The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Americans do deserve Trump. They have a ridiculous architecture that's far too reliant on rampant Capitalism and growth.

The two choices of center right or further right, result in Trump. Trump is the gateway drug to the far right being heard.

You could argue America's politicians deserve Trump (most politicians do) but ordinary Americans don't.
Trump really playing to his deplorables. Any Republican still hanging in there with this President will have to live with that.
These were statues put up in the 1900s specifically to remind 'the darkies' of their place.

You can learn from that certainly, put this shite in a museum where it belongs, not in front of a fecking school.

And there's more too.

He's unbelievable, mind you I saw a post in the newbs where someone compared the removal of these statues to us Brits removing statues of Churchill. That's straight out of Trump's false equivalency book comparing removing George Washington or Jefferson monuments too. It's nothing like that at all and couldn't be more unlike that really, but people are buying in to it.

These were statues put up in the 1900s specifically to remind 'the darkies' of their place.

You can learn from that certainly, put this shite in a museum where it belongs, not in front of a fecking school.

Exactly, many were put up 50 odd years after the wars ended when the south was going through a renaissance specifically as you said to put minorities in their place. It's disgusting. Don Lemon put it perfectly when he said that poor kids are having to go to school passing these statues every single day knowing that the people they memorialise wouldn't want those children to be allowed in the same room as a white person, let alone able to go to the same school or college.

Trump saying they are beautiful statues just shows how ignorant and out of touch he is. He's quadrupled down on this one and it's going to cost him BIGLY!
'Never be replaced'

Put up a statue of American heroes like Richard Winters, or any of the half a million Americans who died fighting in World War 2, every town has at least one hero who died in that fight. They were fighting FOR america, not against it, well worth celebrating, especially now as people seem to be forgetting why they did it.
'Never be replaced'

Put up a statue of American heroes like Richard Winters, or any of the half a million Americans who died fighting in World War 2, every town has at least one hero who died in that fight. They were fighting FOR america, not against it, well worth celebrating, especially now as people seem to be forgetting why they did it.
Yep lol - could literally be replaced with any decent American who WASN'T a traitor
Trump's voters do which is ironic as they're the only ones who don't realise he's an idiot.

I'm pretty sure there's been restrictions placed on it before. Apparently they kept gaming the system to spam the front page and the reddit admins had to change the coding to stop them. They freaked out, left the site and came back in a day or something.

Yep, 3 of their mods got banned by Reddit admins, so they threw a hissy fit and the forum went private for a few days.

The restrictions placed on them were done earlier.
Americans do deserve Trump. They have a ridiculous architecture that's far too reliant on rampant Capitalism and growth.

The two choices of center right or further right, result in Trump. Trump is the gateway drug to the far right being heard.

That is only true if you ignore the fact that Bernie Sanders could very easily have been the democratic nominee despite no support from the vast majority of powerful institutions and no major donors. If you acknowledge it then you quickly realise there's this big grey area that should find a home in your black and white world.
That is only true if you ignore the fact that Bernie Sanders could very easily have been the democratic nominee despite no support from the vast majority of powerful institutions and no major donors. If you acknowledge it then you quickly realise there's this big grey area that should find a home in your black and white world.

Bernie might have had more of that type of support had he actually been a democrat rather than an independent. Bernie would not have, in my opinion, won the EC votes or the popular votes. For some he is too "socialist" and the irony is many that are scared of him really rely on the "welfare" state and would have benefited directly.

You get he Government you deserve. I refuse to make excuses and absolve the people for the President they deserve.. Trump was elected in the process everyone knew how it would work, and he won fairly under the rules. Now the population has to understand this is your repercussion. You can't not hold the country responsible for the person elected, he didn't take over in a coup. If you don't hold people accountable, you'll never learn from it.
Bernie might have had more of that type of support had he actually been a democrat rather than an independent. Bernie would not have, in my opinion, won the EC votes or the popular votes. For some he is too "socialist" and the irony is many that are scared of him really rely on the "welfare" state and would have benefited directly.

