Posts that were actually made on the day we beat Roma 6-2

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Reacting negatively is one thing but to call for the manager's head aftee 1 half of a 2 legged tie ?? That makes no sense and you know some of these are dead serious
More so when the performance wasn't too bad either. Yes we were down 2-1 but we definitely didn't deserve to be down.
No, it's not normal to bang about Ole deserving to be sacked when there was still 3 halves to still play vs AS Roma. Passion doesn't mean reacting stupidly and spewing nonsense at any opportunity. There is a way to criticize players during games that doesn't include "sack him or sell x or y"

I remember as a kid in the 80s, Saturdays were arranged around matches. Depending on whether we won or not, would reflect how I felt for the rest of the weekend. When we lost certain games I would be close to tears, and would be throwing things when we conceded goals.
When we lost against Arsenal in the cup final in 79 I was balling my eyes out, and I particularly remember the 6:0 loss to Ipswich in 80, and the 5:0 loss to Everton in 84 and wanting to go on the rampage. Also remember hating Alex Ferguson in the late 80s. Although emotionally unstable supporting United back then as a kid, the club meant more to me then than it does now. Nowadays I can watch a defeat, switch it off and feel okay 10 minutes into a film or whatever. In my case the emotional stability is probably due to the fact that the club doesn't mean as much to me as it once did, because there is much more to life than supporting a football team. I wonder if some people's angry responses are representational of how their mood is governed by the team's performances, because they are subjecting the team to unrealistic standards, and judging them by those standards. Other fans are probably more stable, and are able to correctly identify the elements that make it unreasonable for us to expect United to be premier league champions in the near future. We know that the squad isn't strong enough, but are able to commend the players and manager for doing so much better than in recent seasons, and are able to cope with defeats because we recognize the shortfalls.
Personally I like the anger and frustration in fans, because it reminds me of what is expected with this club.
I remember as a kid in the 80s, Saturdays were arranged around matches. Depending on whether we won or not, would reflect how I felt for the rest of the weekend. When we lost certain games I would be close to tears, and would be throwing things when we conceded goals.
When we lost against Arsenal in the cup final in 79 I was balling my eyes out, and I particularly remember the 6:0 loss to Ipswich in 80, and the 5:0 loss to Everton in 84 and wanting to go on the rampage. Also remember hating Alex Ferguson in the late 80s. Although emotionally unstable supporting United back then as a kid, the club meant more to me then than it does now. Nowadays I can watch a defeat, switch it off and feel okay 10 minutes into a film or whatever. In my case the emotional stability is probably due to the fact that the club doesn't mean as much to me as it once did, because there is much more to life than supporting a football team. I wonder if some people's angry responses are representational of how their mood is governed by the team's performances, because they are subjecting the team to unrealistic standards, and judging them by those standards. Other fans are probably more stable, and are able to correctly identify the elements that make it unreasonable for us to expect United to be premier league champions in the near future. We know that the squad isn't strong enough, but are able to commend the players and manager for doing so much better than in recent seasons, and are able to cope with defeats because we recognize the shortfalls.
Personally I like the anger and frustration in fans, because it reminds me of what is expected with this club.
I never said nor meant otherwise, frustration and anger shouldn't make certain fans ask for Ole to be sacked at each bad moment for instance. A little bit more balance isn't asking for the moon
Reacting negatively is one thing but to call for the manager's head aftee 1 half of a 2 legged tie ?? That makes no sense and you know some of these are dead serious
100% agree.

The problem I have with the majority of these posts that have been quoted isn't that they are negative, but that they are agenda driven. If we concede a goal it's "Told you so, Ole out". The first thing that goes wrong in a game people want heads rolling and want to use it as evidence of why Ole should be out. It's disgusting kneejerk reactions calling to get someone out of the job because they want him out of the job. At any given opportunity. And what I find hilarious is that the people moaning about this thread who are part of it (the ones who are serious and can't laugh at themselves) won't admit they were wrong, they'll focus on the "we went 2-1 down and were terrible in the first half, we should be dominating the entire game". Or "Well if we lose 3-0 to Arsenal in the final can we come back here and quote all of you". Super negative to push own agendas and why I stay away from match day threads.

