The state of Guardiola | Regrets Redmond incident


Full Member
Jul 16, 2015
He's a strange dude and he does actually look coked out of it BUT he's assembled a great team and has them playing really well. Unfortunately for us. I can't see him lasting years and years though. He's too volatile. Then again where does he go from there? Spainish NT? PSG?
It would be fascinating to see him take on the England job. Could go fantastic and it could go beyond terrible with the press.

Spanish national team, after his support for Catalonia's independence? Not likely.
Very true. The first Catalan NT maybe :wenger:

Ludens the Red

Full Member
Jul 27, 2009
Did you watch those games, and was their approach any different?
Bournemouth don't really have a second way of playing, in fact Pep was complimentary of them after battering them, mainly because they kept it nice and open for his team.
In the past we have seen sides like Swansea and Southampton have had good results against top sides without bus parking.
Maybe against United and Arsenal but against the true top attacking sides City and Spurs getting results against these sides recently has relied on very defensive football.


New Member
Jul 6, 2017
Chennai, India


Full Member
Jun 7, 2015
"Can Manchester United score? They always score"
The comments to that. Whole of Blue Moon in their glory on twitter.:lol:

Honestly, I don't think we hate Pep or even their team as much as they hate Jose and our players.. I'd say Klopp wins the honor as the most annoying opposition manager hands down.
I don't think we do.

Dare I say, City actually get a lot of love on this forum. That even precedes Guardiola.

I think living in our shadow for so long has heightened their paranoia. I see the same with Everton fans when it comes to Liverpool.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Aye you really did that with your insightful genius in the first post. He did it because he wanted to. Truly breathtaking stuff.

Here I was thinking he was under some sort of mind control.
Well the argument suits the recipient I suppose.

Btw, he wasn't under mind control. Thought I'd clear that up for you.

What makes no sense is your constant back-peddling. We were talking about Conte and his bald comment and as I've already stated, I didn't agree with it, I simply found it a humorous remark to something someone else initiated. You're adding in extra scenarios, all of which have literally nothing to do with what's being discussed, especially as it's already the consensus that Jose is a prick. An opinion I also share, I haven't stated otherwise. Something doesn't have to be severe to be stupid and thus discussed. Just because you don't think it merits discussion, doesn't mean others do.
There's no back-peddling whatsoever except possibly the imaginary one going off in your head. You painted Pep's actions in a very different light to Jose's ones. If you indeed did view both in a rational, level-headed and logical manner you'd see both for what they are. But you found Jose's amusing and found Pep's very different and strange. That doesn't make sense unless you're willing to admit that you're clearly extremely biased and unable to view both scenarios from the same perspective. That's fine, it's your wish. But it will get highlighted by others since it weakens your argument.

The bolded bit is where your entire post falls apart, really. If you bother to read posts rather than just going off on aimless rants and throwing hissy fits, you'd notice that I'm not interested in deciding what should be discussed and what shouldn't. In fact, if this incident wasn't discussed it would be really weird. When a renown manager behaves hysterically of course it will be discussed. I've made it pretty clear that it's the disproportionate response that I disagreed with. There's loads of really weird reactions using words like psycho, mental disability, mentally unstable etc. and that's what I don't agree with. So I'm not sure what you're on about here.

That bold bit is actually hilarious. He didn't feel like being a proper professional and he's entitlted to look like a fecking wacko on national TV. Funnily enough, people are also entitled to question him on his actions as they 'feel like it'. What a fecking piss poor argument. Literally nothing to add to justify any of his actions except 'he felt like it'. Jose also felt like gouging someone's eyes out, doesn't make it any less stupid. I'm not even really that worked up about it - doesn't mean it should be overlooked. It was fecking stupid of him and as a result people discussed it.
What is a "proper professional"? Speaking to a player on the pitch is unprofessional now? Who is the arbitrator of professionalism -you? Walking on to the pitch and speaking to a player isn't inherently wrong and out of his jurisdiction. He probably shouldn't have done it in such a weird and aggressive manner though. Then again, the player himself didnt seem to take offense by it. Which is always funny - when others get more offended by the "victim". And you and anyone else is entitled to question him if you 'feel like it' too. I'm sorry if you can't deal with the concept of free speech applying to others as well. Piss poor indeed.

