Television The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power


( . Y . ) planned for Christmas
Sep 4, 2013
The Royal Kingdom of Trumpistan
Some of the comments in this thread along with those on Reddit I've seen don't seem to jive with what I've heard from people in my environment who generally seemed to love the show - some known stretches in writing notwithstanding of course.


Full Member
Oct 1, 2019
Mobil Avenue station
This thread reads like a discussion of why United are so poor... if the Glazers had licensed more source material, if Galadriel had passed to Højlund, if Erik could write better scripts, if Gandalf hadn't put in a laughable performance...


Full Member
Aug 12, 2010
The true north.
Poor reception maybe but people watched
In some sense. It had a horrible completion rate (ie people who watched all the eps) iirc.

Apparently the 2nd season was much better.
Yeah, I'm glad more people seemed to enjoy s2 as it will hopefully drive them to the books. But from what I've read of the story changes they made in s2, I'm sticking to my garbage tier writing comment.

Made a good show?
See above.

The "I am good" moment though...feck me that was pathetic. I burst out laughing at the time and it still makes me laugh now. :lol:
I had the same reaction :lol:


Full Member
Aug 21, 2012
I get the complaints from people, but I went into the show not expecting a LOTR trilogy masterpiece, so I've enjoyed watching it.

Looking forward to season 2 and if it's an improvement on season 1.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2007
The comment section under the trailer is brutal.
It's the best thing about it too. Galdariel has something so incredibly irritating about her just from these few minutes. And that Sauron actor and his wig is comedy gold. That smirk he forces himself into. Where did they find that guy?


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
When in doubt, Bombadil it



Full Member
Jul 16, 2023
Ffs Tom Bombadil...

In a 2nd age TV series....

Well, on the bright side they'll probably have Goldberry as a character :drool:


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
I'm ok with that. He's ageless right? So I see no reason why he wouldn't be skipping about during the 2nd Age.

Must admit I had in my mind that he'd look different though.


Full Member
Oct 25, 2020
It's the best thing about it too. Galdariel has something so incredibly irritating about her just from these few minutes. And that Sauron actor and his wig is comedy gold. That smirk he forces himself into. Where did they find that guy?
I can't help but feel that they made a catastrophic casting error with Galadriel. Not because of bad acting or anything, it's just she so totally has exactly the wrong aura, just like Cate Blanchett had exactly the right one. Not remotely ethereal or haughty - the first thought is rather she seems exactly like the kind of gal who wouldn't be out of place behind the counter of a rowdy bar, and who could handle the rough ones with firm aplomb. The idea of her as elfin royalty just does not compute, at all.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
I can't help but feel that they made a catastrophic casting error with Galadriel. Not because of bad acting or anything, it's just she so totally has exactly the wrong aura, just like Cate Blanchett had exactly the right one. Not remotely ethereal or haughty - the first thought is rather she seems exactly like the kind of gal who wouldn't be out of place behind the counter of a rowdy bar, and who could handle the rough ones with firm aplomb. The idea of her as elfin royalty just does not compute, at all.
I think the casting is far less of an issue than the general character conception, which was just very silly. Though you probably do want someone more like Debicki.


( . Y . ) planned for Christmas
Sep 4, 2013
The Royal Kingdom of Trumpistan
I think the casting is far less of an issue than the general character conception, which was just very silly. Though you probably do want someone more like Debicki.
Debicki certainly would have been my dream casting for Galadriel. know it sounds very superficial but if only Mordydd Clark would have been notably taller I think I would have overlooked the rest much more. At least having someone statuesque would have given the impression of being a powerful ethereal person who is very old already some more credence and I could have pretended the bratty behavior is her going through her only a few hundred years old teenager like years. I don't think Clark is a bad actress by any means, she just has to work with what she's given.


likes to play with penises
Apr 5, 2010
Okay I decided to re-watch these and frankly they're not that bad. Honestly enjoyed the first 6 episodes.

Got the last 2 episodes to go through again. I think it was too harshly bashed to be honest.

The female Eminem mage is still a no-no for me though :lol:


The Oracle
Jun 5, 2016
Okay I decided to re-watch these and frankly they're not that bad. Honestly enjoyed the first 6 episodes.

Got the last 2 episodes to go through again. I think it was too harshly bashed to be honest.

The female Eminem mage is still a no-no for me though :lol:

Did you enjoy the slow motion house riding?

It did have its moments to be fair but also had some terrible writing at times and decisions.

However you can see where the money went and it's always good to look at


Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
Okay I decided to re-watch these and frankly they're not that bad. Honestly enjoyed the first 6 episodes.

Got the last 2 episodes to go through again. I think it was too harshly bashed to be honest.

The female Eminem mage is still a no-no for me though :lol:
Actually the female eminim mage was an addition i actually liked.

Salt Bailly

Auburn, not Ginger.
Apr 23, 2017

Ignoring the dumb comparisons, this quote from 2022 gives me a teeny-tiny sliver of hope that season 2 will at least be an improvement on the 1st.



Full Member
Aug 15, 2022
Apparently the 2nd season was much better.
Tiny bit better but still crap

But this whole era was summed up very well in the Akallabeth, the timing coherency just doesn't make sense.

All they had to do was take the overall plot points of Akallabeth and build around it, but they couldn't even do that.

