Film The Movies I want to see thread

Some films for 2011 that have caught my eye.
Straw Dogs: Be nice to see if the remake has the same ballls as the orighinal. Set in Missipi.
Immortals.: Trying to ride the 300 theme.
The greatest Muppet movie ever: Do I need to say more.
and perhaps the film thats mostly caught my eye, Based of the Image comics of the same name.
Cowboys and Aliens: (Synopsis): Set in 1800s Arizona, a battle between cowboys and Apaches is interrupted by the crash landing of a space ship. The alien commander plans to tame the Old West and enslave everyone, but the cowboys and Native Americans turn their six-guns against the alien invaders. Starring Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, Sam Rockwell, Clancy Brown, Walton Goggins, Keith Carradine, Paul Dano and Grandson of John Wayne, Brendan Wayne.

This one interest me as it's the guy who made The Fall who's doing it, so it will probably be nice to look at and hopefully not suck balls...which it probably will though.

There's no other movies I'm looking forward to really...except the live action Cowboy Bebop movie....which will probably suck balls. I mean casting Keanu Reeves as the lead for starters.
People just aren't getting excited enough here, lets try this approach...

...Are all starring in a film about cowboys v aliens.

Excellent way to illustrate the glaring red-flag absences of Clint Eastwood, Kevin Costner, Robert Duvall, and Tommy Lee Jones.

Jokes aside, as long as the main character doesn't turn out to be a half-human half-alien who represents hope for reconciliation.

This one interest me as it's the guy who made The Fall who's doing it, so it will probably be nice to look at and hopefully not suck balls...which it probably will though...

The script is quite weak. At least the draft I read (then titled: WAR OF GODS) a year ago. Think Clash of the Titans: a lot of meandering in the middle and an anticlimactic final sequence.
Excellent way to illustrate the glaring red-flag absences of Clint Eastwood, Kevin Costner, Robert Duvall, and Tommy Lee Jones.

Jokes aside, as long as the main character doesn't turn out to be a half-human half-alien who represents hope for reconciliation.

Nope it's all about conquering forces. Those that have the superior technology and worse of all the belief they have the right to.
Go here to read the first 5 pages of the comic it's based on. CowboysAndAliens hosted by Give you an idea
New photo from Thor:


I think this one will be the biggest test yet to see whether the Avengers will work. I've a feeling it will be a disaster to be honest.
New photo from Thor:


I think this one will be the biggest test yet to see whether the Avedngers will work. I've a feeling it will be a disaster to be honest.

Very much agree with you there. Ed Norton won't be Banner in the Avengers movie either.
Also has to be said I'm getting excited by the new tron film.



Flynn Lives.
Yeah, but Norton didn't do it for me in the Incredible Hulk anyway. They've still not made a decent Hulk film.

Ang Lee's was very good in parts but didn't have enough action, a poorly designed, luminous (though well animated) Hulk and a few bad moments (Absorbing Dad was a poor move). I didn't care for the comic book panel edits either.

The last one had it's moments but I thought Hurt and Roth were poor, the character design was a bit better but the CGI was terrible and story was a bit light. Terrible ending, too.
A film I'm not that mithred seeing but thought you all may like to see. Renolds as green lantern.


Personally they should make Garth ennis the Hitman. Best DC character for a long time.
I don't think they would have leaked it if it weren't pretty much a done deal. All the talk about he and the director having yet to meet is just code-talk for everything's finalized and the actor in question is scheduled to come in for a customary chat with the director. Same as any other job: guy/girl gets hired, comes to the office for a quick tour and meet the boss the Friday before work starts.

They probably leaked it just to make sure the fanboys didn't go unanimously ballistic in the negative.
I don't think they would have leaked it if it weren't pretty much a done deal. All the talk about he and the director having yet to meet is just code-talk for everything's finalized and the actor in question is scheduled to come in for a customary chat with the director. Same as any other job: guy/girl gets hired, comes to the office for a quick tour and meet the boss the Friday before work starts.

They probably leaked it just to make sure the fanboys didn't go unanimously ballistic in the negative.

Word is they're waiting for Comicon to show loads of stuff and make confirmations.
I see. They've had all this stuff in the pipeline and they have deadlines to meet. It seems like a big game of comic-book-movie-factory-assembly-line. But that's all beside the point.

