The Continual Fall Of Paul Gascoigne

The ex-England star, who denies sexual assault by touching, told police he had "kissed a fat lass" to give her a "confidence boost", jurors were told.
The guy is a complete mess, it’s hard for me to see anything but sorry for him. And even more sorry for the poor woman that had this pissed-up disaster force himself on her. Everything surrounding him is tragic.
Lost all sympathy for this cretin. He feels like an amalgamation of everything that was wrong with the 90's. He's like the News of the World in human form.
Maybe prison will do him some good.
Its not a sex assault. He kissed her. Its not a violent rape. He will get a fine and probably community service.

He is a massive twat so maybe a month in the clink might wake him up all the same.
Did George Best ever have any sexual assault charges or something similar levelled at him?

I know he went awol a lot and shagged every attractive woman he came into contact with but his alcoholism didn't seem to plunge him to the same lows as Gazza.
Did George Best ever have any sexual assault charges or something similar levelled at him?

I know he went awol a lot and shagged every attractive woman he came into contact with but his alcoholism didn't seem to plunge him to the same lows as Gazza.
Speaking purely in hypotheticals as I obviously don't accuse Bestie of anything and from my recollection he was less of a public nuisance while drunk, but I'm not sure that this particular argument is rock-solid — at least because women are much more likely to speak up today than in the 60's or 70's.
I saw him in Bournemouth town centre last week (he lives down here so I see him in my local Tesco every few months) , he looked healthier than I've seen him in years.
Speaking purely in hypotheticals as I obviously don't accuse Bestie of anything and from my recollection he was less of a public nuisance while drunk, but I'm not sure that this particular argument is rock-solid — at least because women are much more likely to speak up today than in the 60's or 70's.

True, although I haven't heard anything emerge in recent years either. I know people often don't want to speak out about these things but we have seen it become increasingly common. Truth is that he probably wasn't a sexual pest.

I saw him in Bournemouth town centre last week (he lives down here so I see him in my local Tesco every few months) , he looked healthier than I've seen him in years.

He looks a lot slimmer than when he was as player
Its not a sex assault. He kissed her. Its not a violent rape. He will get a fine and probably community service.

He is a massive twat so maybe a month in the clink might wake him up all the same.
Not all sexual assault is "violent rape"
She said she noticed Mr Gascoigne being "very noisy" on the train, adding: "There were lots of cans on the floor."

Yeah of course there was. Sounds better in the press doesn't it.

I agree Gazza was wrong but why must people tell lies. They wont be happy until he is 6 feet under

Poor Gazza
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Sexual harrassing a train? Jesus that's fecked up.

No Thomas the tank engine jokes before you think of making one. Should go without saying but I know what you lot are like.
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Its not a sex assault. He kissed her. Its not a violent rape. He will get a fine and probably community service.

This is extremely ignorant and ignores the psychological trauma such a sexual attack can cause!
Did George Best ever have any sexual assault charges or something similar levelled at him?

I know he went awol a lot and shagged every attractive woman he came into contact with but his alcoholism didn't seem to plunge him to the same lows as Gazza.
no but he hit them which is probably worse than this one random unsolicited kiss presumably on the cheek.
Did George Best ever have any sexual assault charges or something similar levelled at him?

I know he went awol a lot and shagged every attractive woman he came into contact with but his alcoholism didn't seem to plunge him to the same lows as Gazza.
There were stories about him being a wife beater
Sounds horrible, but even Gazza has to get a bit of farce in there with the "kissed a fat lass" line. Just ridiculous.

Chances of that woman not knowing it was Gazza "until later" though? Got to be unlikely.
I saw him in Bournemouth town centre last week (he lives down here so I see him in my local Tesco every few months) , he looked healthier than I've seen him in years.

What's he doing down in Bournemouth. Bit random?
There were stories about him being a wife beater

Yes, pretty sure he (like PG) partook in that kind of thing.

Can't really compare the pre-90's to today's standards though - there's so much stuff that wouldn't get column space in those days but is rapidly communicated now. People just weren't as interested in football to the same levels as they are now, never mind their personal lives.
He moved here a few years ago, not really sure why.

Maybe a conscious decision to get away from those goon mates who leeched off him and are bad for him.
But it doesn't seem to be doing the trick.

I'm still a bit gutted by that clip a while back of him whispering "coo-cain, got any coo-cain"
For 2 decades I’m hearing about “poor Gazza”, he is an alcoholic loser piece of trash, feck him.

Its not a sex assault. He kissed her. Its not a violent rape. He will get a fine and probably community service.

He is a massive twat so maybe a month in the clink might wake him up all the same.
Ignorance is nothing to be proud of, you’re spouting absolute rubbish.
Its not a sex assault. He kissed her. Its not a violent rape. He will get a fine and probably community service.

He is a massive twat so maybe a month in the clink might wake him up all the same.

You really really need to educate yourself, you’re completely out of touch with the real world. Find it sad and scary there’s people with your mindset on here.
Sounds horrible, but even Gazza has to get a bit of farce in there with the "kissed a fat lass" line. Just ridiculous.

Chances of that woman not knowing it was Gazza "until later" though? Got to be unlikely.

I don't think it's that unlikely that a woman wouldn't recognise a has-been footballer from several decades ago.
It's depressing how every time a news article pops up about him doing something the amount of blokes on Twitter calling him a legend or stuff like "Classic Gazza", laughing it off or twisting their brains to defend him no matter what.
Can’t defend his behaviour but addiction is such a fecking horrible thing, once your hooked that’s it for life and it’s always just there waiting for you. Just sad to be honest.