If they wanted to focus on Galadriel, you could have focused on her time as fief-lord under Gil-galad in Lindon, the birth of her daughter Celebrian and don't retcon Celeborn as having "disappeared".
Then, she went and founded Eregion and she was the one who established trade relations and friendship with the dwarves of Khazard Dhum and it was through the mines that she travelled to reach Lorien at the middle of the SA.
Then when she left Celembrimbor took over Eregion and when Annatar arrived, she was the one they consulted and thats when she met Sauron and did not trust him.

The first cutscene made no sense too, she didn't take part in the Great Host of Valinor, because she was already there -> She went with the Feanorians but after Fingolfin was left behind she went with her family across the Helcaraxe.

Isildur and Elendil weren't even alive for another 1500 years after the fall of Eregion ffs.
You could have literally wrote about Tar-Minastir of Numenor, and not Ar-pharazon or Elendil, because he was also a fleshed out character.
You have have had a subplot about how the faithful were usurpsed and the Tar-Minyatur dynasty of Tar, in reverence of the valar was changed to Ar- in defiance.

But no, they completely butchered everything.
There is so much unwritten about that massive period of LOTR history that it seems like they have missed a very open goal. There are many important characters barely hinted at that they could have developed into whatever they wanted. They just lack imagination and the writing

You have not seen what I have seen.
:lol: Criminal what they have done to Galadriel. The ultimate female lead, who literally rhe whole elven, dwarven and human world defer to reduced to an angsty teenager running about the world looking angry and wafting a sword about, in some of the most ludicrous fighting stages ever filmed. Galadriel doesn’t need a sword, she’s one of the most powerful beings on middle earth. Even the maia

Made a good show?
I read the wheel of time as a teenager and had to wait years for the final books after the author died. I re-read them again prior to the release of the tv show. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. You have a world that arguably rivals the LOTR for scale, history and characters and they produce that utter shoite. It was diabolical. The second season was a tiny bit better but it is still far from good.

When you listen to the producers blathering about how their focus for the second season will be on a made up bisexual relationship rather than the masses of stuff in the books then you know what to expect.


Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
Tiny bit better but still crap

There is so much unwritten about that massive period of LOTR history that it seems like they have missed a very open goal. There are many important characters barely hinted at that they could have developed into whatever they wanted. They just lack imagination and the writing

:lol: Criminal what they have done to Galadriel. The ultimate female lead, who literally rhe whole elven, dwarven and human world defer to reduced to an angsty teenager running about the world looking angry and wafting a sword about, in some of the most ludicrous fighting stages ever filmed. Galadriel doesn’t need a sword, she’s one of the most powerful beings on middle earth. Even the maia

I read the wheel of time as a teenager and had to wait years for the final books after the author died. I re-read them again prior to the release of the tv show. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. You have a world that arguably rivals the LOTR for scale, history and characters and they produce that utter shoite. It was diabolical. The second season was a tiny bit better but it is still far from good.

When you listen to the producers blathering about how their focus for the second season will be on a made up bisexual relationship rather than the masses of stuff in the books then you know what to expect.
You left out that she almost shagged Sauron.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2023
You left out that she almost shagged Sauron.
This bothers me a lot from a lore point of view.
In LACE and Morgoths ring, it’s explained that Elves love essentially only once. The love they have for their partner is so intense and permanent that there simply isn’t capacity to have another there. Also to shag someone as an elf is basically the same as marrying them.

The only two exceptions to this are both considered absolute aberrations. Finwes decision to remarry after mirriels refusal to be rebodied requires a debate by the valar whether such a thing should even be permitted and it led directly to the tragedies and kinslaying throughout the silmarillion.
The second time it happened was gwindor, findiulias and Turin and it led to the death of all 3.


Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
This bothers me a lot from a lore point of view.
In LACE and Morgoths ring, it’s explained that Elves love essentially only once. The love they have for their partner is so intense and permanent that there simply isn’t capacity to have another there. Also to shag someone as an elf is basically the same as marrying them.

The only two exceptions to this are both considered absolute aberrations. Finwes decision to remarry after mirriels refusal to be rebodied requires a debate by the valar whether such a thing should even be permitted and it led directly to the tragedies and kinslaying throughout the silmarillion.
The second time it happened was gwindor, findiulias and Turin and it led to the death of all 3.
But had she shagged before then? She couldnt have shagged Celeborn since he doesn't exist.

She ultimate virgin prize for Halbrand


Full Member
Jul 16, 2023
But had she shagged before then? She couldnt have shagged Celeborn since he doesn't exist.

She ultimate virgin prize for Halbrand
He exists, in season 1 she said he died (somehow).
They met in Doriath when she was Melians pupil, and courted for 500 years before marriage. Celeborn was one of Elu Thingols people


Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
He exists, in season 1 she said he died (somehow).
They met in Doriath when she was Melians pupil, and courted for 500 years before marriage. Celeborn was one of Elu Thingols people
I can't keep up with this nerdery

-sent from my ihone


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Is Celeborn not presumed dead in the show, rather than confirmed dead?
Yeah, he went off to war and never came back. It was very funny that she spent the entire season raging at her brother being killed, and then drops "also my husband is probably dead" 7 episodes in. He'll be back at some point and blame it on a thousand-year fugue state.

Also not sure what's worse - their daughter Celebrian has already been born but just nobody talks about her, or she's not been born yet so this Elrond will be hanging around his future wife when she's a kid.