Quotes about Paul Scholes

The Hairdryer

In Sharpey's autobiography, he mentioned how the United bosses were on the verge of letting Scholesey leave because the was too small sized. Remeber, this was the steel-like United 0f 1994 with characters like Eric, Bruce, Pally, Incey, Robbo, Hughsey, Scmikes, Keano. All fearsome characters.

However, it was a particualr training game between the Reserves and First 11 that seemed to convince people that Scholesey was definitely possessed the clibre to break into the brilliant 1994 side. Sharpey mentioned that this wee Ginger head fella kept banging in screamer after screamer against the first team. The first teamers then kinda realized he was special and the rest as they say is history.

Paul Scholes took his opportunity with both hands as a stand-in during Eric's absence as a centre forward and managed to get into double figures. Has never loked back since although he was given a central midfield berth. Seemed to remember that Butty managed to get into the midfield berth earlier than Scholey though although Scholes slowly displaced Butty as the first choice for central midfield partnership together with Keane.

There is another story about Scholesey in the youth team. A rival fan kept giving him stick as he was too small sized and shouted at Eric Harrison taht all he had was a little runt. A few minutes later, Scholsey almost burst the net with another of his thunder bolt and Eric Harrison calmly replied to the abusive fan, "that's why he's at United"

This why he tackles like he does. He doesn't care if he wins the ball or not, it's not about that. You don't break into a first team, as a small teenager, containing these types of alpha-male players by being soft and shying away from a tackle. Much like a small dog will snarl and snip at much larger dogs just to let them know they're about and assert dominance. It's his way of getting his head into the game.