Santa Barbara shooting


Noggie Pez Dispenser
May 14, 2011
Chillin with Giggsy at the Retardment Castle
Yes this is the kind of person who should have been picked up on, as hes clearly a narcissist which means there is a fear of violence if his ego is broken enough, which also happened in the end with this person. But theres nothing criminal in any of the videos prior to the "retribution" video.

Narcissistic people tend to deny psychiatric help, as its not themselves that is the problem in their eyes. As he says in the videos, hes "perfect, magnificent, intelligent" and its everyone elses fault that his life is so "unfair". If he had no history of violent behavior it would be very hard to legally institutionalise him for treatment.

Its a difficult type of mental problem because they dont want help and havent yet done anything criminal but they are ticking bombs a lot of the time. Even if this guy had gotten laid a lot he would probably end up having his ego broken in a breakup or something and killed his ex.


Hates Beyoncé
Apr 22, 2014
What a weird conclusion.

I think he was extremely entitled and narcissistic, with psychopathic tendencies. He clearly thought that he was flawless, and that it was the fault of everyone else around him that he had failed in his quest to lose his virginity and attract women, when in fact, the biggest reason for the failure was likely to have been his attitude and personality.

There wasn't really anything to do with his appearance that you'd call unattractive, and he clearly had the social status (being the son of a film director), as well as the money to splash around. He just had a horrible personality.

I've seen people making comments regarding his other videos (which were largely bemoaning his loneliness and how awful all the women he knew were) saying that his parents saw them and made him take them down. If so, I wonder if any psychiatric help was ever sought.
What makes you think this? Homosexual murderers tend to target males.
I don't think he was aware that he was gay or bi or whatever. It all seems rather repressed, but his mannerisms stand out.

His determination to get hot girls along with his repeated use of wanting to be the "alpha male" all point towards someone wanting to prove something - to be noticed and stand out.
He's effectively lived a life dedicated to wanting to have sex with girls, and probably thinking this would lead to him becoming more "manly", maybe more perfect. But really I think he placed having sex with proving to himself that he's not gay.

The guy was handsome, he dressed decently, spoke well and he was at college - girls have sex with guys for a lot less everyday.

People are pointing out that he seems like a creep in his videos and this might be why nobody slept with him, and because of the terrible things he's done today it's a fair assumption, but truthfully if you remove the context - he's just another spoiled arrogant rich kid who lives in California and thinks the world of himself. There's no reason - that we can see - that explains why he couldn't even kiss a girl at any point in his life.

I don't know, it just doesn't add up to me. There's something missing.
The only reason I say is because I've got a close friend who went all the way up until last year in Uni to come out as gay, and in that time anytime he tried to talk to a girl it just didn't work, he wouldn't even be able to kiss them properly. Incredibly attractive guy who tried so hard to be into girls, but when it mattered he just couldn't do it. This guy just gives off the same vibe when I watch his videos.

Will Absolute

New Member
Oct 23, 2009
Southern Ireland
I understand that, it just boggles my mind because despite the quantity of these type of events happening most Americans aren't interested in changes to their gun laws. I just don't understand.
Hard cases make bad law. Large numbers of Americans own guns, feel safer for having them, and want to keep them. The occasional gun atrocity impacts on a tiny minority.


Account closed by request
Apr 24, 2013
Red Yankee is human scum.
It is really easy to say that he should have been picked up in hindsight. In reality, there are 100's of thousands of such videos from different people floating around on the internet. How many people can you keep track off or predict will definitely go postal?

Will Absolute

New Member
Oct 23, 2009
Southern Ireland
It's impossible to take preemptive action against such people without compromising citizens' rights in a free society. I'd prefer to live in a country where the occasional nutter goes on a murderous rampage than one where law-abiding individuals can lose their liberty because the authorities claim they represent a danger to society.
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Full Member
Nov 22, 2008
What i hate about these types of stories is you always find the shooter becomes the point of attention and becomes "famous" for doing something so hideous. It makes all the other psychopaths think "if i do something like this people will notice me".

