The Saudi Takeover Rumor Thread

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for me sport is a distraction from all the crap in life so maybe i've no morals or am soul less but for me I just want United to be back were they belong among the elite of football, maybe all the fans who worry about having imaginary blood on their hands if the saudis buy the club should go back to their happy times and follow the lads from 92 bankrolling Salford
I tend to agree with this school of thought too. A change in ownership will not affect my love for the club.
for me sport is a distraction from all the crap in life so maybe i've no morals or am soul less but for me I just want United to be back were they belong among the elite of football, maybe all the fans who worry about having imaginary blood on their hands if the saudis buy the club should go back to their happy times and follow the lads from 92 bankrolling Salford

Oh, I agree - I’ve been going on about inherent freedom of thoughts and lifestyle in this context (whatever we all think, it cannot be denied that the pluralist western culture offers more objective freedom than any de facto dictatorships), but have seen the massive growth in inequality since the rise of unfettered capitalism (rather than a mixed economy, if one could get all Marxist about it) from the 70s onwards. I live in London now and the rise in homelessness in one of the wealthiest places on earth is a shame on us all.

There are solutions which aren’t too difficult and based around far more progressive business and income taxation for those earning extreme wealth but the mindset of current generations have been conditioned to believe tax rises are wrong and I don’t have enough time to go into that apart from the fact that free marketers had an easy job tapping into peoples’ greed and aspirations since the memory of the Second World War started to fade. Ayn Rand and Alan Greenspan’s toxic legacy still looms large over society, sadly...

But I feel on this day we should all come together and rejoice that we might actually see our club play a decent game of football - happy holidays!
Marx is wrong, Keynes was correct and his philosophy adapted to modern times would be great
I tend to agree with this school of thought too. A change in ownership will not affect my love for the club.
This. I might regret it for a week or so, but my attention will quickly turn to the pitch and the players thereafter.
This issue perhaps goes to the heart of what it is to be a modern football fan - identifying with something bigger than yourself, even if it's with a soulless corporation whose owners have no interest whatever in you except as a provider of social cache and money. If you thought about it too much, you'd stop being a fan altogether.

I know a lot of very clever people who get relaxation from following football simply because it is a good way to switch their brains off and be a bit stupid. No-one is looking for a row about the ethics of football which requires them to think about what the sport actually represents.
You seem to be quoting yourself to agree with yourself that you agree with Keynes rather than Marx on a point on which Keynes and Marx would both have agreed.
Not really. Keynes was an advocate of policies that are in line with Social Democracy as opposed to socialism itself (like Marx was). It's one of my biggest pet peeves how much people use the 2 terms interchangeably when there are significant differences.
Social Democracy is an integration of Capitalism and socialism that combines the best aspects of both to ensure that society as a whole prospers.
Another huge issue is how people on the left in America are aligning themselves with socialists like Corbyn (way outside the mainstream) rather than the centre which even then is to the left of the US. left.
Macron is more progressive than Corbyn and Bernie combined yet gets painted as "right wing/neoliberal/neocon" by both the UK and US left despite his policies being to the left of Bernie Sanders and more progressive than Corbyn (regressive left)
Not really. Keynes was an advocate of policies that are in line with Social Democracy as opposed to socialism itself (like Marx was). It's one of my biggest pet peeves how much people use the 2 terms interchangeably when there are significant differences.

The mention of Marx was with reference to transformations in the economy since the 1970s which have seen the insulation of market forces from democratic control, the dismantling of social security etc. Both Marxist and Keynesian analyses recognise as a basic fact the overturn of that post-war era of embedded liberalism, and its replacement by the supremacy of the market, so saying "Marx was wrong, Keynes was right" on this issue seems like you shoehorning your "pet peeve" into the discussion.

Macron is more progressive than Corbyn and Bernie combined yet gets painted as "right wing/neoliberal/neocon" by both the UK and US left despite his policies being to the left of Bernie Sanders and more progressive than Corbyn (regressive left)

Macron's key economic policies have included tax cuts for the rich and attacking workers rights; Corbyn's include increasing taxes for the richest 5%, repealing anti-trade union legislation, popular ownership of certain key parts of the economy, etc. Whether you like these policies or not it seems pretty perverse to describe Macron's policies as less right wing than Corbyn.
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Any owner who would fund us instead of putting debt on us and take out money would be better. Sadly most who would are in this mould.
Just a reminder - please keep this thread on topic. The Saudis and other potential buyers are on-topic.
"The Glazer refused an offer from Saudi Arabia for the takeover of Manchester United. Discussions are far from over. More to follow..."

I don't have enough rank to post media yet. But it seems this is the guy who broke the story of Jardim returning to Monaco:
Then we’re doomed. There goes out chance to sign top2 player every summer. While watching MC and other clubs signing quality players
Id rather the club be where it is right now than sell our soul to those who have blood on their hands.
We've won quite a bit for a club that is doomed
It’s for the future. Not wrong to change the owner. But still we can promote youth to play. It’s the transfer activity i’m worrying about. Watch us missing De Ligt and sign old bloke as Alderweireld:wenger:
Id rather the club be where it is right now than sell our soul to those who have blood on their hands.

