Suarez bites | "sorry for falling into him and biting him and that"

I do feel a bit sorry for Liverpool, he's a liability.

I don't feel sorry for them. The way they treat him whenever he does something wrong enables him to do whatever he wants. They have a chance to sell him this summer, they should take it.
This is at the upper end of what I expected have to admit.
9 international matches doesn't seem like enough, but 4 months from all football (presumably starting from now) will mean he'll miss the start of the premier league (if he is still at Liverpool) again.... will have to check RAWK now :)
"LS is regarded as having breached article 48 paragraph 1 of the Fifa disciplinary code, and article 57. He is to be suspended for nine official matches. The first match of this suspension is to be served in the upcoming Fifa World Cup game between Uruguay and Colombia." The nine-match ban is from all internationals.

There's also a four-month ban from all football, according to article 22 of the Fifa disciplinary code. And a ban from all football stadiums while matches are in progress, according to article 21. Plus a fine of 100,000 Swiss franks.

The decision is not yet final and binding. An appeal can be lodged by the player or the Uruguay FA. "The appeal does not have a suspensive effect except with regard to orders to pay a sum of money." So an appeal would not allow Suárez to play in the Round of 16.
This ia more than i expected. I was expecting it to be a international ban only.
The 4 months should start from the beginning of the season...
Meh, not as harsh as i expected and now he'll stay at liverpool, unless they sell in jan
think that probably be right, i hope we dont pay him any wages while he's banned, if we dont sell him anyway
I'm off to RAWK. :lol:

Yep, it was the same for Rio when he got 8 months, he had to train on his own and not with United.

Unlike his ban last season he won't be match ready for a while you'd imagine.

Also I wonder if Liverpool are going to pay his full wages throughout that time considering he won't be allowed to be anywhere near the club
Another season start for Liverpool and another Suarez ban. Could be a yearly activity. They will need to pay his salaries without him even training let alone playing.
Not quiet as harsh as I thought but 4 months is better than the 6 international games some Liverpool fans were saying.

...Is there any chance he will appeal & reverse the decision?
A reasonable response. I was thinking 6 months, but at least it's in the right territory.
Luis Suarez is the victim in all of this, when do we play Liverpool, Is it at the start of the season again I can't remember?
There seems to be confusion about the ban. When will FIFA release a statement?
Shame its not 4 months for all football, and then a further 9 games of Internationals. Why should they overlap?