Film Star wars SPOILER thread (post here if you have seen the film)


Oppressed White Male
Aug 25, 2008
Ah I kinda forgot about him, I'd say he must be of more importance than a village elder

He says about knowing were Ren came from, and knowing him/his parents? Or something of the like

Then again why wouldn't this have been revealed..

Who knows, I think a few things were poorly portrayed/explained, maybe bad editing or yet to be revealed
Yeah it only occurred to me last night. He seemed to know Kylo as well when he confronted him.
Various theories with varying degrees of ridicularity - I thought he could be Supreme Leader Spork, or that Obi Wan finally mastered death, but online it has him listed as Lor San Tekka (or something) - a random old village elder.

If it is something they build on and part of the story for the next films then fair play, but I see that as unlikely to be honest, in which case it strikes me just as a poor plot/development.

Regarding Rey, I think its clear that her heritage is in some way related to some of the originals - Luke, Han, Leia etc, we just dont know the specifics yet. Its another area that reeks of similarity to the original film though...I wouldnt be surprised at all if in the next one, Rey and Kylo fall in love only to find out that they are actually twins.

Red Stone

Full Member
Jan 30, 2011
Lor San Tekka is played by Max von Sydow. You'd expect them to do more with a character actor like that.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
If it is something they build on and part of the story for the next films then fair play, but I see that as unlikely to be honest, in which case it strikes me just as a poor plot/development.
Yup I suspect you're right here, seems like maybe they had an idea for a character but scrapped it and just left that bit in so they didn't have to rewrite the start


Full Member
Jul 29, 2006
Big SW fan here, I'll post my review that I've put up on another forum.

I'd give it 6.5 out of 10.

TFA left me feeling strange and kinda unsatisfied.

I'll do a good vs bad breakdown:

The good:
- Loved the first shot of the Finalizer eclipsing Jakku.
- Loved basically everything that took place on on Jakku.
- Fantastic humour, BB8 was really the star of the show, although Finn was more hit and miss regarding comic value.
- The flasback scene was handled well, and left you with questions to be answered at a later date. Did I hear Yoda during it?
- Han and Chewie were great.
- Han's death was handled well I think, although I need to see it again.
- Kylo has potential to be awesome.

The bad/meh:
- THE SCORE... was completely forgettable. I do need to listen to it on its own of course, but there was nothing immediately great about it that pulled you more into the film - even the prequels succeeded with that.
- Captain Phasma was terrible. They hyped her up as an absolute badass, but if we don't see her again then I won't be devastated.
- The state of the galaxy needed explaining more. The non SW fan audience are only gonna get confused by the mentions of the republic when we've not had any previous knowledge of its comeback.
- That random scene with Han/Chewie and those random bad guys/CGI beasties did nothing except feel out of place.
- The First Order were pathetic towards the end of the film.
- The whole Starkiller thing wasn't handled well. For starters, how could they see it destroying planets from Maz's planet? Light would take years to travel from another system for that to even be possible...or was that planet we saw destroyed from the same system? Can someone explain this one to me? I may have missed something. Also, no way could it drain an entire Star in ten minutes or something. I mean c'mon, obey at least SOME of the basic laws of science.
- Why destroy the Starkiller base after film one of the new trilogy? Such a copy of ANH. Yet this thing was supposed to be so much more powerful than the death star so should've been kept around and not predictably destroyed in such pathetic manner.
- Rey's sudden ability to overpower Kylo in a lightsaber fight, with the mere realisation she has that she can use the force. This goes against everything laid out by the previous films, from Yoda training younglings, to Luke's training. Kylo should've EASILY killed both Rey and Finn, wounded from Chewie or not.
- Snoke: after all the secrecy, it's just a generic gollum/voldermort hybrid. Is he really that size? Or is that a projection (as it kept disappearing)? More to learn about this guy, we have. But not impressed so far.
- The battles involving X-wings and Ties were boring and uninspired.

Overall, easily better than TPM and AOTC. Not sure it's better than ROTS though and certainly not a patch on any of the 3 originals. Much room for improvement but taken by itself, it's not a bad film, just not a great Star Wars one.

BTW, I honestly did NOT see myself being this harsh about the film. I mean even halfway through I was absolutely loving it.

Big Andy

Oct 23, 2003
I enjoyed it greatly...I was smiling like a cnut when I left the cinema about 2.35am, but that may have been because I was about 5 minutes from getting into bed...

I'm watching it with the kids tomorrow, so I can see if it holds up second time around...I can safely predict my eldest, who is 6, is going to be amazed by it...


Full Member
Jun 27, 2013
Minnesota Vikings
I enjoyed it a lot, but I found this quite amusing:


Big Andy

Oct 23, 2003
I thought it started great. Hit a lull. And then ended great. Didn't like kylo at the start but he was grew on me at the end. You could see solos death coming from a mile off but sometimes doing the predictable thing works. I'd give it a 7 or 8 out of 10
As daft as it was looking back, I never saw it coming...It was a proper "GASP" moment when it can't kill Han Solo ffs...

