Television The Boys

Ah thanks. It wasn't clear before. :D

But fair enough, we all have characters we don't like. I have a fair share of mine from other TV shows too! Weirdly I found Frenchie boring initially but he grew on me.
Ah right, I probably should have clarified that haha.

Yeah I guess you're right, I didn't mind Hughie in season 1 but this season he really irked me. I liked Frenchie all the way through, think he's a really fun character.
Yeah Hughie is pretty irrelevant after season 1, but still had some decent moments in the 2nd.

Having said that though, I guess Butcher is the same and pretty much all of them at this moment. The story needs to be well written to bring them all back without it being in circles.
They should start season 3 with a cold opening and show people walking at night in the city then just being splattered by a white substance...
They should start season 3 with a cold opening and show people walking at night in the city then just being splattered by a white substance...

Apparently that final Homelander scene in the finale of Season 2 was meant to be in Season 1, but the Amazon producers thought it went too far in what was still the debut season of the show. Glad they found a way to put it in afterwards!
They should start season 3 with a cold opening and show people walking at night in the city then just being splattered by a white substance...
His orgasms are lethal too. There's a concept art panel at the end of one chapter that is Homelander blowing his load and the woman he is having sex being blown to pieces by the force of it. No matter how graphic you imagine it is, it's worse.

Gives you an idea how absurdly over the top the comics are.
His orgasms are lethal too. There's a concept art panel at the end of one chapter that is Homelander blowing his load and the woman he is having sex being blown to pieces by the force of it. No matter how graphic you imagine it is, it's worse.

Gives you an idea how absurdly over the top the comics are.
We already have such an over the top show, Preacher.
I binged the first 2 seasons recently.

Quite a nice show with how they 180 the typical super hero narrative. Also quite funny as well at times and it does have a lot of shock factor.

I do have a couple qualms with the acting. I do not like Butchers english accent, it's not good enough to proper pull off the ol cockney bad boy geezer. Can be slightly cheesy at times.
I binged the first 2 seasons recently.

Quite a nice show with how they 180 the typical super hero narrative. Also quite funny as well at times and it does have a lot of shock factor.

I do have a couple qualms with the acting. I do not like Butchers english accent, it's not good enough to proper pull off the ol cockney bad boy geezer. Can be slightly cheesy at times.
He's not going for the Cockney accent, he's just going for a Kiwi one.
The show portrays him as a british character no?
I think he's supposed to be, I just don't think Karl Urban is going for a British accent, it's basically his normal voice just a bit deeper.

Apparently that final Homelander scene in the finale of Season 2 was meant to be in Season 1, but the Amazon producers thought it went too far in what was still the debut season of the show. Glad they found a way to put it in afterwards!
I think it went well with s2 ending rather than somewhere in s1
Seemed more... Apt :lol:

His orgasms are lethal too. There's a concept art panel at the end of one chapter that is Homelander blowing his load and the woman he is having sex being blown to pieces by the force of it. No matter how graphic you imagine it is, it's worse.

Gives you an idea how absurdly over the top the comics are.
Reminds me of what Hancock was meant to be if will Smith wasn't attached to it

I think I need to watch the penultimate ep ending again as suggested earlier in this thread given we know who made the minds blow
Enjoyed the season, but the ending with Home lander felt out of place and not funny.
The end of episode 7 was great, from Starlight's mum giving Billy side-eye after he dropped the C-bomb to the song that starts up as soon as the credits begin running :lol:
I think they are smart to only do 7 or 8 episodes per season. 10 episodes can draw shit out and has a greater chance of dragging a season.
The season ended really well the last 2 or 3 episodes were very good and made up for some of the filler material earlier in the season.

Just noticed on a video on YouTube that I didn't watch that Starlight has got a skirt on at the end. /SPOILER]
I think they are smart to only do 7 or 8 episodes per season. 10 episodes can draw shit out and has a greater chance of dragging a season.
Agree with this. Normally i say 10 EPs per season for any show is the right number but 8 fit perfectly for this season
Although saying that it's like an hour an ep (without ads) as opposed to 40 mins you normally get so that could be part of it
Surely this superhero stuff has got to end at some point and I know they are saying superheros are bad in this do it's not another superhero show but it is yet another fecking superhero show

To be fair this is the third superhero series I've watched (if you can count Watchmen as one) that's been better than basically any superhero film.

The films have become tiring to me. Just the same formula over and over except because the hero isn't always a white man it's "groundbreaking" opposed to just not pandering to modern day hitlers. I think they will fade out, probably soon. Hopefully before we end up with Batmans vs Spidermans or some similarly desperate clusterfeck.

In a TV series format though it allows the characters and story/world to have depth and meaning, and brings it closer to being a television version of a comic book/graphic novel...which I think will always have an audience due to the fact lots of people like comic books and are nerds.

