled with problems. And so much of that which I hoped could be developed from the United side of last season is obviously a total pipe dream:

- It's a pipe dream to ever believe that Bailly and Lindelof will be a good defensive pair. Smalling and Jones is the best we can do this season, by far, which is pretty tragic.

- Pereira can't play a holding midfield role with such abjectly poor defenders behind him. You can't have a deep lying playmaker in the holding role when your defence is shit, it just won't work. Pereira covers none of the ground off the ball that Matic covers and is nowhere near good enough at defensive positioning. So if he's to have a role this season it should be along with Pogba and Matic in midfield, competing with Fred. With such a shit defence Matic has to play in every single game and play well, no other option.

- Fred was horrendous today but in mitigation the passes into him were also tragically bad. Pogba was also abysmal and is a million miles from captaincy material. He's going to go missing a lot this season, he doesn't have the mentality to show up every week. And when he's not on it he offers nothing. Rather than grab the game by the scruff of the neck or cajole his team mates his response to adversity is just to try more flicks and dinked passes to no one.

- Young is not a good, or even decent, full back. Period. All of Valencia's impotency going forward but less the work rate and with no defensive awareness. Shaw was the least shit outfield player today but that's really saying nothing.

- Martial and Rashford are not good enough on the wings. Martial is clearly 100% a fair weather player at this point. He'll only do well if we're 3-0 up and the other team are knackered and demoralised. That is it from him this season. Mata is, as always, a joke on the right wing, and in away matches, as always, playing him is the same as starting with 10 men.

Sing you a song

Full Member
Oct 29, 2017
He was no worse than anyone else. Didn’t do anything bad and wasn’t given the ball in any dangerous situations to harm the opposition. He isn’t going to get the ball off the keeper and run the pitch. Give him the ball in dangerous situations and see how he does otherwise what do you expect. None of the other attacks did anything of note so there’s no reason to single him out
I didn’t single him out someone simply enquirer how he played and I gave my honest assessment which to be fair would have been pretty similar about every player today.
He has made it public knowledge that he wants out so we have created a major problem in making him stay can’t sell as unable to replace him so we are stuck with ea h other


New Member
Apr 6, 2017
This team are going to lose a lot of supporters if this carries on and i can't see why any youngsters looking for a club to support would be enthused by the boring, tumescent, half arsed shite being served up week in week out. Match attendances will start to suffer. That should concentrate the minds of he United 'Money Men' if nothing else does, gonna start seriously impacting shirt sales etc also . Personally I won't be wasting any more of my precious time watching this continuous mindnumbing depressing crap i'd rather stick pins in my eyes than watch United live at the moment - its Match of the Day now for me if we win until Mourinho is flirted and we improve, and i'm sure i'm not the only one..


New Member
Apr 7, 2018
Don't support a team
Mourinho can come out with whatever horesh*t he likes in interviews about stupid documentaries, or Liverpool's unfair spending. This will not disguise the fact that he hasn't done a good job, or that United are a country mile behind City.

United were flattered by a 19-point gap last season. It was only as small as 19 points because United got off to an excellent start that was then completely unreflected in the remaining 80% of their season. And they also beat City 3-2, when they should have been dead and buried by half-time. If they'd lost that game alone, which they would have done 9 times out of 10, then they would have finished 25 points behind City.

I think we can safely say that they haven't got off to a great start this season, and there are obvious problems at the club. Meanwhile, City have also obviously gained massive confidence, self-belief and resolve from last season, and are stronger now they have Mendy and Mahrez in the squad.

I will be surprised if City don't finish more than 19 point ahead of United this season. It will be funny watching Mourinho attempt to justify that.


likes playing with swords after fantasies
Apr 29, 2014
I know tonight was shit, I agree it was one of the worst nights in the last few years. But, one thing I want to request from the mods/admins: please God can we stop letting posters like Liverpool/City fans and the neutrals such as the "Championship" fans comment on our losses? Because they're intentionally winding people up under the guise of being "neutral" and getting away with it.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Starting Fred & Pereira (one Premier League game apiece experience) in front of our two shakiest defenders Lindelof & Bailly was a mistake, they just walked through us. Smalling & Fellaini would have both given us a bit of experience down the middle if they'd started.

A distinct lack of match fitness throughout the team also effected us with only really Mata (who is finished in a United shirt) and Shaw with any pre-season under their belt.

