PL L FA Premier League

Manchester United 1:2 Sheffield United

Post-match discussion

Wed, 27 January 2021

It felt like only 5 minutes ago I was browsing the RAWK goes into meltdown thread having a brilliant old time. What the hell happened? I want to rant but I don’t know where to start.
Key takeaways:

Martial cannot start up front and lead the line for a title challenging team. Useless.

Why take off Greenwood, literally the only forward who managed to get in behind the Sheffield defence all game?

Completely deserved result. A reminder that every team that played United is up for it, and if you don't match that intensity you can get done by anyone. We'll never win the league when you lose at home to Sheffield, Spurs, Crystal Palace and Arsenal.

Disgraceful performance.

The entirety of their 2nd goal was complete comedy.
We cannot beat teams that sit back. We cannot break them down. Oles tactics are to rely on individual brilliance rather than collective brilliance.

So frustrating because if Baldiola was managing us we would have destroyed this lot.
Second goal was pure comedy. What the hell was DDG thinking? Just blast it into the half way mark and we regroup. Throwing away points like nothing.
Getting bollocked and laughed at from my mates. Thanks again Manutd.
Genuinely feel a bit sick.

I’m having an early night.
Rashford cannot play on the right hand side. Martial needs benching.
Degea just hates crosses when under pressure. He was impeded but no one appealed. Missed Shaw massively as our full backs were non existent going forward again. A massive issue for this team.
Don't deserve to be at the top of the league with going behind so often.
Reality check that we will be aiming for top four only again.
This was all about bringing subs on too late. Telles is a massive downgrade on Shaw. Why wait so long to make that change? You could see the difference Shaw made when he came on. He gave us that extra bite we needed down the left flank. But had too little time. He should have left Greenwood on the pitch and subbed off Martial instead. No fecking brainer! It was a gamble letting Tuanzebe come out in 2nd half. He is too raw and had a yellow already. Unbelievable letting those players stay on the pitch for so long and it lost us the game.
The laughing stock of the whole of British football after that shambles tonight!
Never imagined we could win the league this season but I'm now thinking top 4 is beyond this side.
Beaten by a team which may not win again this season!
Once we get the inevitable injuries we'll be lucky to make it to the Europa next season. A truly catastrophic night!!
That 2nd goal was so painful to witness. We should have dealt with it so many times. The most sickening thing is, don't let that in and you never know we might undeservedly win it. It was just awful to witness.

When it comes down to it, the mentality of this team still has major issues.
We were too cute. Tried to pass the ball in the goal. I don't know how in a game where we have roughly 75% possession we only end up with 4 shots on target with only 16 attempts. Guys taking too many touches and nobody wants to shoot. Too many guys with back to goal wanting ball to feet rather than making a run off the ball. We didn't see any movement inside the 18 until Cavani and VdB came on. Absolutely horrible game...
Utterly infuriating, but truth be told we haven’t put in the performances of a title challenging side or even looked like one all season. Can’t keep coming from behind in the way we have been. It’s unsustainable to do it as often we have needed to do so far.

These lads need a bit of a wake up call to realise that they still have a real fight on to finish above each of Spurs, Leicester, Chelsea and Arsenal. Arteta will fancy continuing their great run in general and beating us again.

Embarrassing result all the same for all United supporters. We should rightly get stick for losing at home to a side in Sheff Utd’s position.
We are in for a dog fight. It can go really fast. At least the Title will be in Manchester:(
That second goal. I don’t think I’ll get over it.

It’s so surreal. That’s how me and my mates move when we have been playing for +6 hours are are just at the park catching jokes more than playing by that point

what the feck
A terrible performance from start to finish. We've carried too many players who are struggling for form and have been allowed to paper over our frailties with touches of class and a bit of luck. Ole has rotated, which he needs to do, but has been let down by those who have come in as well as his regulars, and was then laughably slow in putting it right. I've read a few times that tonight is 'all on Ole', but though I'd nail him for the lack of changes and it's his job to uphold high standards generally speaking ('the buck stops with the manager' etc.) I in no way want to excuse the abysmal displays tonight from the likes of Martial, Rashford, De Gea and Tuanzebe. It was literal head in hands stuff at times, like the Spurs and Istanbul debacles. Fact is this was the worst of the lot; given where we are and what we've started to do this year it is inexcusable to put in that kind of rancid filth against a team who are spirited and are fighting for their lives but have ultimately been beaten by near enough everyone for good reasons this year.

