The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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17 Van der Gouw

biffa bin
Oct 19, 2010
Probably my biggest worry. Global warming's already a massive, massive problem, and having the world's biggest power controlled completely by people who don't believe in it or don't think it's their responsibility to take action is heartbreaking tbh.
I just hope four years isn't enough time to undo some of the America's existing carbon commitments; I'm clutching at straws, mind.

My biggest concern (and it's a bit kneejerk) is actually nuclear armageddon. I know the alleged Trump quote questioning "why doesn't America ever use its nukes" is unverified, but he just seems like such a hot-head that I get very nervous at the thought of him being in control of the world's second largest atomic arsenal.

Does anybody know how much power the president has to launch a nuclear attack? Presumably he'd need backing from generals, politicians etc. I still feel uneasy about it.


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
He'll be 79, there's surely no way.
The movement he started is bigger than him, all it needs is a younger and charismatic type that champions the same ideals and is able to galvanise the same support base of disillusioned millenials and middle class families. I'm sure the minorities will flock to it too.

Elizabeth Warren will pick up the baton.

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
I just hope four years isn't enough time to undo some of the America's existing carbon commitments; I'm clutching at straws, mind.

My biggest concern (and it's a bit kneejerk) is actually nuclear armageddon. I know the alleged Trump quote questioning "why doesn't America ever use its nukes" is unverified, but he just seems like such a hot-head that I get very nervous at the thought of him being in control of the world's second largest atomic arsenal.

Does anybody know how much power the president has to launch a nuclear attack? Presumably he'd need backing from generals, politicians etc. I still feel uneasy about it.
Any first strike order must be issued by the president and confirmed by the secretary of defense. That's it.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2012
leicester winning PL
cubs winning world series
president trump

any more upsets this year anyone can think of?


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
leicester winning PL
cubs winning world series
president trump

any more upsets this year anyone can think of?
Liverpool winning the league.
If we count it as a season.

-Was Simpsons predicting Trump win mentioned?


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
It's the worlds biggest problem IMO. The number one reason I'm against Trump. I don't buy into any of the racist/sexist/xenophobe/Islamophobe shit-flinging, I don't think he's some fascist dictator, I don't think his relationship with Putin is going to be anywhere near as big a problem as the media are making out, but his desire to dismantle the EPA really really worries me.
See, I can understand you saying that the talk of dismantling the EPA is your main concern. What I don't understand how you can dismiss the the sexism and Islamophobia as shit-flinging. He actually said that he was going to ban Muslims from entering the country and he has actually said a lot of sexist things about women. There's nothing to "buy".


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
After shafting Bernie and deciding to support Hillary for the White House. How dumb do you think people are? She is as much to blame for this as her counterparts.
She endorsed Hillary when it was clear she was going to win. If Bernie fans are so tribal they hold that against her, they are not going to survive as a movement.


Thinks you can get an STD from flirting.
Oct 25, 2010
Constantly at the STD clinic.
To hell with idiot Bernie fans. They know nothing. All campaign they smeared shit on hillary and compared her to trump. I hope you're all fecking happy now.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
leicester winning PL
cubs winning world series
president trump

any more upsets this year anyone can think of?
The Browns are winless, is it our salvation?

DJ Jeff

Not so Jazzy
Jan 6, 2011
Soaring like a candy wrapper caught in an updraft
See, I can understand you saying that the talk of dismantling the EPA is your main concern. What I don't understand how you can dismiss the the sexism and Islamophobia as shit-flinging. He actually said that he was going to ban Muslims from entering the country and he has actually said a lot of sexist things about women. There's nothing to "buy".
I think his Islam comments are part of that bollocks strategy he laid out in Art of the Deal where you say something ridiculous as an opening gambit and then negotiate down to what you really wanted, and seem as if you're "compromising".

As for the women thing, "only Rosie O'Donnell" and that. But personally I just find the emails and the pussygate stuff tired and a distraction from the real issues that Trump could feck up for everyone.

