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Desperately wants to be like Noodle
Jul 11, 2009
At the back post
Pete and retardman both have a point - with the one caveat being the racism case.

Suarez is clearly a detestable prick who'll do anything to gain an advantage on the pitch. Do this mean he's a vile human being? No, not because of his diving and cheating. In that he's far from alone. I don't know anything about his off the field antics, nor do they concern me, and nor should they. He's probably an entirely ordinary bloke.

I think it says a lot about your character though if you kick someone in the chest as hard you can and pretend you didn't do it on purpose just because you're annoyed, even if it is on a football pitch. Biting someone, even if it is on a football pitch, also isn't a very adorable trait. Spitting at someone falls into this category too. And definitely the stamping he's gotten away with this season, clearly with the intention of hurting the opposition player.

I do feel that using the colour of another person's skin to rile someone up, no matter if it happens on a football pitch, says a whole fecking lot about someone's personal character though. It's a whole different level to simply cheating or going in hard on someone.

So I don't think it's as clear cut as "happens on football pitch, is okay".


Full Member
May 4, 2005
Goa, India
The main difference between what Keane or Cantona did and what Suarez does is that Keane and Cantona were provoked in someway or the other to do it. Sometimes Keane would just lose his temper. I am not saying what they did was right but atleast they had some sort of reason to do it and owned up to it.
The reason people dislike Suarez so much is because most of his actions are unprovoked and absolutely unnecessary. Whats worse is that he does it and yet acts so innocent and sometimes even feigns injuries to deflect from the dangerous tackle that he has just made.
Its this absolute unsporting and cnut like behaviour that pisses people off more then all the diving / handball / etc..

Name Changed

Jan 10, 2008
Yeah, I'm going to need something more than the daily mail or the sun.

Anyway this is massively off topic. If there is anything other than those to sources I'll believe it. I mean I reckon it did happen but when it's in the Sun or the Daily Fail then I'm not going to take it as 100% gospel.
I've seen Natasha Giggs admit and actually talk about it on national television (Irish).


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
Yeah, I'm going to need something more than the daily mail or the sun.

Anyway this is massively off topic. If there is anything other than those to sources I'll believe it. I mean I reckon it did happen but when it's in the Sun or the Daily Fail then I'm not going to take it as 100% gospel.
It's not any fake quotes or source close to the family shite, it's Giggs's brother himself openly saying it.

And you've also got his wife admitting it too.

It happened, no question about it.


A Bit Wordy
Apr 23, 2010
Strange how many in the mainstream sporting press are running with the idea that Suarez should have confessed to his deliberate handball and refused to accept the goal.

Most of us can agree that Suarez cheated to score off a deliberate handball but there is absolutely no obligation on the part of an offending player to not accept the bad call, or non-call in this case, by the referee. There have been a few isolated cases where a player fessed up but the duty of a professional is not to the truth, but to victory.

The shameful act wasn't so much Suarez's use of his hand to control the ball to score a goal, but by Rodgers in denying it was a handball despite video evidence that leads to no other possible conclusion.

All this other stuff about the Suarez racist abuse and Giggs's philandery is irrelevant. At least what Suarez did happened on a football pitch but it's now ancient history and has nothing to do with his serial cheating this season.

Ryan's Beard

Probably doesn't have a career as a comedian
Mar 26, 2011
Sunny Manchester
Strange how many in the mainstream sporting press are running with the idea that Suarez should have confessed to his deliberate handball and refused to accept the goal.
Probably because he's such a cnut in general the mainstream media thought mock outrage at his latest moral transgression would sell papers.

I agree he's got no obligation to say anything and if it'd been another player the papers might well have focused on the officials' blatant feck up but Suarez does himself no favours.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.


Banned Cnut
Dec 24, 2011
No Irwin, no TN, no Icky!!! WTF??? :-(
Barton :lol:

Such a shit player with so many balls.
If he stays with Marseille until the end of the season then, he might get to play in the Champions League since they are thinking of actually getting him permanently. As far as his attitude goes on the pitch, it has got better. He had his moments earlier on, but over the past few months he has got better and there were a few critics over here who thought he would be the same, but they are slowly changing their opinions. As for the loan deal with M'Bia I believe. Barton got the better deal since it looks as though Mbia could be going down with QPR.