Honestly i had to stop watching that video a few minutes in because
a) he annoyed the hell out of me with his voice
b) no one should be that twisted because they've been rejected. (Altho hearing his voice im not surprised he never got any action, the twat)


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
It's impossible to take preemptive action against such people without compromising citizens' rights in a free society. I'd prefer to live in a country where the occasional nutter goes on a murderous rampage than one where law-abiding individuals can lose their liberty because the authorities claim they represent a danger to society.
What? It certainly is not impossible. In fact, people are put under care all the time without having committed a single crime. This kid clearly had mental issues which should have been acted on.

Will Absolute

New Member
Oct 23, 2009
Southern Ireland
What? It certainly is not impossible. In fact, people are put under care all the time without having committed a single crime. This kid clearly had mental issues which should have been acted on.
People who behave in a crazed manner, and/or have some history of violence, and/or issue threats, and/or are recognizably mentally unhinged.

This kid had obvious personality problems, but he didn't threaten anyone, had no record of violence (as far as I know) and fit the normal criteria of sanity. Imprisoning people because they're odd or socially maladjusted is a very bad idea.


Noggie Pez Dispenser
May 14, 2011
Chillin with Giggsy at the Retardment Castle
What? It certainly is not impossible. In fact, people are put under care all the time without having committed a single crime. This kid clearly had mental issues which should have been acted on.
Unless this guy had a history of violent behavior there is 0 chance he could have been legally committed to institutionalised care (in Norway at least). Theres simply not enough evidence that he is a danger to others.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Unless this guy had a history of violent behavior there is 0 chance he could have been legally committed to institutionalised care (in Norway at least). Theres simply not enough evidence that he is a danger to others.
Sure, but the only way to stop this wouldn't necessarily have been to lock him up.

Will Absolute

New Member
Oct 23, 2009
Southern Ireland
Imo, the danger in the aftermath of dramatic incidents like this is that people say 'something should have been done' or 'something must be done'. This pressure to act often results in bad decisions. For instance, the US overreacted in the wake of 9/11 and the world has lived with the consequences ever since.


Noggie Pez Dispenser
May 14, 2011
Chillin with Giggsy at the Retardment Castle
Sure, but the only way to stop this wouldn't necessarily have been to lock him up.
Well the only alternative is to give him the option to attend therapy. Narcissists dont normally see themselves as the problem though. As evidenced, this guy saw himself as "magnificent, intelligent, perfect" etc. You could maybe bait him into treatment for depression and use that as a springboard to work with his personality issues, but its generally really hard to get these people to work on their deeper problems because of the pattern of blaming external factors for their problems.

If he denies voluntary therapy there arent any options left.


Feb 21, 2008
Yes this is the kind of person who should have been picked up on, as hes clearly a narcissist which means there is a fear of violence if his ego is broken enough, which also happened in the end with this person. But theres nothing criminal in any of the videos prior to the "retribution" video.

Narcissistic people tend to deny psychiatric help, as its not themselves that is the problem in their eyes. As he says in the videos, hes "perfect, magnificent, intelligent" and its everyone elses fault that his life is so "unfair". If he had no history of violent behavior it would be very hard to legally institutionalise him for treatment.

Its a difficult type of mental problem because they dont want help and havent yet done anything criminal but they are ticking bombs a lot of the time. Even if this guy had gotten laid a lot he would probably end up having his ego broken in a breakup or something and killed his ex.
Not even close. The average narcissist is just an idiot who loves themselves a little too much. You're all speculating with very little knowledge of the person involved outside of a few videos.


fixated with venom and phalluses
May 3, 2011
Just caught up with everything. This weird ass piece of shit deserves to burn in hell. Jesus, no wonder girls weren't interested in you, they knew you were fecking crazy as shit.