Doesn't matter if we finish 2nd in the PL, doesn't matter if we get to the Europa League final. Doesn't matter if we win the Europa League. Nothing positive that this manager/team does will affect the opinions of these posters because they are so hell bent on their agendas, they don't want to admit they're wrong. It's kind of boring now.
Cracking thread in fairness to OP. Would read again. Some posters do indeed need to be shamed for their moronic takes, even if it's in the heat of the moment.
100% agree.

The problem I have with the majority of these posts that have been quoted isn't that they are negative, but that they are agenda driven. If we concede a goal it's "Told you so, Ole out". The first thing that goes wrong in a game people want heads rolling and want to use it as evidence of why Ole should be out. It's disgusting kneejerk reactions calling to get someone out of the job because they want him out of the job. At any given opportunity. And what I find hilarious is that the people moaning about this thread who are part of it (the ones who are serious and can't laugh at themselves) won't admit they were wrong, they'll focus on the "we went 2-1 down and were terrible in the first half, we should be dominating the entire game". Or "Well if we lose 3-0 to Arsenal in the final can we come back here and quote all of you". Super negative to push own agendas and why I stay away from match day threads.

Doesn't matter if we finish 2nd in the PL, doesn't matter if we get to the Europa League final. Doesn't matter if we win the Europa League. Nothing positive that this manager/team does will affect the opinions of these posters because they are so hell bent on their agendas, they don't want to admit they're wrong. It's kind of boring now.
I've been quoted before when I used to say some stupid stuff and it's part of the game in a forum. It's not good to take things this personally. The whole "i'll quote if we lose 3-0 to Arsenal" :wenger::lol: is incredible to me, some are actually to focused on points scoring and are missing the point completely
We were the better team up until they got their second. Still, we saw the half out and then fecking smashed them.

Ever heard about a game of two halves? This wasn't one. Roma had about a dozen or so minutes where they looked like they knew what they were doing, the rest of the time we were easily the better team.

Game of two halves, you say? It's good that. Did you just make that up?
I never said nor meant otherwise, frustration and anger shouldn't make certain fans ask for Ole to be sacked at each bad moment for instance. A little bit more balance isn't asking for the moon

Let's be honest, it's unlikely we're going to win the league with Ole. Not impossible, but unlikely. This is why I mentioned the standard by which certain fans judge the club.
For me personally, having a manager like Ferguson, Pep, or Klopp, is one of those vary rare marriages in football. We can't say who our next Ferguson will be, and there's no obvious choice I can see who could step in and do better than what Ole is currently doing right now with the present squad. He's got us playing more entertaining football, and there's progression from last season. However, if I was insistent that we should be competing for the biggest trophies, the reason we aren't is because the manager and squad isn't good enough.
In the OP there were few people talking about sacking Ole. There's a lot of over reaction.
I've been quoted before when I used to say some stupid stuff and it's part of the game in a forum. It's not good to take things this personally. The whole "i'll quote if we lose 3-0 to Arsenal" :wenger::lol: is incredible to me, some are actually to focused on points scoring and are missing the point completely

It's exactly what Wumminator does though. And always has. Just here to wind people up and seems to have enough time at his hands to actually put a lot of work into it. For me personally that's OK. I know I say stupid things during games. Many do in the heat of the moment. And it's great that the team and Ole made us look like arses and slapped Roma left and right yesterday. But I can understand the frustration from some that there are posters like him that actually take a pleasure in being a smartarse in hindsight
Yeah cause thats how it works in dreamland... The stupid unworthy fans will learn it eventually and accept, that the true United fans were right after all... After two years around this forum having the Ole debate, it should be obvious that it doesn't stop the fire when the pro Ole guys try to rub it into the Ole out guys as much as possible as soon as there is a slight debate.

