The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It would be something if they were actually sincere about their Christianity.
In some ways it feels like things Europe already went through generations ago or get to quicker the US is playing some sort of twisted catch up.

Have been watching the show The Tudors (yeah I know I'm slacking) and you are reminded that what's happening now in America has some eerie parallels with what happened under Henry VIII.
In some ways it feels like things Europe already went through generations ago or get to quicker the US is playing some sort of twisted catch up.

Have been watching the show The Tudors (yeah I know I'm slacking) and you are reminded that what's happening now in America has some eerie parallels with what happened under Henry VIII.
Yep - under the guise of transforming England into what we might recognise as a protomodern state, Cromwell's actions basically constituted just another coup.
It just blows the mind. Trump sends Barr to meet with Murdoch. Next day he starts praising the network again, and the most honest, sorry, anti-Trump, anchor leaves.

I know their base isn't very clever, but at least pretend to have some ounce of credibility ffs.

Also, Bill Barr - you're quickly climbing up the list to be alongside Devin Nunes as the absolute worst. Top 5 most evil at this stage.
Barr is the absolute worst imo. If only they could impeach/indict him and get him out of the way then things would have a chance of taking a different turn.
In some ways it feels like things Europe already went through generations ago or get to quicker the US is playing some sort of twisted catch up.

Have been watching the show The Tudors (yeah I know I'm slacking) and you are reminded that what's happening now in America has some eerie parallels with what happened under Henry VIII.

Been saying this for a long time.

The USA is basically a moody teenager at the minute and it's moving through stages that we've seen over in Europe for centuries.

People forget how young a country it is and also forget that the origins of the country in terms of where the founders came from mean it's gonna be very similar to how European countries moved through the times.
Homosexuality. Evil.
Not praying to the almighty before school. Evil.
Being Muslim. Evil.
Being anything other than white. Evil.
Killing Mexican children and ripping them from their families. Murica.
Black. Evil. (probably on drugs)
Government welfare. Evil. (probably on drugs and not white)
Government assistance as a white rich person. (loop hole. Well played)
Sick and can't pay for it. Leech.

The rules are be white and rich. Murica!!!
In some ways it feels like things Europe already went through generations ago or get to quicker the US is playing some sort of twisted catch up.

Have been watching the show The Tudors (yeah I know I'm slacking) and you are reminded that what's happening now in America has some eerie parallels with what happened under Henry VIII.

I've related this before on these forums, through the horrors of WW1 and WW2, the US didn't really experience the full effects of modern mechanized warfare the way Europe did. You can extend this to the Commonwealth nations in a way as well, since the closer ties, often familial, that bonded people in the Commonwealth nations to the UK extended these similar sentiments.

The US still has that ra-ra jingoistic nationalist kick that Europe got over after WW2.

Apparently this was shown at a Trump event. Don Jr and Sarah Sanders were there. Trump's not distancing himself from it.

Totally normal, that country.

Apparently this was shown at a Trump event. Don Jr and Sarah Sanders were there. Trump's not distancing himself from it.

Totally normal, that country.

:lol: Surely not. But then again, America is a parody at this point so you wouldn’t be really surprised.
What are the odds that at least some western nations did not already know something a newspaper could research from (more or less) public sources?
'Harry Reid, who I previously called a know-nothing dumbass, stated that I'm smart!'
This is Steve Bannon's America ( Capitalism, nationalism, and “Judeo-Christian values). This is why Betsy Devos was chosen as a Secretary Of Education. She as very strong ties to the religious right and a hunger to create private faith schools and use public schools to fund it. The WH as been taken over by a cult.
If you watch The Family on Netflix, it would make more sense. It goes far beyond than Bannon.
Been saying this for a long time.

The USA is basically a moody teenager at the minute and it's moving through stages that we've seen over in Europe for centuries.

People forget how young a country it is and also forget that the origins of the country in terms of where the founders came from mean it's gonna be very similar to how European countries moved through the times.
And for almost 200 years before the founding, America was a breeding ground for all the Christians who were too extreme* for Europe back then.

*probably not all were extremists, but I'm sure the crazies made good use of the opportunity here
And for almost 200 years before the founding, America was a breeding ground for all the Christians who were too extreme* for Europe back then.

*probably not all were extremists, but I'm sure the crazies made good use of the opportunity here
If you want to delve even deeper historically, the ‘they are rapists, they are murderers’ Trump line is especially ironic, because those were precisely the sort sent to the New World.
Trumpism won't end with Trump.

In 100 years I think historians will look at Rush and Hannity as the precursors that set the stage for a Trump. And sadly you're right, it won't end with him if he loses in 2020.
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