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
- Captain Phasma was terrible. They hyped her up as an absolute badass, but if we don't see her again then I won't be devastated.
Ah come on now... you can't say she was terrible... she'd have to actually do something in the film for that to be the case.

Big Andy

Oct 23, 2003
I saw it coming from very early on. From the first conversation with Snoke it almost had to happen.
I thought Chewy was going to be the one to kiff it when he got shot...

Suppose they had to kill Han off as there's a chance Harrison Ford could have died before the 3rd film comes out, if he keeps crashing planes and injuring himself...


Friendship is magic
Apr 24, 2010
You're...going to love me
Just got back from it and it was okay. Enjoyable enough but so lazy that they just copied so much from a new hope. I didn't go in with the greatest of expectations because I don't rate JJ Abrams at all and it still managed to fall just shy of them. For most part I enjoyed the new characters, especially Kylo Ren, though discount Keira Knightly was pretty ropey with her acting at times.

Big Andy

Oct 23, 2003
Ah come on now... you can't say she was terrible... she'd have to actually do something in the film for that to be the case.
That's not fair on Phasma...

She did tell Finn to report to her command...and then disabled the shields without even trying to either escape, or stall...

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
A Weak Plot/Plot Holes
  • Kylo Ren, trained from birth by Luke and his new Sith Lord, cannot defeat a couple of completely untrained people in a lightsabre duel? OK, he was wounded...speaking of which..
  • Han shoots with the Wookie crossbow-blaster and blows up 3 Storm Troopers in 1 shot, but Kylo takes a direct hit to the torso and he is mostly fine? If they were going for comic effect in this movie then they missed a trick not having him say "Merely a flesh wound".
  • While I am on the subject, in one of the earlier scenes Kylo was able to sense and stop a blaster shot in mid-air before it hit him....guess he didnt fancy doing that trick again?
  • Also, given that a random average Stormtrooper absolutely battered Finn in a duel, does that mean the average Stormtrooper is a vastly superior fighter to Kylo as well?

Finn was a pretty poor character, and the actor wasnt great either.
Agree with a lot of what you're saying - I mean the New Hope thing is so obvious, yet for some reason it just isn't bothering me at all... even though it probably should. Mind you, I wasn't bothered that Into Darkness was basically the same film as the previous Star Trek & Wrath of Khan... So I just think it's not something I get hung up about.

On these bullet points though, I do disagree with. Ren was badly injured - the fact that they kept focusing on it made that pretty clear (as you said, a normal blast from that thing completely destroys people... I only imagine it didn't with Ren because of a)how far away Chewie was and b) where it hit him)... and I would say it also makes sense that he didn't stop the blaster... considering he had just killed his father, so was probably feeling pretty emotional (Jedi being weakest when they're at their most emotional and all that)... so yeah, not stopping a blast coming from a long way away is fairly understandable.

But yeah, as well as being injured, I thought it was fairly obvious that he was underestimating and toying with Finn and Rey (especially Finn) ... 'cos he's an arrogant, hot-headed kinda sith... but again, that's just how I read it.

Also, I actually though Finn was a great character, and really enjoyed the performance too... so horses for courses and what not.

Definitely agree on Rey just being able to think about the force helping her... was a bit too easy/lazy... and kinda goes back to one of my criticisms of the film which is a lot of things just happen way too easily, and happen because they need to happen.

Art Vandelay

Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Northern Ireland
I thought Chewy was going to be the one to kiff it when he got shot...

Suppose they had to kill Han off as there's a chance Harrison Ford could have died before the 3rd film comes out, if he keeps crashing planes and injuring himself...
Chewie was too busy being criminally sidelined and used as comic relief. It needed more Chewie and R2. In fact they should scrap the stupid Han Solo prequel movie and make it a Chewie and R2 movie. All growling and bleeping all the time!


Nurse bell end
Jun 5, 2008
West Yorkshire
All in all I thought it was great. Simple story but then SW doesn't need complicated stories. Wasn't really convinced with Solos son, should have left his mask on. Also the destroying of the huge weapon was just like blowing the Death Star up. Minor things really, 8/10 for me. JJ did a really good job of keeping it like the originals. A lot less cgi which is fine by me.

As daft as it was looking back, I never saw it coming...It was a proper "GASP" moment when it can't kill Han Solo ffs...
It crossed my mind when He and Leia were talking about it not being all bad. I thought one of them was off.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Will have to go see it again to better figure out where it is on the hierarchy, but at the moment I'd have it above Return of the Jedi (and way above the prequels).

John Boyega was really good I thought, and Daisy Ridley grew into it a lot as the film went on. Thought Han and Chewie's return was a little awkward at first, but it might just have been simply that it was odd to see them in character doing new stuff as I got used to it pretty quickly. Leia was really well done. Luke's return was perfect, didn't need any more or less.

Weakest part was the antagonists, Kylo Ren has potential but as mentioned by others, Phasma is genuinely useless and is seemingly there just to sell silver stormtrooper toys, Snoke's facial reveal was a bit of a let down as a Gollumish thing and why they couldn't think of a better name I have no idea, Hux just liked shouting and seemed like a prissy bellend. Vader is a lot to live up to but hopefully it'll improve over the next couple.