The thing is we the fans and machestMan United have no choice in this. Only the Glazer's do. For that reason alone while I will be frustrated and obviously hate the SsudiS I won't be overreacting cause at the end of the day there is nothing anyone could do.

Will just adtactua make my hatred of the Glazer's even bigger tbh.
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I have mixed feelings about this. The club being able to spend the money it generates would be great, and we'd almost certainly be stronger on the pitch, but it would feel tainted somewhat.

I understand exactly why most on here would be against this; I don't believe the people who say that they'd stop supporting the club though. If you can tune in to watch Moyes then nothing will stop you.
I have mixed feelings about this. The club being able to spend the money it generates would be great, and we'd almost certainly be stronger on the pitch, but it would feel tainted somewhat.
I understand exactly why most on here would be against this; I don't believe the people who say that they'd stop supporting the club though. If you can tune in to watch Moyes then nothing will stop you.
Wouldn't it be great if this whole thing was the other way round, and Manchester united took over Saudi Arabia. Could really do some good. Really burnish the Utd legend.
Then we’re doomed. There goes out chance to sign top2 player every summer. While watching MC and other clubs signing quality players


Because no team has ever achieved success without morally bankrupt sugar daddies. You know, Liverpool challenging for the league and Champions' League is purely a product of their immense bankrolling by FSG, and Real only won the last three Champions' Leagues because of their... imbalanced TV deal?

Let's face it - obviously money helps, but if we could just get rid of the Glazers (who've sucked hundreds of millions out of the club) we'd be able to challenge anyone in the world financially. We don't need to sell our souls to the devil, or the House of Saud. We just need to not be sucked-dry by the fecking Glazers.

Because no team has ever achieved success without morally bankrupt sugar daddies. You know, Liverpool challenging for the league and Champions' League is purely a product of their immense bankrolling by FSG, and Real only won the last three Champions' Leagues because of their... imbalanced TV deal?

Let's face it - obviously money helps, but if we could just get rid of the Glazers (who've sucked hundreds of millions out of the club) we'd be able to challenge anyone in the world financially. We don't need to sell our souls to the devil, or the House of Saud. We just need to not be sucked-dry by the fecking Glazers.

That’s virtually impossible without being bought by either the Saudis or a Chinese billionaire. Very few are able to buy United at the current valuation and even fewer are willing too.

That’s virtually impossible without being bought by either the Saudis or a Chinese billionaire. Very few are able to buy United at the current valuation and even fewer are willing too.
Our spending has largely remained similar to when we were privately owned. We've always spent when we needed to, without splashing out on galacticos every summer.
Please God no. Don’t want them. Can’t the Glazers ask the Amazon guy if he fancies owning us?
Don’t want this crazy man owning us. Money is not our problem it’s a lack of organisation.
Please God no. Don’t want them. Can’t the Glazers ask the Amazon guy if he fancies owning us?
Don’t want this crazy man owning us. Money is not our problem it’s a lack of organisation.
Jess Bezos (Amazon guy) is going through the richest divorce in way he'll want to invest as he might only be worth half his $137b after that.

Personally I'd love Jim Ratcliffe to buy us (Britain's wealthiest at a mere £20m). He's a United fan but annoying keeps getting linked to Chelsea

Because no team has ever achieved success without morally bankrupt sugar daddies. You know, Liverpool challenging for the league and Champions' League is purely a product of their immense bankrolling by FSG, and Real only won the last three Champions' Leagues because of their... imbalanced TV deal?

Let's face it - obviously money helps, but if we could just get rid of the Glazers (who've sucked hundreds of millions out of the club) we'd be able to challenge anyone in the world financially. We don't need to sell our souls to the devil, or the House of Saud. We just need to not be sucked-dry by the fecking Glazers.
How you going to get rid of them without having someone with ultra deep pockets paying for the club? Out there there is only a very small few who could afford the 4 billion touted as the price. Without wanting to take a cut out of the club to claw some money back. It's not something an ordinary billionaire would buy as they would never get their money back. If you could suck 100 million a year out of the club, it would take 40 years to get your money back, never mind the interest lost. Unfortunately the Saudis and their ilk are the only ones who could buy it, without needing it to pay them back.
Jess Bezos (Amazon guy) is going through the richest divorce in way he'll want to invest as he might only be worth half his $137b after that.

Personally I'd love Jim Ratcliffe to buy us (Britain's wealthiest at a mere £20m). He's a United fan but annoying keeps getting linked to Chelsea

Half of £137Billion means he can still spare 5 Billion or so?:D

God let me not think of this anymore today. Very depressing.

What's going to happen if our players and manager displeases him? The man is completely insane. The thought of him owning is terrible.
Half of £137Billion means he can still spare 5 Billion or so?:D

God let me not think of this anymore today. Very depressing.

What's going to happen if our players and manager displeases him? The man is completely insane. The thought of him owning is terrible.
We won't be able to take the moral high ground anymore too:(
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