The F1 Thread 2008 Season

B Cantona

Nov 28, 2006
Hated, Adored, Never Ignored

But even as the 23-year-old Briton was savouring his fifth race victory of the season, there were the first rumblings of discontent from Heikki Kovalainen, his team-mate, who has endured a difficult first season with McLaren and is getting tired of being treated as Hamilton's supporting act.

Kovalainen is frustrated that, at almost every race this year, he has been given heavier fuel loads in qualifying than Hamilton, which effectively prevent him from competing for race wins. So far, the Finn has refrained from criticising the team, but he has told friends that if his interests are not better served next season, he may have to consider his position.


Yeh mate, you're being held back. You consider your options, and see who else is willing to give you a top drive... racing drivers eh :rolleyes:

Count Duckula

New Member
Feb 16, 2007
Tali'Zorah vas Normandy.

But even as the 23-year-old Briton was savouring his fifth race victory of the season, there were the first rumblings of discontent from Heikki Kovalainen, his team-mate, who has endured a difficult first season with McLaren and is getting tired of being treated as Hamilton's supporting act.

Kovalainen is frustrated that, at almost every race this year, he has been given heavier fuel loads in qualifying than Hamilton, which effectively prevent him from competing for race wins. So far, the Finn has refrained from criticising the team, but he has told friends that if his interests are not better served next season, he may have to consider his position.


Yeh mate, you're being held back. You consider your options, and see who else is willing to give you a top drive... racing drivers eh :rolleyes:
There were rumours a few months back that he was already unhappy at his treatment with McLaren. But I fear it's always been the way that Ron Dennis works -- he picks a favourite and goes on from there. Coulthard recounted how when he used to sit down at the team meetings his group and Hakkinen's group used to be on separate tables. Dennis used to walk in, sit down on Mika's table and say, "so what are we doing?" before gesturing over to Coulthard's table and saying "and what are they doing?"

To be fair, though, Kovaleinen has deserved no better. He's been absolute dog-shite and I hope he does leave the McLaren. They had very little choice on signing him for this year -- it was basically a straight swap with Renault because they needed rid of Alonso -- but there's no excuse for signing him on again for next season. Someone like Mark Webber would have been a much better idea; I doubt he'd have complained too much, either, and he's definitely a much better competitor.

B Cantona

Nov 28, 2006
Hated, Adored, Never Ignored
There were rumours a few months back that he was already unhappy at his treatment with McLaren. But I fear it's always been the way that Ron Dennis works -- he picks a favourite and goes on from there. Coulthard recounted how when he used to sit down at the team meetings his group and Hakkinen's group used to be on separate tables. Dennis used to walk in, sit down on Mika's table and say, "so what are we doing?" before gesturing over to Coulthard's table and saying "and what are they doing?"

To be fair, though, Kovaleinen has deserved no better. He's been absolute dog-shite and I hope he does leave the McLaren. They had very little choice on signing him for this year -- it was basically a straight swap with Renault because they needed rid of Alonso -- but there's no excuse for signing him on again for next season. Someone like Mark Webber would have been a much better idea; I doubt he'd have complained too much, either, and he's definitely a much better competitor.
There's no doubt Ron picks a favourite. But at the same time, McClaren have always let both drivers race. The calve up between Hakkinen and Coulthard was a driver, not a team, decision. Kovaleinens performances can't just be put down to 'enforced worse strategies'. Even if that claim is true, which seems mental, in the reverse situation I'd bet everything I have that Hamilton would still outpoint the lad, and probably by a distance still too. He just isn't anywhere near the driver Hamilton is. And there's no excuse for being 7th in the Championship in that McClaren

I think it's dangerous from McClaren. Yes they have Hamilton, but his chances of victory are severly diminished having a team mate who simply isn't competing. If Kovalainen won in Brazil, Hamilton needs a 7th place finish ot better to become champion. But that just isn't going to happen. He can't even give the added comfort of getting himself between Hamilton and his rivals on the race track. It's no position to be complaining from, but it's an odd decision from McClaren in my eyes. They must see something in him not entirely visable to the viewing public right now


Full Member
May 6, 2008
Kovalainen's inadequacy is another factor working against Hamilton this year. If he had a worthwhile teammate who could contribute strategically and points-wise to McLaren, then he would had the WDC wrapped up by now.


Full Member
Jul 20, 2007
The Philosophy.
Kovalainen's inadequacy is another factor working against Hamilton this year. If he had a worthwhile teammate who could contribute strategically and points-wise to McLaren, then he would had the WDC wrapped up by now.
There is also the flip-side of that.