Also ticks a lot of boxes for bigger budget TV series. Accessible, attracts bigger name actors, relevant...allows you play around with all kinds of stuff under the same theme; aliens, social issues, racism, time travel, silly costumes, violence, sex, stuff exploding, utterly crazy shit happening to tie up glaring plot holes, talking space monkey apes,...basically just throw in whatever you want.
Just finished season one... Incredible show. Loved every second.

Question... How has Anthony Starr not ran away with every single award going? His performance in this is something... Genuinely one of the best I've seen in TV land.
Started watching this. Enjoying it as a nice easy watch. The music being about 10x louder than it should be is annoying as feck though.

End up having to fecking hover hand the remote if I want hear them talking but don't want to wake the street up.
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I read online (on a few sites) that Black Noir is the third strongest supe in the show after HL and Stormfromt... But not sure why? Isn't he just a durable sniper or something?

Also, I get so annoyed every time Starlight starts a bit of dialogue with either "I remember..." Or "When I was a kid..." It's always a stupid ass story no one gives a feck about and is just forced character development. This seems to happen a lot too.

The dick-choking was the funniest scene for me. Especially when Frenchie says "tell butcher you were strangled by a dick" :lol:

I actually want to see what The Deeps powers are in a good light. I want to know how someone like him made it into the 7.

Also that blind guy that Homelander fecked up, is he done for?

Finally, why no A-Train love up in here? He's my favourite!
Started watching this. Enjoying it as a nice easy watch. The music being about 10x louder than it should be is annoying as feck though.

End up having to fecking hover hand the remote if I want hear them talking but don't want to wake the street up.

I watch almost every tv show with subtitles on for this reason.
Great show.
I watch almost every tv show with subtitles on for this reason.
I don’t normally have an issue with it. It’s quite good when it’s used sparingly to make things more exciting, but this is constant and I’ve never known such a big variance in volume :lol:
I'm only 5/6 episodes in so I'm going to avoid reading anything through fear of it spoiling it for myself, but I'm enjoying this! I'm really not a fan of Butcher, though. Terrible accent, one dimensional character. Him aside, good stuff!

EDIT. Just wanted to add that Homelander is fecking excellent, as is the evil boss and Starlight. And Mother's Milk and Frenchie!
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I read online (on a few sites) that Black Noir is the third strongest supe in the show after HL and Stormfromt... But not sure why? Isn't he just a durable sniper or something?
I'm guessing that comic spoilers are a big no-no even with tags but at least in the show they've already shown him shaking off a (shotgun?/rocket?) blast. And considering his competition is a guy who can run fast, a woman who can suck out light Infamous style, and a pervert who talks to fish, that's pretty damn impressive!
Just finished season 2 and think I’m on top of it all. One question though. When Edgar met with the church leader something happened with the napkin on the waiter’s tray. It’s bothering me. I know the church deal with supes but am I reading into it way too much?

Edit: Never mind, YouTube comment just solved it I think. A Train was listening in the other side of the door so I assume it was him running past.
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Chekhov's gun (Russian: Чеховское ружьё) is a dramatic principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed. Elements should not appear to make "false promises" by never coming into play.

They use this perfectly.

Especially with MM and the facility for supes...

To be fair they subverted that with their "Chekhov's RPG"'s though!
Preferred season 1, season 2 was good though, my fav episode being 4 with the Whale and butcher kind of getting home lander back.
Finally finished season 2. Had two episodes left for the longest time, guess I didn't like it as much as season 1.

Hughie is useless and is now going into politics working for the person who's going to chang the country. Star Wars prequels anyone? Headpopper is Sheev. Hughie is annoying and useless Jar Jar. Luke Skywalker gets taken away from his dad with Obi Wan watching over him. Anakin, now Vader, ends the season with his NOOOOOOO! moment. A-Train is Grievous. Got his arms in everything but doesn't really do much. Is supposed to be powerful but gets out of breath. The Deep will get back into the 7 by saving them with his clone army (shoal of fish).

I get wanting to emulate one of the best movie trilogy in history but you could at least be cool about it rather than throwing it at our faces.
Putting In a spoiler tag as it's a name for an upcoming episode (based on the comic)

There is no way to do that without, rightly, taming it down a bit.
When I got into the show I hadn't read the comics
I was referred to this specific comic story to show how different and crazy the boys really is
I'm very very intrigued to see how they pull this off
What's so crazy about that episode?
Just a really debauched, edgy story.

For instance, something that will no doubt be cut...

Shooting up heroin that is mixed with Maeve's "vaginal mucus".

Smoking ground up aborted fetuses.

But the show has been great at adapting from the comics and leaving shock value stuff out so I'm sure they'll do it again.