Shaw grew into the game and Fellaini was decent in his cameo, the only two who looked like they cared. Everyone else was pathetic.


New Member
May 3, 2007
I see this performance coming. Look like the whole team or organization have no direction at all.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2017
There are a lot of players in the team that Jose has slagged off publicly, and judging by his guarded comments in a lot of interviews I would imagine that is the tip of the iceburg compared to what's being said in the dressing room. There has been speculation all summer long about how many of our defenders would still be here, or at least would still be in the first eleven come the start of the season. Is it any wonder that the players aren't exactly "on top of the world" in terms of confidence or desire right now?

This isn't just limited to the defence - he has been bitching about most of the team all through the pre-season. Noone is offering themselves in any part of the pitch, with the one exception of Lingard when he came on (and a little bit of Shaw). No leaders on the park and no collective responsibility. It's all very well Pogba saying we weren't good enough after the game - he was Captain today - how about him saying to player during the game. I know Roy Keane is a product of a bygone age, but even at his age now, we would have played better with him in the middle today, since he would have shouted at everyone and shamed them into trying.

Just as a bit of a tangent, if you ever listen to movie directors talking about what their role is, one of their biggest parts of their jobs is to imbue the actors with the confidence and belief that what they are doing is right and valuable - getting rid of all of the barriers both mental and physical to ensure they give the best performance possible and what the director is seeking.

Now compare that to Jose.

I'm seriously tired of this tumescent football. I can still remember Kanchelskis and Giggs, or more recently Ronnie and Rooney rampaging at teams to get the points when the result is in the balance. What I saw today was light years away from that. God knows what these guys do in training. Each week it's like you are watching them play together for the first time. It's just nonsense when players routinely over hitting/under hitting/mistiming really basic passes.

I might as well save this ready to cut and paste into a response next week coz I don't see this changing any time soon.


New Member
Aug 21, 2014
24 hours ago the majority were gently stroking themselves over Mourinho's pre-match comments about City and Liverpool, how he's back and ready to prove he's still the best. Match finishes and the majority suddenly decides that his mood can only be interpreted as if he's a dead man walking and he knows it.

People need to calm down. The underlying issues haven't changed from last season, that's why i don't understand the hyperbole. If the only concept people understand is 3 points= great, 0 points = shit, then by all means, the reactions are somewhat understandable, but considering out general approach to matches it shouldn't come as a surprise that there will be matches like this. It's just a weird concept,people were surprisingly fine with Mkhitaryan playing poorly but popping up with an assist or goal, then he turned into one of the most loathed players as soon as the assists and goals dried up, i find it strange.

Blaming individual players feels somewhat meaningless, when the entire team looks clueless it's not because of individual players, it's because the group of players aren't functioning together, which is down to the manager and the tactics. Bailly looked absolutely gutted out there from early on, he was convinced that this match was over, couldn't get over the initial mistakes, that's a bit of a negative sign, and he wasn't the only one.

We need to get the ball to the attacking players in positions where they can actually create something. I see people complaining about Martial running in paralell to Pogba a few times. It's easy, it's because if Pogba loses the ball there's a huge gap behind him that another players has to cover, our attacking players are attacking while focusing on the defensive duties they have, not to mention the fear of fecking up and the consequences it'll have. We were desperate for either Bailly or Lindeløf to carry the ball forward and create some space for the midfielders, barely happens. There's a lack of movement and understanding between all the players. Lukaku has been reduced to an isolated target man up front, barely involved whatsoever in our general play, he scores from a freak situation where he shows good instinct, but he doesn't appear to be suited to the role that Jose wants him to play.

It's our second match of the season, players are still returning to fitness, calm down. There's still far too much individual quality for this to be a disaster of a season.

George The Best

Full Member
Aug 22, 2013
Nut Megging
I just don’t get what’s going on at all. You look at some of the training videos and even the pre-match warm-ups, and they are pinging one-touch passes and moving to get the next. Come kick-off they are the complete opposite. Martial, for one, probably ran more in the warm-up than in the entire match. I swear that if the team shorts had pockets half the team would be stood around with their hands in them. No energy, no passion, no fight. That is not the Man Utd way.


Full Member
Dec 26, 2012
Early days but it looks like it is going to be along hard season.

Most bookies have us priced at around 25/1 to win the title , when was the last time we were considered such outsiders with only a couple of games gone?

