The murder of Sarah Everard | Couzens sentenced to a whole-life order

Fair enough. I think we need to separate the mainly women who turned up to pay their respects and as an act of solidarity, and others who turned up because it was an excuse to push their own agenda, like the guy on the megaphone pushing his anti lockdown agenda. The latter lot I agree with you, but the police should have known they would turn up given whats happened at other events like this - all the more reason for them to have worked with the organisers to ensure a properly organised event.

Pretty much. There’s a clear and obvious distinction between the people who went there to put down some flowers and pay their respects and those who went there to further a political agenda. Some people are making sweeping judgements about all of them and that’s a bit silly.
Surely someone starting a Twitter account after the vigil is evidence that they didn't go for social media reasons?

Lots of old probably white men yelling at clouds going on right now.
Does someone who apparently didn't even have Twitter before the vigil seem like someone who went just for a photo op and social media exposure? If anything that tweet makes me think she wasn't there for those reasons.

Surely someone starting a Twitter account after the vigil is evidence that they didn't go for social media reasons?

Lots of old probably white men yelling at clouds going on right now.

Her post implies shes had a Twitter before. There’s also social media profiles of her acting resume circulating.
She’s followed up today by posting a video telling people to March on parliament on the 15th March.

She claimed she was brutally treated and had several officers on top of her. Yet five mins later she was being interviewed looking completely fine.
She started that tweet by saying “I’ve gone viral”.
These are fully calculated actions.
Fair enough. I think we need to separate the mainly women who turned up to pay their respects and as an act of solidarity, and others who turned up because it was an excuse to push their own agenda, like the guy on the megaphone pushing his anti lockdown agenda. The latter lot I agree with you, but the police should have known they would turn up given whats happened at other events like this - all the more reason for them to have worked with the organisers to ensure a properly organised event.

They’re in a bit of a tough situation. Working with the organisers would be seen as endorsing the sort of mass gatherings that aren’t supposed to be allowed.

The optics of a load of uniformed police man-handling women is terrible but hard to know how it could be avoided other than going completely hands off and allowing the crowds to disperse naturally. Which would have probably been the best approach, with hindsight, even though they’d still get shit for double standards.
This has become a total embarrassment. What a bunch, really.
I'm abroad at the moment so dont have much relating to UK news - has there been any indication why the police man did this to Sarah?
Her post implies shes had a Twitter before. There’s also social media profiles of her acting resume circulating.
She’s followed up today by posting a video telling people to March on parliament on the 15th March.

She claimed she was brutally treated and had several officers on top of her. Yet five mins later she was being interviewed looking completely fine.
She started that tweet by saying “I’ve gone viral”.
These are fully calculated actions.

I don’t think we can imply it was a carefully orchestrated plan to raise her profile. I’m sure she could think of better ways to go viral than under a bunch of policemen! At worst, she’s taking advantage of unexpected notoriety.

On the more general point I just think people wanted to be part of something. And to document their involvement in that something. With a whole range of reasons for getting involved, from utterly sincere to completely trivial. And it’s the trivial reasons that wound me up. Exhibit A. The posh lads having a good old laugh in your video (and the wing mirror breaking wanker they’re laughing at).
I don’t think we can imply it was a carefully orchestrated plan to raise her profile. I’m sure she could think of better ways to go viral than under a bunch of policemen! At worst, she’s taking advantage of unexpected notoriety.

On the more general point I just think people wanted to be part of something. And to document their involvement in that something. With a whole range of reasons for getting involved, from utterly sincere to completely trivial. And it’s the trivial reasons that wound me up. Exhibit A. The posh lads having a good old laugh in your video.
I don’t mean before she went there :lol:
nobody is that good!
But I think that situation arose and she’s milked it and has dramatised her experience and is now attempting to seize on the opportunity to be a social media influencer. Hence her telling people to March on parliament even though she know full well this is not allowed.
I'm abroad at the moment so dont have much relating to UK news - has there been any indication why the police man did this to Sarah?
There are rumours of other attacks in this area (where apparently the officer had a London flat) and this seems like the typical escalation of a predator. The fact he was questioned about indecent exposure 4 days before the attack is particularly bad and is being investigated. I suspect he flashed his elite unit warrant card and was told to carry on regardless rather than being suspended from duty.

I know someone who's husband used to work in that unit. It used to be an elite level squad with years of proven service to get in. Will be interesting to see what comes out in the wash as he only joined the force 10 years ago.
This has become a total embarrassment. What a bunch, really.
You might need to elaborate. The thread is showing that the issue is not black and white.
Women understandably wanting to pay respects in a low covid risk outdoor vigil versus illegal event during global pandemic the govt wants cracking down on sparks police reaction.

