The Football Moral Police


Watches other men wank.Supports Real.Coincidence?
Feb 11, 2009
None of your fecking business
Real Madrid
My 8-year old, Real supporting son put it best: “Daddy, there’s good news and bad news: the bad news is it’s sad that guy got hurt, but the good news is that they lost their best player.”
You are doing a hell of a job raising that kid!


Full Member
Oct 17, 2016
To me, the most consipicuous part about all this is the anti-Liverpool moral police, consistenly holding the "If you do not wish the worst for Liverpool and its players in every situation, you are not a United supporter" banner in people's faces.

I certainly dislike Liverpool, and it was hilarious how it happened yesterday, but that stuff is just juvenile. I'm personally having a just as hard, if not harder, time rooting for a team with a player who is simply nothing but a demon, and a whiny, bitchy, cheating demon at that.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Sep 19, 2016
Your last sentence is exactly how I felt. I hoped it wasn't too serious so that he wouldn't miss the WC but whatever increased their chances of losing was welcome
That was the point I was making in the OP. Not only Salah but as I mentioned the KDB example earlier this season or any other rival player for that matter. I don't sit hoping before every match that they get injured but once they do and it's detrimental to our rivals, I'm not gonna lament that fact. We are Utd fans so anything that benefits us I'm not gonna feel sorry for that. But some people on here want to be on a moral high ground that you can't say this and you can't wish for any player to get injured blah blah blah.

Our wishing has no effect on what actually happens on the field ( unless you wanna get into an in depth discussion on noetic sciences:nervous:) but to act all precious because an opponent got injured is just weird for me.


45k posts to finally achieve this tagline
Apr 25, 2007
Djibouti (La terre des braves)
That was the point I was making in the OP. Not only Salah but as I mentioned the KDB example earlier this season or any other rival player for that matter. I don't sit hoping before every match that they get injured but once they do and it's detrimental to our rivals, I'm not gonna lament that fact. We are Utd fans so anything that benefits us I'm not gonna feel sorry for that. But some people on here want to be on a moral high ground that you can't say this and you can't wish for any player to get injured blah blah blah.

Our wishing has no effect on what actually happens on the field ( unless you wanna get into an in depth discussion on noetic sciences:nervous:) but to act all precious because an opponent got injured is just weird for me.
The only thing that I felt was that Ramos was a cnut and did it on purpose but other than I was happy Liverpool lost their best player. It doesn't mean, like you said, we watch their games wishing they all get injured.
We live in a time where the grey areas of thinking are getting banished, you have to belong in 1 of 2 camps


Full Member
Nov 14, 2010
Taking a thread off topic

Not to derail the thread, but it seems pretty fecked anyway, so... - Iconic football moment, or embarrasing behaviour from our fans?

After all, this guy had just finished his hat-trick and sent us out of the QF of the CL.

fellaini's barber

New Member
Nov 27, 2014
The cringiest bit for me is hearing fans from hundreds of miles away talking about hating “Scousers” when they’ve never bloody met one. It seems a lot of our fans think supporting United means hating other teams more than supporting Manchester United. Liverpool losing last night was fecking brilliant but some people seem to want to rub their hatred of a team too far. How can you hate Liverpool FC if you’ve never even been to the north west of England?
Goes both ways, how can you love United when you've never been to England?

On topic when Ramos did the hit on Salah I was pissed at the prospect of Salah missing the WC being african and all and was a little sad when he came off crying. Then Liverpool went to shit and I forgot all about him and went back to hoping they lose, then Karius.... :lol:, legend that he is made an appearance. It was an awesome night nigh after everything said and done


Full Member
Apr 17, 2017
Man City
Not to derail the thread, but it seems pretty fecked anyway, so... - Iconic football moment, or embarrasing behaviour from our fans?

After all, this guy had just finished his hat-trick and sent us out of the QF of the CL.
That's Ronaldo, a once in a generation player with a Motm performance that sent us out. He earned that respect.

C. Ronaldo also got a standing ovation from the Juventus fans when he scored the overhead kick.

The Bloody-Nine

Full Member
May 21, 2017

Not to derail the thread, but it seems pretty fecked anyway, so... - Iconic football moment, or embarrasing behaviour from our fans?

After all, this guy had just finished his hat-trick and sent us out of the QF of the CL.
That guy wasn't playing for our biggest rivals.


Full Member
Nov 14, 2010
That's Ronaldo, a once in a generation player with a Motm performance that sent us out. He earned that respect.

C. Ronaldo also got a standing ovation from the Juventus fans when he scored the overhead kick.
Maybe he'd earned it, but would the die-hard United-fans on here have given standing ovations to a player who's just sent us out of the CL? Just curious...


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
We live in a world of political correctness - anything you say can offend the other group and you'll be labelled. So if you were happy to see Salah injured (which i was), you'll be judged as inhumane and someone who wishes harm to others.
Aye and this forum is very politically correct generally, oddly so at times.