Worth saying the officials did us no favours with that fecking bullshit in the first half. I hope Ole hauls them over the coals for that and makes the headlines about him blowing a fecking gasket if he has to.
Anyone care to share the last time Matic and Pogba actually worked as a midfield duo? I cannot for the life of me see why it's been attempted so many times.
I think Ole has the players names in a hat and draws them out. Then he draws numbers out between 60-90 for the minutes to make a sub.
Run out of luck, it was bound to happen at some point, we’ve won many games this season while playing this bad.

Pretty much. Wolves: last minute goal. Southampton the same.

Win by one goal against fulham. Win one nil against Burnely.

These are teams that city destroy.
The only positive is that if there was any doubt our weaknesses have been thrown into spotlight again

De gea
Wan Bissaka (who I like)

All need real upgrades and we need a rw to balance this team.
Someone to boss the midfield.
A leader to drive the team forward.
The only thing I can say (having calmed down) is that at least it might make us sit up and realise we can't get away with this week after week. We've been turning in poor performances in the league for a while now, and a shock like this was coming. As embarassing as it is to lose to these and lose our first game in what feels like forever, we should see a response. I expect us to beat Arsenal and get right back in it.
The defence isn’t great, but the problem is lack of goals. Martial doesn’t score, Rashford rarely scores and Cavani is mostly coming off of the bench. He entered today when it was already a shitfest and only had less than half an hour. The team needs fecking goals from its attackers.

I haven’t felt as dejected after a game of football in ages.

Sheffield United. Fecking hell.

Rashford and Martial were useless. Can’t think of one decent thing they did.

Pogba kept giving away first half then just went in to his shell.

Maguire, Tuanzebe and Matic were just slow and ponderous, seen milk turn quicker. The defending for their goal was literally like 6 year olds...the Chuckle Brothers would’ve dealt with that with ease.

AWB gets slagged off and I’m not his biggest fan but he has sod all support.

We may as well throw Diallo in now and see what happens.

Subs were needed early in the 2nd half.

All in all you could see it coming. It didn’t have the feel of when we’ve been 1-0 down before. You kind of just knew it which makes tonight so frustrating. As abysmal as SU are, they deserved it. If we’d peppered their keeper you’d hold your hands up but what we saw tonight was the pits. Disgusted with the whole 90 minutes and for me, we are looking like top four trophy challengers yet again.

To think we were pissing ourselves over the Liverpool Burnley result...seems an age ago now and this result is much worse and way more embarrassing.
I would say ‘wow’, but I kind of felt it coming. It’s the hope that gets you.
Ole took too long again with the subs.
Arsenal will be tough, they’re much tighter at the back nowadays.
Pathetic performance, and the defence was always going to be a problem.

Still, how come their goal stood and ours did not, as on the first goal, some player is literally holding DDG down. What is the point of VAR.

The second goal was just pathetic, from the lack of clearing the ball and no closing down from our players on that side.
Appalling performance. Ole’s game management strikes again, he should have taken Martial off for Cavani, and brought Luke Shaw on at the same time. Martial had one of the worst performances I’ve ever seen in my life and I do not know how he saw the game out. My only guess is that Ole doesn’t want to destroy his confidence even further by subbing him off, but feck that, we needed to win. So he nullified Rashford by sticking him on the right, Martial was already nullified by being garbage, and then he eventually brought Shaw on and had him link up with Martial. We needed Rashford and Shaw down the left side because it’s been hands down our most potent attacking combination all season. I’m completely baffled by this. The formation that ended the game was just a bunch of players playing out of position and nobody knowing what they were doing out of sheer desperation.

That said, the team that started should have easily had enough to beat the worst team in the league. I can’t even begin to understand the nightmare that was the second goal we conceded. Feels like we’re the only team in the league that concedes these kinds of pub-team level defensive calamities. I never thought we’d win the league but it would have been nice to keep the good mood going for another couple of weeks. Oh well.
I didnt expect to win the title, but to lose to probably the worst PL side ever, at OT, in such a gutless fashion is downright disgraceful.

The second goal was below League level defending.
Shocking performance really, from the team and the manager. Subs far too late again.

As bad as it was, is it really the end of the world? Everyone is saying it's a strange season, with strange results. It is and there are more to come, for us and others.

We're 2nd. To be honest, that's still about 3 places higher than I thought we'd be going into the 2nd half of the season. We're not good enough to win the league, I think we've all known that. But we (the team and Ole) have got to learn from this. We didn't turn up.

