Solskjaer's contract

Being a newbie, I couldn't start a new thread but this Twitter thread has made me want to say the following:-

Steve Jobs once appeared in a PBS Documentary called "Triumph of the Nerds," and was brutal in his assessment of Microsoft, Bill Gates and Windows. Jobs said, “The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste.” Regardless of where one stands on Windows vs Mac, it is very clear that Ole's greatest quality is that he has, in fact, footballing taste. Upon being appointed manager, almost his first action was to show Marouane Fellaini the door. This wasn't as obvious as it seems now because Fellaini had been bought by Moyes but had been thought valuable enough by van Gaal and Mourinho, 2 world-class managers, to be at United for 5 and a half years with new contracts. He was a very useful weapon to be brought on late in games being chased when long balls could be played up to him and he did win us a few games. However, every thinking United fan knew that he was just not Man United quality and our hearts fell when we saw him on the team sheet. Ole took the hard decision based on his idea of what is good football and that idea dovetailed with the United base.

As time went on, this idea of Ole's footballing taste has become more and more clear in the players he let go. Lukaku is another great example of someone who was a marquee signing and actually had decent stats at United but, similarly to Fellaini, made us depressed because he was clearly not Man United quality. No amount of chest-thumping, pundits talking about how unstoppable he was could make up for every time we watched his second touch becoming a tackle. Ole took a loss on him, one that Inter has financially benefited from, and therefore could have been raked over the coals for it. Herrera was another, very limited player with useful shithousery, who Ole refused to push the boat out for a new contract. He got rid of Young (then club captain), Smalling, Sanchez and is about to get rid of Lingard (and I hope, Lindelof) because none of them were/are Man United quality. He has had the self-belief to trust his own sense of taste and make bets that have created space for the current squad.

Ole was not only a downsizer but also held on to the right players. Pogba was extremely unhappy under the last days of Mourinho and was playing that way. Ole could have sold him then and gotten a large amount of money since he had more than 2 years under contract remaining. Yet, he persevered and let Pogba gain the upper hand in future negotiations by running his contract down to, now, less than one year. Pogba is playing better, thriving in this team and has (finally) gotten a group around him that he can grace. He may or may not stay (I hope very much that he does) but the decision to keep him has, IMHO, already been justified in his performances and the dressing-room influence he has already had. Ole persevered with Luke Shaw, with Rashford, with Martial (who I believe will redeem himself this season but will have to leave because of Greenwood). He even has held onto players who weren't at the club, Sancho and Varane, by refusing to fill their spots with unsuitable replacements and choosing to wait for them even though the absence of those replacements probably hurt the team's chances.

I think most United fans are extremely excited about this season. Not because we have a good team (we do), not because we have suffered for a long time (we have) but because we have a team that oozes excitement. City and Chelsea have expensively accumulated, deep squads that might beat us to the title but United has more players (Greenwood, Sancho, Bruno, Pogba, Varane, Rashford, Cavani, Shaw, AWB's defence, sometimes Martial, with Amad, Elanga, Hannibal, Shoretire and MacNeil yet to come) that can get people off their seat than any other team in world football, including PSG (I wouldn't pay to see anyone there other than their front 3). Ole has restored the buccaneering Attack, Attack, Attack philosophy, the very idea of United not because he knew the future but because he has the same taste that United fans have that allowed him to take tough decisions like the ones outlined here. Ole has made tactical missteps (e.g. leaving Fred on in the 2nd CL group game against PSG) and has an unfortunate absence of silverware thus far but, for his taste and his bravery, the majority of United fans have Ole, and only Ole to thank.
Lovely sentiment and Ole is likeable and I think deserves credit for transfers in general but we really aren’t all out attack (nor should we be if we want to win things) and trophies really are the make or break for a United manager given how long he’s been in the job now and the signings we’ve made. This season is everything, we’re 1 down and 37 to go. Fingers bloody crossed.
Being a newbie, I couldn't start a new thread but this Twitter thread has made me want to say the following:-

Steve Jobs once appeared in a PBS Documentary called "Triumph of the Nerds," and was brutal in his assessment of Microsoft, Bill Gates and Windows. Jobs said, “The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste.” Regardless of where one stands on Windows vs Mac, it is very clear that Ole's greatest quality is that he has, in fact, footballing taste. Upon being appointed manager, almost his first action was to show Marouane Fellaini the door. This wasn't as obvious as it seems now because Fellaini had been bought by Moyes but had been thought valuable enough by van Gaal and Mourinho, 2 world-class managers, to be at United for 5 and a half years with new contracts. He was a very useful weapon to be brought on late in games being chased when long balls could be played up to him and he did win us a few games. However, every thinking United fan knew that he was just not Man United quality and our hearts fell when we saw him on the team sheet. Ole took the hard decision based on his idea of what is good football and that idea dovetailed with the United base.

