Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

It might not to you but clearly this conflict has an associated impact on others, you really shouldn't be denying the validity of those feelings/stressors.

I know anything that comes across as anti-west riles some up but a bit of empathy and understanding wouldn't be the worst thing.
I addressed all of this in a previous comment. Don't mean this to sound snippy, just that I addressed these points earlier.
Not sure why you're making excuses for Putin or claiming his actions in Ukraine are understandable.

You say 'If NATO doesn't back off' as if they are the agressor. How about Putin backs off?
Its not an excuse. Its just my understanding of why Russia wanted to invade. I didnt say it was morally correct and defended Russian blatant aggression.

And yes NATO needs to back off. No superpower will like their sphere of influence reduced. US has historically reacted like that so Russia response is very much in line with that.

As far as Ukraine is concerned, i couldn’t care less (in normal time) so my observation is not based on emotion. Both NATO and Russia are responsible for this and Russia should not have invaded and is much larger guilty party. But it was put in a very difficult position with NATO expanding eastward. There are no black and white answer here.
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So apparently Russian planes have violated Swedish airspace during an exercise.

Putin's in for a rude shock if he thinks he's going to walk over the Swedes and the Finns. Sweden in particular is well armed.

Hope they join NATO asap.

Nothing new in that. They violate or threaten to violate UK airspace on a regular basis. And have done for many years.
We send our fighter jet up to so called escort them away, eventually.
It is just a game for them to continually test reaction times.
Sweden had the highly capable JAS Gripen fighter jet. So I am sure they are more than capable of maintaining Swedish airspace.
Lavrov is claiming that the west is preparing for war and that leaders of the west is thinking of starting a nuclear war. They are propably implementing Martial Law in Russia soon, and preparing their population for that I think.
Honestly don’t know what their goal is anymore. Are they actually trying to start war vs NATO already or just acting tough?
yep you‘ve had some stellar contributions to this thread yourself:

And this is before you were schooled before the invasion kicked off by Florida Man.

Jesus you're really a pain in the ass in every topic, aren't you?

:lol: :lol: Schooled by Florida man. Dear god you are dumber than I thought.

I second that
personally I don’t think anyone is or was arguing it in terms of ‘objectively’ or that it is shifting focus. It’s possibly to be concerned or care about many atrocities and I don’t think it’s wrong to point out the hypocrisies or personal feelings of certain groups or people. Plus many of the issues and concerns that Muslims face aren’t conflicts that have happened years ago but issues that are still ongoing and are a very real part of daily life. But that’s for another thread and I’d echo @Zlatattack that it’s best to discuss that in another thread.
Agree with this...there is definitely room to care about all the bad stuff in the world. I just don't feel that a thread talking about this specific conflict and the loss of life associated with it is the right one. But that's just my take.
I do not condone blanket sanctions to any country, be it yemen, north korea, etc.

It's inhumane to make people suffer. There are people that need medication, food etc and unable to do so due to the crippling sanction.

By all means take them to war, kill and fight but leave the civilians alone.

I suspect they'd suffer more in an all out war between Russia and the West which would be one of the main alternatives to economic sanctions.
If we are not trying to excuse them, then we should leave the meta thinking to after the war, or the other 'Wataboutwhatever" thread.
No, disagree. Some of the incidents that have been raised are 100% related to this conflict and should be discussed as so. The treatment of non-white foreign nationals for one, the foreign fighters joining the Ukrainian resistance etc.
In what way?
I just didn’t like how you somehow twisted his opinion, whether you find it relevant or not, to somehow make it out that he was trying to take “advantage” of this situation to make a point and push and agenda and how you labelled it as shameful. I think that’s incredibly dismissive and disrespectful if I’m honest. I’m all fine with you saying it’s not on the topic of this Ukraine situation (although I disagree to some extent - because we are talking about foreign fighters going abroad to fight, which is directly relevant to what’s happening), was just unnecessary (in my view) to take that swipe at the end.
Honestly don’t know what their goal is anymore. Are they actually trying to start war vs NATO already or just acting tough?

