Samir Nasri

Comedy gold. Is this his girlfriend/wife tweeting for him? Surely if it was him, he wouldn't have admitted to getting the sexual service, just that it was offered? :lol:
25 minutes since that tweet and it is still on his twitter.
Edit: they are gone now but it still took quite a while.
He said he was hacked... Then someone posted again from his account, saying that everything was true :lol:
For anyone who missed them



What did they say?
He used the sevices @DripService on twitter. Someone must have "hacked" his account and went on about the sexual services they provided him while his girlfriend was in the other room, basically giving his review of it.
"Unfortunately my twitter keeps deleting tweets. But just letting you boys know if u are in the la area and feeling lonely msg @DripDoctors"

And another :lol: clearly his girlfriend found out about the extra services and has access to his account :lol:
I mean a company called DripDoctors does sound kinky, and probably provides some sort of "special" services