Noggie Pez Dispenser
May 14, 2011
Chillin with Giggsy at the Retardment Castle
Not even close. The average narcissist is just an idiot who loves themselves a little too much. You're all speculating with very little knowledge of the person involved outside of a few videos.
An idiot who just "loves themselves a little too much" wouldnt fit the criteria for a narcissistic personality disorder. He woldnt even be a narcissist from a mental health pow.


Feb 21, 2008
An idiot who just "loves themselves a little too much" wouldnt fit the criteria for a narcissistic personality disorder. He woldnt even be a narcissist from a mental health pow.
I deliberately downplayed it. Most people with these kind of personality disorders aren't even remotely violent, so the idea that they are ticking time bombs is a bit ridiculous to be honest.


The Gatekeeper
Jun 5, 2010
I think he was gay and possibly had a hard time accepting it.
Probably trying too hard to get girls to like him so he wouldn't have to face his own personal issues.
After watching the video that crossed my mind as well. Just the dramatic way he was talking really.


ask me about our 50% off sale!
Nov 3, 2009
St. Helens
Just caught up with everything. This weird ass piece of shit deserves to burn in hell. Jesus, no wonder girls weren't interested in you, they knew you were fecking crazy as shit.
To be fair girls usually go for the crazy fecked up ones and then complain when they get fecked over.

Anyway, I agree with your sentiments about him. If there is an afterlife then he definitely deserves to rot in purgatory. What a pathetic excuse for a human being he was.


RT History Department
Sep 2, 2007
Guns win again.
Because recent events in China have shown that to commit mass murder, only a gun will do.

In any case, I'm pretty confident that at least part of this guys frustration was that he wasn't actually interested in girls. He was chasing the wrong gender. Even as big of a psycho as he was, I'm pretty sure if he had simply followed his true sexuality he would have had no problem getting laid.

Ryan's Beard

Probably doesn't have a career as a comedian
Mar 26, 2011
Sunny Manchester
Because recent events in China have shown that to commit mass murder, only a gun will do.
The school stabbings in China over the last few years have resulted in 25 deaths. The US has had 105 gun related deaths at schools since the start of the 2010s. Admittedly a fair few of those are one off blokes being shot in and around schools. The point stands though. Guns make it far too easy.

This is just school stuff though, not the random bloke in the train station. I'm sure if we take away the "school" limit the numbers wouldn't look much better.


Watches other men wank.Supports Real.Coincidence?
Feb 11, 2009
None of your fecking business
Real Madrid
Didnt see any thread on this.

Fairly standard stuff, but this is the interesting part:

Killer's confession video.

If anyone wants to do a case study on severe narcissism and unfulfilled grandiose ideas then this is it. Just...... wow...... incredibly pathetic. And really sad that its not picked up when someone like this posts a video in advance.
Wow... I stopped this video at 2.07 because I felt an unnatural desire to torture this lunatic. I don't want to know in the slightest what goes on in the head of one of these sociopaths, I just want to break them. I know how ironic this post must sound by the way.


The Gatekeeper
Jun 5, 2010
I suppose he could have been stopped if people had realised that he was the one of thousands of whackos that was actually going to do it.


Thinks the caf is 'wokeish'.
Dec 27, 2009
Hell on Earth
Guns and killing technologies in general have made the act of killing/defending one's self less and less personal. Man used to face each other to kill one another. With modern technology, cruise missiles to the range of guns which are so easily obtainable, it has de-personalised the act, making it like a video game. The genie's out of the bottle and its tough if not impossible to shove it back in.

What we can do it to make it extremely difficult to get it. There are enough wackos who seem to be able to afford to buy a gun -- why not do serious psychologically test each person who wants to own a gun? Differential those who genuinely want to use it for hunting, self-defence versus those who seem to think its a video game for revenge or to act out their disillusions of grandeur.

How often can these acts of madness keep happening? Its a monthly event and yet, so far its been lip service by everyone.