The adult thing would be to just leave the matchday threads if you it is impossible for you to stand its content. But no, rub it in them, just give them a reason to come back for you as soon as something bad happens. Kindergarten.
The irony oozing from this post is amazing
It's exactly what Wumminator does though.

Don't you think there's a difference between waiting around to shove it in people's faces when your team wins, and waiting around to shove it in people's faces when your team loses?
Cracking thread in fairness to OP. Would read again. Some posters do indeed need to be shamed for their moronic takes, even if it's in the heat of the moment.

Its an emotional game and usually expressions are bi-polar. THAT'S what make football so enjoyable.
It's exactly what Wumminator does though. And always has. Just here to wind people up and seems to have enough time at his hands to actually put a lot of work into it. For me personally that's OK. I know I say stupid things during games. Many do in the heat of the moment. And it's great that the team and Ole made us look like arses and slapped Roma left and right yesterday. But I can understand the frustration from some that there are posters like him that actually take a pleasure in being a smartarse in hindsight

People, myself included, do say stupid things in the heat of the moment. Thats not an issue for me. I dont like the agenda driven posters who are hell bent on being right. Its okay to have high standards, but everything in life is about making progress. Progress is not about one single match, its doing better and better over time. I think most will agree to that we are doing better this season than last season. We are more mature in our play and we are actually hard to beat now.

That said, at some point, we might see that Ole has meet his ceiling. If that happens, we might need to look at someone else to take us even further. At this point we just dont know if Ole can take us all the way or not.
People, myself included, do say stupid things in the heat of the moment. Thats not an issue for me. I dont like the agenda driven posters who are hell bent on being right. Its okay to have high standards, but everything in life is about making progress. Progress is not about one single match, its doing better and better over time. I think most will agree to that we are doing better this season than last season. We are more mature in our play and we are actually hard to beat now.

That said, at some point, we might see that Ole has meet his ceiling. If that happens, we might need to look at someone else to take us even further. At this point we just dont know if Ole can take us all the way or not.

Yes I agree with that.
People, myself included, do say stupid things in the heat of the moment. Thats not an issue for me. I dont like the agenda driven posters who are hell bent on being right. Its okay to have high standards, but everything in life is about making progress. Progress is not about one single match, its doing better and better over time. I think most will agree to that we are doing better this season than last season. We are more mature in our play and we are actually hard to beat now.

That said, at some point, we might see that Ole has meet his ceiling. If that happens, we might need to look at someone else to take us even further. At this point we just dont know if Ole can take us all the way or not.

My personal take on that is it's (to forgive the pun) sometimes better the devil you know. Look at Arsenal and Tottenham's performances since they bowed to (idiotic) fan pressure to remove two legendary managers in Pochettino and Wenger, and what has happened to them since. There is literally only one place we need to improve on to WIN the title. However there are 16-17 places in the league we could drop to if we needlessly changed everything around.

We, for better or worse, are not a Chelsea or City that can mix up correlation and causation - I feel the success at those clubs has been because of their stupendous outlays on footballers, and not (for instance) one man - Mourinho in one instance or Pep in the other. Now Pep you could argue is a legendary manager and has earned his success - but he spent £500 million on defenders to get there. Not suggesting that any one man with £500million could achieve what he has with City, but if we gave Solskjaer 500M in the summer, does anyone doubt he'd make us better? I don't.
“Expressing” yourself is fine.

Keep at it, dude. I'm not sure what you gain from this but it must make your miserable life a little better. Never did I criticise Ole as a person. Literally the worst thing said is that Ole is shit at his job. Which hasn't been proven otherwise. Has he we won anything yet?

Who has time to go through someones posts? Damn, do I pity you.
Don't you think there's a difference between waiting around to shove it in people's faces when your team wins, and waiting around to shove it in people's faces when your team loses?