As time went on, this idea of Ole's footballing taste has become more and more clear in the players he let go. Lukaku is another great example of someone who was a marquee signing and actually had decent stats at United but, similarly to Fellaini, made us depressed because he was clearly not Man United quality. No amount of chest-thumping, pundits talking about how unstoppable he was could make up for every time we watched his second touch becoming a tackle. Ole took a loss on him, one that Inter has financially benefited from, and therefore could have been raked over the coals for it. Herrera was another, very limited player with useful shithousery, who Ole refused to push the boat out for a new contract. He got rid of Young (then club captain), Smalling, Sanchez and is about to get rid of Lingard (and I hope, Lindelof) because none of them were/are Man United quality. He has had the self-belief to trust his own sense of taste and make bets that have created space for the current squad.

Ole has restored the buccaneering Attack, Attack, Attack philosophy, the very idea of United not because he knew the future but because he has the same taste that United fans have that allowed him to take tough decisions like the ones outlined here. Ole has made tactical missteps (e.g. leaving Fred on in the 2nd CL group game against PSG) and has an unfortunate absence of silverware thus far but, for his taste and his bravery, the majority of United fans have Ole, and only Ole to thank.

Re Fellaini and Lukaku - Solskjaer made the right decision in moving both of them on but anybody who was serious about producing an attractive football team would have done the same thing.

As for the attacking football stuff, there's no doubt Solskjaer wants his team to be known as a team that plays attacking football. In the big games though he often seems to go by Mourinho's win without the ball, sit back and counter approach. Horses for courses is how I'll describe his style .
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2 years he need to win a trophy.

However as long as he keeps getting top 3 he will not be gotten rid of as it’s good for business.
The contract extension will prove to be the best signing of the summer transfer window. There have been stability and direction. Sancho and the rest would be wasted if managers come and go. I am loving the optimistic vibe of the season.
What a decision to tie this genius down to a new deal before Madrid, Barcelona or City swooped in for him.

"The best finisher at the club" - his words, not mine, shunted back out to the right because an unfit and underperforming Anthony Martial just HAD to be shoehorned into the team. It's not like there were no other options for RW on the bench that would allow Greenwood to continue up top. How about - oh I don't know - our 80 million signing who should be fresh as a daisy?
Absolutely dreading him coming up against Tuchel with how they have looked since he took over, especially when you see the amount of times his substitutions and in game management constantly leave much to be desired
He deserved the contract extension for what he has done so far, which is to bring stability to the club. He himself has said he is a not a coach, but the club still insists on surrounding him with inexperienced coaches. Excellent coaches are expensive, and the club is trying to save money in the wrong places again. The club is once again spending money on players, and the investment shouldn't ignore other areas.
He deserved the contract extension for what he has done so far, which is to bring stability to the club. He himself has said he is a not a coach, but the club still insists on surrounding him with inexperienced coaches. Excellent coaches are expensive, and the club is trying to save money in the wrong places again. The club is once again spending money on players, and the investment shouldn't ignore other areas.

Well get proper coaches then not bloody Carrick & McKenna
Well get proper coaches then not bloody Carrick & McKenna

I’m amazed we haven’t offered René Meulensteen a return to his old coaching role, it seems a no brainer. He’s available and has said previously he’s more than happy to return to Utd as a coach, plus Rio said on one of his Podcasts that René was one of the best he’s worked with in terms of attacking patterns of play and just offensive coaching in general.
I’m amazed we haven’t offered René Meulensteen a return to his old coaching role, it seems a no brainer. He’s available and has said previously he’s more than happy to return to Utd as a coach, plus Rio said on one of his Podcasts that René was one of the best he’s worked with in terms of attacking patterns of play and just offensive coaching in general.
Coaches don't need to be young and hip. Rene sounds really good, more now than ever. Solskjaer's loyalty with the players has served him and the club well. With the coaches, he needs to be more ruthless.
I’m amazed we haven’t offered René Meulensteen a return to his old coaching role, it seems a no brainer. He’s available and has said previously he’s more than happy to return to Utd as a coach, plus Rio said on one of his Podcasts that René was one of the best he’s worked with in terms of attacking patterns of play and just offensive coaching in general.