But it is hard to argue with those odds and most Utd fans are realistic to know that with this panel a top 4 finish at best is likely.

But I really think we could struggle to get even top 4 , our 2nd place flattered us last year , and it will be a an achievement in itself to finish in the top 4 with this group of players and tactics.


New Member
May 28, 2017
Didnt catch the game but I really dont feel we can win the league at all.


New Member
Aug 19, 2018
When people say this is our worst team in ever, i never understand! This is our best team in years! People are forgetting how bad our team used to be in fergies last few years! Having the likes of cleverly and fletcher in a 4-4-2 with welbeck on tthe left wing. The problem is the manager! I consider the best managers the guys that can get the best out of the players they have enabling them to meet or exceed their potential! Mourihno just doesnt do that and instead blames Ed Woodward for not wasting more money on players who edging close to 30. I honest to got preferred Van Gaal! At least he worked on our youngsters and tried to bring them through, theres is absolutely no chance the mourinho would have brought through Rashford!


Full Member
Apr 27, 2014
I would love it if we announced Mourinho, Woodward, and half the players got sacked. Want to see heads roll after that performance, so pissed off.

Feels like we need a complete reset at this club, so that we can build something entirely new.


Poor man's poster.
Oct 5, 2013
Mourinho needs to go, bring Zidane in.

Having so much attacking talent we really should be winning against teams like Brighton, but all credit to them, they wanted it more and showed passion and desire throughout unlike Utd.


Eats diamonds to beat thermodynamics
Sep 30, 2012
People are over reacting to the loss. The newness of the midfield combo makes everything very difficult. The defensive weakness is a known quantity. We win the next game and half the people here will be singing a different song.

That said, there is something wrong between Jose and the squad imho. We all saw the lack of commitment and lack of a game plan out there today. The club will probably hang on to him until it gets really bad then replace him in a chaotic fashion I expect. But replacing managers is hard to do well, even when you're good at this stuff, which our Ed isn't, let's face it.

lex talionis

Full Member
Jul 25, 2017
This defeat was the result of shocking mistakes, not shocking tactics.

Lukaku with the early fluffed chance that would have made it 0-1. Lindelof not marking Murray, then Bailly with two massive blunders that led to goals.

Of course it can be argued that Mourinho should never have started Bailly and Lindelof together, but they looked decent against Leicester City. We're in serious trouble if this is the best Bailly and Lindelof can produce.


Turns player names into a crappy conversation
Apr 12, 2011
I honestly think Woodward on his bike would be a decent start. I don’t know what has gone on behind the scenes, but half the team looks distracted, the other half are trying but trying too hard. The joy has gone out of it at Manchester United. I - agreeing with Scholes here - blame the players. Jose should be doing better; I have some sympathy for his position. Main obstacle to progress: Ed Woodward and what passes for a board of Directors


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
There is no plan at all. It is up to the players the way they want to play. That is why they get confused. They can only make a long pass. I would say even Quiroz would have been better than how Jose is doing now. How on Earth can he start Mata on the right? He must be bonkers. Even Lingaard or Rashford or even Young.
I feel that lot of Managers are too stereo typed in putting players into position. Look what happened to Pep. He was a right sided midfield player who was put into the CM role only being watched after a few minutes by Cruijff.
I felt that Blind should have been used in some games as the holding midfield player. He played there very well for us under LVG when Carrick was injured. He should have been kept instead of Mata.

Parry Gallister

Full Member
Mar 21, 2014
Not many positives if any really. Nice pen from Paul again.

They beat us to almost everything, mugged us out of possession quickly too. Midfield was dysfunctional and the team didn't link, all the passes and moves we actually made were safe and slow.

