Television Stuff you've watched and found to be terrible

Dared? Is it on a pedestal?
I'm surprised it's been mentioned so often. I don't recall any hype regarding the film (I do about Interstellar which is far inferior to my mind).

Edit: Have I walked into some sort of pre-existing culture war I was unaware if?

Now Prometheus. There's a fecking disappointment.

Yeah i didn't like that one either.

Alien Covenant was a big disappointment for me, too.
Dared? Is it on a pedestal?
I'm surprised it's been mentioned so often. I don't recall any hype regarding the film (I do about Interstellar which is far inferior to my mind).

Edit: Have I walked into some sort of pre-existing culture war I was unaware if?

Now Prometheus. There's a fecking disappointment.

Inception is definitely on a pedestal and had a shittonne of hype around it.

Nah its was the greatest piece of television In history. And destroyed by the final season.

The final season was impressively bad, but the whole show was pretty crap to be frank.
No doubt that Game of Thrones made a huge impact on tv. Probably the biggest event tv show of all time, but definitely not the best. Season 1-4 were great, but season 5 was bad. Season 6 had some great episodes but wasn't anywhere near as good as earlier seasons, and then came season 7 and 8, which were terrible. Actually think season 7 was worse.
If something comes recommended to me I generally tend to enjoy it on some level. Things generally have to feel incompetent for me to consider them truly awful.

But man, Green Book really took the biscuit. Best Picture? The film where a prejudiced white man teaches a black guy about how to respond to racism and behave more like a "black guy", to the point where the white character dangles a fried chicken finger in front of a black man's face until he eats a bit of a it? The film that says the best way to respond to racism is to keep your head down and smile? Man, that entire film felt hideous to me. The sort of film that's ideal for white liberals who "don't see colour" and regularly pat themselves on the back for seeing the world so fairly but moan and complain whenever black people use direct action to claim their rights. The sort of white people who would have made sure they were seen supporting the Civil Rights movement but would have complained if Rosa Parks got on their bus. Yuck.
If something comes recommended to me I generally tend to enjoy it on some level. Things generally have to feel incompetent for me to consider them truly awful.

But man, Green Book really took the biscuit. Best Picture? The film where a prejudiced white man teaches a black guy about how to respond to racism and behave more like a "black guy", to the point where the white character dangles a fried chicken finger in front of a black man's face until he eats a bit of a it? The film that says the best way to respond to racism is to keep your head down and smile? Man, that entire film felt hideous to me. The sort of film that's ideal for white liberals who "don't see colour" and regularly pat themselves on the back for seeing the world so fairly but moan and complain whenever black people use direct action to claim their rights. The sort of white people who would have made sure they were seen supporting the Civil Rights movement but would have complained if Rosa Parks got on their bus. Yuck.

Isn't the point that they both learn things from each other and their experiences on the road? That Viggo realises he's been a prejudiced twat and should stop while Ali learns that by trusting others and letting them in he can to some extent share the burdens saddled on him by an ignorant society? I agree the film paints in broad strokes but the two central performances carried it home for me.
I like films such as Inception & 2001 because of the awe-inspiring ideas they contain: 'What if we could see our dreams, or other people's dreams?'; 'What if alien beings contacted us?' and so on. I'm like a child in that way so, in a sense, the films' merits are almost irrelevant to me. Having said that, Prometheus couldn't turn even me on.
I like films such as Inception & 2001 because of the awe-inspiring ideas they contain: 'What if we could see our dreams, or other people's dreams?'; 'What if alien beings contacted us?' and so on. I'm like a child in that way so, in a sense, the films' merits are almost irrelevant to me. Having said that, Prometheus couldn't turn even me on.
Sounds like a perfectly good reason to me.
The Wire.
Just kidding. It's the best show ever. Go & watch it.
Isn't the point that they both learn things from each other and their experiences on the road? That Viggo realises he's been a prejudiced twat and should stop while Ali learns that by trusting others and letting them in he can to some extent share the burdens saddled on him by an ignorant society? I agree the film paints in broad strokes but the two central performances carried it home for me.
Yeah, the performances were pretty good based on the material they had to work with. I get the whole "They learn from each other" angle but in that case the fatal flaw of the film is that it's only ever viewed from one man's perspective (Viggo's), and when you're dealing with the topic of racism in the deep south in the 50s it's probably not the best decision to have that one perspective be the white guy. Makes the film look really ignorant, which it was.
Transcendence starring Johnny Depp, superb production value but boring to the point of disliking Johnny Depp a bit.

Miami Vice the 2006 version. Just die.
I found Game of Thrones to be terrible, never clicked for me.

Stopped watching after I finished S4.