Full Member
Apr 17, 2017
Man City
Maybe he'd earned it, but would the die-hard United-fans on here have given standing ovations to a player who's just sent us out of the CL? Just curious...
I think you will find that match going fans generally have the most dislike for Liverpool so yes they would. It's usually the foreign fans that don't have mouthy Liverpool fans as friends and colleagues that are all lovey-dovey with Liverpool.

Jojo <3 Mou

Full Member
Oct 17, 2016
Mount Sisyphus
I'm really pleased that Liverpool lost but, I must admit that I feel a little sad for Karius. I don't feel sad for the result of his errors but I feel sad for the negative impact that it can/will have on him. I don't have issues with him, I just dislike his team.

The loss will only briefly halt their fans though because they really believe. As sad as that can be, it's really nice having fans that are mostly positive and support their team.

The Bloody-Nine

Full Member
May 21, 2017
Forget the scousers for a second, even though it might be hard. Would you have given a standing ovation to someone who ended our CL-campaign?
I'm sure you think you're trying to make a point here but I'm not sure what it is. And I don't think you know, either.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2017
No, it's just completely and utterly irrelevant. Now, are you going to tell us what your point is?
He obviously want to know if you consider yourself a die hard fan, and if you do, would you applaud Ronaldo. He doesn't need to have point, just as your post doesn't.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Sep 19, 2016
Forget the scousers for a second, even though it might be hard. Would you have given a standing ovation to someone who ended our CL-campaign?
Yeah I would. I have no problem appreciating someone if the competition is over and they deserve it. But then if he had scored 2 and then gotten injured I would be happy as our opponent just lost their best player. That's the point people seem to be missing. The happiness is not due to someone getting injured, but rather due to the opponent losing a dangerous player.

The Bloody-Nine

Full Member
May 21, 2017
He obviously want to know if you consider yourself a die hard fan, and if you do, would you applaud Ronaldo. He doesn't need to have point, just as your post doesn't.
If that is what he wants to know, he can ask, instead of inventing hypothetical questions.


Full Member
Nov 14, 2010
No, it's just completely and utterly irrelevant. Now, are you going to tell us what your point is?
If people on here gets shocked from seeing some of our fans calling Ramos scum in the match thread, then it would be interesting to see how they'd react to something like this, that's all. Did you get it now..?

The Bloody-Nine

Full Member
May 21, 2017
If people on here gets shocked from seeing some of our fans calling Ramos scum in the match thread, then it would be interesting to see how they'd react to something like this, that's all. Did you get it now..?
Not particularly, given that they are two completely different scenarios.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2017
Not trolling at all. What part did you not understand?
The guy just shed more light on why he held his views, and for you to say he wanted sympathy, presumably to win an argument is a bit rich, don't you think?


New Member
May 3, 2017
East Yorkshire
Some people have never played football in their lives, obviously. Ramos did what PL defenders have failed to do all season and actually got stuck into salah.

If this happened to a United player, all the abu's would be telling us to man up.

The Bloody-Nine

Full Member
May 21, 2017
Common denominator - being a United fan and how to act as one. Received a warning for this actually, wow...
Perhaps it's the case that some of us can still recall the horror days when Liverpool were winning everything under the sun. Being tormented by smug Liverpool fans on a daily basis was no fun. If you're younger and haven't actually experienced that, then I can understand why you might not dislike Liverpool as much as some of us do.


Full Member
Sep 14, 2013
Cyprus Hill.
It's an interesting topic, which is misunderstood thanks to people more often than not giving a wrong explanation. Now, most of us don't actually wish a player to get injured, they wish the opponents to lose an advantage. So, once they lose a key player I am happy. Ideally, it would be to a red card and not to an injury but i will take what i can get. It's the result that i'm happy about not the individual being injured. Also, i don't care if the contest becomes less attractive or whatever, i'm not a neutral.

On the other hand, i can't feel bad for Karius. He doesn't need sympathy, he needs to toughen up and become better. Should we be sympathetic towards all footballers who will never play at a high level? All those thousands of players who play in the 2nd and 3rd and 4th divisions? How far does sympathy needs to go, before we feel good about ourselves?

TL:DR - I do feel bad about injuries yet I am happy when Liverpool lose an advantage. Don't feel bad at all about Karius fumbling or Gerrard slipping. More of the same please.


Sep 28, 2003
Is it getting a bit too much for anyone else as well?? Last night people were all over Ramos for supposedly intentionally injuring Salah. Now I dislike Ramos as much as the next guy but why are Utd fans crying foul over Pool's chances of winning the CL being reduced?

Similarly earlier in the season when De Bruyne got injured against Palace, people were up in arms when a few said they hoped he was out for a long time. I don't get this uproar. An opponent's influential player being out is good for us. It's not like our wishing them well or bad has any actual effect. No one is hoping that someone gets any permanent damage or anything, but this sympathy for opponents is really a bit grating.

Call me old fashioned or bitter or whatever but I'd take Utd winning and our rivals not winning any way possible.