Having an opinion on how other team's play and approaching players of said team and publicly discussing discontent on their playstyle is two completely different things. The way he was playing was obviously down to his manager, he's not a fecking idiot - he knows that. By questioning it, he's obviously sending a message to the manager. Before you start white knighting and backtracking again, consider that it's not the first time he's done this either. He's always displayed that holier than thou attitude, questioning tactic's in the past. Long balls etc.

Considering your whole argument revolves around - he can do it because he wants to, it's obvious you really have nothing substantial to add to this discussion. No-one is genuinely worked up by his actions. They think it was stupid, unnecessary and downright odd and thus was discussed.
Having an opinion on how other team's play and approaching players of said team and publicly discussing discontent on their playstyle is two completely different things. The way he was playing was obviously down to his manager, he's not a fecking idiot - he knows that. By questioning it, he's obviously sending a message to the manager. Before you start white knighting and backtracking again, consider that it's not the first time he's done this either. He's always displayed that holier than thou attitude, questioning tactic's in the past. Long balls etc.
There you go with that wild imagination of yours.

What's wrong with him sending a message to the manager exactly? Did Sir Alex not play mind games or be confrontational with other managers? When our manager was confrontational and outspoken we seemed to love it. It seems a strange thing to take so seriously. Also, wasn't Pep speaking to him one on one? How was he making a public comment?

Btw, I dont think there should be any one way of playing football, or that negative football is just inherently wrong, but nor do I see an issue with Pep expressing his views (incorrect as they are) on the topic. He clearly believes that everyone should play positive football. It's the reason why despite playing MSN and having injuries, he set his Bayern team to be aggressive and got shat on. He has a myipic view on football.

I'll sum up my views on this topic because we're going in circles and dont agree it seems.

  • Pep is a bit of an eccentric odball.
  • I found his behavior towards the Bayern medical to be really poor.
  • This incidents seems to have offended others more than it did the player.
  • And back to my main point, the responses to the incident have been way over the topic. It should be discussed but some of the replies were hilarous.


Jun 23, 2013
Well the argument suits the recipient I suppose.

Btw, he wasn't under mind control. Thought I'd clear that up for you.

There's no back-peddling whatsoever except possibly the imaginary one going off in your head. You painted Pep's actions in a very different light to Jose's ones. If you indeed did view both in a rational, level-headed and logical manner you'd see both for what they are. But you found Jose's amusing and found Pep's very different and strange. That doesn't make sense unless you're willing to admit that you're clearly extremely biased and unable to view both scenarios from the same perspective. That's fine, it's your wish. But it will get highlighted by others since it weakens your argument.

The bolded bit is where your entire post falls apart, really. If you bother to read posts rather than just going off on aimless rants and throwing hissy fits, you'd notice that I'm not interested in deciding what should be discussed and what shouldn't. In fact, if this incident wasn't discussed it would be really weird. When a renown manager behaves hysterically of course it will be discussed. I've made it pretty clear that it's the disproportionate response that I disagreed with. There's loads of really weird reactions using words like psycho, mental disability, mentally unstable etc. and that's what I don't agree with. So I'm not sure what you're on about here.

What is a "proper professional"? Speaking to a player on the pitch is unprofessional now? Who is the arbitrator of professionalism -you? Walking on to the pitch and speaking to a player isn't inherently wrong and out of his jurisdiction. He probably shouldn't have done it in such a weird and aggressive manner though. Then again, the player himself didnt seem to take offense by it. Which is always funny - when others get more offended by the "victim". And you and anyone else is entitled to question him if you 'feel like it' too. I'm sorry if you can't deal with the concept of free speech applying to others as well. Piss poor indeed.

There you go with that wild imagination of yours.

What's wrong with him sending a message to the manager exactly? Did Sir Alex not play mind games or be confrontational with other managers? When our manager was confrontational and outspoken we seemed to love it. It seems a strange thing to take so seriously. Also, wasn't Pep speaking to him one on one? How was he making a public comment?

Btw, I dont think there should be any one way of playing football, or that negative football is just inherently wrong, but nor do I see an issue with Pep expressing his views (incorrect as they are) on the topic. He clearly believes that everyone should play positive football. It's the reason why despite playing MSN and having injuries, he set his Bayern team to be aggressive and got shat on. He has a myipic view on football.

