The general attitude of our players

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Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Mother Teresa was no Mother Teresa - as they say.

(They're all bastards - Gandhi was no Gandhi, MLK was a dick, Jebus was a Liverpool fan, etc.).


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
fecking hell the shit people complain about when it comes to Rashford and Lingard. So much underlying racism that the people who make the comments don't realize they are doing.

They can wear whatever the feck they want. Dressing one way doesn't say anything about anything else they do. Its not dressing like a pimp, or dressing like a thug, or not being humble or anything else. It's literally just the fashion he likes to wear. They're allowed to go on vacation when they have a designated vacation break. Everyone else in the world takes advantage (or wants to) take advantage of whatever time off they can get to go away. Why do they have to stay at home? If they can go to Dubai on their week off and want to go, feck it, go to Dubai.

Chairman Steve

Full Member
May 9, 2018
Footballers in gaudy fashion sense shocker.

I find it to be an upbringing thing where people from successful, well off families are usually brought up to be more modest and considerate of money. One of my best friends comes from a family of doctors and he went on to be a chartered surveyor and is paid very well for it. He dresses fairly modest clotheswise, never wears expensive watches etc to display his wealth.

Meanwhile, footballers are typically working class background who’ve never had that much money, so when they hit the jackpot in football then you better believe they go mental with it, and reenact fashion sense like you’d see in some RnB music video.

90 + 5min

Full Member
Aug 8, 2019
I can think of alot of reasons to actually.

1. its a winter break so they want to have a few days off in the sun
2. Dubai has some of the best facilities in sports nowadays.
3. Celebrities with money can get alot in Dubai, the service is incredible
4. Weather
5. Some clubs are actually flying to Dubai to have a training camp
6. Get away from UK weather and media.
I could somehow accept if they were exhausted because of the brilliant work they've done. But when you have the season like they did behind them, they should stay and work on character and football at home. Not going to countries for fun and potentially getting into trouble in some kind of way. Focus should be on football until season is over. Oh, how I miss good old days when you hade players telling others what being professional means.
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Full Member
Sep 12, 2015
I know right. Lets be fair, quite a few of us are crusty white men who think that looks ridiculous but I'm sure the youth of today think he looks "lit" or some other complementary term.

Weather does look nice out there as I look out on another grey english morning where is about 3 degrees outside and bit damp.

I would totally go to Dubai if I was a millionaire footballer, not going to lie.
I thought it was the necklace from the Madonna movie...


Full Member
Apr 30, 2019
I could somehow accept if they were exhausted because of the brilliant work they've done. But when you have the season like they did behind them, they should stay and work on character and football at home. Not going to countries for fun and potentially getting into trouble in some kind of way. Focus should be on football until season is over. Oh, how I miss good old days when you hade players telling others what being professional means.
I do get what you are saying, stay back in Manchester and get the season back on track. Unfortunately, this is not how the modern day player works, they are always looking to get away, any opportunity.

It also seems that Dubai is where everyone goes, not just United players but if you look around the league, Arsenal will have their training camp in Dubai as well.


Full Member
Jul 10, 2010
I do get what you are saying, stay back in Manchester and get the season back on track. Unfortunately, this is not how the modern day player works, they are always looking to get away, any opportunity.

It also seems that Dubai is where everyone goes, not just United players but if you look around the league, Arsenal will have their training camp in Dubai as well.
Arsenal is sponsored by Emirates so there is no surprise that they have their training camp in Dubai.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
Are you serious? They're at a massively bigger risk of Covid in Manchester than Dubai.
The manager came out and said he wanted to take them on warm weather training, but due to a couple of players not being vaccinated he couldn't, the country in question would not let said players in. What is the vaccination rules in Dubai? Ralf has probably told them to have a break and be back for a weeks training before the F.A. Cup game. It is a winter break after all. I agree with you that they are likely more at risk at home than there.

These are the rules for entering Dubai. So knowing this country it is when they arrive back home.
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Full Member
Aug 3, 2014
Players who have a week off are on holidays in warm countries, shocking stuff.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
I can think of alot of reasons to actually.

1. its a winter break so they want to have a few days off in the sun
2. Dubai has some of the best facilities in sports nowadays.
3. Celebrities with money can get alot in Dubai, the service is incredible
4. Weather
5. Some clubs are actually flying to Dubai to have a training camp
6. Get away from UK weather and media.
That is probably where we would have gone for warm weather training if all our players were vaccinated, which is why we can't. Unfortunately you can get Covid so easily now, traveling abroad or staying at home probably makes very little difference.


No 6-pack, just 2Pac
Oct 20, 2014
Ole's ipad
4-4-2 classic
They need to stop befriending controversial people like that racist rapper. Okay, you can say "I dont support racism whatsoever so dont get us wrong from that photo" but it only invites unecessary negative attention. Like if youre posing in a friendly manner and smiling besides Hitler or Bin Laden that would automatically paint you as a bad person. Why cant they understand something so obvious?


