Things about football that get you unreasonably annoyed…

Any football clip on YouTube having just godawful music attached to it. Always some rubbish EDM or mumble rap by numbers thing. Can't they just leave the broadcast sounds in?

I agree. But the sound is removed because YouTube scans the audio and removes for copyright violation. From what I remember, no humans are involved. It just removes the content. That was of about 3 years ago though. Might have changed.
I agree. But the sound is removed because YouTube scans the audio and removes for copyright violation. From what I remember, no humans are involved. It just removes the content. That was of about 3 years ago though. Might have changed.

Wouldn't music also be scanned and removed for the same reason? Or perhaps the music is always rubbish because it's been made by some kid in his bedroom and doesn't need to be cleared.
The fact that if a goal is scored in the 90 +1 minute of the game it's said to be in the 91st minute, disregarding the fact the first half might have been 45 +5 minutes, which would actually make 90 +1 minutes 90+6 minutes when the goal was scored.
The fact that if a goal is scored in the 90 +1 minute of the game it's said to be in the 91st minute, disregarding the fact the first half might have been 45 +5 minutes, which would actually make 90 +1 minutes 90+6 minutes when the goal was scored.
Jesus Christ :lol:
When the players don't put the ball on the line for corners etc etc, taking the extra inch "advantage" to then STILL not beat the first man
Excessive discussions about honest referee mistakes. It happens. It’s part of the game. Get over it and move on.
People who complain about an offside decision because the player was only 1cm offside. "That's not the spirit of the rules!" they screech.

Well you've got to have a borderline somewhere. There's got to be a point where they are, and a point where they aren't, offside.

So all that you're arguing for is that instead of the dividing line being whether you're ahead of the defender or not, it should be whether you're ahead or less than 1cm behind. Does that seem like a simpler and more sensible rule?
It’s probably already been said before but players faking head injuries. They get cropped and they start holding their head. Refs being stupid and falling for it, you can clearly see the players head wasn’t touched at all it was his leg :lol:
The fact that if a goal is scored in the 90 +1 minute of the game it's said to be in the 91st minute, disregarding the fact the first half might have been 45 +5 minutes, which would actually make 90 +1 minutes 90+6 minutes when the goal was scored.
But the 2nd half doesn’t start from 50 minutes :lol: it restarts from 45 so therefore it would be the 91st minute that the goal was scored in.
Any football clip on YouTube having just godawful music attached to it. Always some rubbish EDM or mumble rap by numbers thing. Can't they just leave the broadcast sounds in?

Agreed for the most part, but there are some that I remember when I was young that I now associate the song with the player. Anyone else experience this?
People who celebrate City's victories as some kind of amazing feat.

People who parrot off we've spent there or thereabouts what City have.
It’s probably already been said before but players faking head injuries. They get cropped and they start holding their head. Refs being stupid and falling for it, you can clearly see the players head wasn’t touched at all it was his leg :lol:
Refs aren't being stupid. If someone is holding their head, they have to stop no matter what. They can't take the risk. Unfortunately with the way rules are players take advantage of these things.
It’s probably already been said before but players faking head injuries. They get cropped and they start holding their head. Refs being stupid and falling for it, you can clearly see the players head wasn’t touched at all it was his leg :lol:
Agree, it’s happening a lot since this rule was brought in. I also hate the way players go down looking for a free kick, when one is not forthcoming they then quickly get up, IF their team has the ball, if the ball is near his penalty area he‘ll Suddenly grab his head. It’s fecking cheating and it’s pissing me off, even when our own players do it.
Refs aren't being stupid. If someone is holding their head, they have to stop no matter what. They can't take the risk. Unfortunately with the way rules are players take advantage of these things.
Why can’t play continue when the player gets treatment? It use to many years back and still happens in rugby.
When an attacker barges into an opposition defender near the corner flag...lifetime of watching football and they still fall for it every time!

Gives away a soft free-kick and all the pressure is gone...dumbarses
People who celebrate City's victories as some kind of amazing feat.