I think all these writers are stuck in the past (from what I hear of Avengers, they're not much different). Superhero movies are supposed to show superheroes dealing with the problems facing society today. Doesn't matter if you use catastrophes as metaphors, just show superheroes facing super problems, because this is when people get inspired: when they see their heroes battered to the point of giving up, except they don't. They make sacrifices that ordinary people wouldn't make. They take shit so other people can feel good about themselves. I think this is why Dark Knight resonated so much with audiences. And why love-fests like Spiderman 3 and X-Men 3 leave audiences going, "Unrequited love? Broken friendships? Days of Our Lives? Wha?"
I agree with that, Hungrywing.

I notice Nic Cage has signed on for a Ghost Rider sequel. If any superhero film was in need of a reboot, it's this one. Surely it can't be as bad as the first though, Mark Steven Johnson or whatever his name is is one of the worst directors of all time.
Apparently David Tenant is in the running to be the new Banner. (Hulk)
The TRON trailer on the IMAX screen looked very good yesterday.

Long term - Looking forward to "Aquaman" with DiCaprio.
Oh yeah ruffalo was confirmed as the new Banner at comicon
Some films for 2011 that have caught my eye.
Straw Dogs: Be nice to see if the remake has the same ballls as the orighinal. Set in Missipi.
Immortals.: Trying to ride the 300 theme.
The greatest Muppet movie ever: Do I need to say more.
and perhaps the film thats mostly caught my eye, Based of the Image comics of the same name.
Cowboys and Aliens: (Synopsis): Set in 1800s Arizona, a battle between cowboys and Apaches is interrupted by the crash landing of a space ship. The alien commander plans to tame the Old West and enslave everyone, but the cowboys and Native Americans turn their six-guns against the alien invaders. Starring Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, Sam Rockwell, Clancy Brown, Walton Goggins, Keith Carradine, Paul Dano and Grandson of John Wayne, Brendan Wayne.

What's this? Is it actually based on the 'Immortals' as in the Persian Elite Guard? Because they really need to make a proper film about the Greco-Persian wars. History is so much more interesting and exciting than most of what Hollywood can dish out. I watched Clash of the Titans the other day, what a load of rubbish. A complete historical cluster-feck. Mind I didn't like 300 either because the more factually accurate account was far more amazing and impressive than the superficial CGI-fest that was 300. And by throwing in the ridiculously over the top enemies they did and making the whole thing look about as believable as The Lion King, they took a lot away from what those soldiers achieved at Thermopylae. Though I get it wasn't intended as a factual re-account, would have been a better film if it was mind.

Also, they're making a new Conan with that dreadlocked bloke from Star Gate Atlantis as Conan. Not sure what to make of this to be honest
Northern Quarter to double as New York for a 1940s car chase in the Captain America film!: Captain America Filming Locations Revealed | Superhero Hype
Nice on for Manchester, I remember when they used it for Alfie, quite weird seeing all those hydrants and American style fire escapes which in my mind should have been kept.

It's already mentioned here though I think.

Still worth a recap. JJ and Speilberg together on a monster mash sounds like a great idea.

Seen some reviews of the Expendables and it sounds just how I expected it.
Apparently they are using Dale Street and Tarriff Street for the Cap film - they are to spend the next few weeks altering the look of the buildings to replicate wartime New York.

All I remember of the Alfie set is that they covered the tarmac pavements with what appeared to be grey plaster.
Apparently they are using Dale Street and Tarriff Street for the Cap film - they are to spend the next few weeks altering the look of the buildings to replicate wartime New York.

All I remember of the Alfie set is that they covered the tarmac pavements with what appeared to be grey plaster.

They used to have it so you could walk through between shoots, it was fascinating to see. Especially the steam grates, which if your ever in New York never stand in. Feels like your being hit with sand.
Apparently there's a Quantum Leap movie in the works. Just to get you all nostalgic here's the theme tune.
Apparently there's a Quantum Leap movie in the works. Just to get you all nostalgic here's the theme tune.

Oh feck. Such an awesome series. The last episode always leaves me conflicted... Happy for Al but sad for Sam :(

I don't know if I could muster any enthusiasm for a film without Bakula and Stockwell though!
I had some hope for Skyline. I guess it's only natural that the teaser looks like they're trying to throw all their weight behind the few big effects shots...

Then I found out it's made by the guys who made Aliens vs. Predator.

The second one.