Full Member
Apr 6, 2014
Watching the TV or is it watching me
fecking hell the shit people complain about when it comes to Rashford and Lingard. So much underlying racism that the people who make the comments don't realize they are doing.

They can wear whatever the feck they want. Dressing one way doesn't say anything about anything else they do. Its not dressing like a pimp, or dressing like a thug, or not being humble or anything else. It's literally just the fashion he likes to wear. They're allowed to go on vacation when they have a designated vacation break. Everyone else in the world takes advantage (or wants to) take advantage of whatever time off they can get to go away. Why do they have to stay at home? If they can go to Dubai on their week off and want to go, feck it, go to Dubai.
100% agree with this, the covert racism is staggering in this thread "he is dressed like a pimp" etc just wow

As for the he shouldn't have a necklace because he works against child hunger, what he shouldn't have a nice car or a nice house either, actually he should live like a monk and forgo any luxuries his career might bring because he should be humble and not do anything in case he upsets people on the internet.

Also this notion that all celebrities should be infallible needs to stop every person in the world has made mistakes and not everyone lives their life looking at news headlines and the internet, this constant need for statements and PR apologies is weird and not sustainable in anyway for anyone and totally meaningless and transparent, best thing they should have done is say it wont happen again and move on.


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
They need to stop befriending controversial people like that racist rapper. Okay, you can say "I dont support racism whatsoever so dont get us wrong from that photo" but it only invites unecessary negative attention. Like if youre posing in a friendly manner and smiling besides Hitler or Bin Laden that would automatically paint you as a bad person. Why cant they understand something so obvious?
Probably because this random rapper guy is just a random dude who said dumb shit on the internet before and in fact, not Bin Laden or Hitler?
I have no idea who this guy is. If this guy went up to them and asked for a picture, what would they say? "No, i feel like I remember seeing you say something dumb once so I can't do it, people on the internet are going to be upset, sorry"?


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Probably because this random rapper guy is just a random dude who said dumb shit on the internet before and in fact, not Bin Laden or Hitler?
I have no idea who this guy is. If this guy went up to them and asked for a picture, what would they say? "No, i feel like I remember seeing you say something dumb once so I can't do it, people on the internet are going to be upset, sorry"?
He's pretty famous, at least in the UK. He certainly isn't a random guy who once said something silly on the Internet. More accurate to say that he's a famous (relatively) artist who has now become infamous for being an anti-Semite - and who was banned for a second time from social media platforms as recently as December '21 (for spouting anti-Semitic crap).

So, yeah - the only way this isn't extremely ill-advised on the part of our players is if they actually have no idea who they're posing with (which seems like a huge stretch given that the pic was apparently taken at a live event featuring the fecker himself as the headliner).


Full Member
Dec 30, 2013
Probably because this random rapper guy is just a random dude who said dumb shit on the internet before and in fact, not Bin Laden or Hitler?
I have no idea who this guy is. If this guy went up to them and asked for a picture, what would they say? "No, i feel like I remember seeing you say something dumb once so I can't do it, people on the internet are going to be upset, sorry"?
Thats what Prince Andrew said. How was he supposed to know she was underage.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
They need to stop befriending controversial people like that racist rapper. Okay, you can say "I dont support racism whatsoever so dont get us wrong from that photo" but it only invites unecessary negative attention. Like if youre posing in a friendly manner and smiling besides Hitler or Bin Laden that would automatically paint you as a bad person. Why cant they understand something so obvious?
Probably because this random rapper guy is just a random dude who said dumb shit on the internet before and in fact, not Bin Laden or Hitler?
I have no idea who this guy is. If this guy went up to them and asked for a picture, what would they say? "No, i feel like I remember seeing you say something dumb once so I can't do it, people on the internet are going to be upset, sorry"?
They'll both definitely know who Wiley is hence why they got a photo with him.

They both definitely wouldn't have known he got caught saying racist shit about Jewish people. Why would they? they don't know him that well.

It's just a photo, they probably met quickly and went about their business. They shouldn't even have to apologise but that's social media in this day and age.

Uh oh! another pimp right Sonny?


Full Member
Dec 31, 2015
Its genuinely mind boggling that people try to smear anyone simply by being photographed with someone of questionable character. Its actually fecking pathetic. Its the same sort of people who think that anything that could be taken negatively should. The sort of people who think that they are making a better world by "calling people out" when in fact they are the worst kind of people who are actively making the world a worse and nastier place. I can't imagine how horrible it is to always be looking to tear other people down and assume the worst.

I'm sure that Rashford and Lingard know who Wiley is. I'm sure that either they didn't know that he is a bit of a prick or it was a fleeting moment and it didn't even cross their minds.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
I agree that an apology for daring to be photographed with someone who did something controversial once is lame and people should well and truly get over shit like this in this day and age. However, it's more putting it on record now, in case any more heinous shit comes out down the line about the person, that you're not associated, it was just a photo. When the press start gunning for someone they go for all the associates as well.