Were we too confident? It was lethargic, too many hollywood passes. Rashford back to thinking he's Ronaldo 2 or 3 times a half and doing nothing in between. Bruno too. Martial and a few others just didn't take part really.

Overall, really, really disappointing, but we've got to accept that this will happen, and not just to us.

Have a vent tonight. Move on. Now lets smash Arsenal. I'll almost forgive tonight as a blip and the kick up the arse we needed if destroy them.
Look at this meltdown. Climbed to top of the league after a horrific start, then lose one game and all the old complaints coming out of the woodwork. Individual brilliance this, De Gea not good enough that. Even accusations that the team isn't mentally strong enough, after all the comebacks and last minute winners this season. Pathetic.
Meltdown? We just got beaten at home by the worst premier League team ever you lunatic :lol:
Lazy play.
Tiredness maybe.
Either way should have battered them, City will twat them 5-0 on Sat and that's the league imo. Our players don't look up for it
Shit performance. Just put it behind us as quickly as possible and focus on winning the Arsenal match. It was an off night, and we have to show a reaction now.
Looked like we barely got any second balls falling for us. They were first to all of them. The performance from start to finish was embarrassing. Rashford was so poor along with Bruno. With these two off the boil, we lacked any sort of penetration up front.
Martial needs to be fecked off. Have seen enough of his laid-back crap. If he cannot raise his game then he needs to be replaced. Letting him complete 90 mins was an awful decision by Ole.
Hope the FA Cup game was worth it. That's now two titles we won't win. Crazy to think you can juggle three competitions in this climate without having a detriment on another.
That De Gea kick followed by the flapping of the arms. :lol: :lol:

Just fecking clear it in that position. Get rid. It's such a basic thing to do.
Slabhead was pretty close, might have felt too close to put his foot through it. What’s more comical is how burk just stood there and had the ball passed to him twice and no one went to him in all that time he was just standing there.
We cannot beat teams that sit back. We cannot break them down. Oles tactics are to rely on individual brilliance rather than collective brilliance.

So frustrating because if Baldiola was managing us we would have destroyed this lot.
I think we can beat the low block and have been doing it regularly this season but when you make defensive errors like we did it’s hardly surprising that we loose.

Judging by your last comment; I really thought we were past the ‘next loss it’s ole out’ but I guess not
Really Poor right across the team tonight. No effort or desire from over half the team.

Martial what the hell is wrong with this guy?? ffs move about a bit. Create space and at least run back when you loose it..
He needs to seriously study Cavani movement.. Just a Lazy git. He needs upgrading in summer 100% hes had far too many chances.

Rashford was anonymous and no threat which is unusual for him. Was he fit? Didnt look it.
Our defence giving them acres of space for the 2nd goal whilst in fairness sheff defended well when we attacked not giving us an inch.
axel looks a bag of nerves thats his second OG this season from memory. He ain’t ready.
Not even mediocre.
I know he is only one of the clowns responsible, and this question could be asked for any of his teammates, but what the hell happened to Matic on that goal? Why did he quit? The whole team just shut down and went into screensaver mode, but Matic was just ridiculous. Get out there to them!!!!! They are in your box!!!!!!

Martial, Rashford and Bruno were all horrendous. DeGea was so soft for the first goal. Alex completely whiffed on his header. Pogba looked on it for the first ten minutes and then got frustrated and went to shit.

Just.... embarrassing.

I'm off to stare at the wall and have a pout.

Player Ratings

4.0 Total Average Rating

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Lowest Rated Player

Compiled from 368 ratings.

Score Predictions

  • Man Utd win
  • Sheffield Utd win
  • Draw

Detailed Results

  • 32% Man Utd 3:0 Sheffield Utd
  • 23% Man Utd 2:0 Sheffield Utd
  • 13% Man Utd 4:0 Sheffield Utd
  • 11% Man Utd 3:1 Sheffield Utd
  • 4% Man Utd 5:0 Sheffield Utd
  • 4% Man Utd 2:1 Sheffield Utd
  • 4% Man Utd 1:0 Sheffield Utd
  • 3% Man Utd 4:1 Sheffield Utd
  • 2% Man Utd 1:1 Sheffield Utd
  • 2% Man Utd 5:1 Sheffield Utd
  • 1% Man Utd 0:5 Sheffield Utd
  • 1% Man Utd 2:2 Sheffield Utd
  • 0% Man Utd 0:2 Sheffield Utd
Compiled from 242 predictions.
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Match Stats

  1. Man Utd
  2. Sheffield Utd
76% 24%
16 5
Shots on Target
4 3
7 2
10 12