Gaming PS4 vs Xbox One - The suckiest thread in the history of suckyness

Which one will you buy?

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Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Alock, you're not trying to claim neutrality are you? Reading your posts you wouldn't know it... you're like a Cider lite. Cider's on a wind-up btw, in case you haven't figured that out.


Full Member
Jun 8, 2006
Ok let me go and read some past posts so I actually know what I'm talking about. Till then, when does the fecking PS4 come out again?


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
It would be if he kept up with the points being made.

Cider is trolling, he's been caught passing off posts from other sites as his own and has dragged this thread down.

I have no problem with posting things about the consoles or articles. As for Alock himself, he is moaning about me calling him a fanboy ages ago, but that's exactly how he entered this thread. I appreciate he's changed tact now though, other than the brown nosing Cider, I have no issue with him and think he often adds to the discussion well.
I'm just the Sony Shill then? Can I stay?


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Alock, you're not trying to claim neutrality are you? Reading your posts you wouldn't know it... you're like a Cider lite. Cider's on a wind-up btw, in case you haven't figured that out.
That's pretty much bang on.

Even though he has a problem with me calling him a fanboy, I like Alock though. He just needs to realise this has all ben done before, and I'm not interested in constantly repeating myself to a troll like Cider.


Wears XXXL shirts and can't type ellipses
Nov 30, 2011
Alock, the point you are making about me is utter rubbish. I've been on here a long time doing this and I've said plenty about these consoles, well before the popular sites and magazines knew anything too.

What I don't do is comment on every single thing and go over it time and time again, I used to and it got boring for everyone. Saying I add nothing to the debate is a huge load of bollocks, but you are new to all this so I accept you haven't been around when I release info or add my opinion on this sort of thing.

If I want to talk about the internals of these machines again then I will. But when you have someone like Cider who really isn't interested in it and is mostly trolling (and if you don't believe he is, then you really don't know him and his behaviour on this site), then it becomes gauling. If you want to look back, I've tried talking to him properly but he doesn't really want to know. And the copying and pasting posts isn't about that article he pasted either, it's about taking other people's opinions from other forums and passing them off as his own. Get that straight.

As I've said, for years I've been doing this and I choose to release info on here and very rarely specific gaming sites BECAUSE it's a football forum that used to be full of genuinely interested and impartial people, people that I like. So don't fecking lecture me on that side of it, it's not my fault Cider has come in here and tried to make it Neogash pt.2.
Cider still cutting and pasting from elsewhere I see, whilst failing to understand what he's putting out there.

This thread is beyond tedious now.
Redlambs said:
Therein lies Cider's problem.

He's unwilling to accept a power percentage figure when it favours the PS4, but is all to willing to accept a clearly fudged figure in favour of the XB1. Fanboyism at it's finest, except he takes it to new levels by attempting to pass off other people's posts as his own. It's sad.

Still, he has a Wii so that puts him automatically at a higher level than you, you big dope.
Cider, do you think you add anything to this forum? We already have a Weaste, your imitation is just boring.

Mind you, it does save me the job of trying to boost up M$ to compete with the overwhelming amount of Sony fans led by Weaste on here, so I'm tempted to say carry on!

Weaste is actually wrong about a lot of things, nothing new here. Bastard still owes me a crate of beer from a bet we had over one of these discussions, so don't bother trying to bet on anything with him.
Cider, do you think you add anything to this forum? We already have a Weaste, your imitation is just boring.

Mind you, it does save me the job of trying to boost up M$ to compete with the overwhelming amount of Sony fans led by Weaste on here, so I'm tempted to say carry on!
How is any problems for gamers 'hilarious'?

You need to wind your fanboy neck in. It's a shit way all round, and both M$ and Sony have big issues to sort out.

If you had a plot to lose, it would be running down the street right now in a straight jacket and probably knickers.
Work it out.

And as for adding to the debate, my figure is much more accurate than the 50% and I've explained that you are both wrong to assume figures like that mean nothing (but right to say it doesn't tell the whole story) and are entirely wrong to keep insisting on saying emulate as if that's an actual point.

