The New Official Republic of Ireland Football Thread

Where do we think Kenny goes next?

Talk of Lincoln, can't imagine he will have too many suitors in England.

I get the impression he wouldn't return to League of Ireland, despite that being where he made a name for himself.

Potentially he may takeover another U21 national team, he did okay with the youth side.
No doubt this will be Kenny's last game.

Taking swipes at previous managers about results, well if you're going to do that just make sure you didn't lose at home to Luxembourg.
I've the pleasure of Matt Doherty 10 feet away from me.
I'm doing more from my pitch side seat
Working class football boys doing what the posh rugby boys from their leafy suburbs couldn't do; putting New Zealand to the sword.
Your fault.
A draw against New Zealand is still better than rugger boyos.

But seriously, there is the scutter tier of European football with the likes of San Marino, Gibraltar and Liechtenstein. I think we've fallen to the tier just above them. We haven't a chance against decent sides but we might keep them scoreless for a half.
I was going to say, if there was something Ireland was great at it was beating New Zealand in meaningless friendlies but we can't even do that anymore.

Good luck and God bless, Kenny - we were all rooting for you.
Ah well, that's that. It didn't work out, the football was ok, better on the ball but lacking any sort of cutting edge. It was tried, it didn't work.

Back to hoofing it into the channels it is.
The fecking longest goodbye. I'd say everyone, including Kenny, is just glad the whole thing is over. God knows what's next for us. Can't get much worse I guess. Although the thoughts of Neil Lennon upskilling a crowd of promising youngsters in the art of hoofball is something that could keep me awake at night.
The fecking longest goodbye. I'd say everyone, including Kenny, is just glad the whole thing is over. God knows what's next for us. Can't get much worse I guess. Although the thoughts of Neil Lennon upskilling a crowd of promising youngsters in the art of hoofball is something that could keep me awake at night.
Surely it won't be Lennon, although I wouldn't put anything past the FAI.

I wouldn't be surprised if they're yet to identify anyone but you'd think an interview process would begin in the new year.
I don't know what everyone expects. You can only achieve so much with terrible players.

You should see what English players you can borrow who have an Irish grandmother, like in 1994 etc.
I don't know what everyone expects. You can only achieve so much with terrible players.

You should see what English players you can borrow who have an Irish grandmother, like in 1994 etc.

We tried that and they fecked off to England as soon as everyone realised they were any use.
I don't know what everyone expects. You can only achieve so much with terrible players.

You should see what English players you can borrow who have an Irish grandmother, like in 1994 etc.
We’ve found @TheReligion ’s burner account.
Ah well, that's that. It didn't work out, the football was ok, better on the ball but lacking any sort of cutting edge. It was tried, it didn't work.

Back to hoofing it into the channels it is.

Id rather see hoofing into the channels than Matt Doherty trotting in the channels passing it backwards.
The Irony of this from Kerr given he had the knife out for Kenny from day one.

There's definitely been a hostility towards him from a lot of people who've been around the Irish team before. O'Neill and plenty of ex players didnt seem like fans either.

Ah well, that's that. It didn't work out, the football was ok, better on the ball but lacking any sort of cutting edge. It was tried, it didn't work.

Back to hoofing it into the channels it is.

Keith Tracy was on Virgin the other day and he said as much. He argued the new manager should change tactics and aim to "eke out results", "it won't be pretty" and "no pressing all over". Sounds no better than Kennys tenure.

The ex players and managers won't admit it but they're happy with us playing sh!te football and resented Kenny for wanting to try something more. Kenny's tenure was a failure, fine but that doesn't mean we should aim to be an Italia 90 tribute act.
There's definitely been a hostility towards him from a lot of people who've been around the Irish team before. O'Neill and plenty of ex players didnt seem like fans either.

Keith Tracy was on Virgin the other day and he said as much. He argued the new manager should change tactics and aim to "eke out results", "it won't be pretty" and "no pressing all over". Sounds no better than Kennys tenure.