Exactly so why won't he have the guts to accept they aren't good enough and he needs better alongside him
Exactly so why won't he have the guts to accept they aren't good enough and he needs better alongside him

Who knows. It’s not even like it’s a case of sacking Carrick or McKenna either, you can still have them in a coaching role while bringing in René as well. Unless there’s some personal issue between the pair we aren’t privy to.
He deserved the contract extension for what he has done so far, which is to bring stability to the club. He himself has said he is a not a coach, but the club still insists on surrounding him with inexperienced coaches. Excellent coaches are expensive, and the club is trying to save money in the wrong places again. The club is once again spending money on players, and the investment shouldn't ignore other areas.
I dont understand, you believe Manutd are pinching on a few millions on coaches after investing hundreds of millions of pounds on players?
Mate give your head a wobble.
he should be made to pay back every single cent the club has ever given him. woodward should then be able to march him naked around arndale whilst staunch united fans throw rotting fruit and vegetables at his ripped torso. his muscles rippling as each juicy bit of over ripe melon clashes against his flesh. he’ll let out a gentle moan with each thud of squishy squash and he’ll know why. he’ll know why.
I swear, half you lot would have sacked Fergie before he won his first title.
I remember clearly the dark days of 1989. It was awful. If Fergie was sacked, he probably would have deserved it. Sounds crazy.
The contract was a mistake regardless of how we fare this season. We should have waited till Jan then assess the situation.
He deserved the contract extension for what he has done so far, which is to bring stability to the club. He himself has said he is a not a coach, but the club still insists on surrounding him with inexperienced coaches. Excellent coaches are expensive, and the club is trying to save money in the wrong places again. The club is once again spending money on players, and the investment shouldn't ignore other areas.
Rubbish, it's pure speculation that they were forced upon Ole. I think they were all his choices again speculation but I don't see why he couldn't bring in better coaches SAF was allowed to shake things up all the time, I doubt Ole sees an issue with it.
Even in his later years SAF was struggling with the new style that was press pass and move football. He still went out on a high and I'm sure he would've adapted to it if he could've carried on for years more. Ole like the other managers that have played under him all still have the same old school way of playing and pundits talking about.
Now we've got a far worse version of him that's not even remotely as attacking or forward thinking blindly feeling his way in the dark for success when we as a club should've been moving forward for 10 years. I don't mind Ole as manager cus hes a hero and a nice connection to the football past I adore but please Ole get some decent coaches to move us forward on the pitch.
Even in his later years SAF was struggling with the new style that was press pass and move football. He still went out on a high and I'm sure he would've adapted to it if he could've carried on for years more. Ole like the other managers that have played under him all still have the same old school way of playing and pundits talking about.
Now we've got a far worse version of him that's not even remotely as attacking or forward thinking blindly feeling his way in the dark for success when we as a club should've been moving forward for 10 years. I don't mind Ole as manager cus hes a hero and a nice connection to the football past I adore but please Ole get some decent coaches to move us forward on the pitch.

Sadly he's too sentimental to ever admit he needs better coaching and means the team will suffer, quite unbelievable when he has openly admitted in interviews that his coaching knowledge is pretty much non existent. Don't even get me started on pissing £35m up on the wall on Donny last summer instead of buying what we actually needed, should have been DM last summer then a backup CM this summer but nope got neither of course.
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I swear, half you lot would have sacked Fergie before he won his first title.

The reality was even in Sir Alex’s Barren years he had proved himself elite in winning a European Trophy for Aberdeen by beating Real Madrid as well as breaking the old Firm domination of a more competitive Scottish league at the time, so you give him time.

I think Ole done a great job, I really do but I don’t see him ever being mentioned in the same Conversation as Naigelsman, Tuchal, Simone, Allegri, Guardiola, Conte, Klopp, Ancelloti , Rogers, Zidane!

My point if we can’t get a world top 10 coach why would Ekite players wa t to play for us ?

I guess the best example at international level would be Roberto Martinez, great guy, plays great football but ultimately they always choke, cause he just gets the big calls wrong.