I think this has to do with controlling their own population and protect Putins regime, more than wanting a world war.
yep you‘ve had some stellar contributions to this thread yourself:

And this is before you were schooled before the invasion kicked off by Florida Man.
Nah, yall are just centering around this one thing and ignoring the rest of what I say. None of yall had a single thing to respond to until that bit. Ultimately, the US are the aggressors as usual, and the comments around Putin in this thread are comical.
This is the guy you are agreeing with.
I think this has to do with controlling their own population and protect Putins regime, more than wanting a world war.
Yeah I reckon the end game for this might actually be Russia ending up completely isolated with their population largely hating the West, except for the lucky ones who are able to escape. Whatever happens in Ukraine for the rest of war they will spin it regardless.
No, disagree. Some of the incidents that have been raised are 100% related to this conflict and should be discussed as so. The treatment of non-white foreign nationals for one, the foreign fighters joining the Ukrainian resistance etc.

Sure. But there's also comparisons to Kashmir, Palestine, Yemen, Muslims, Christians..etc etc etc

There's another time/thread for that.

The truth is that this is a bigger problem for Europe because it is in Europe. All wars are bad, but some are worse for others.
Can we leave the what ifs and hypocrisy debate till after Russia gets the feck out of Ukraine?

Why can't people discuss what they want, when they want? I really don't get this view.. It's like a skewed twisted version of something which was once liberal.
Sure. But there's also comparisons to Kashmir, Palestine, Yemen, Muslims, Christians..etc etc etc

There's another time/thread for that.
Yes there’s a separate thread for that discussion in detail, but it’s usually raised after people notice the double standards in reporting, and the treatment of non-white foreign nationals etc.
Its not an excuse. Its just my understanding of why Russia wanted to invade. I didnt say it was morally correct and defended Russian blatant aggression.

And yes NATO needs to back off. No superpower will like their sphere of influence reduced. US has historically reacted like that so Russia response is very much in line with that.

As far as Ukraine is concerned, i couldn’t care less so my observation is not based on emotion. Both NATO and Russia are responsible for this and Russia should not have invaded and is much larger guilty party. But it was put in a very difficult position with NATO expanding eastward. There are no black and white answer here.

NATO is not expanding east. Free and democratic countries are choosing to apply, note that word, apply to join NATO. As well as applying to j the EU in many cases. So why is Putin not choosing to attack the EU. Answer. He knows what the outcome would be. And instead, has chosen to invade Ukraine because he believes it is an easier target. It is typical bullying tactics by someone who so obviously feels completely insecure.
Why can't people discuss what they want, when they want? I really don't get this view.. It's like a skewed twisted version of something which was once liberal.

They can, there's a separate thread for it! I read it too and agree with some of it.
I just didn’t like how you somehow twisted his opinion, whether you find it relevant or not, to somehow make it out that he was trying to take “advantage” of this situation to make a point and push and agenda and how you labelled it as shameful. I think that’s incredibly dismissive and disrespectful if I’m honest. I’m all fine with you saying it’s not on the topic of this Ukraine situation (although I disagree to some extent - because we are talking about foreign fighters going abroad to fight, which is directly relevant to what’s happening), was just unnecessary (in my view) to take that swipe at the end.
I do think it's out of order to use an ongoing humanitarian crisis as a springboard to discuss something else that's not directly relevant in that specific thread, as I think it draws attention away from the central issue. Which is, when all is said and done, killing and destruction on a massive scale. Maybe shameful was a little strong, but I do think it's out of order. The poster in question agreed it's one for another thread, though, and I also said that I wasn't trying to minimize the significance of some of the double standards in reporting etc.


