Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

It seems that Ukraine is fighting against the time here with these trainings/weapon deliveries into the battlefield.
I think if they publically denounce the war they should play. They won’t but at least we should give them that option rather than just say you are Russian and therefore evil. We should make it clear this isn’t about being Russian it is about Putin and give all players a choice.
They had 2 months for that, seemingly, no one did.
Just a little evidence that China will back Russia when it comes down to it. It's about authoritarian regimes working together to resist western pressure to be ethical.

It seems that Ukraine is fighting against the time here with these trainings/weapon deliveries into the battlefield.

They had 2 months for that, seemingly, no one did.
Athletes have short careers, they’ve already missed yearly tournaments due to covid and Medvedev, in particular, actually has a good chance to win Wimbledon. I get they haven’t so far but they’ve not needed to, now there’s an actual tournament on the line it might prompt them to speak out.
Who is that guy, and what makes him an expert?

I'm just weary of our use of twitter threads from random people as sources of information. If they're an analyst or some other kind of expert, sure.

He's an Italian cyclist wearing an Assos jacket. If that doesn't make him an expert, I don't know what else to say

(So many bots on Twitter, it's not even funny).
Or perhaps he acts in a very selfish way, as usually happens with Germans. If Americans and Poland and the English can help Ukraine win, then fine, Germany also helped sending those helmets. If the Russians win, then again fine, Germans can still get Russian gas and resume economic relations with Russia. Yes, it is true that Ukrainians die every day, but do Germans care? (Of course they do, they care and they send thoughts and prayers! )

Unlike the selfless Greeks ;-)
I think if they publically denounce the war they should play. They won’t but at least we should give them that option rather than just say you are Russian and therefore evil. We should make it clear this isn’t about being Russian it is about Putin and give all players a choice.

Did Wimbledon adopt the same policy same towards American players when Dubya illegally invaded Iraq? Did they feck?
Mariupol will still be falling in a month’s time at this rate. We still have at least one poster every day telling us that it looks like the end is near:

Mariupol will still be falling in a month’s time at this rate. We still have at least one poster every day telling us that it looks like the end is near:

Putin sits like he's holding in a huge shit.
If only there were a dedicated thread to discuss such topics.

Come on Raoul, we're discussing the absurdity of sanctions on a bunch of Russian/Belarussian tennis players as a result of Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

I thought the goal of sanctions is to make Putin's war more difficult to wage, and don't see how banning tennis players who don't even compete under the Russian flag accomplishes that.
Come on Raoul, we're discussing the absurdity of sanctions on a bunch of Russian/Belarussian tennis players as a result of Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

I thought the goal of sanctions is to make Putin's war more difficult to wage, and don't see how banning tennis players who don't even compete under the Russian flag accomplishes that.

It's terrible, in war it's always the poor and the innocent in both sides that suffer the most.
Come on Raoul, we're discussing the absurdity of sanctions on a bunch of Russian/Belarussian tennis players as a result of Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

I thought the goal of sanctions is to make Putin's war more difficult to wage, and don't see how banning tennis players who don't even compete under the Russian flag accomplishes that.

During which you apparently opted to bring up the Iraq war and Dubya.

Hm... doesn't convince me to be honest. There isn't much feeling of guilt towards the Russians especially, neither towards the Ukrainian. At least I never heard anybody talking this way here. Both Nazi Germany and Stalins SU where aggressive imperialistic states, there's not much difference between them.

The crimes and massacres performed by the Red Army essentially balance a lot of reasons to feel guilt. A lot of Germans are related to families who had to flee from the Russians (yes, the SU is commonly referred to by their largest member state name) towards the West and this is not forgotten.

I am quite sure that the difference is more about feelings developed in the 2000s when Russia was a reliable partner for Germany while Ukraine was a threat to our economy, not about some WW2 stuff.
Hm... doesn't convince me to be honest. There isn't much feeling of guilt towards the Russians especially, neither towards the Ukrainian. At least I never heard anybody talking this way here. Both Nazi Germany and Stalins SU where aggressive imperialistic states, there's not much difference between them.

The crimes and massacres performed by the Red Army essentially balance a lot of reasons to feel guilt. A lot of Germans are related to families who had to flee from the Russians (yes, the SU is commonly referred to by their largest member state name) towards the West and this is not forgotten.

I am quite sure that the difference is more about feelings developed in the 2000s when Russia was a reliable partner for Germany while Ukraine was a threat to our economy, not about some WW2 stuff.

The thread sounds completely made up to me. I agree that of the many countries that were wronged by Nazi Germany Russia is probably among the bottom in terms of "feeling guilt". To be honest it's so wide off the mark that if I was following that account I'd consider unfollowing it.
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It's actually a protest guys:


I hope the US continues to make absolutely no official public remarks about deterrence and its own nuclear weapons. Those who know, know. If anyone in the Russian govt needs reminding then let it be done in private, although I doubt even that is necessary.
That’s a hell of a drive from Ukraine to set a solvent factory on fire.

I'm sure the Ukrainians have long had agents living inside Russia. They've had years to prepare for this, and it'd be much easier for them to blend in than it would be for a Westerner.

I'm not saying that sabotage definitely is the explanation here, but it could well be, especially given the nature of the two locations concerned.
I hope the US continues to make absolutely no official public remarks about deterrence and its own nuclear weapons. Those who know, know. If anyone in the Russian govt needs reminding then let it be done in private, although I doubt even that is necessary.

True. I think it's been clear that the west decided not to get drawn in on these nuclear threat talks.

Talking about nuclear weapons like anyone can win that kind of warfare is stupid.