It's both stupid. The second one might be even more unnecessary I agree. But fecking hell this is football. The things you hear in the stadium is even worse. That's how it is, at the end of the day we are all over the moon that we've demolished that Rome team and those of us who posted silly things during the first half should be man enough to admit it and have a laugh at it. At least that's my take on it. For me personally I can fully admit that I was unfair on Ole on many occassions and those that took offense by it I do apologise to. That's not my intent and I think that goes for most the posters on here. We are emotionally invested in that team and can't go out and scream at a TV in a pub during these times.
Keep at it, dude. I'm not sure what you gain from this but it must make your miserable life a little better. Never did I criticise Ole as a person. Literally the worst thing said is that Ole is shit at his job. Which hasn't been proven otherwise. Has he we won anything yet?

Who has time to go through someones posts? Damn, do I pity you.

FFS :rolleyes:
Keep at it, dude. I'm not sure what you gain from this but it must make your miserable life a little better. Never did I criticise Ole as a person. Literally the worst thing said is that Ole is shit at his job. Which hasn't been proven otherwise. Has he we won anything yet?

Who has time to go through someones posts? Damn, do I pity you.
:lol: :lol:
Off topic but anyone watching the game on beinsports last night? Who was the one who predicted a Roma win before the match? Was it Didier Domi or Desailly? I remember him being so smug at halftime when Roma were leading 2-1
It's both stupid. The second one might be even more unnecessary I agree. But fecking hell this is football. The things you hear in the stadium is even worse. That's how it is, at the end of the day we are all over the moon that we've demolished that Rome team and those of us who posted silly things during the first half should be man enough to admit it and have a laugh at it. At least that's my take on it. For me personally I can fully admit that I was unfair on Ole on many occassions and those that took offense by it I do apologise to. That's not my intent and I think that goes for most the posters on here. We are emotionally invested in that team and can't go out and scream at a TV in a pub during these times.

We just won a game. The first thing this guy does is make a thread to call people out. We just won last night and it was a great game. No celebrations, straight to redcafe to call posters out. Bloody hell.
We just won a game. The first thing this guy does is make a thread to call people out. We just won last night and it was a great game. No celebrations, straight to redcafe to call posters out. Bloody hell.

That's Wumminator though. He's always been like that and he has a lot of time it seems. Takes pleasure in winning the internet.
Reacting negatively is one thing but to call for the manager's head aftee 1 half of a 2 legged tie ?? That makes no sense and you know some of these are dead serious

But these people want him gone regardless of the result - the result is just a possibility.
Keep at it, dude. I'm not sure what you gain from this but it must make your miserable life a little better. Never did I criticise Ole as a person. Literally the worst thing said is that Ole is shit at his job. Which hasn't been proven otherwise. Has he we won anything yet?

Who has time to go through someones posts? Damn, do I pity you.

Miserable life?

Time to go through posts?

It literally took me I think about four minutes based on the time between my posts.

You once made a thread on here upset because a girl at work wouldn’t play Pokemon Go with you because she thought you were weird and recently spent money on something called “poocoin”. Why would you ever pity me?
Miserable life?

Time to go through posts?

It literally took me I think about four minutes based on the time between my posts.

You once made a thread on here upset because a girl at work wouldn’t play Pokemon Go with you because she thought you were weird and recently spent money on something called “poocoin”. Why would you ever pity me?

There you go, again. You've got problems. I'd get them checked out.
Football debate is so boring when the rules are we can only praise everything if we’ve won the last match or criticise it if we’ve lost.

Why don’t we just delete the whole Caf and just allow people to register pe-selected smiley faces expressing joy or annoyance depending on what the last result was.

It’s so tiresome. We get them same crap with player performances.



Don’t get why fans see it as a badge of honour that they have the attention span of a promiscuous gold fish and can only understand an opinion if it marries with the exact last thing to have happened. We were very poor in first half last night. People who noticed and commented weren’t wrong.
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