I got no problem appreciating an opponent when they have done great ( well except for Pool) but all this display of sportsmanship and sympathy when the competition is going on is a bit weird. We are fans afterall, not diplomats.
100% agree. Football is nothing without tribalism.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
I hope the entire Liverpool squad are mentally scarred by last night and go on an epic run of losing games for years, seeing them relegated to league two and on the brink of ceasing to exist at which point Sergio Ramos buys them for £1 to save them from receivership for one season, changes the name to Loserpool FC, puts them in kits with his face in place of the crest, and with Marca as the shirt sponsor, then at the end of that glorious season lets them fold.

Some of you lot are just weird.
I can get behind the collective nature of that. Except for Gerrard, he can be isolated.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2017
It's an interesting topic, which is misunderstood thanks to people more often than not giving a wrong explanation. Now, most of us don't actually wish a player to get injured, they wish the opponents to lose an advantage. So, once they lose a key player I am happy. Ideally, it would be to a red card and not to an injury but i will take what i can get. It's the result that i'm happy about not the individual being injured. Also, i don't care if the contest becomes less attractive or whatever, i'm not a neutral.

On the other hand, i can't feel bad for Karius. He doesn't need sympathy, he needs to toughen up and become better. Should we be sympathetic towards all footballers who will never play at a high level? All those thousands of players who play in the 2nd and 3rd and 4th divisions? How far does sympathy needs to go, before we feel good about ourselves?

TL:DR - I do feel bad about injuries yet I am happy when Liverpool lose an advantage. Don't feel bad at all about Karius fumbling or Gerrard slipping. More of the same please.
Word. And this has been said countless times in this thread too, only to be ignored or received with ignorant insinuations like you must be a secret Liverpool fan if you can't differentiate between club and individual, even on this basic human emotion as empathy. Why anyone would claim stuff like this other than to display supremacy over others on the topic of feeling like a real United-supporter, i don't know. Anyhow, perceiving oneself to be a supreme fan based on hate for Liverpool is pretty relevant to the "moral police" discussion, more so I think than make belief theres is a lot of people here who "doesn't get it" with regards to being a United-fan. I've actually only seen 1 guy in 8 pages claim he wouldn't care if Liverpool won, and even he didn't care about the incidents as much as those arguing for "people not hating Liverpool enough nowadays"


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Word. And this has been said countless times in this thread too, only to be ignored or received with ignorant insinuations like you must be a secret Liverpool fan if you can't differentiate between club and individual, even on this basic human emotion as empathy. Why anyone would claim stuff like this other than to display supremacy over others on the topic of feeling like a real United-supporter, i don't know. Anyhow, perceiving oneself to be a supreme fan based on hate for Liverpool is pretty relevant to the "moral police" discussion, more so I think than make belief theres is a lot of people here who "doesn't get it" with regards to being a United-fan. I've actually only seen 1 guy in 8 pages claim he wouldn't care if Liverpool won, and even he didn't care about the incidents as much as those arguing for "people not hating Liverpool enough nowadays"
Both extremes are as bad as one another though.

For every 'top red' you get a 'moral policeman'. The answer, as always lies in the middle. The middle being it's fine to laugh at Liverpool, their failure and the reasons they failed and it's also fine to feel some sympathy for the players who've been injured/made mistakes. This thread and what @King7Eric is referring to is correct in that it's talking about those who clearly were one-upping each other in the snowflake department during the match, on a United forum. I agree it was a bit too much, just like I'd agree with a thread calling out actual cases of being a top red and looking down on people for it.

Most of us are probably in the middle to varying degrees, I think the explosion in here mainly happened when one such extremer went all superior on everyone else and ignited it :lol:

Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
The guy just shed more light on why he held his views, and for you to say he wanted sympathy, presumably to win an argument is a bit rich, don't you think?
The guy decided to make this thread personal (how on earth it got to that stage is beyond my understanding) by sharing his personal problems to a group of football fans he doesn't know, in order to gain sympathy for a footballer whom the vast majority of United fans dislike. That's over the top and totally unnecessary.

All this "top red" business is ridiculous. No side is right or wrong, no side is better or worse. It's simply a case of personal opinion and how you feel regarding the subject of tribalism in football.
Last edited:


Full Member
Aug 7, 2017
Both extremes are as bad as one another though.

For every 'top red' you get a 'moral policeman'. The answer, as always lies in the middle. The middle being it's fine to laugh at Liverpool, their failure and the reasons they failed and it's also fine to feel some sympathy for the players who've been injured/made mistakes. This thread and what @King7Eric is referring to is correct in that it's talking about those who clearly were one-upping each other in the snowflake department during the match, on a United forum. I agree it was a bit too much, just like I'd agree with a thread calling out actual cases of being a top red and looking down on people for it.

Most of us are probably in the middle to varying degrees, I think the explosion in here mainly happened when one such extremer went all superior on everyone else and ignited it :lol:
I agree with that. Bit ironic i guess how a thread named "The football Moral Police" suddenly made everybody police each-other in one way or another.