I'm pretty sure Rey has to be Luke's daughter.


Everton Fan
Mar 10, 2011
Just seen it, thought it was very good. The new actors were especially strong.

Rey is deffo Luke's daughter right?


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Just seen it, thought it was very good. The new actors were especially strong.

Rey is deffo Luke's daughter right?
Yeah, don't see how anything else would fit with all the references and hints.


Full Member
Feb 29, 2012
Film was great but I don't like Finn.

A bit predictable but that's not always a bad thing.


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
Loved it but also bemused by how pointless Phasma was. The trailers teased her as some pivotal antagonist possibly akin to a Boba Fett character, and she ends up being humiliated in her 2 minutes of screentime.


Full Member
Feb 29, 2012
Aw thought he was one of the highlights.
Really? I thought the whole him being a coward then suddenly not being one was a bit crap.

Rey is the star. She was terrific.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Aw thought he was one of the highlights.
I agree! Loved the bit with him reacting to Han's nod. Thought the trio of him, Rey and Poe was a promising one.


Full Member
May 1, 2009
I want to see this movie again right now. Oh my God it is incredible, and everything I could ever have wanted. My only regret is I have but five stars to give.

(I actually shed single manly tears on four different occasions during this film).

I think it's very careful to hit the same beats that the older trilogy did. Han taking the part of Ben Kenobi, the relation thing, the blatant Yoda replacement. There's loads more, but that's just off the top of my head.

I don't think that's a bad thing though, because it helps it to "feel" Star Wars. None of it felt forced either. The prequels became "oh, and here's C3P0 because you liked him, and here's Boba Fett as a kid" but with this it all made sense for them to be there, even the lesser ones. (I'm sad enough to have actually smiled at the very sight of Nien Nunb)

I've every faith that John Boyega is going to step into Harrison Ford's shoes as the funny likeable one. He really impressed me, out of the newcomers.[/SPOILER]

Part of this was pasted from a post on another website, where I rated the film. Hence the talk about five stars.


Full Member
Sep 10, 2004
Absolutely loved it. Had a big smile on my face through most of it. Han's death made me genuinely sad, although we could see it coming.

The film played out as a lot of people predicted actually. I'm hoping the next two in the trilogy will throw a whole load of surprises our way. Ray's past and Snoke's origin are particular plot points I'm interested in.

I also hope we will see a bad ass Kylo Ren in the next installment. I get that they were probably trying to make him look a bit weak, as he was still attached to his father. Hopefully they will update his look a little bit as well, and I'm sure a big nasty scar on his face will help.

What I hope from now is they throw in a curve ball, and make the story it's own. The trilogy better not end with forgiveness and redemption for Kylo Ren - I want Chewbacca to rip his fecking balls off.

Finally, how awesome did Luke look?!


Everton Fan
Mar 10, 2011
Yeah, Mark Hamill looks great. He obviously going to be in Episode 8 a lot more than this one. Just annoying having to wait two years to see it.

I come out of this film with a big crush on Daisy Ridley. She's beautiful. Talented actress too.

Archie Leach

Mar 28, 2012
Hollywood Upstairs Medical College
I thought it was good but not as good as I was hoping. It's the best looking Star Wars I've seen and probably the most capably directed. The dialogue wasn't as flat out embarrassing as the previous films but it was definitely flat, especially the interplay between Rei and Finn. Finn was rubbish. Adam Driver is an excellent choice for Kylo Ren and will be a terrific villain but that sabre fight at the end was flat out embarrassing. Why would they think people would buy that? Harrison Ford did Han again but his scenes with Fisher/Leia were stilted. Disappointed Lupita N'Yongo was only seen as a weird little alien, briefly. Seems a waste.

Set up well for the sequel which I think is mainly the point.


Gullible sausage
Jun 21, 2013
My god that was amazing.

The big scene at the end where Luke is finally revealed had me fighting back the tears. I am gutted we have to wait to years to finally see him properly in a new Star Wars film but I think they brought him back in the best way they could.

Like most I kind of saw Hans death coming but I still loved it. I like the fact they named their son Ben and that shot of Han approaching his son on the bridge is not one I will forget any time soon and when that lightsaber went through him I died a little inside.

The fight between Rey and Kylo Ren was awesome. In relation to the debate on how Kylo didn't batter them I am going to put it down to the fact Kylo was injured and Rey is clearly stronger with the force than Kylo and that helped her. Plus the man had just murdered his dad. His head must have been pretty fecked. I know that won't wash with a few people but I can accept it. I fully expect Kylo to be stronger in the next films.

People has said it is almost a copy of a A New Hope. That was clearly deliberate to pay homage to the original and maybe they did pay a bit to much homage but I feel that the next two films we will see the trilogy really come in to its own.

I am so glad and still amazed that we finally have sequels and I would give the film a 10/10 purely out of emotion but using my head I would probably give it an 7 or 8. People will see flaws but it is still a great film either way.