The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Only surprising thing is that he didn't commute or pardon Stone on the day he was sentenced. Trump loves doing stuff on Friday nights.

America wanted independence from Britain so they wouldn't be ruled by our monarchy. The constitution and the makeup of the USA has shown, particularly in recent years, that if everything lines up for a President, their power is even greater. In November if the Republicans win the House, Senate and Presidency and they get another SCOTUS seat in the next few years, Trump can go full Putin.
Yeah, it's insane. Can't believe how powerful a US President can turn out to be if he just doesn't get a shit about conventions and traditions and fully exploits the leeway available. I thought checks and balances was one of the big things of the US political make-up, but I guess that actually has pretty limited application.
Yeah, it's insane. Can't believe how powerful a US President can turn out to be if he just doesn't get a shit about conventions and traditions and fully exploits the leeway available. I thought checks and balances was one of the big things of the US political make-up, but I guess that actually has pretty limited application.

TBF when the majority of counter check and balances are in cohorts with you there's not much you can do.

if the one who police you is your buddy and willing to turn a blind eye every system would have failed king or no king
1/3 of teachers are over 50 years old. I’d imagine closer to 1/2 or more of the janitorial staff, lunch staff, and administration are over 50 as well.

@entropy - maybe the plan is to just make martyrs of a lot of us so they can put statues or something up at the new private schools that take our place.

@Redplane - if I came across her on fire, I don’t know that I’d piss on her to put her out.

@WI_Red - yeah no doubt that those assholes aren’t gonna be paying public school classrooms many visits during this grand reopening.
And who would have their fingers in the pies of those new private schools hmmm
The whole presidency is a long con for him and his corporate mates
I honestly fail to see how we re in any way better than Russia, China, Pakistan, Brazil, Turkey, Hungary or some other country under the control of a corrupt regime from a political standpoint. Thanks God for state s rights at least to minimize some of the damage. Even so,I agree wholeheartedly its absolutely frightening how quick the downfall has come. This is not a country I recognize anymore. Its not a leader of the free world anymore. Its disgusting from every perspective. Don't forget that some of the known questionable politicians and business leaders were pushed out of this administration because they weren't corrupt enough. That should tell you everything.

For feck sake why won't the Dems and non Trump Republicans just finally own the message that THEY are the patriots. There has not been a time before where its so easy for them to make a strong claim to that.
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TBF when the majority of counter check and balances are in cohorts with you there's not much you can do.

if the one who police you is your buddy and willing to turn a blind eye every system would have failed king or no king
But: the House has been democratic for a little while now, and Trump would never get a majority in the Senate (given the few remaining reasonable GOP senators) for some of his decisions. The problem is that Trump can so so much without involving the Senate or the House; there is just really little check on direct executive power. I guess the ultimate lever is impeachment, but that doesn't work either if the House and Senate aren't both dominated by the impeaching party.

I guess the problem is that the US 'cabinet' (ministers and president) has no permanent connection to either the House or the Senate. In Westminster systems (awful in their own way, but anyway), cabinet is part of parliament. In a country like NL, cabinet also is kept separate, but ministers appear before parliament all the time (literally) to make proposals or respond to questions (they can't reject an invitation/summons). I don't see anything like that in the US for people like Trump, Barr, and all the rest of them.
This is not a country I recognize anymore. Its not a leader of the free world anymore.
I wonder if Trump and co. have any idea how much they are now being laughed at and pitied abroad. I guess they'd simply reject the idea though; just as they claimed only yesterday that the US is a global leader in the COVID-19 crisis...
In true #Murican fashion, we’re taking the fall of Rome and telling it to hold our beer.

In our version the role of the Eastern Empire will be played by the blue coastal states telling flyover country and the south to feck off and enjoy getting pillaged by the Vandals/Visigoths/etc (who in this version are played by billionaires and republicans). Of course the it didn't end too well for the Byzantine Empire, but lets ignore that part of my analogy.
I honestly fail to see how we re in any way better than Russia, China, Pakistan, Brazil, Turkey, Hungary or some other country under the control of a corrupt regime from a political standpoint. Thanks God for state s rights at least to minimize some of the damage. Even so,I agree wholeheartedly its absolutely frightening how quick the downfall has come. This is not a country I recognize anymore. Its not a leader of the free world anymore. Its disgusting from every perspective. Don't forget that some of the known questionable politicians and business leaders were pushed out of this administration because they weren't corrupt enough. That should tell you everything.

For feck sake why won't the Dems and non Trump Republicans just finally own the message that THEY are the patriots. There has not been a time before where its so easy for them to make a strong claim to that.
In our version the role of the Eastern Empire will be played by the blue coastal states telling flyover country and the south to feck off and enjoy getting pillaged by the Vandals/Visigoths/etc (who in this version are played by billionaires and republicans). Of course the it didn't end too well for the Byzantine Empire, but lets ignore that part of my analogy.
The fall of the Eastern Roman Empire featured a plague and climate change, so it actually works for the US as a whole in this context.
This is not a country I recognize anymore. Its not a leader of the free world anymore. Its disgusting from every perspective. Don't forget that some of the known questionable politicians and business leaders were pushed out of this administration because they weren't corrupt enough. That should tell you everything.