Last Man Standing 2 champion 2020/21
Jun 17, 2011
BROD was harping on about him being better than RVP, and that he's being victimized


Obsessed with discrediting Danny Welbeck
Aug 28, 2009
BROD was harping on about him being better than RVP, and that he's being victimized
BROD? Oh for feck sake, first AVB now this shite.
Rodgers is the most pretentious manager in this league, all this bullshit about the "Liverpool way" of playing is nonsense, they've always played attacking football. He talks more shite to the media than 'Arry.


Erroneously Promoted
Nov 30, 2012
Fergie just said exactly what I was thinking early. Suarez gets off on cheating his way through matches, he must get a thrill out of getting away with things.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
I hate Suarez with a passion , but he is not the only one who cheats .
this isnt aimed at you personally, but im extremely tired of this point being made. robbie fowler was saying the same today and in the same inexplicable way john terry did, suarez is developing something of a defence base purely because of his controversies and an unforgivably biased fan base. between the balotelli love in almost weekly and suarez being defended lately (albeit amongst criticism too) i dont understand how some people can claim to love the sport and make any excuses for this type of player.

the whole point is, we're not talking about the odd dirty tackle like scholes, or a rash moment like cantona or bergkamp or a hot head like keane. luis suarez is a snarling, sneering, irritating, venomous,racist weed of a person. almost every action he undertakes is either self motivated or engineered solely to piss people off. on a weekly basis he exhibits almost zero respect for opponents, referees or any fans watching. he would lie, cheat or steal not just for 3 points, but just to piss somebody off. and to top it all off, at least 3 times in the last year we have seen mr "i dont give a shit what people say" cosy up to a red top rag and tell his "poverty child done good" story as if a tough upbringing somehow justifies being a loathsome cnut. and being the big fish in a pond thats drying up is somehow meant to compensate for all of this. he scores a hat trick one week, so we can let him away with biting an opponent the next. highlight reel after highlight reel can be made of him conciously trying to injure opponents, dive, wave cards, provoke and fan any hint of a flame of trouble. players like him are bad for the game. people like him are bad for the human race.

there's nothing else to it, there is no argument to be made in his favour other than him being a good footballer.


A Bit Wordy
Apr 23, 2010
there's nothing else to it, there is no argument to be made in his favour other than him being a good footballer.
That IS pretty much the sum of it all, isn't it?

Obviously, what's most important for a professional footballer is to excel at your craft. There's no denying that Suarez excels at his craft.

Yet there is also no denying that Suarez is a sniveling shitbag of a football who has no self-restraint when it comes to cheating. Perhaps worse, he shows no respect for opponents and, it appears, no respect for the game.

With everything that we know about Luis Suarez, I wouldn't want him in a United shirt. Period.


On Probation
Jun 19, 2011
Not a complete cock, just really young.
Yeah don't hate the player . hate the game !! i wonder how fast ppl on the CAF would change their mind if he would join United ??? van Rapist turned into a hero in less then 6 months !!!
I don't know you well enough to know if you're on the wum or not. van Persie was never a rapist in my eyes, nor those of many other fans. I never disliked him. If Suarez came to United I can state as a fact that I would still hate him with a passion. It's at the point where I actually do wish injury on him. The scummiest footballer I've ever seen.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2004
i knew i was nuts when the squirrels started stari
No i'm not a wum , i'm not a die hard united fan either . I love football and got a soft spot for United. I'm a member of this forum since 2004 . What really pisses me off is the lack of respect ppl got for players from Chelsea/City/Liverpool/Arsenal .


English is not my mother tongue

rio's upper lip

Full Member
May 8, 2007
No i'm not a wum , i'm not a die hard united fan either . I love football and got a soft spot for United. I'm a member of this forum since 2004 . What really pisses me off is the lack of respect ppl got for players from Chelsea/City/Liverpool/Arsenal .


English is not my mother tongue
Yes, Suarez has obviously earned everyones outmost respect. Obviously.
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