[Selhurst Park revisited] 20 years ago, Cantona did this.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2013
Taking the next corner instead of Jones!

I Was too young then but I clearly remember that incident being played over and over on tv, for a few days after.

What are your memories of the match and your initial reaction after watching the incident unfold?
Even 20 years is a long, long way from that to this:
"Monsieur, are you a farmer?"
And the idiots at the ASA banned it because they didn't get the "French but made in Manchester" pun!

Stretford End Phil

New Member
Feb 12, 2015
Still laughing at Scousers.

I Was too young then but I clearly remember that incident being played over and over on tv, for a few days after.

What are your memories of the match and your initial reaction after watching the incident unfold?
If I was honest, when I first saw the incident I was annoyed. I missed the game even though I had a ticket but worse I thought we might struggle without him. At the time there we a lot of plastic fans who complained about Eric while eating their prawn butties!! It was the first time I really saw their impact on modern football. We actually came second in the league and FA Cup.

BUT from my perspective it all started the very next day when everyone attacked him, literally everyone, including: other fans, players. Managers, pundits, newspapers and TV. Although from Manchester I was working in London and I remember a line of brokers all Arse fans going on about Kung Fu tactics and hooligans on the pitch. We were under siege but it's that old United fan thing of however bad a situation we defend our players against All outsiders. By the time of his return 'the magnificent seven' had achieved **** status like Lawman, Bestie and Robbo.

In some respects I think the incident kept him at the club, there had been mutterings he would go and many great players like Sparky did go. But Eric came back on a delirious Sunday afternoon and was pivotal in a truly great side. I think players like Giggs and Scholes modelled their personal training after Eric and his power as a leader changed brought qualities out in him that even he hadn't realised were there. I hope the fans today keep up a constant volley of Eric songs!!

Sad Chris

New Member
Jan 11, 2014
I was about 20 and watched it on the news on tv, videotaped it and labled it "Cantona - Kung Fu Fighting". I still have that tape.

I'd love to say I'm a better person, but I'm not. I loved it from the start. I used to enjoy a good brawl and I just had respect for people who had balls enough to call someone out if they were given shit. I've matured by now, but I still enjoy it and look back with great memories of the incidence. No regrets.


Full Member
May 13, 2013
I was 14 and listening to the game on the radio. I remember jumping up and screaming "go on Eric!!" or something along those lines and thinking it was great.

Did anyone else buy that Ash single 'Kung-Fu' just because it has Cantona on the front? Wish I'd kept that.

Randall Flagg

Worst of the best
May 23, 2009
Radio 5 live in my kitchen aged 15

Was gutted, but at least we didn't have to worry about fitting Andy Cole who had just signed in the side with with Eric and Hughes