Is he struggling to remember what they've been saying in the past. They've been threatening with nuclear weapons since they started the invasion and now he's going on about how it's the west talking about nuclear war.
Admittedly, I didn’t go that far back.
I been a pos to assholes in this thread. Anyone I have assaulted has deserved it. I don't give a shit anymore. Redcafe is a terrible place nowadays. The fact that you were best newbie promoted is a testament to it. The mods let anyone spread any lies and anti-vax bs and conspiracy theories as much as possible. They let hansifickmich troll the United forum. They let Russian trolls spread their bs, heck one of the mods is a russian troll pos.

There is nothing good about redcafe anymore after SteveJ and Olly have left and Hectic taking a break, mockney or brwned not writing much. I don't give a shit if I am banned. If I see an asshole in this thread I will call them out if I want to.
I read that Lavrov allegedly tried to resign in the past but was refused. If true, maybe it'd be interesting to get him to defect. Probably too optimistic, mind.
So apparently Russian planes have violated Swedish airspace during an exercise.

Putin's in for a rude shock if he thinks he's going to walk over the Swedes and the Finns. Sweden in particular is well armed.

Hope they join NATO asap.

The way his war in Ukraine goes and considering that the economy is already tumbling, I doubt he could pull that off even if he wanted to. They can't even get the logistics in Ukraine right.

I'm not an expert by any means but so far this war hasn't left the impression that Europe has to be afraid of a conventional attack by Russia. It's the nuclear threat that's frightening but if it comes to this, all is lost anyway.

I think Putin has already bitten off more than he can chew and we just have to watch how he chokes on it. And in the end not back Russia too much into a corner so that they still have too much to lose to do anything stupid.

Is he struggling to remember what they've been saying in the past. They've been threatening with nuclear weapons since they started the invasion and now he's going on about how it's the west talking about nuclear war.

They are not even trying to have a coherent communication. It'd be pretty cartoonish if it wasn't so real.
I read that Lavrov allegedly tried to resign in the past but was refused. If true, maybe it'd be interesting to get him to defect. Probably too optimistic, mind.

Most likely propoganda, he doesn't really seem like he'd be resigning over this does he. Foreign secretaries world over tend to be absent any ethics, they're more than happy to spin and lie.
Sure. But there's also comparisons to Kashmir, Palestine, Yemen, Muslims, Christians..etc etc etc

There's another time/thread for that.

The truth is that this is a bigger problem for Europe because it is in Europe. All wars are bad, but some are worse for others.

Europe isn’t only full of Europeans and those Europeans aren’t all the same race or religion. I also think that some peoples personal feelings and trauma has been amplified by this conflict and it is wrong to dismiss that. You kind of allude to that in your last line also, not only worse, but different. I don’t think it is your or my place to tell people who have been directly or indirectly impacted by this conflict or others when is the right time to share concern or emotion especially when nobody is dismissing what is currently happening in Ukraine where I think we are all in full agreeance that it is nothing short of vile and heartbreaking.
Its not an excuse. Its just my understanding of why Russia wanted to invade. I didnt say it was morally correct and defended Russian blatant aggression.

And yes NATO needs to back off. No superpower will like their sphere of influence reduced. US has historically reacted like that so Russia response is very much in line with that.

As far as Ukraine is concerned, i couldn’t care less so my observation is not based on emotion. Both NATO and Russia are responsible for this and Russia should not have invaded and is much larger guilty party. But it was put in a very difficult position with NATO expanding eastward. There are no black and white answer here.

Your post literally excused Putin's actions and placed the blame for the conflict at NATO's door.

To my mind 'not caring less' about a country does not imply objectivity either so I'm not really sure where you're going there.

How should NATO back off and how would it end the conflict peacefully while ensuring Ukrainian sovereignty remains intact?
I do think it's out of order to use an ongoing humanitarian crisis as a springboard to discuss something else that's not directly relevant in that specific thread, as I think it draws attention away from the central issue. Which is, when all is said and done, killing and destruction on a massive scale. Maybe shameful was a little strong, but I do think it's out of order. The poster in question agreed it's one for another thread, though, and I also said that I wasn't trying to minimize the significance of some of the double standards in reporting etc.
There are plenty of posts in here which are not directly about this conflict. Not to mention, if your concern was drawing discussion away from the most pertinent matter, then the best course of action would have been to ignore it. But you didn’t and here we are.

