The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What a prat. On another note, have posters like @Paz @Will Absolute etc been in here lately to voice their opinions on the current state of affairs? I'm not in this thread as much as I used to be...
Nope, anyone that defends trump at this stage is a dumb shitbag. I could forgive you for not being well informed during the campaign but to do it know just makes you a cnut. They can see it happening right before you're eyes. Lies have been caught, unpresidential arrogance and stupidity shown to the world and the theft of public money to enrich a private company that when broken down seems to be a money laundering operation. To defend it now makes you fecking worthless in my eyes.
I really hope the Pope isn't cordial to him.
Would be fun if trump just said that it does not really matter because rather than being gods representative on earth it would be more accturate to say he is the head of the worlds largest paedophile ring... I mean normally there is no way anybody would come right out and tweet something like that but you never know with trump... especially if he is criticised
One of the single most bewildering things you can ever do is hear an American defend why they have the worst healthcare in the developed world. They routinely trot out a version of 'Socialism' yadda yadda. Insane.

It's crazy how the right wing media has brainwashed its own citizens into thinking that having the worst (and most expensive) healthcare in the civilized world is ok.
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It's crazy how the right wing media has brainwashed its own citizens into thinking long that having the worst (and most expensive) healthcare in the civilized world is ok.
Not OK, but brilliant.

Everything the US does is the best way of doing that thing, no matter what it is.


The GOP uses people's patriotism to keep them under their control whilst at the same time making them think they're doing them a favour.
Start from 14:20.The woman absolutely destroys him. I dont get how people can equate the Dems with the GOP. I am not saying the dems are saints but these lot are on another planet. They have no conscience.

Everything that's wrong with politics right there, isn't it? This slimy piece of work trying to tell someone's who's working in ERs for over a decade that she doesn't know what she's talking about.
Not OK, but brilliant.

Everything the US does is the best way of doing that thing, no matter what it is.


The GOP uses people's patriotism to keep them under their control whilst at the same time making them think they're doing them a favour.
Text book North Korea. They even use the illusion of freedom.
Everything that's wrong with politics right there, isn't it? This slimy piece of work trying to tell someone's who's working in ERs for over a decade that she doesn't know what she's talking about.
The painful thing is republican votes know she's right. But "the liberals must not win".
The painful thing is republican votes know she's right. But "the liberals must not win".
It's basically a sporting allegiance at this point for a great many people.

They vote for the GOP candidate because he or she is the GOP candidate and that's it.
Nope, anyone that defends trump at this stage is a dumb shitbag. I could forgive you for not being well informed during the campaign but to do it know just makes you a cnut. They can see it happening right before you're eyes. Lies have been caught, unpresidential arrogance and stupidity shown to the world and the theft of public money to enrich a private company that when broken down seems to be a money laundering operation. To defend it now makes you fecking worthless in my eyes.
It's all true but I half expected a few recent nuggets.

Those guys are like Banksy. Do a madness then disappear.
Unlike Banksy their contributions are... What's the word? Worthless? That'll work for now...
That tweet appears to have been deleted, classic Trump.

I assume it's because he's realised he sounds like he is implying his Admin are leakers, which is obviously true.
Its interesting to see my Trump supporting acquaintances FB pages today. Posts like "Damn France, you stupid af" and "Enjoy your Sharia law France". They are also still talking about how terrible Obama was and how lucky we are to have Trump instead of Hillary
Its interesting to see my Trump supporting acquaintances FB pages today. Posts like "Damn France, you stupid af" and "Enjoy your Sharia law France". They are also still talking about how terrible Obama was and how lucky we are to have Trump instead of Hillary

It's thrown many of them for a loop, they were certain they were riding a wave of history that was going to sweep across Europe as the right wing took back control from those evil commies.
It's thrown many of them for a loop, they were certain they were riding a wave of history that was going to sweep across Europe as the right wing took back control from those evil commies.

They are genuinely mean spirited, short sighted assholes. They are happy to not have healthcare because they dont want a cent of their money going to help "the undesirables"
Very interested to see what Yates comes out with later. It seems likely she's just going to call bullshit on the White Houses account what she told them about Flynn, but it'll be interesting to see if anything else comes out.
Sounds like Drumpf is really bricking it over this Sally Yates stuff. :lol:

I'm expecting some genuinely damning information to come out of it. Possibly the straw that breaks the camels back. You just know that once stuff starts to stick and the house of cards starts to come down, GOP House and Senate members will realise that doing what they can to halt and sabotage the investigation is no longer in the best interest of self preservation.
I'm expecting some genuinely damning information to come out of it. Possibly the straw that breaks the camels back. You just know that once stuff starts to stick and the house of cards starts to come down, GOP House and Senate members will realise that doing what they can to halt and sabotage the investigation is no longer in the best interest of self preservation.

Keep dreaming.
I'm expecting some genuinely damning information to come out of it. Possibly the straw that breaks the camels back. You just know that once stuff starts to stick and the house of cards starts to come down, GOP House and Senate members will realise that doing what they can to halt and sabotage the investigation is no longer in the best interest of self preservation.

I think we've got many more months to go before we reach that point. Today might open a few doors though.
Spicer confirms that Obama warned Trump about Flynn in their November 10th meeting.
So Trump is throwing Flynn under the bus now?
Isn't he a friendly chap...

:lol: I watching that thinking "he's an angry young man isn't he" Then I read your post and literally burst out laughing. Notice how he was getting so angry he kept making his glasses slip down his nose and that was making him even more angry.

I would so love for him to try to have that argument with some native Americans. What an absolute waste of oxygen he is.
:lol: I watching that thinking "he's an angry young man isn't he" Then I read your post and literally burst out laughing. Notice how he was getting so angry he kept making his glasses slip down his nose and that was making him even more angry.

I would so love for him to try to have that argument with some native Americans. What an absolute waste of oxygen he is.


I'm amazed people like that don't get arrested.
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