What you do with that is up to you, but you do need to take those ms sponsored specs off and stop seeing people as either pro PS4 or pro Xbone only, because it clouds how you read and take posts.
You are tedious Cider.

I never called you an idiot, calm down. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but taking someone else's post off another forum and trying to pass it off in here as your own is a new low.

As for the eSram stuff, there's a reason it isn't all over the internet. But any pipe dream you have that it's some great equaliser is off the mark.

All since Thursday dude..


Wears XXXL shirts and can't type ellipses
Nov 30, 2011
Alock, you're not trying to claim neutrality are you? Reading your posts you wouldn't know it... you're like a Cider lite. Cider's on a wind-up btw, in case you haven't figured that out.
Sure, I know people have got that impression but I have definitely contributed information and opinion for/against both in this thread..

Go read my posts.. I've talked up Infamous: Second Son. I've talked about the remote play feature being awesome if it can work right, and how I'll be buying a PS4 for the ability to play PS4 games on my Vita. It was me who posted the IGN article saying it was a 'lagless experience'.

I acknowledged that PS+ has value unrivaled in the gaming industry.
I accepted and haven't denied that the PS4 has more raw power and will probably perform better.

I posted the information that Ryse won't be in 1080p, I posted the information early on in the thread that based on EU Law Microsoft's policies were illegal.

I find myself talking up Xbox more in the thread mostly because they are getting criticized constantly and sometimes unfairly; with negative PS4 information often ignored. I've got both an Xbox 360 and a PS3, and I've got a PS Vita. I'm getting the Xbox on day 1 and PS4 sometime later (when the titles grab me, probably when Infamous comes out).


Wears XXXL shirts and can't type ellipses
Nov 30, 2011

You don't really read things properly do you. You claim impartiality but that's bollocks, like Cider you think I'm Sony biased hence your problem with me. It's a shame, but if that's how you want to be then fair enough, but he is fecking around and you are being duped.
Where have I said you are Sony bias? That was all aimed at Weaste. Apologies if accusations got blurred between the two of you, it wasn't intentional.

But recently your agenda in this thread has been to simply mock others, dismiss their opinions and sources, and claim some sort of superiority. You say you have been giving information for a long time, and that's fair enough - but since Thursday most of your posts have simply been calling 'bullshit' - and maybe it is bullshit, and maybe you were responding to a troll - but I don't understand why you don't beat the trolling with reasoned arguments.. if you say you are tired of it (which I completely understand) why are you constantly replying?


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
Where have I said you are Sony bias? That was all aimed at Weaste. Apologies if accusations got blurred between the two of you, it wasn't intentional.
That one is Nintendo biased if anything, he likes low skilled games to play. And don't start calling me out, I'm not biased either. I talk in facts, XBone is weak, what do you want me to say, that it's a huge 20 inch vibrating dildo that will fulfil your every need?


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Where have I said you are Sony bias? That was all aimed at Weaste. Apologies if accusations got blurred between the two of you, it wasn't intentional.

But recently your agenda in this thread has been to simply mock others, dismiss their opinions and sources, and claim some sort of superiority. You say you have been giving information for a long time, and that's fair enough - but since Thursday most of your posts have simply been calling 'bullshit' - and maybe it is bullshit, and maybe you were responding to a troll - but I don't understand why you don't beat the trolling with reasoned arguments.. if you say you are tired of it (which I completely understand) why are you constantly replying?
No, Cider mate. That's who I'm resorting to calling bullshit. You can clearly see I gave him the benefit of the doubt over his crap this week, go back and read it for yourself.

You don't get the Cider effect. He does this for attention, always has. Goes into a debate he knows nothing about and heavily targets the main person (which is usually Weaste) and goes on a wind up, he does it all the time whether he believes what he says or not. fecking hell, we are even talking about someone banned from the general of all places for doing it!

If you read my posts today, you'll see I don't consider you a problem I think you add a lot to this debate. I apologise for calling you a fanboy (ages ago btw) but you do have to concede the way you entered the thread and for a long while it could be looked upon that way.