And in the world of WTF photos, I present to you a photo of Frank Bruno, Jimmy Saville and Peter Sutcliffe (the Yorkshire Ripper) all in the same room for a photo:


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Why don't you think Rashford wrote that?
Because like a lot of his tweets it reads far more like a carefully constructed press release from a PR company than the lad I’ve heard speak in interviews every other week.

He’s clearly a bright, pleasant young man, but I’m not buying the finely tuned social media statesman persona anymore.


New Member
Jun 24, 2021
If I was Mason I wouldn't be signing a new contract unless a clearout is done.

Attitude and work rate of our players is rotten.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2015
I agree that an apology for daring to be photographed with someone who did something controversial once is lame and people should well and truly get over shit like this in this day and age. However, it's more putting it on record now, in case any more heinous shit comes out down the line about the person, that you're not associated, it was just a photo. When the press start gunning for someone they go for all the associates as well.

And in the world of WTF photos, I present to you a photo of Frank Bruno, Jimmy Saville and Peter Sutcliffe (the Yorkshire Ripper) all in the same room for a photo:
Oh he 100% had to put the follow up tweet out or some people would genuinely start saying that he supported and advocates Wileys views. How some people think this is progress and signs of a better world is beyond me. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.


Full Member
Dec 30, 2013
Ffs they took a picture with a rapper, they didn't commit a crime. People here can't wait to hate on 2 boyhood United fans it's ridiculous.
No one said its a crime. If I took a picture with a sex worker then my family would ask questions. If I too one with a known paedo people would ask questions. If I took one with murderer they would ask questions. If I was in a pic and everyone around me was snorting coke off the table then they would ask questions. Even something innocent like a topless women etc. Now if you are a public figure like these guys are then times that by few million of people who would ask questions. Im not saying its right or wrong but the excuse of 'Its just a picture' just doesn't hold up. You should not be surprised if you take pictures with controversial people and you start getting questioned about it.

phelans shorts

Full Member
Jan 4, 2009
Gaz. Is a Mewling Quim.
He's pretty famous, at least in the UK. He certainly isn't a random guy who once said something silly on the Internet. More accurate to say that he's a famous (relatively) artist who has now become infamous for being an anti-Semite - and who was banned for a second time from social media platforms as recently as December '21 (for spouting anti-Semitic crap).

So, yeah - the only way this isn't extremely ill-advised on the part of our players is if they actually have no idea who they're posing with (which seems like a huge stretch given that the pic was apparently taken at a live event featuring the fecker himself as the headliner).
Let’s not go making out that Wiley is more famous for his antisemitism than his music, particularly in the UK. When I heard they’d had a picture with Wiley it took me a fair while before I remembered that he’d made those comments (such is how successful the deplatforming him went over here I guess).

It’s daft of them and you’d have hoped that somebody around them would have done something to make them wise to the fact, but evidently that wasn’t the case, Marcus has said his bit and that’s about all there is to it


Full Member
Jul 25, 2000
'tis a silly place
No one said its a crime. If I took a picture with a sex worker then my family would ask questions. If I too one with a known paedo people would ask questions. If I took one with murderer they would ask questions. If I was in a pic and everyone around me was snorting coke off the table then they would ask questions. Even something innocent like a topless women etc. Now if you are a public figure like these guys are then times that by few million of people who would ask questions. Im not saying its right or wrong but the excuse of 'Its just a picture' just doesn't hold up. You should not be surprised if you take pictures with controversial people and you start getting questioned about it.
How far should that questioning go, do you think? It seems very easy to move on, now that Rashford has posted on twitter that he does not condone discrimination against Jewish people. What more can/should he do?

90 + 5min

Full Member
Aug 8, 2019
How far should that questioning go, do you think? It seems very easy to move on, now that Rashford has posted on twitter that he does not condone discrimination against Jewish people. What more can/should he do?
Rashford did what he could after.

What he should have done was to not even been there in first place. He should have been in Manchester and working on his game in every aspect.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Let’s not go making out that Wiley is more famous for his antisemitism than his music, particularly in the UK.
I didn't say that.

I said he's now infamous for being banned on social media because of anti-Semitic ranting.

And - I might add - to people who aren't that familiar with his music, he probably is more famous for the anti-Semitic stuff. It was widely reported when he was first banned from Twitter, etc. And it was widely reported again when he - which is pretty remarkable - managed to get himself banned all over again last month.

As I understand it, he's been struggling to get gigs, getting boycotted, etc. That's potentially relevant in this context - posing with him, after a job, could easily be taken as an endorsement of sorts, rather than just randomly running into the man.

I'm not some cancel culture fanatic - very far from it. Just pointing out what's obvious.
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