The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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:lol: In a way if a president who truly cared about America was as trigger happy as him it might just be good thing. Out with the corrupt in with the good kind of thing. Unfortunately it's the doing of the most corrupt of all past Presidents.
Incredible. He really has turned the Whitehouse into a circus.

I dont understand the 'strategy' of humiliating people in positions of power. They aren't idiots, they'll surely have a dossier of odd things occurring which can be used as leverage.
So you can called the President a moron but you can't criticise Russia. Got it.

:lol: If this is true this means he was sacked Friday is bullshit and that he was sacked over the Russia comments.

Wow, just wow.

When you actually think seriously about it and how terrible the optics are of the decision to sack him combined with the context of the timing of the sacking following Tillerson's comments and the fact he still decided to go through with the decision it's actually mind boggling how obvious it is that Trump is under Putin's control.

It really is difficult to think anything else. He has consistently made outrageous decisions in the interest of Russia and Putin and he's now seen to sack his SOS almost immediately after criticising Russia and Putin?

For a man that is desperate for everyone to believe there is NO COLLUSION, he consistently acts in a way that would make even a sceptic bet his house on it.
HAHA yes, that's the best analogy for this whole thing

He actually uses a similar management style as Hitler did. Give your underlings lots of freedom but not much direction. Leave them to try and carry out what they believe you want, while they fight amongst themselves for power and access. Never be clear or write things down, so if someone does something you wanted but its received badly publicly, you can smack them down and claim it was never what you wanted in the first place.

He supposedly used to keep books on Hitler beside his bed (although the idea of Trump reading a book seems somewhat unlikely). Kind of wonder if that's where he learned it from.
Not sure. There is an NDA and the question is whether trumps signature matters.
The fact of the NDA is more relevant to whether Stormy will be sued or not, after the act. Since this NDA is just between two private persons (at the time), and no government business is concerned, I don't see how they can block that airing.
Not sure. There is an NDA and the question is whether trumps signature matters.
Someone posted something about Trump being caught in a catch 22 over that, I'm still unsure it will bear fruit tho. Nothing seems to affect him and his presidency enough to do lasting damage....
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He actually uses a similar management style as Hitler did. Give your underlings lots of freedom but not much direction. Leave them to try and carry out what they believe you want, while they fight amongst themselves for power and access. Never be clear or write things down, so if someone does something you wanted but its received badly publicly, you can smack them down and claim it was never what you wanted in the first place.

He supposedly used to keep books on Hitler beside his bed (although the idea of Trump reading a book seems somewhat unlikely). Kind of wonder if that's where he learned it from.
Yeah the story is that he was gifted a book of Hitler's speeches and I think someone doing an interview on him (Vanity Fair maybe?) in the early 90's saw it and asked him about it. He got very defensive and claimed to not own anything like that but in his usual weird way of still leaving the door open.

I would be surprised if that management style was something he personally learned vs something the advisers and influences he's had in his life have imparted on him. The guys like Ray Cohn and Roger Stone. He's had some success and of course loves when people are vying for his attention so it makes sense he'd keep it going in the White House, to the detriment of everyone else.
Mueller needs to hurry the feck up, this is just unbelievable stuff.

I really thought it was a joke. They're inviting the pressure onto themselves, it's almost as if they WANT to look like they're colluding with Russia.

This gem from the comments sums it up:
I really thought it was a joke. They're inviting the pressure onto themselves, it's almost as if they WANT to look like they're colluding with Russia.

This gem from the comments sums it up:

They're not even trying to be transparent. Which is both reassuring and worrying. It affirms that this administration is highly incompetent and regularly capable of feck-ups, but also demonstrates that they'll brazenly do whatever they want and will go to whatever lengths they please if no one is willing to stop them.
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