So in essence you are getting me wrong here. I'm not throwing knowledge around or in anyone's face, ask around I never do that it would be a shit thing to do, I've just fell into the cider effect I guess. And I think it's fair game to call someone who doesn't even have a real opinion of their own a troll, it's not about the lack of real knowledge it's more about what he's trying to achieve.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
That one is Nintendo biased if anything, he likes low skilled games to play. And don't start calling me out, I'm not biased either. I talk in facts, XBone is weak, what do you want me to say, that it's a huge 20 inch vibrating dildo that will fulfil your every need?
Low skilled games that you are terrible at?

There's not a game been made I wouldn't completely own you at old boy.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2004
I trialed having Cider on ignore but this thread just looked weirder because it consisted of weaste basically arguing with himself.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
I'd beat you both at mortal kombat. I used to freeze and upper cut the shit out of everyone.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2009
I don't know if this is the right thread but it's only a simple question.

I dislike my PSN ID. Like I do my username for the forum here, but oh well.

I wanna change my PSN ID to be the same as my XBL gamer tag. I created a new account with the ID I wanted however I've come across a few problems.

1. All trophies are gone (which I knew was gunna happen and I'm not bothered)
2. I can't seem to change the PSN ID I use on my PS Vita. Thus meaning I'm stuck with the old one. However upon further research I'd lose all my downloaded content due to it not being on the account it was downloaded with? Is this right?
3. It's just a bit of a pain in the arse

So my question here is; are Sony ever going to make your ID changeable like on Xbox (with the ps4 for example)? Even if you have to pay I wouldn't mind. Just would like to change without having to create a whole new account.

Also, is there anyway to change my ID on my ps vita and still use the downloaded games I downloaded with previous ID? If the point above is never going to happen.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2


Wears XXXL shirts and can't type ellipses
Nov 30, 2011
Xbox One interface is clean, uncluttered.
And powerful
Did you use the Xbox? Remember that interface? Are you laughing? It was pretty bad, as was the first Xbox 360 one. Blades gave way to a mess of boxes, bringing us to the point we're at now. I'm sure you'll agree we're not at a good place now when it comes to Xbox 360's UI.

From what I've seen of the Xbox One interface, it seems that Microsoft has been listening to our gripes. I'd almost call the new one elegant. It's certainly clean and well-thought-out, and not unlike something you'd see on a mobile device.

Microsoft's Albert Penella gave us a demonstration of what they've been working on at Tokyo Game Show this week. He is with the product planning team now, and has been with the company for 13 years, starting even before the first Xbox was released. If there's someone that has seen it all, it's Penella.

Working with full production Xbox One hardware, we saw the UI running on what was essentially a final hardware unit. Content was being populated in real time from Microsoft HQ. They ran full test code in front of us, so no canned demos here.

Penella signed into the dash by just waving his hand. Actually, work went on to do so in the background before he even did that, as the Kinect was already seeing and trying to recognize everyone in the room. Waving was more of a confirmation that he was the one that wanted to sign in. From that confirmation, Xbox One pulls down all of Penella's settings, just as he had set up in Redmond, including all of his saved games, apps, and settings.

This is how it works on any Xbox One. Using someone else's Xbox 360 to sign in was next to impossible with required recovery work. No more of that now. Just pop in your ID and it'll immediately start pulling down your content and settings from the cloud. This works from anywhere in the world, too.

Speaking of signing in, Xbox One is friendly to multiple users. The previous systems were not. Now, six users can sign in at one time. Kinect is always watching to know who is in the lead in this case. It sees who is holding the controller and recognizes your voice among others. You could be in a room with five other people logged in and call out to launch a game, and it would do so with your settings and saves intact.

The new dash is clean and simple. You have pins of your choosing, settings, and a home screen to pick from and interact with when scrolling from left to right. Gone are the second screens and guides and other nonsense. It's just one small set of simple black and green boxes that make up the dash, with everything you'd need right in front of your eyes. This is a UI for usefulness, not for flashiness. Bravo.