I'll sum up my views on this topic because we're going in circles and dont agree it seems.

  • Pep is a bit of an eccentric odball.
  • I found his behavior towards the Bayern medical to be really poor.
  • This incidents seems to have offended others more than it did the player.
  • And back to my main point, the responses to the incident have been way over the topic. It should be discussed but some of the replies were hilarous.
I'm going to summarize my thoughts as this topic is truly boring now and all discussions is just the same thing being regurgitated now. Firstly, I did paint his actions in a different light to Jose - I never said Jose's actions were better, in fact I didn't even compare them. I simply said I found his response funny, doesn't mean I agree with his actions. I thought it was quite petty between both Conte and Jose. Given the circumstances it really wasn't a surprise, given the statement Conte made, it was obvious Jose would respond - no-one was surprised. It's also accepted that Jose is a feckwit and has been discussed to death. What Pep did might not be as bad as some of the things Jose has done in his career, but they're not the same person, their actions aren't linear. Both can be praised and criticized as individuals. I didn't find him calling other managers fat funny, nor did I agree with it, same with him poking someone's eyes out. In this specific scenario I found his response funny, even though I still didn't agree with it. I enjoy banter as much as anyone else but it was petty between two grown ass men. Bias isn't directly correlated with humor. I find some of the people on AFTV so fecking tedious but find them to be hilarious. I don't agree with some of the shit Jose does but he can be funny at times, same goes for Pep. That being said, they're both two completely different, isolated incidents. Simply because I found one humorous, doesn't mean I'm biased for not finding the other one funny. I didn't agree with both situations, found the first petty (Jose and Conte) and the second downright fecking weird and unnecessary (Pep), one was funny though.

The disproportionate response is relative. A manager of one of our biggest rivals did something that people considered fecking stupid in an extremely odd manner, as a result most of them made comments in jest. I myself said he was on Coce - it was jokingly. I sincerely doubt some people on here genuinely think he's got serious mental health problems or on drugs. Even if he is, I really don't give a shit, that's his decision. Jurgen Klopp gets made fun of to death when he has similar outbursts but no-one bats an eye. Pep is involved and suddenly everyone is so fecking soft.

Speaking to a player on the pitch isn't unprofessional - you're not stupid, you know I was referring to the manner in which he did it. If I sprinted up to another worker at my work and started flailing my hands around, screaming in his face, I would most likely get called into HR. It's unprofessional, you could act like that with your mates and they'd think your fecking weird ffs, let alone another professional. let alone one that has an image to withhold and is regularly on national television. I also don't think making the comment he made was necessary and could be deemed unprofessional, making a statement like that to a club like Southampton with limited resources, when you're managing probably the most expensive squad in the PL's history just seems cheap to me, whether or not you agree is up to you. If he really felt all teams should play positively, why didn't he approach other team's who have parked the bus against him. He could have done so in private, which raises the question, why was this scenario different?

Comparing him to SAF is way off imo. Mind games and confrontations with other managers is basic stuff. It's done through pressers and as a way to get a mental edge though. Pep doing what he did literally has little to no benefit. The game was over, they won and it wasn't even a direct message to the manager - he was expressing his opinions to the players, knowing full and well that the manager will find out about it. Like I've said multiple times, he's not an idiot, he knows why they were playing the way they were, just a very unnecessary message to make. There's playing mind games in the pressers to get an advantage, then there's sprinting to opposition players to express an opinion that shouldn't have been expressed to players who could become disheartened with their manager. He himself acknowledged it was wrong, evident by his apology.

How was he making it a public comment? Consider how he presented the opinion. He could have had many chances to tell Redmond that after the game. In the tunnels, in the dressing rooms, before he boards the bus etc. He chose to literally sprint onto the pitch after a winner in the dying seconds of the game, only to express the opinion in front of the stadium. He knows fully well that people would pick up on it. If he didn't want to make it public he could have chosen a more suitable setting. You could suggest in the heat of the moment that he wasn't thinking and just acted - which might be true, but that doesn't justify his actions. Still makes them wrong.

On your points:
1. I agree.
2. I agree.
3. I don't think many people were as much offended as they were weirded out. It was an extremely odd situation. The inconsistency might have also frustrated some. Jose gets a ban for kicking a water bottle that literally didn't involve anyone else, but Pep basically gets into someone's face acting like a lunatic and is seemingly going to get off scott free.
4. I agree, but I don't really think many people were being serious with those comments. (I hope so, anyway).