I don't disagree, really, but I never bought the "leader of the free world" spiel to begin with. If you go back in American history, both domestic and foreign, there's a lot to take issue with. I think a part of Trump's strategy has been tearing away the veil. Of course, he does that by pretending he's the exception, when if anything he's the worst of the lot.
In our version the role of the Eastern Empire will be played by the blue coastal states telling flyover country and the south to feck off and enjoy getting pillaged by the Vandals/Visigoths/etc (who in this version are played by billionaires and republicans). Of course the it didn't end too well for the Byzantine Empire, but lets ignore that part of my analogy.

I mean they lasted a full thousand years longer, so that's noting to scoff at.
I wonder if Trump and co. have any idea how much they are now being laughed at and pitied abroad. I guess they'd simply reject the idea though; just as they claimed only yesterday that the US is a global leader in the COVID-19 crisis...

I think them laughing to the bank with money and tax exemptions outloud any laughter at them
I wonder if Trump and co. have any idea how much they are now being laughed at and pitied abroad. I guess they'd simply reject the idea though; just as they claimed only yesterday that the US is a global leader in the COVID-19 crisis...

We are the global leader in the SARS-CoV-2 crisis.

The global leader in cases.
The global leader in deaths.
And tied with Brazil for the lead in "worst possible federal response"

I don't disagree, really, but I never bought the "leader of the free world" spiel to begin with. If you go back in American history, both domestic and foreign, there's a lot to take issue with. I think a part of Trump's strategy has been tearing away the veil. Of course, he does that by pretending he's the exception, when if anything he's the worst of the lot.
They were the leaders by default because no one else was willing to do the dirty work of going into the poorer countries and helping them solve their problems!
But: the House has been democratic for a little while now, and Trump would never get a majority in the Senate (given the few remaining reasonable GOP senators) for some of his decisions. The problem is that Trump can so so much without involving the Senate or the House; there is just really little check on direct executive power. I guess the ultimate lever is impeachment, but that doesn't work either if the House and Senate aren't both dominated by the impeaching party.

It didn’t used to be a problem because senators were famously proud of their role and independence from the administration. Trump has utterly crushed that independence by openly threatening anyone who stands in his way, and the base are so rabid now that it actually works.

Personally I think the pathetic weakness of today’s Republican senators allowed it to happen. The idea that a Republican senate from even 20 years ago would have rolled over like this would have been unthinkable, but now we have moral pygmies like Cruz who watched Trump insult his wife and family and still licks his boots, and Lindsay Graham who has apparently donated his spine to medical science.
The thing to always remember about Trump is that he's an impulsive idiot, incapable of long term plans, ignorant of history and inept at achieving anything.

This whole episode would be 10x scarier with someone actually intelligent. Because the US has now demonstrated that its lauded system is absolutely ripe for an autocrat.

Imagine an ex-general, well spoken and moderate sounding but with the same anti immigration, nationalist leanings.
The thing to always remember about Trump is that he's an impulsive idiot, incapable of long term plans, ignorant of history and inept at achieving anything.

This whole episode would be 10x scarier with someone actually intelligent. Because the US has now demonstrated that its lauded system is absolutely ripe for an autocrat.

Imagine an ex-general, well spoken and moderate sounding but with the same anti immigration, nationalist leanings.

I’m not even sure it would have been possible with someone smart and/or sane. Rational people wouldn’t have pulled the kind of shit he’s pulled because it seems so obviously doomed to failure. It’s the Hitler comparison again, a smart alternative Hitler wouldn’t have taken over Europe because the risks were just idiotic, but they worked.

What worries me more is a smart evil cnut taking over after him if he somehow wins in November.
We are the global leader in the SARS-CoV-2 crisis.

The global leader in cases.
The global leader in deaths.
And tied with Brazil for the lead in "worst possible federal response"

I think Trump might genuinely claim that the US is the proud world leader in cases because it does the bestest testing ever.
Chickenshit bunker boy
He got scared to turn up to another almost empty rally.
So, instead he fecks off to Florida then back to DC and wears a mask in public to distract from the fact that they cancelled/postponed the NH rally.
Let’s see when it gets rescheduled....the weather btw is fine in coastal NH tonight.

The mask ‘debate’ also of course takes oxygen out of the room for the Roger Stone commuted sentence.
I’ll give trump his due, he knows how to play the game.
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He’s been claiming that for roughly the past month at least.

The reason deaths are up is because we perform more autopsies than any other countries. Some say our coroners are the bestest in the world. If we performed fewer autopsies we’d have fewer dead people. This push to perform more autopsies on “dead” people is to hurt my reelection.
In spoiler tags because of the size. Literally a cult. They actually make healthcare decisions based on the opinion of the "dear leader".
That sh*t can’t be real, is it?
One way to deal with folk like that is to show their old posts and ask them to explain them. Let them hang themselves with the rope they’ve braided.
That sh*t can’t be real, is it?
One way to deal with folk like that is to show their old posts and ask them to explain them. Let them hang themselves with the rope they’ve braided.
If experience on this site alone is enough, those people rarely address their old posts that put them in a negative light. Even if you ask a dozen times.
They were the leaders by default because no one else was willing to do the dirty work of going into the poorer countries and helping them solve their problems!
Latin and South America would vehemently disagree.
In spoiler tags because of the size. Literally a cult. They actually make healthcare decisions based on the opinion of the "dear leader".
I hope everyone if these people eventually get fecked by their health insurance, I want fecking bankruptcy for these cnuts. They don't deserve a comfortable happy life.
That sh*t can’t be real, is it?
One way to deal with folk like that is to show their old posts and ask them to explain them. Let them hang themselves with the rope they’ve braided.
Hard to do that when they are just fecking idiots.
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