The ex players and managers won't admit it but they're happy with us playing sh!te football and resented Kenny for wanting to try something more. Kenny's tenure was a failure, fine but that doesn't mean we should aim to be an Italia 90 tribute act.
No need to return to kick and rush, but when it's obvious trying to play expansive football doesn't work it's only right that a compromise on tactical set up is found.
Id rather see hoofing into the channels than Matt Doherty trotting in the channels passing it backwards.

There's definitely been a hostility towards him from a lot of people who've been around the Irish team before. O'Neill and plenty of ex players didnt seem like fans either.

Keith Tracy was on Virgin the other day and he said as much. He argued the new manager should change tactics and aim to "eke out results", "it won't be pretty" and "no pressing all over". Sounds no better than Kennys tenure.

The ex players and managers won't admit it but they're happy with us playing sh!te football and resented Kenny for wanting to try something more. Kenny's tenure was a failure, fine but that doesn't mean we should aim to be an Italia 90 tribute act.

The worst managerial appointment Ireland ever made was choosing Jack Charlton, that hoofball blueprint will be remembered not for the football but for the excitement of getting to tournaments. The football was ugly as hell but for some reason it still seems to be what people have lodged in their subconscious as the best way for Ireland to play.

I'm not saying there's only one way to play, obviously against bigger teams sitting in and playing more direct is fine, but you tailor your approach to the opposition. Play when you can and dig in and go more direct when you have to.

But all this guff about just eaking out results is nonsense, Trappatoni and Martin O'Neill did it, all the pundits moaned and said they'd want to see more attempts to play football and that we needed to see more progressive football, that people would rather see Ireland try to play football and lose than watch long ball football ans sneak a 1-0 win.

Now they are saying the opposite.

Typical Irish, never fecking happy.
There's nothing wrong with direct football. Jurgen Klopp shows that but it has to be done properly.
The worst managerial appointment Ireland ever made was choosing Jack Charlton, that hoofball blueprint will be remembered not for the football but for the excitement of getting to tournaments. The football was ugly as hell but for some reason it still seems to be what people have lodged in their subconscious as the best way for Ireland to play.

I'm not saying there's only one way to play, obviously against bigger teams sitting in and playing more direct is fine, but you tailor your approach to the opposition. Play when you can and dig in and go more direct when you have to.

But all this guff about just eaking out results is nonsense, Trappatoni and Martin O'Neill did it, all the pundits moaned and said they'd want to see more attempts to play football and that we needed to see more progressive football, that people would rather see Ireland try to play football and lose than watch long ball football ans sneak a 1-0 win.

Now they are saying the opposite.

Typical Irish, never fecking happy.

The problem with Ireland and it's fans is they have ideas above their station. When you've got crap players, you generally get crap results.

How many of Ireland's players get into the France, England, Brazil etc teams? And yet the fans expect Ireland to be playing better football and regularly qualifying for the big tournaments. It's delusional.
The problem with Ireland and it's fans is they have ideas above their station. When you've got crap players, you generally get crap results.

How many of Ireland's players get into the France, England, Brazil etc teams? And yet the fans expect Ireland to be playing better football and regularly qualifying for the big tournaments. It's delusional.
You’re overplaying your hand. It works better when you use even a tiny bit of subtlety.
I can't see it being anyone other than Carsley to be honest. If it's not him, could be anyone, even Roy. Tbh I'm so unattached with this current Ireland team, I wouldn't mind Keane at least there would be some entertainment.
The problem with Ireland and it's fans is they have ideas above their station. When you've got crap players, you generally get crap results.

How many of Ireland's players get into the France, England, Brazil etc teams? And yet the fans expect Ireland to be playing better football and regularly qualifying for the big tournaments. It's delusional.

Ferguson would probably be in with a shout for at least a place on the bench. The rest, not much chance of any of them getting near a top team.

Usually you'd have 3 or 4 quality players spread throughout the pitch. Even when quality players like Given, Dunne, Roy Keane, Duff and Robbie Keane were playing it was still a struggle to qualify.

This squad is nowhere near that level, the best we can hope for in the WC qualifying. Which I assume will be as 3rd seeds, is to get a weakish / transitonal 2nd seed team and 2/3 other teams that are around the same level or weaker and hope to sneak a second place or play off place.
You’re overplaying your hand. It works better when you use even a tiny bit of subtlety.