Anyway, I’m done with this discussion. It’s clear you’re entrenched in your view / whatever underlying belief you have that’s clearly driving your entrenchment. And, your one point I do agree with, it’s not on topic.
So apparently Russian planes have violated Swedish airspace during an exercise.

Putin's in for a rude shock if he thinks he's going to walk over the Swedes and the Finns. Sweden in particular is well armed.

Hope they join NATO asap.

Of course it's a major event given the current situation. But Russian planes violate the Swedish airspace about 10-15 times per year. Most of the times it's due to bad navigation.
Europe isn’t only full of Europeans and those Europeans aren’t all the same race or religion. I also think that some peoples personal feelings and trauma has been amplified by this conflict and it is wrong to dismiss that. You kind of allude to that in your last line also, not only worse, but different. I don’t think it is your or my place to tell people who have been directly or indirectly impacted by this conflict or others when is the right time to share concern or emotion especially when nobody is dismissing what is currently happening in Ukraine where I think we are all in full agreeance that it is nothing short of vile and heartbreaking.

We're not really just sharing emotion though. There's too much going around in confusing logic circles for it to be pure emotion. It's confounds everything, especially when I'm looking for updates and tweets about the situation in Ukraine.

IMO there is a need to recognise things the West could/should/must do better, but not while the bombs are being dropped. If the time must be now, there's a separate thread for it.
There are plenty of posts in here which are not directly about this conflict. Not to mention, if your concern was drawing discussion away from the most pertinent matter, then the best course of action would have been to ignore it. But you didn’t and here we are.

Anyway, I’m done with this discussion. It’s clear you’re entrenched in your view / whatever underlying belief you have that’s clearly driving your entrenchment. And, your one point I do agree with, it’s not on topic.
Tagline checks out. Have a nice day.
I been a pos to assholes in this thread. Anyone I have assaulted has deserved it. I don't give a shit anymore. Redcafe is a terrible place nowadays. The fact that you were best newbie promoted is a testament to it. The mods let anyone spread any lies and anti-vax bs and conspiracy theories as much as possible. They let hansifickmich troll the United forum. They let Russian trolls spread their bs, heck one of the mods is a russian troll pos.

There is nothing good about redcafe anymore after SteveJ and Olly have left and Hectic taking a break, mockney or brwned not writing much. I don't give a shit if I am banned. If I see an asshole in this thread I will call them out if I want to.
You're a pos :lol:
Depends where you go, Wibbs. Some good coffee shops around. The mainstream ones like Costa and Starbucks are awful though.

We never found one last time we were home. Better than the states mind. Australia is also only second to Italy in coffe quality I'd say so we are spoilt. Doubly so as we now live in and around Leichardt which is Australia's Little Italy.
I been a pos to assholes in this thread. Anyone I have assaulted has deserved it. I don't give a shit anymore. Redcafe is a terrible place nowadays. The fact that you were best newbie promoted is a testament to it. The mods let anyone spread any lies and anti-vax bs and conspiracy theories as much as possible. They let hansifickmich troll the United forum. They let Russian trolls spread their bs, heck one of the mods is a russian troll pos.

There is nothing good about redcafe anymore after SteveJ and Olly have left and Hectic taking a break, mockney or brwned not writing much. I don't give a shit if I am banned. If I see an asshole in this thread I will call them out if I want to.

Very frustrating at times, especially on serious topics like Ukraine, Covid, etc (where some of the posts/posters are unbelievable shite). Use “ignore“, walk away/get a drink… helps a bit. And remember there are a lot of good posters too?
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