I say that with some respect because Martinez won an FA cup with Wigan, yes Wigan against the all rich Manchester City, Ole failed in a Europa final against Villa Real.
People criticise Chelsea for their hiring and firing policy but because we have this blind faith belief we won't ever do it
Like some have said on here, the club should have waited till December or January before handing him a new three year contract, that way we could have assessed things properly to determine if he's the man to take us to the title or not, it's obvious that the same problems we had last season, with teams we are expected to beat were all evident in today's game, even though i stand in the bracket as feels it would be too early to call for Ole's head, but i can't help but imagine what the likes of Conte or Manncini would do with this very talented group of players.
Like some have said on here, the club should have waited till December or January before handing him a new three year contract, that way we could have assessed things properly to determine if he's the man to take us to the title or not, it's obvious that the same problems we had last season, with teams we are expected to beat were all evident in today's game, even though i stand in the bracket as feels it would be too early to call for Ole's head, but i can't help but imagine what the likes of Conte or Manncini would do with this very talented group of players.

Yeah but we will never get the chance to find out
People criticise Chelsea for their hiring and firing policy but because we have this blind faith belief we won't ever do it

Chelsea are better positioned to do what they do. It's a top down strategy. They don't sign or sell players based on manager/head coach decisions alone. They sign players that the board feels the team needs, taking the manager's and scouts' opinions into account.

As a result of this strategy they can hire and fire managers who are essentially head coaches, there just to get the best out of the squad. They don't need a rebuild every time a new manager comes in. Tuchel came in and found a ready made squad and by shoring them up defensively, he won the CL.

We do not do that. We seem to follow the model Fergie left behind, of fully trusting the manager with making squad decisions. A system that only works well if you have a genius manager whom you implicitly trust. As a result of this model every time a manager left, we were left with a hugely expensive rebuilding job for the new one. Which in turn meant giving the new manager more time to complete it, thus perpetuating the vicious circle.

Our squad is much improved now. We have a good crop of young players, some great experienced ones, and we're really only missing a top DM/CM and a better RB to have a squad capable of mounting a challenge in my opinion. However the simple fact is that our coaching team (which is comprised of an inexperienced and unproven at this level head coach and some young inexperienced coaches who just done their badges recently in Carrick and McKenna), is nowhere near on par with what City, Liverpool or Chelsea have put together with Pep, Klopp and Tuchel.

My biggest worry is that we've wasted Pogba's years here and will do the same with Maguire, Bruno and Varane, without having the staff capable to coach this team to a title.
The lineup, the subs, the lull in the game. Yeah we drew and it isn't the end of the world but ole is built to be a Dof, not a manager
The lineup, the subs, the lull in the game. Yeah we drew and it isn't the end of the world but ole is built to be a Dof, not a manager

Ole is built to manage Molde. Shouldn't be anywhere near the English top flight.
Last year he made it to top 4 so its only fair for him to get a contract. However that target shouldn't be a fix thing especially after United bringing in Varane and Sancho. Our game need to improve, we should seriously compete for the EPL title and we should win a trophy.
Even in his later years SAF was struggling with the new style that was press pass and move football. He still went out on a high and I'm sure he would've adapted to it if he could've carried on for years more. Ole like the other managers that have played under him all still have the same old school way of playing and pundits talking about.
Now we've got a far worse version of him that's not even remotely as attacking or forward thinking blindly feeling his way in the dark for success when we as a club should've been moving forward for 10 years. I don't mind Ole as manager cus hes a hero and a nice connection to the football past I adore but please Ole get some decent coaches to move us forward on the pitch.
Saf was struggling in his latter years? Which year was that?
006-7Man Utd89
89388327285556 15224612 13333715
2007-8Man Utd87
87388022276558 1711477 10543315
2008-9Man Utd90
90386824286444 16214313 12432511
85388628274758 16125212 11353416
2010-11Man Utd80
803878372311441 18104912 51042925
2011-12Man city89
89388933285556 15225219 13333714
2012-13Man Utd89
The lineup, the subs, the lull in the game. Yeah we drew and it isn't the end of the world but ole is built to be a Dof, not a manager

He already made plenty of mistakes with his transfers.
Saf was struggling in his latter years? Which year was that?
006-7Man Utd89
2007-8Man Utd87
2008-9Man Utd90
2010-11Man Utd80
2011-12Man city89
2012-13Man Utd89
Yea not struggling to get results I meant it was becoming clear the football landscape was changing. Our football would've needed to evolve and he would've done that.
Saf was struggling in his latter years? Which year was that?
006-7Man Utd89
89388327285556 15224612 13333715
2007-8Man Utd87
87388022276558 1711477 10543315
2008-9Man Utd90
90386824286444 16214313 12432511
85388628274758 16125212 11353416
2010-11Man Utd80
803878372311441 18104912 51042925
2011-12Man city89
89388933285556 15225219 13333714
2012-13Man Utd89

People don't acknowledge how crazy that was! 5 titles in 7 years. The 2 we lost were by one point and goal difference!