If such a driver could contribute strategically and points wise this would mean they are just as capable of winning a grand prix. With no team orders and two equal drivers, the driver would end up taking a few of those points Hamilton could have got earlier in the season.


Full Member
Aug 2, 2006
Even though i have avoided formula1 for the rest of this season at least i still do browse the odd article and quite frankly i'm glad teams are starting to dig their heels in....hopefully more teams speak up now because quite frankly has been a joke the last few seasons and they've only gotten exponentially worse this season.

Formula 1 is supposed to the pinnacle of motorsport yet if the FIA had their way the sport will lag behind IndyCar and CART!

Standard engine's is a fecking joke to be honest and i hear that nearly all teams are not liking the idea at all


Full Member
Jul 20, 2007
The Philosophy.
Haven't read about what they are proposing but it doesn't surprise me. Isn't it the way of the FIA lately on rule changes? Offer something ridiculous and eventually get it watered down as it passes through the teams...


New Member
Sep 10, 2006
I see ITV are advertising the upcoming Brazilian GP as the biggest race of Hamilton's life. I'd say the one a year ago was a bit bigger.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2004
Well potentially its bigger because of last year. In my opinion this is the best oppurtunity he may get for a few years because nobody quite knows what the 2009 spec is gonna bring but I don't think its gonna be just Ferrari and McLaren for wins next season.


Full Member
May 15, 2006
Website racists target Hamilton

Motorsport's governing body the FIA has condemned racists who have targeted Lewis Hamilton with abusive messages ahead of the Brazilian Grand Prix.

Visitors to a 'voodoo-style' website are invited to drop imaginary nails on a computer version of the Interlagos track hoping "he suffers a puncture".

Many of the posts are obscene, while others refer to Hamilton's colour.

"Everyone in our sport will join us in condemning these abusive and hateful comments," said an FIA spokesman.

Hamilton's McLaren team have admitted that their driver is "vaguely aware" of the website and offensive material.

However former Jordan team owner Eddie Jordan said that the comments on the website would not affect Hamilton's title hopes.

"I think that would not even remotely register in the brain cells of Lewis Hamilton," he told BBC Radio 5 Live.

"I think he is very happy to have been given the chance that he's got."

Hamilton, 23, could become the youngest Formula One champion in Sunday's season-ending race.

Hamilton leads Ferrari's Felipe Massa by seven points, meaning the Briton need only finish fifth to take the title even if his Brazilian rival wins the race.

Earlier this year the FIA launched its EveryRace campaign after Hamilton was the target of racist abuse at a test session in Barcelona.

They also warned Spanish circuits that the country's two Grands Prix could be at risk if there was any repeat of the behaviour.

Hamilton has become a hate figure for some Spaniards because of his rivalry with the country's double world champion Fernando Alonso when they were team-mates at McLaren.

It led to Alonso's release from his two-year contract at the end of last season and a return to Renault.

Alonso insisted on Thursday his problems were not with Hamilton, but that he would rather see any team other than McLaren win the title.

"Things are not personal with Lewis," said the Spaniard. "I have said many times I have great respect for Lewis and we do speak together. Last year was the same.

"When we were in the drivers' room, we spoke and there were no problems. But I think I will always prefer any team, other than McLaren, to win."


Poster originally known MS MSP
Jul 11, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I hope Hamilton has a car failure to be honest.

Not because I'm racist, but rather because I think he's a pompous ass and I don't want to see him win the WDC.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2004
I hope Hamilton has a car failure to be honest.

Not because I'm racist, but rather because I think he's a pompous ass and I don't want to see him win the WDC.
Thanks for that wonderful insight.

FP1 Massa fastest ahead of Hamilton and Raikkonen. Good news for Hamilton is it looks like the Ferrari's are fast and it looks like he can stay with them, the rest are 4-5 tenths back.


Poster originally known MS MSP
Jul 11, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
how do you expect to be F1 champion or champion of any sport without a hint of arrogance?

Look at Schumacher, Federer, Cristiano Ronaldo...
Sure, but there's a noticeable difference between those guys and Hamilton...they were actually champions before they became arrogant.

Anyway, I'm not a Hamilton or McLaren fan, to each their own, I just hope for a good race.

Ferrari are really up against it which is why I said I was hoping for a failure on Hamilton's part. Ferrari need all the help they can get.

Maybe Kimi can take Lewis out at the first corner!