Ha! Yeah. We need to aim lower than France and Brazil that’s for damn sure. What really screws us is that even our very best players don’t compare with the very best players at mid to lower tier nations. For weaker teams to qualify for big tournaments the usual pattern is to have a bunch of crap players but one or two top class talents who can elevate the group as a whole. That’s how it’s always worked for Ireland in the past. The fact that our best player is almost certainly an 18 year old in his first season of senior international football says it all really.
The problem with Ireland and it's fans is they have ideas above their station. When you've got crap players, you generally get crap results.

How many of Ireland's players get into the France, England, Brazil etc teams? And yet the fans expect Ireland to be playing better football and regularly qualifying for the big tournaments. It's delusional.
Which Ireland fans are saying they should be doing this?
All we want is the team to be giving it a go and not rolling over without a whimper.
There's definitely been a hostility towards him from a lot of people who've been around the Irish team before. O'Neill and plenty of ex players didnt seem like fans either.

Keith Tracy was on Virgin the other day and he said as much. He argued the new manager should change tactics and aim to "eke out results", "it won't be pretty" and "no pressing all over". Sounds no better than Kennys tenure.

The ex players and managers won't admit it but they're happy with us playing sh!te football and resented Kenny for wanting to try something more. Kenny's tenure was a failure, fine but that doesn't mean we should aim to be an Italia 90 tribute act.

An Italia 90 tribute act would do just fine, WC quarter finalists and 4 years later last 16.
I don't understand Irish fans obsession with style of football. We're going on like Barcelona here. Couldn't care less how we play as long as we get results and qualify for tournaments.

There's also this myth that we've been playing good football under Kenny, we haven't, it's been so boring. We played better football under Charlton. I watched the Italy game not long ago, couldn't dream.of playing like that now albeit the players were far better.
Which Ireland fans are saying they should be doing this?
All we want is the team to be giving it a go and not rolling over without a whimper.
None, it’s always the same old straw man. Any time someone expects us to just pass the ball a couple of times after being played off the park by the likes of Georgia you get these guys with their Barcelona and Pep claims that no one ever said. No one wants us to be Barcelona, we want to simply compete with Georgia without looking like garbage pieces of shit who’ve never touched a ball before.
I don't understand Irish fans obsession with style of football. We're going on like Barcelona here. Couldn't care less how we play as long as we get results and qualify for tournaments.

There's also this myth that we've been playing good football under Kenny, we haven't, it's been so boring. We played better football under Charlton. I watched the Italy game not long ago, couldn't dream.of playing like that now albeit the players were far better.
I loved watching Ireland under Charlton (as a neutral).
I don't understand Irish fans obsession with style of football. We're going on like Barcelona here. Couldn't care less how we play as long as we get results and qualify for tournaments.

There's also this myth that we've been playing good football under Kenny, we haven't, it's been so boring. We played better football under Charlton. I watched the Italy game not long ago, couldn't dream.of playing like that now albeit the players were far better.

Last six words of your post are important.
I don't understand Irish fans obsession with style of football. We're going on like Barcelona here. Couldn't care less how we play as long as we get results and qualify for tournaments.

There's also this myth that we've been playing good football under Kenny, we haven't, it's been so boring. We played better football under Charlton. I watched the Italy game not long ago, couldn't dream.of playing like that now albeit the players were far better.

Every teams fans are pretty much obsessed with the style of football. Nobody expects Ireland to play like Barca, that's just an extreme example. You have to tailor your style and expectations to the players you have available, this squad has shown that they are capable of keeping the ball and moving it around. What it lacks is a cutting edge, maybe that could be found by bringing in someone with new ideas for going forward.

Every youth development squad from u12s to u21s have been coached to be comfortable on the ball and be good in possession. I watch one of the FAI regional development squads train every week, they are all pretty much working off the same blueprint so when they do come together as a squad for u14/15/16s, every player knows how to play their role.

So does it make sense to bring them all up that way and then throw them into the senior setup only to have them play hoofball just to get results?