A lot of sympathetic people but also a lot who've made the sacrifice of being unable to visit dying loved ones wondering why they suffered when others can do what they like.

It's not a surprise there are different viewpoints on it tbh, even if everyone agrees it was handled terribly.
I'm abroad at the moment so dont have much relating to UK news - has there been any indication why the police man did this to Sarah?
Vile cnut escalating in his actions is what it looks like- not seen anything that they knew each other. He had been questioned about indecent exposure a few days beforehand.
There’s more to my post.....Would appreciate a requote .
Her actions don’t appear those of someone who went there innocently and intended on keeping a low profile.
I quoted your original post and you've since edited.

I don't agree at all with the point your trying to make with the rest of your post. What does her being actress have to do with anything? Why does her stating the fact that she's gone viral prove she had ulterior motive?

We've literally seen photos and videos of police detaining her and youre saying her giving an interview afterwards is calculating.

None of this screams calculating to me, just existing.
I quoted your original post and you've since edited.

I don't agree at all with the point your trying to make with the rest of your post. What does her being actress have to do with anything? Why does her stating the fact that she's gone viral prove she had ulterior motive?

We've literally seen photos and videos of police detaining her and youre saying her giving an interview afterwards is calculating.

None of this screams calculating to me, just existing.

I don't think it's unfair to suggest that she has one eye on the profile-raising possibilities of this. On her twitter she has loads of major journos asking her for interviews.
There are rumours of other attacks in this area (where apparently the officer had a London flat) and this seems like the typical escalation of a predator. The fact he was questioned about indecent exposure 4 days before the attack is particularly bad and is being investigated. I suspect he flashed his elite unit warrant card and was told to carry on regardless rather than being suspended from duty.

I know someone who's husband used to work in that unit. It used to be an elite level squad with years of proven service to get in. Will be interesting to see what comes out in the wash as he only joined the force 10 years ago.
It's not clear he was questioned about the indecent exposure charge, not from anything I've read.
Also he joined the Met two, not 10, years ago.
Do you have a source for that? I've not seen him linked to other potential crimes, but that may just be cos it's still early days.
I quoted your original post and you've since edited.

I don't agree at all with the point your trying to make with the rest of your post. What does her being actress have to do with anything? Why does her stating the fact that she's gone viral prove she had ulterior motive?

We've literally seen photos and videos of police detaining her and youre saying her giving an interview afterwards is calculating.

None of this screams calculating to me, just existing.
You’re literally misinterpreting everything I’m saying.
My point about her acting profile and that she had a Twitter profile previous was purely to show she was social media aware. Cos it was implied that she wasn’t.

I didn’t mean the actual interview was calculating. It was what she said in it.
The interview took place just minutes after she had claimed police had been overly physical with her and several were on top of her.
Her demeanour, body language and condition during that interview did not strike me as someone who had just been subject to police brutality.

And even in the photos it’s literally the mildest form of restraint so I’m not at all surprised she looked okay in the interview.
Lots of old probably white men yelling at clouds going on right now.

Why is the white part relevant in this topic? Or old, for that matter - although I guess I can see more relevance there given the discussion of Instagram etc.

I'm probably only being provocative by asking because I had a similarly weird conversation today with a work colleague of mine on fecking Facebook.

She'd posted a status that started with "Beginng to absolutely HATE all men"...and then proceded to rant about crime statistics, the vigil etc.

Nobody had responded to her after a few hours...and I don't like to leave people hanging like that, so I just wrote "Hope you're doing OK" not referencing her post or anything but letting her know that somebody had read it and cared about how she felt.

Within seconds I got a message 'OMG I'm so sorry, I meant white men. I hope you weren't offended" and a couple more similarly frantic messages - one saying she'd edit her post to change it to white men...all came through one after the other before I even had a chance to reply.

It's just so strange to me, and seems like identity politic brainrot....but I'm willing to hear otherwise.
You’re literally misinterpreting everything I’m saying.
My point about her acting profile and that she had a Twitter profile previous was purely to show she was social media aware. Cos it was implied that she wasn’t.

I didn’t mean the actual interview was calculating. It was what she said in it.
The interview took place just minutes after she had claimed police had been overly physical with her and several were on top of her.
Her demeanour, body language and condition during that interview did not strike me as someone who had just been subject to police brutality.

And even in the photos it’s literally the mildest form of restraint so I’m not at all surprised she looked okay in the interview.

My internet detective skills are admittedly very poor but I've searched her name on both Instagram and Facebook and haven't found a profile on either. So if my extremely amateur investigating is right, she had no social media accounts when she went to the vigil.