I agree though, we don't seem to be on the same page in this topic, it is quite a controversial one. I've posted in this thread enough though and it really is getting tedious now, everyone is just repeating the same stuff over and over - so I digress. Let's just agree to disagree.
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New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Manchester City
From a city point of view it was a tad embarrassing, accept the win celebrate with the players, shake hands and walk off the pitch. If it would have been Klopp screaming coaching sessions at one of our players after they had scored a last second winner against us I would have been raging about it.

He has learnt their are things you don’t do in English football this week, stick to offering one to one coaching to our players not the opposition players please Pep.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2015
West Didsbury, Manchester
Storm in a teacup. Clearly other managers get away with more than Jose but would rather see a bit of passion from managers, as long as they are all treated equally be the FA


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
From a city point of view it was a tad embarrassing, accept the win celebrate with the players, shake hands and walk off the pitch. If it would have been Klopp screaming coaching sessions at one of our players after they had scored a last second winner against us I would have been raging about it.

He has learnt their are things you don’t do in English football this week, stick to offering one to one coaching to our players not the opposition players please Pep.
This mans brain should be donated to science. He has done what seems to be impossible and be a city fan and hint at a tiny semblance of criticism towards guardiola


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
In the past we have seen sides like Swansea and Southampton have had good results against top sides without bus parking.
The only relevant thing is what teams do against this City team, not other top sides of the past. Historically, attacking Pep's teams is a surefire way to get your ass handed to you. Very few teams, top tier or otherwise, have attacked a Pep side and come out on top. So for an inferior side to tread where bigger sides rarely do, is not smart and has less chance of being successful than keeping it tight and trying to nick a goal where they can.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
The only relevant thing is what teams do against this City team, not other top sides of the past. Historically, attacking Pep's teams is a surefire way to get your ass handed to you. Very few teams, top tier or otherwise, have attacked a Pep side and come out on top. So for an inferior side to tread where bigger sides rarely do, is not smart and has less chance of being successful than keeping it tight and trying to nick a goal where they can.
As Watford who are doing very well this year will testify. I feel like the only scenario on this forum in which smaller clubs are criticised for playing conservatively away against the big teams, is one in which vindicating guardiola is involved. **** like protection of lord pep

This supposed apparent flaw of these teams has not been discussed until now- because of course it's not a problem


Full Member
Sep 11, 2008
Parking the bus against City seem to work when they fail to score early in the game or when they concede first as it happened vs Bournemouth away and Huddrsfield away. When they score first and already in the first half, they tend to cruise the game as was the case with Leicester.


New Member
May 3, 2013
Parking the bus against City seem to work when they fail to score early in the game or when they concede first as it happened vs Bournemouth away and Huddrsfield away. When they score first and already in the first half, they tend to cruise the game as was the case with Leicester.
Always been the case with teams that refuse to enter a technical battle. Now, mind you there's a difference between playing great organised pragmatic football and simply refusing to play football and that's what we're seeing for teams. City will stroll the league if teams really think the best way to go about things is to not play. At worst they'll pick up a couple of draws on the way.


New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Man City
The opposite really. Pogba, Mkhi, Mata, Martial, Zlatan, Rashford are not technically inferior at all. They are not Neymar but they are not inferior to what City have got. It is the defence that is clearly technically inferior with Bailly and Smalling looking so uncomfortable on the ball.

I also agree that we have no choice but to park an aircraft against them next week because if we want to actually go toe to toe against them, that's a tactic that you cannot just adopt on game day, it is something you need to have been working on and building towards for a long period as it requires time, practice and every resource available. We have shown no interest in building towards that which is the real question leaving us with one option come game day; defend and hope.
I agree that those players are not technically inferior. In the cases of Pogba and Ibrahimovic, they are superior, but you can’t attribute the differences in playing style to the skills of the centre backs. No arrangement of your players will equate to ours, (and vice versa). It isn’t something either club could build towards.

Your players are, in general, bigger and stronger than ours, and there is a price to pay for that.
In buying Lukaku, Pogba and Matic, Mourinho has locked you into the pluses and minuses of physical size for some time to come.
Nobody on here seems to think that is an issue, though it is the heart of the matter.