The home screen will populate with whatever Microsoft chooses to promote, which will usually be news for the platform as well as new store items. We did not have a chance to see how content will be navigated from this point. Here's hoping we'll see that soon

The friends limit is now 1,000, up from the original 100 setting on the Xbox 360. But you can also have followers on the Xbox One, much like you would on Twitter. For this, you can have unlimited followers. This means you can follow someone's gaming activity without taking spots in your feed. You can imagine how neat it will be to follow game industry personalities or celebrities to see what they're up to.

A favorites list lets you pick your closest buddies to keep up with. They show up first, prioritizedby the system.

The Xbox One can run four apps at the same time in the background. Switching between them is not unlike how it would work on your mobile phone. It's instant. Hitting the X button on the controller takes you back to your home screen, where you'll see four boxes that represent the apps or games running. Pick from any of them to jump right in.

While you can run multiple apps, only one game can be run at one time. Switching games is really easy, though. A voice command will have your current game shut down in 10 seconds, ready to load another.

The apps you have loaded can be snapped to the side of the screen, keeping them visible while you do other things. Imagine having a FAQ pulled up in Internet Explorer while playing a dungeon crawler, or Xbox Music running while you check up on your friends list. For game capture, pinning will be especially handy.

Game capture is pretty slick. We saw a marble maze game get instant capture of the last 30 seconds of buffered frames from a simple voice command. Xbox One's Upload Studio had a 720p 30fps clip waiting immediately after. Users can quickly edit, save, or share this clip with further commands. Another voice command can have you back in the game just as quickly.

Penella says that these clips will only be able to be shared on Xbox Live at launch. They'll have social sites like YouTube and Facebook set up for sharing by next year.

The Kinect does neat things for living room connectivity. It acts as a IR blaster on steroids, sending out so many IR beams that it completely fills a room. These beams bounce off walls and other surfaces, reflecting back at any exposed device in the room. This means that your electronics on shelves, even behind glass, will be able to be controlled by the Xbox One.

Microsoft has set up control schemes that work like Logitech's Harmony system. Your television, receiver, set top box, and other devices will work from your voice commands. We saw a television's volume change from voice commands in a demonstration.

The Xbox One does a lot with its new additions, but the UI to control these new features is not complex. From what we saw, Microsoft has done a nice job of getting back to something simple for their front end. Let's hope they can keep it that way as the Xbox One grows and expands.


New Member
Jul 22, 2006
The General
That sounds awesome.

I really like how you can use this console in so many ways, with fluency and ease of navigation being paramount between applications.

I can be playing a game and fancy calling up Sky Sports picture-in-picture to keep an eye on the Chelsea score or whatever; all I'd have to do is tell the Xbox what I want using my own voice as the means of communication.

I think $on¥ will lose a lot of sales once people start seeing these things in operation in their friends' living rooms and whatnot. In the face of such fantastic multimedia technology I just can't see many people opting for the considerably weaker features of the PS4.


New Member
Jul 22, 2006
The General
You seem to be able to afford an XBone, why not a wheel?
I've had to sell loads of shit to get my Xbox One. It'll be the first time ever I've been able to get a new console at launch!

The missus ain't entirely chuffed since my daughter's gonna be born on Thursday, but if I didn't get the XBO we'd only be stuck with the 360 anyway; I wouldn't have sold that if I weren't getting the new one so it's not like we'd have been any better off financially.

Though it'd be interesting seeing her reaction if I rocked up with a steering wheel to boot, I don't feel like risking it right now tbh.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
Playing Gran Turismo on a wheel and with a pad are two entirely different worlds. I hated GT5 on a pad, it felt heavy and cars were difficult to control, with a wheel it was pure joy.


New Member
Jul 22, 2006
The General
Well I would say "second hand", but it wouldn't work due to Microsoft using a proprietary interface. It's XID rather than HID.
I dunno how people get on with wheels/pedals without a gaming chair to attach them to anyway. I can't imagine it feeling right just sat in your lap.