Will Absolute

New Member
Oct 23, 2009
Southern Ireland
I'm not a buff in Healthcare Economics, but it's well known the US still spends a lot more than other developed countries in it. Simply, they get less bang for their buck, irrespective if that buck comes from the government or directly from the people's purses.

I suspect it being a profit-driven industry is the biggest reason for it. Also there's that middle-man in the form of insurance companies who take a great slice from it. Doctors costs with their own civil responsibility insurances in an extremely litigative culture also drives cost ups.

In the end, in terms of indicators like vaccination coverage, child mortality rate, and access to the primary healthcare, USA stats are laughable in comparison with the rest of the developed world. Not to mention the number of people who just can't touch the system at all.

It worries me that in some countries in Europe it seems we're actually on a lobby-driven transition to an Americanized system. Globalization at it's worst. In Portugal, health insurance seems everywhere these days, private hospitals as well. We don't need them at all, but they'll force themselves into the market and shift policies their way, it's plain to see. And fecking scary.
But those other developed countries, specifically Britain, don't have the properly structured market you advocate.
Yep. There's a bewildering variety of systems around the world. Some of the things Arruda mentioned are major factors in driving up the costs of American healthcare. Being no kind of expert, I don't even know if a good fix for US healthcare's problems exists.

But, from first principles, consumer choice and market disciplines should be part of the solution. Unfortunately the Big Government mentality of the left leads them in other directions. As always liberalism finds it's answers in more taxation, more regulation and more bureaucracy.

Randall Flagg

Worst of the best
May 23, 2009
Heh, I forgot about Rosie O'Donnell

Wonder what she thinks about this

The Don is going to deport her


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
To hell with idiot Bernie fans. They know nothing. All campaign they smeared shit on hillary and compared her to trump. I hope you're all fecking happy now.
I have mixed feelings.

On the one hand, they were probably right in thinking Bernie would be a better candidate than Clinton, whereas I wrongly thought Clinton was the way to go. On the other hand, I saw a lot of Bernie fans say that Clinton was as bad as Trump, which is shitehawkery of the highest order and actually pisses me off more than hearing conservatives back Trump.


Sexy Beast
Aug 20, 2001
SoCal, USA
Yeah I knew someone was going to mention that.
I was referring to contemporary immigrants, not the European conquistadors.
You have to love white Americans; like they have the monopoly on "legal" immigration. If you ask the native Americans I doubt they'd agree any immigration was legal.
Also, the Spanish & Mexicans were in Florida and most of the western US before the whites arrived. So, in my mind it's immigration going full circle; the Mexicans were all over the western US, and now they're just coming back again ;) - leaving out for a minute that the native populations are never coming back to their pre-Columbian numbers.


Sexy Beast
Aug 20, 2001
SoCal, USA
One of the guys at work here, his son is at a local university and it seems there have been demonstrations at a few Unis after last nights results.
Anyway, this other colleague chimes in: "I hope they're not burning US flags, they should be shot on sight for that". And the other fella agrees with him :nervous:


The Baz Man - He made us laugh 2000 - 2012
May 17, 2000
Dines out
California independence? :lol:

sweet Jesus...

swallow the fecking bitter pill and move on. (or move to Canada)

Its time for the US citizens to work together, not the time to keep antagonizing.
Personally I'm with the rioters on this. It's not acceptable for an snake skin salesman to sell a load of BS to uneducated fools to fall for it. Throw in racism, the casual threatment of women as second class citizens and cosying up to Russia and I'm angry


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
California independence? :lol:

sweet Jesus...

swallow the fecking bitter pill and move on. (or move to Canada)

Its time for the US citizens to work together, not the time to keep antagonizing.
Yeah. Those are clearly the people that have been doing all the antagonising.


Full Member
Jun 27, 2013
Minnesota Vikings
Personally I'm with the rioters on this. It's not acceptable for an snake skin salesman to sell a load of BS to uneducated fools to fall for it. Throw in racism, the casual threatment of women as second class citizens and cosying up to Russia and I'm angry
From here it seems that the alternative was war with Russia, or at least a proxy confrontation via Syria. I figured Putin's response was the one real pro of this outcome.
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