The price City pay is that we can’t compete in the air with eg Southampton. Guardiola said it (when other coaches would not), and Southampton should have scored three. If they can, so can you.


Full Member
Sep 11, 2008
I agree that those players are not technically inferior. In the cases of Pogba and Ibrahimovic, they are superior, but you can’t attribute the differences in playing style to the skills of the centre backs. No arrangement of your players will equate to ours, (and vice versa). It isn’t something either club could build towards.

Your players are, in general, bigger and stronger than ours, and there is a price to pay for that.
In buying Lukaku, Pogba and Matic, Mourinho has locked you into the pluses and minuses of physical size for some time to come.
Nobody on here seems to think that is an issue, though it is the heart of the matter.

The price City pay is that we can’t compete in the air with eg Southampton. Guardiola said it (when other coaches would not), and Southampton should have scored three. If they can, so can you.
Has been already discussed.


Full Member
Nov 2, 2014
Mourinho got fined for stepping on the field, Pep should get sent to the stands for this.


Doesn't understand sportswashing.
Mar 17, 2008
The CL is a glorified FA Cup set to music
orderly disembarking on planes
Bournemouth don't really have a second way of playing, in fact Pep was complimentary of them after battering them, mainly because they kept it nice and open for his team.

Maybe against United and Arsenal but against the true top attacking sides City and Spurs getting results against these sides recently has relied on very defensive football.
You pulled the second part out your ass.


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
So what did he say to Redmond anyway, criticized their approach?

I love how Pep and Klopp dont like when an opposition parks the bus but when they open up and concede a few they're full of praise.


Full Member
Dec 25, 2013
So what did he say to Redmond anyway, criticized their approach?

I love how Pep and Klopp dont like when an opposition parks the bus but when they open up and concede a few they're full of praise.
He questioned why Redmond didn't attack as he did the last time, which in all fairness sounds a bit hypocritical, given that it must have been obvious for Guardiola that he just did as instructed. At least he said on his last press conference that he would never comment on opponent's tactics... Anyway, it's worth noting that last year's result was 1-1 at the Etihad and I guess Redmond impressed Pep so much that he expected (feared?) more from him. And they definitely had a more positive approach.

Why did you omit Mourinho from this list, though? :D After all, he was the one who actually invented this weird term ("parking the bus"), and also lost it a few years ago after their 0-0 against West Ham. Which is even more ironic.


New Member
Nov 26, 2017
Manchester City
It would be fascinating to see him take on the England job. Could go fantastic and it could go beyond terrible with the press.
I can't see it going well. He admits that he needs great players for his style to succeed and as a NT manager he wouldn't get enough time with the players to coach and improve them as well as instilling his tactics. He would have to severely compromise his style of play to make it work imo. Plus he'd probably go off his nut with so much free time on his hands


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
He questioned why Redmond didn't attack as he did the last time, which in all fairness sounds a bit hypocritical, given that it must have been obvious for Guardiola that he just did as instructed. At least he said on his last press conference that he would never comment on opponent's tactics... Anyway, it's worth noting that last year's result was 1-1 at the Etihad and I guess Redmond impressed Pep so much that he expected (feared?) more from him. And they definitely had a more positive approach.

Why did you omit Mourinho from this list, though? :D After all, he was the one who actually invented this weird term ("parking the bus"), and also lost it a few years ago after their 0-0 against West Ham. Which is even more ironic.
Oh sorry! I forgot that whenever I mention Kopp or Pep I must mention Jose too.
Won't happen again. Sorry again.


Full Member
Dec 25, 2013
Oh sorry! I forgot that whenever I mention Kopp or Pep I must mention Jose too.
Won't happen again. Sorry again.
I don't think you have to, but when seemingly this can be the deciding factor whether someone is a prick, then maybe showing some form of consistency isn't bad.


Full Member
Dec 12, 2015
Man City
The comments to that. Whole of Blue Moon in their glory on twitter.:lol:

Honestly, I don't think we hate Pep or even their team as much as they hate Jose and our players.. I'd say Klopp wins the honor as the most annoying opposition manager hands down.
I'm calling bullshit on this. You don't all hate Pep, there are plenty on here who if I didn't know better, I'd swear he boned their missus. For what it worth I find Wenger the hardest manager to stomach not Jose and for the life of me I have no idea why.


