The Daredevil Draft | Winner - Enigma


100%. Things like the Eastern European Draft or the South American draft unearthed a lot of these hidden gems.

There are still a few out there but yeah, it’s not easy pickings.

Yeah we've had drafts for all the specific big leagues, plus the nations drafts that picks out the gems from far reaching places.

Plus my limit of knowledge is modern, plus the big hitters from the past so I'm limited to who I'm willing to pick.
I don’t have much coverage today and tomorrow will be back on Monday if that’s ok with Sjor too. Probably will make slight adjustment to the tactics.

Im fine whenever, will be a light debate anyways
I get the feeling the seeding didn't quite reflect the results this time.

The seedings were very mixed as different managers rated very differently unlike last time.

But still all the top seeds won or are winning currently. Only 1 lost, not very difficult to guess who.

The system works like a charm. Proven thrice in a row.
@GodShaveTheQueen and fellow managers. Any love for the idea of changing the reinforcement round and having one never picked in a draft before player and one traditional reinforcement?

I think it needs changing as I literally can't find a player. A really strict criteria would probably work better for me as otherwise I think I'll be playing with 9.
not that i will need to do so but how do you even search that? surely too many drafts to go 1 by 1?
Lads, I am sure you will all agree the initial drafting was too lenient. It reflects in the quality of your teams.

I didn’t know how the concept would workout before drafting started which I why I waited to announce the reinforcement rules based on how the drafting progressed.

Considering the degrade will only be for the quarters and not after, I think this is very fair.

If I allow 1 sheep and 1 normal reinforcement, it really dilutes the idea and am not a fan of it.

As I mentioned in OP, if you need help with validating players, ping me. It shouldn’t be too difficult searching names in this forum. I am sure most of you know Caf search has forum filters.
Lads, I am sure you will all agree the initial drafting was too lenient. It reflects in the quality of your teams.

I didn’t know how the concept would workout before drafting started which I why I waited to announce the reinforcement rules based on how the drafting progressed.

Considering the degrade will only be for the quarters and not after, I think this is very fair.

If I allow 1 sheep and 1 normal reinforcement, it really dilutes the idea and am not a fan of it.

As I mentioned in OP, if you need help with validating players, ping me. It shouldn’t be too difficult searching names in this forum. I am sure most of you know Caf search has forum filters.

I can search fine, but can't find a single player that hasn't been picked at some point that isn't automatically going to be seen as a non existant player.

I like the idea of the player being a big downgrade on what we currently have, but having 2 gaping holes on either side will just lead to people judging based off of the rest of the team. I've always thought a sheep needs to be able to do at least 1 specific job that you designate them otherwise they are pointless.
I can search fine, but can't find a single player that hasn't been picked at some point that isn't automatically going to be seen as a non existant player.

I like the idea of the player being a big downgrade on what we currently have, but having 2 gaping holes on either side will just lead to people judging based off of the rest of the team

Are you saying the forum has covered the whole of football history and everyone else left is a gaping hole? I disagree with that completely.

Take someone like Bernard Dietz that was picked in last draft and hardly ever before. He wasn't picked not because he was not quality, but enough people in general weren't aware of him. He genuinely was a Bundesliga and Germany great in the 70's. Another example from last draft was Chislenko who I would admit to have known nothing about, probably true for many others too.

The round is not a punishing round. Its a research round meant to unearth good players that have been overlooked.

I am not in favour of changing it at all but if all 8 winners want it changed, I guess I don't have an option.
not that i will need to do so but how do you even search that? surely too many drafts to go 1 by 1?

Just type the name of the obscure fecker in search and you will find yourself with 2 or 3 pages of mentioning him.

Reality - Monopoly draft and Behind the curtain draft are serial killers, mind you.

It is a good idea, it can totally change some teams outlook. Only thing is that I don't have much time for research, but for anyone that has some quality players can certainly be found.

Edit: because of that I would be in favor of Pat's idea, but fine either way..
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Are you saying the forum has covered the whole of football history and everyone else left is a gaping hole? I disagree with that completely.

Take someone like Bernard Dietz that was picked in last draft and hardly ever before. He wasn't picked not because he was not quality, but enough people in general weren't aware of him. He genuinely was a Bundesliga and Germany great in the 70's. Another example from last draft was Chislenko who I would admit to have known nothing about, probably true for many others too.

The round is not a punishing round. Its a research round meant to unearth good players that have been overlooked.

I am not in favour of changing it at all but if all 8 winners want it changed, I guess I don't have an option.

Not all of football history, but all of my football knowledge most definitely is screwed. I'll go with it if people want it to stay though.
Not all of football history, but all of my football knowledge most definitely is screwed. I'll go with it if people want it to stay though.

I have some names that I don't think have been drafted before but I can't say they're hidden gems
Fairly sure Humberto was about as much use votes-wise as a chocolate teapot, for what it’s worth.

Tbh, I just wanted to see if anyone ever picked him seeing his name on one God forbidden list. I never also heard about him, so it was more of a checking how far you nutters have gone. Quite admirable.

But, Dragan Holcer being picked actually hurt a lot. :( OK, will continue to search in silence.
Are you saying the forum has covered the whole of football history and everyone else left is a gaping hole? I disagree with that completely.

Take someone like Bernard Dietz that was picked in last draft and hardly ever before. He wasn't picked not because he was not quality, but enough people in general weren't aware of him. He genuinely was a Bundesliga and Germany great in the 70's. Another example from last draft was Chislenko who I would admit to have known nothing about, probably true for many others too.

The round is not a punishing round. Its a research round meant to unearth good players that have been overlooked.

I am not in favour of changing it at all but if all 8 winners want it changed, I guess I don't have an option.

Nah mate, you've run the draft and it should proceed your way. I'm generally the first to cry about the boredom of unrestricted all-time pools so I love the idea in general terms. The worry is that the bare minimum of 16 never drafted players for the first round winners and same again for Coropa League will just spread things too thin.
Will change rules as it is research heavy and I can understand not everyone would have the time and energy and I don't want ruined teams because of that.

New pool being -

1. Anyone who has never won a draft
2. Anyone who was not picked in the Virgin draft.

@P-Nut @Pat_Mustard , I hope this is fine.
Will change rules as it is research heavy and I can understand not everyone would have the time and energy and I don't want ruined teams because of that.

New pool being -

1. Anyone who has never won a draft
2. Anyone who was not picked in the Virgin draft.

@P-Nut @Pat_Mustard , I hope this is fine.
Having spent a fairly long time researching this one, mostly for total scraps admittedly, I’d rather that wasn’t time wasted.
Give me +10 votes for the extra never been picked before player and I'll be happy. Also assuming there won't be any blocks because that would just totally piss me off.