There is no poll, not one, that showed him losing to Trump; in fact every poll since about that start of 2016 till June 2017 shows him as the most popular politician in the country. (A recent poll of potential challengers v Trump gave him a 10-point lead, while other Dems had a 2-6 point lead; Hillary was still down). There are (growing) majorities who are in favour of single-payer healthcare and raising the minimum wage, his 2 key platforms.

He might heave lost, but there is no evidence to suggest that he or his policies are unpopular.
Bernie might have had more of that type of support had he actually been a democrat rather than an independent. Bernie would not have, in my opinion, won the EC votes or the popular votes. For some he is too "socialist" and the irony is many that are scared of him really rely on the "welfare" state and would have benefited directly.

You get he Government you deserve. I refuse to make excuses and absolve the people for the President they deserve.. Trump was elected in the process everyone knew how it would work, and he won fairly under the rules. Now the population has to understand this is your repercussion. You can't not hold the country responsible for the person elected, he didn't take over in a coup. If you don't hold people accountable, you'll never learn from it.

I'm a big fan of personal accountability too, but there's a limit to the application of it in this particular circumstance.
  • More people voted for Clinton overall
  • More than half of people under 45 voted for Clinton
  • More than half of both coasts voted for Clinton
  • More than 2/3 of non-whites voted for Clinton
There are substantial groups of people that did what they could to prevent this from happening, so attributing them with blame for something they had limited control over seems counter-productive. Blaming a country which is so diverse is a difficult thing to justify, in the same way it seems unreasonable to blame the entire world for climate change when a country like Costa Rica is doing everything within their power to prevent it.

It's an easy thing to say and it is well-intentioned for the most part, but it's a difficult thing to justify, IMO.
Yup, I posted the same thing but must have deleted the sentence :wenger: He doesn't like the huge Goldman Sachs influence either which is another good thing. Like you say, evil feck, but even he's more rational than Trump. Interestingly reports are saying he didn't think it was an interview. Personally I think that's a load of shite, he's exceedingly media savvy so of course he fecking knew.

You do realize Bannon worked at Goldman Sachs?
There is no poll, not one, that showed him losing to Trump; in fact every poll since about that start of 2016 till June 2017 shows him as the most popular politician in the country. (A recent poll of potential challengers v Trump gave him a 10-point lead, while other Dems had a 2-6 point lead; Hillary was still down). There are (growing) majorities who are in favour of single-payer healthcare and raising the minimum wage, his 2 key platforms.

He might heave lost, but there is no evidence to suggest that he or his policies are unpopular.
Was there any of Hillary losing to Trump?
Yes, but he said it in the interview, not me. So i'm not sure why you need to say that?
It's like Trump draining the swamp, Bannon is talking shit about Goldman Sachs when he himself is a former employee.
Was there any of Hillary losing to Trump?

Yes, though it is important to note that she did win the popular vote. He consistently had much higher margins than she did.
(you can go back to May and see the difference in leads then too)

Edit: there was 1 poll, out of about 50 in 2016, showing Trump +1 over Bernie. The average was well above 5 from Jan onwards.
Yes, though it is important to note that she did win the popular vote. He consistently had much higher margins than she did.
(you can go back to May and see the difference in leads then too)
That's all very well, completely ignoring the team of Neymars that the Republicans spent on attacking Hillary, there's no evidence at all that Sanders will have fared any better if that same budget was spent attacking him instead.
It's like Trump draining the swamp, Bannon is talking shit about Goldman Sachs when he himself is a former employee.

Yeah I got that, but he contradicted himself throughout the entire interview (that wasn't really an interview) Him being a hypocrite is nothing new, all of them are. It's all so sad though, Bannon, DeVos, Perry and others all want to destroy the government as we know it and all want to destroy the departments they have been asked to run. The damage this lot cause could take generations to repair. It's a frightening thought.
That's all very well, completely ignoring the team of Neymars that the Republicans spent on attacking Hillary, there's no evidence at all that Sanders will have fared any better if that same budget was spent attacking him instead.

Bullshit. It's inconcieveable that Sanders would have lost the Rust Belt the way Hillary did.
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