Full Member
Aug 2, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
I agree that those players are not technically inferior. In the cases of Pogba and Ibrahimovic, they are superior, but you can’t attribute the differences in playing style to the skills of the centre backs. No arrangement of your players will equate to ours, (and vice versa). It isn’t something either club could build towards.

Your players are, in general, bigger and stronger than ours, and there is a price to pay for that.
In buying Lukaku, Pogba and Matic, Mourinho has locked you into the pluses and minuses of physical size for some time to come.
Nobody on here seems to think that is an issue, though it is the heart of the matter.

The price City pay is that we can’t compete in the air with eg Southampton. Guardiola said it (when other coaches would not), and Southampton should have scored three. If they can, so can you.
I don't necessarily disagree but I think you are exaggerating a bit. In the case of Smalling, Bailly, Lukaku, Fellaini, their technical attributes are definitely impossible to rearrange in a way that can produce slick football and Mourinho clearly does not mind that, maybe even favours it. Where I think you are exaggerating is the idea that it's either one or the other. I don't think your team are physically weak at all just like Bayern under Heynckes were a strong physical side that could go toe to toe footballing wise against anyone bar maybe a peak Barcelona. Anyway, I think I largely agree with you, my original point was that it's ridiculous to just expect that you can go toe to toe against a team that has been working on that via their training, transfers and entire footballing strategy when your strategy (Mourinho's) is largely about going at it on a game by game basis. He doesn't build teams that can confidently play like that and pull it off leaving him with one option when the big games come. The profile of players he buys is one of the facets of what I am referring to when I talk about how he builds his teams.


DUX' bumchum
May 10, 2009
I'm calling bullshit on this. You don't all hate Pep, there are plenty on here who if I didn't know better, I'd swear he boned their missus. For what it worth I find Wenger the hardest manager to stomach not Jose and for the life of me I have no idea why.
Pep and Wenger are cut from the same cloth.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2012
Just seen the clip again on Sky Sports of Guardiola pushing Redmond in the chest and mouthing off at him.
If that was Jose, it would have been front page news and a ban from the FA.

el magico

New Member
Jan 3, 2017
Manchester City
Just seen the clip again on Sky Sports of Guardiola pushing Redmond in the chest and mouthing off at him.
If that was Jose, it would have been front page news and a ban from the FA.
Well, it was front page news, do you not read the press or watch TV? What would the ban have been for?


New Member
Oct 17, 2016
Pep is a fantastic manager, no doubt but even he has his limits. He couldn't deliver a Champions League trophy with Bayern while Jose has always been successful with all his clubs. Of course we are clumsy at times but i certainly do not think Jose is crap. He has his ways which btw might not be the right way (UNITED way) but i think right now we need to be arrogant and push other teams to their places. We are among the best clubs in Europe and we should demand to be respected. In the last 3 years, teams even came to OT with a notion to take points away from us but in the last couple of years, the fortress is strong and impenetrable. We should be thankful to Jose for bringing us back to the top. If we had one or two more players of the caliber of Griezmann or Perisic, i think we'd be right up there with Shitty!

So Jose haters, keep it down! We're not backing down!


Full Member
Mar 12, 2012
Well, it was front page news, do you not read the press or watch TV? What would the ban have been for?
1. Didn't see it on any front pages (perhaps you could show me them)
2. Yes, I do watch TV.
3. The ban would have been for confronting an opposing player, aggressively gobbing off at him, whilst pushing him in the chest.
4. Jose would have got in some serious shit for doing the same.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2012

No, he wouldn't have got away with that.
In the eyes of the FA, certain managers seem to be able to act like dicks because they're 'lovable','eccentric' and 'passionate'.

Inter Yer Nan

Full Member
Aug 26, 2016
Los Angeles, CA (from UK)
No way would Jose be able to get away with that. Fergie would have gotten a ban too. I think Klopp and Pep are immune from any punishment. I can't stand either. Pep spends half a billion inherits top teams again and again and cries at the other team for playing to their strengths and making it hard for him.


Jun 23, 2013
Moyes should’ve run up to B. Silva after the game, and ranted at him for wasting time in the corner when he’s such a talented forward.
:lol: Moyes is just passionate and wants to see teams playing positive football.