From Barca to Orient - back down to earth with a b
Sep 1, 2007
"Thomas..It's up for grabs now - Thomas, righ
how do you expect to be F1 champion or champion of any sport without a hint of arrogance?

Look at Schumacher, Federer, Cristiano Ronaldo...
:lol: Schumacher "hint of arrogance" don't you mean a 'hint' of modesty humility

The most arrogant, most cheating world champion of any known professional sport


How anybody can hold Schumacher up as a sporting icon is a mystery to me

rufus diabolus

Full Member
Feb 9, 2008
This ain't no hayride
Sure, but there's a noticeable difference between those guys and Hamilton...they were actually champions before they became arrogant.
Most world class sportsmen are naturally arrogant, it's part of what makes them so.
You may be right, but he backed it up by winning multiple WDC's.

He's arguably one of the best ever.
Hamilton has the potential to do the same.


Apr 29, 2003
if i was in charge of mclaren id get kovalainen to cut straight in front of alonso to slow him and the rest of the pack down, let hamilton just sit there in 4th and let the 3 in front just drive away

B Cantona

Nov 28, 2006
Hated, Adored, Never Ignored
if i was in charge of mclaren id get kovalainen to cut straight in front of alonso to slow him and the rest of the pack down, let hamilton just sit there in 4th and let the 3 in front just drive away
Precisely. Kovaleinens job today is to slip in behind Hamilton at the first corner, and then bunch them up behind. The way Alonso has been speaking is disgraceful, and I wouldn't trust him at all near Hamilton. We saw with that qualifying incident before, when he stayed in long enough to ruin Hamiltons lap, that he's fully capable of ruining someone elses race ala Schumacher

Hamilton just has to survive the first corner, then hope for reliability. Nothing silly, let Massa claim his home race if needs be. It'd be an additional plus if Raikkonen gets ahead of Trulli from the start to be honest. If Hamilton manages to pass Trulli early too, he's the best road blocker in the business, and he'll be acting in Hamiltons favour

Come on Lewis!!!


Full Member
Sep 20, 2004
Looks like it might be a wet one. Lewis just needs to get through the first lap, after that he can settle down.

B Cantona

Nov 28, 2006
Hated, Adored, Never Ignored
Wet is good and bad news for Hamilton. It's that added element of uncertainty, which could potentially dump you many places, at the same time Hamilton is a better driver in the wet than Massa

Worth pointing out, but for that nonsense decision at Spa, this title race would be over by now. I guess the authorities got what they were looking for after all eh


Full Member
Jul 8, 2005
Lee Martin Scores , Sir Alex legacy begins
If it is a wet race Trulli for the win anyone. Massa isnt to good in the wet. Anyway COME ON LEWIS. Could be a perfect sporting weekend Lewis champ , United win , Liverpool and Ars both lost dont get much better than that.


Redcafe Minister for Guinness Therapy
May 20, 2003
Eugene, are you even listening to me?
Looking forward to this. Lewis isn't getting the straightforward weekend he was hoping for, but that's ok, he's still the favourite and should still do contact, obviously.

Pretty tense opening few corners though, Hamilton has got to keep the head. IF somebody sticks it up the inside of him, he's got to let them go, there's 71 laps to get it back, and he's driving a McLaren, which will be quicker than whoever is trying it on. In fact, even if it's a rotten start and he loses a few places, that's still fine, he can get them back once the thing settles down.

Massa just needs to get it off the line and drive away. He's done that before.


Man Utd fan
Apr 8, 2006
It's Manchester United, United or Man United.
It was a clever quali strategy from McLaren.
It will probably rain so there'll be no need to use the soft tires, Hamilton was loaded with fuel (it seems) and only needs to finish 5th. Let the Ferraris go, use Heiki as the wing man to keep that f*ck Alonso at bay, Trulli must have had no fuel in the car so should drop a few places in the race.
Job done.
I just hope we have a straight race with no stewards' decisions to affect it.


Apr 29, 2003
Hamilton will be champion if he finishes fifth or higher regardless of where Massa finishes.

If Massa finishes second Hamilton will still be champion if he finishes seventh or higher

If Massa wins the Grand Prix and Hamilton is sixth or lower than the Brazilian will take the title.

If Massa finishes second he will win the title if Hamilton is eighth or lower.

If the pair are tied on points at the end of the race - which could happen if Massa wins or finishes second with Hamilton eighth - Massa would win the title on count-back as he has three second-place finishes compared to Hamilton's two.