And you can be brutally treated and still look fine a few minutes later, to be fair. Although judging from the videos of the arrest, I wouldn't agree that she was brutally treated. But it's easy for me to say that sitting at home.
Thanks for keeping me updated guys. Sounds very terrible and horrible.

I wonder if he has anything in his past or this is a new breed of events in his life.
My internet detective skills are admittedly very poor but I've searched her name on both Instagram and Facebook and haven't found a profile on either. So if my extremely amateur investigating is right, she had no social media accounts when she went to the vigil.

And you can be brutally treated and still look fine a few minutes later, to be fair. Although judging from the videos of the arrest, I wouldn't agree that she was brutally treated. But it's easy for me to say that sitting at home.
Haha, yep amateur it is. Bare in mind people very regularly don’t use their full and real names on Instagram especially anyway. Her resume is all over Twitter. Look on there. Also she herself implied she previously had a Twitter account. I assure you I haven’t made this up!

Then trusts your eyes if that’s what you saw in the video because believe me, if she was as badly treated as implied and as spoken about on social media she would NOT be in that condition and state. This coming from experience. Being placed in those horrendous handcuffs and having several officers on top of you throwing you around would not leave you fine and dandy five mins later.
Why is the white part relevant in this topic? Or old, for that matter - although I guess I can see more relevance there given the discussion of Instagram etc.

I'm probably only being provocative by asking because I had a similarly weird conversation today with a work colleague of mine on fecking Facebook.

She'd posted a status that started with "Beginng to absolutely HATE all men"...and then proceded to rant about crime statistics, the vigil etc.

Nobody had responded to her after a few hours...and I don't like to leave people hanging like that, so I just wrote "Hope you're doing OK" not referencing her post or anything but letting her know that somebody had read it and cared about how she felt.

Within seconds I got a message 'OMG I'm so sorry, I meant white men. I hope you weren't offended" and a couple more similarly frantic messages - one saying she'd edit her post to change it to white men...all came through one after the other before I even had a chance to reply.

It's just so strange to me, and seems like identity politic brainrot....but I'm willing to hear otherwise.
Didn't you know? It's acceptable to bash white men whether they're relevant to a topic or not.
What an Elvis of a thread.
Haha, yep amateur it is. Bare in mind people very regularly don’t use their full and real names on Instagram especially anyway. Her resume is all over Twitter. Look on there. Also she herself implied she previously had a Twitter account. I assure you I haven’t made this up!

Then trusts your eyes if that’s what you saw in the video because believe me, if she was as badly treated as implied and as spoken about on social media she would NOT be in that condition and state. This coming from experience. Being placed in those horrendous handcuffs and having several officers on top of you throwing you around would not leave you fine and dandy five mins later.
I saw her acting resume. And I agree with you about the Twitter thing. Having deleted Twitter myself a few years ago though, I'd have to say I would be tempted to set it back up if I ever went viral to see what people were saying. And I am far from fame hungry or desperate for social media attention.

It's all relative though, getting pushed to the ground with 2 policemen on top of you doesn't seem like brutal treatment to me for someone who was at an illegal protest but I can certainly see why it would to her!
I saw her acting resume. And I agree with you about the Twitter thing. Having deleted Twitter myself a few years ago though, I'd have to say I would be tempted to set it back up if I ever went viral to see what people were saying. And I am far from fame hungry or desperate for social media attention.

It's all relative though, getting pushed to the ground with 2 policemen on top of you doesn't seem like brutal treatment to me for someone who was at an illegal protest but I can certainly see why it would to her!

Do you think it's ok for her to advocate for everybody to meet up and march on Parliament tomorrow?
You might need to elaborate. The thread is showing that the issue is not black and white.
Women understandably wanting to pay respects in a low covid risk outdoor vigil versus illegal event during global pandemic the govt wants cracking down on sparks police reaction.

A lot of sympathetic people but also a lot who've made the sacrifice of being unable to visit dying loved ones wondering why they suffered when others can do what they like.

It's not a surprise there are different viewpoints on it tbh, even if everyone agrees it was handled terribly.
Well said. I can understand why people wanted to be there and that the police/gov could have done things better (I think? Seems like a bit of a lose-lose scenario to be honest) but that video @Leroy The Red posted shows it's not as clear cut as people would like to believe. It's turned into a bit of a messy affair sadly and definitely taken away from its original intent to the point where no one really comes out of this looking good.

I swear to Lucifer if we go into another lockdown because of fecking London again
This twaat is seeming to suggest that this is most definitely a PR opportunity. On balance I think it has to be suspect.