Is that coincidentally the last season where the dragon lady were topless? :lol:
Avengers Infinity War/Endgame. I get that its fun to have all your favourite superheros on screen with the ultimate of villians, recreating comic books so many people were fans of etc... It really was a whole load of nonsense though. Terrible movies.
Following by Nolan? I thought it was fantastic.
Nah it was a TV show starring Kevin Bacon pursuing a serial killer with a cult following. Decent acting that kept me 'following' the show but the writing had me face palming all the time.
Now Prometheus. There's a fecking disappointment.
First half of the movie is still great. I wanted to nominte Noomi Rapace's performance in that other thread about shit movies with good acting, thought she fecking nailed the caesarian scene.
Guess I'm weird - in a way I ended up liking Westworld S2 better than S1. Maybe it was just bc I was geeked about Floki from Vikings being in it. The samurai shit was pretty neat too.
Dexter after season 4.

Actually, scratch that. Don't even finish the last episode of season 4. At the end of season 4s last episode, turn it off as soon as Dexter's phone rings. That's the end. Don't you dare let him answer that damn phone!

Personally, I still found Dexter enjoyable after said season (mainly due to Dexter himself), but the quality drastically decreases after the fourth season.

I actually have a few episodes left of the final season to go that I've been meaning to watch for like over a year now. I'll get round to those last few episodes some day....

Don't bother. Worst ending ever. Changing writers killed that show. It was brilliant for the first 3 seasons.
Transcendence starring Johnny Depp, superb production value but boring to the point of disliking Johnny Depp a bit.

Miami Vice the 2006 version. Just die.

As I remember it that got bad reviews at the time but I read in the film review thread that it has since been re-assessed and is now rather highly rated. Still haven't got around to watching it, mind.
SEVEN? It was pretty clear to me in the first episode of the 2nd season when that old fella on top of the caravan with binoculars didn't spot the horde of zombies moving at 0.25mph until they 10 feet away and then they all of a sudden they are all in peril from the most useless harmless zombies there's ever been on television. I loved season 1, fecked knows what happened.

Well, it always looked like it might get going at any time even though there were a lot of questionable plot points/character actions. I always remember that old guy with the shotgun with seemingly infinite ammo i think in season 2 :lol:

but yeah, it did eventually dawn on me that this was never going to get any better.
Homeland took a massive nosedive after S1.

There's only so much you can do with mad CIA operative doing mad things. And once Damien Lewis went it was the final nail in the coffin. Shame as it promised so much, but ended up utter shit.

Oh, and 98% of the Fast and Furious movies and all associated franchises, and all the comic book movies that they've flooded our cinema screens with over the past five years.
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Suits - Enjoyed the first few seasons but takes a massive nosedive midway through that I decided to best patch it altogether.

Shame as it had a lot of potential early on to be really good.
As I remember it that got bad reviews at the time but I read in the film review thread that it has since been re-assessed and is now rather highly rated. Still haven't got around to watching it, mind.
After watching every episode of original Miami Vice I wouldn't even care to watch it, if I knew how pointless the 2006 version was. Crockett and Tubbs were essential characters to the 80's, now it's just Colin Farrell with a mullet and moustache trying his best Don Johnson impression.

Ironically Farrell also played in newest Total Recall version which is another perfect movie example to hate. Not trying to depreciate the actor, but he was clearly unlucky with roles in that time.
I didn't think Prometheus was bad it just got chewed up by some really bad editing in the second part of the movie. The deleted scene of the engineer and David/Weyland would have been great to have seen in the movie for the first time.

I'm more pissed off at Alien Covenant.
I didn't think Prometheus was bad it just got chewed up by some really bad editing in the second part of the movie. The deleted scene of the engineer and David/Weyland would have been great to have seen in the movie for the first time.

I'm more pissed off at Alien Covenant.
Prometheus was lucky to not have word "Alien" in a name, so to be honest there should be absolutely no expectations for a classic sci-fi thriller. Instead it's an adventrure/exploration philosophical take on a Alien universe, but then again why people would need explanation where the Aliens came from, if the mystery and the unknown was the reason original Alien was such a great, terrifying watch.

Covenant is pretty much another great example of movie to hate imo. They built Elizabeth Shaw character in Prometheus and suddenly she didn't survive the journey. What a waste of a great scene where at least Alien could rip her apart, so she can go with a proper sending. Fails as an adventure and fails even more at being a space thriller. David is the only memorable character and I guess in next movie he will murder more people, but at least they should make it interesting for a change.

Even Alien Resurrection was miles better and I'm ready to take consequences for what I just wrote.
Lots of Nolan films except for The Dark Knight. The others (Inception, Interstellar, Dunkirk etc) are crap.

Good movies - Memento, The Prestige, The Dark Knight, Insomnia
Grand movies - Following, Batman Begins, Dark Knight Rises, Inception
Bad movies - Interstellar, Dunkirk

That's a pretty good record I reckon. There aren't many directors with less than 20% stinkers.