Why is Rom going out wide right so much? Get they want a midfield runner coming in to that centre space, and the right is so weak, but happened too much in the match, didn't have a target for a long punt until towards the end. Mess made at cb too. Was almost happier when we were lumping it forward at the end, seemed to be more effective tbh, slow possession isn't working great atm with our players/shape/attitude.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2014
There is no plan at all. It is up to the players the way they want to play. That is why they get confused. They can only make a long pass. I would say even Quiroz would have been better than how Jose is doing now. How on Earth can he start Mata on the right? He must be bonkers. Even Lingaard or Rashford or even Young.
I feel that lot of Managers are too stereo typed in putting players into position. Look what happened to Pep. He was a right sided midfield player who was put into the CM role only being watched after a few minutes by Cruijff.
I felt that Blind should have been used in some games as the holding midfield player. He played there very well for us under LVG when Carrick was injured. He should have been kept instead of Mata.
Funny, i remember us being overrun in midfield whenever he played there. A midfielder in the Dutch league sure, but not for United in the PL.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
This is how we looked while attacking, how are we supposed to create chances like this? Mourinho needs to change the entire tactics of the team to prevent backlash from the fans. If he brings this nonsense to OT, he would greeted with boos.
This is the point I am making from last season about Mata. He is creating lots of problems for us. Every time he gets the ball he comes inside and clutters an already cluttered midfield. There was another moment in the first half, when Martial crossed from the left and Lukaku and Mata was both in the CF position. Even Young would be better than Mata. I would prefer even Darmian on the right than Mata.


New Member
Sep 30, 2011
The first half was really a horrible performance. Lindelhof proved he lacks anticipation - a key characteristics of a defender. Bailey - lets wait and give him a chance. but it is the whole team.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
Funny, i remember us being overrun in midfield whenever he played there. A midfielder in the Dutch league sure, but not for United in the PL.
I think you have forgotten how well he played in most games when Carrick was injured. In fact we played very well when he played there. Then he got injured.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2017
I agree with this completely. Mourinho will be heavily criticized, but today’s loss was not his fault.

So the players are just playing like this then, this isn't a hoofball instruction from Mourinho, all the players are just this awful at carrying out instructions, for multiple seasons? If you genuinely think we only lost that game because of a few mistakes and not because we got played off the park I have absolutely no idea what football match you were watching.


New Member
Oct 23, 2016
I think you have forgotten how well he played in most games when Carrick was injured. In fact we played very well when he played there. Then he got injured.
When did this happen exactly ?

He started his career as DMF in diamond behind Di Maria and Herrera, this experiment was killed after getting thrashed by Leicester 5-3. LVG changed to 4-5-1 then 3-5-2. Later on he featured as LB in LVG best period here when we beat Spurs, Pool and City on a run. Played the full second season as a CB.

After the start he didn't play as a DMF except for one game here and there like Arsenal in Fa Cup in which again our midfield got completely exposed.

He can be a DMF but not in Premier League.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
When we have Fellaini they all should know his strength is in the air and people should be closer to him for his knock downs. But no one ever did.


Full Member
Jan 14, 2010
The first half was really a horrible performance. Lindelhof proved he lacks anticipation - a key characteristics of a defender. Bailey - lets wait and give him a chance. but it is the whole team.
I'm curious why Bailly deserves the benefit of patience and not Lindelof. Bailly has been here for 3 years now and always looks like a mistake waiting to happen. Lindelof hasn't set the league on fire, but I think has actually shown some progress. Other than the first goal, which I wouldn't classify as the worst mistake ever, I thought he was ok today; certainly not great, but not awful. I'm actually all for giving the partnership some more time together, but it seems we did miss a trick not getting Aldeweireld.

Player Ratings

3.7 Total Average Rating

Highest Rated Player

Lowest Rated Player

Compiled from 553 ratings.

Score Predictions

  • Man Utd win
  • Brighton win
  • Draw

Detailed Results

  • 36% Brighton 0:2 Man Utd
  • 14% Brighton 0:3 Man Utd
  • 12% Brighton 0:1 Man Utd
  • 11% Brighton 1:2 Man Utd
  • 10% Brighton 1:3 Man Utd
  • 4% Brighton 1:1 Man Utd
  • 3% Brighton 0:4 Man Utd
  • 3% Brighton 1:0 Man Utd
  • 2% Brighton 0:0 Man Utd
  • 1% Brighton 0:5 Man Utd
  • 1% Brighton 5:0 Man Utd
  • 1% Brighton 1:4 Man Utd
  • 1% Brighton 2:0 Man Utd
  • 1% Brighton 2:1 Man Utd
  • 0% Brighton 3:0 Man Utd
  • 0% Brighton 2:2 Man Utd
  • 0% Brighton 2:4 Man Utd
  • 0% Brighton 3:1 Man Utd
  • 0% Brighton 1:5 Man Utd
  • 0% Brighton 3:2 Man Utd
Compiled from 752 predictions.
Show more results Score Predictions League Table

Match Stats

  1. Brighton
  2. Man Utd
33% 67%
6 9
Shots on Target
3 3
3 5
16 13


Kevin Friend