People who parrot off we've spent there or thereabouts what City have.
Absolutely this. Tbh its mostly coming from pundits and the media, desperate to hail City as some new age footballing sauvants, ignoring the 116 ton elephant in the room. Most footballing fans see it for what it is though and consider their success vacuous and forgettable, even their own fans probably see it as a hollow even if they won't admit it. And no its not entirely bitterness.

Whenever Klopp's Liverpool get talked up its 100% bitterness on my part though :lol:
The fact that Jamie Carragher, a man whose job it is to talk about football and football players, is still saying Erland Haaland.

Every single time.

Not like he's one of the most high profile players on the planet or anything.
Upside down scarves. It’s not hard to hold them the right way.
Wouldn't music also be scanned and removed for the same reason? Or perhaps the music is always rubbish because it's been made by some kid in his bedroom and doesn't need to be cleared.

Yeah they use royalty free music in General. And it’s always shite. Which is mad as there are millions of generic beats that would work as background noise for a ball being leathered at goal.
"If that happened to Man United, it would never be given/absolutely be given" type posts.

Same. Most notably ones involving challenges and how they'd be a red for Casemiro, despite Casemiro getting away with his fair share of fouls that could easily be 2nd yellows.

Also posts about how we got a decision incorrectly given our way, so now referees are punishing us with decisions against us, for several months. Tin foil hatted nonsense.
Why can’t play continue when the player gets treatment? It use to many years back and still happens in rugby.
Because it's dangerous, for example Raul Jimenez or Ryan Mason had very serious injuries. You can't just play on while they're down.
Because it's dangerous, for example Raul Jimenez or Ryan Mason had very serious injuries. You can't just play on while they're down.
Health and safety gone mad, the vast majority of stoppages are for nothing injuries when they just sit down, instead of doing that they should should walk off the pitch and get treatment their, easy to communicate to the ref nowadays what’s going on.
Health and safety gone mad, the vast majority of stoppages are for nothing injuries when they just sit down, instead of doing that they should should walk off the pitch and get treatment their, easy to communicate to the ref nowadays what’s going on.
I agree that the vast majority are nothing injuries but it just takes one incident in a 100 that could lead to a serious injury or even worse. That's why it has to be stopped
The obsession with talking about "moments".

G Nev can't go one commentary without it.
Putting the ball out for injured players.

In theory it's good sportsmanship but more often than not the guy on the floor is just rolling around to waste time. Leave it to the ref/assistants to decide if the game needs to be stopped. Until then play on.
Putting the ball out for injured players.

In theory it's good sportsmanship but more often than not the guy on the floor is just rolling around to waste time. Leave it to the ref/assistants to decide if the game needs to be stopped. Until then play on.
The thing is about that is that they all know how much everyone cheats.
Because everyone does it.
Just play on and magically the prone player will somehow (laws of medicine begone) will get up , limp a little for a few paces and then (if the ball is within 10 yards) effortlessly move into a sprint.
And everyone is ok with that.
Commentators (who did this 5 times a game themselves) will not say a thing…….
Not football as such, but overused in football discussion. "Mental gymnastics" now just means 'something said that I disagree with'

I think he's good in the air
"Lool mental gymnastics"
Just watching the Norwich vs Leeds match. Norwich just had a corner and played a one two and it was given offside. This happens far too often and I can't think of anything as stupid as this.
The atmosphere at women's matches. At least how it comes across on TV. Even games that are reasonably well attended, seem to have an eerie, empty feeling like an poorly attended indoor school swimming gala. Hollow and echoy, punctuated only by the sounds of those blasted air horns and high-pitch children's shouting.

It's almost haunting, like one of those dreams where you step out in front of a huge crowd of people but nobody's making a sound. The lack of atmosphere is off-putting as a viewer. Every game is like there's just been an announcement that the Queen's died.
The atmosphere at women's matches. At least how it comes across on TV. Even games that are reasonably well attended, seem to have an eerie, empty feeling like an poorly attended indoor school swimming gala. Hollow and echoy, punctuated only by the sounds of those blasted air horns and high-pitch children's shouting.

It's almost haunting, like one of those dreams where you step out in front of a huge crowd of people but nobody's making a sound. The lack of atmosphere is off-putting as a viewer. Every game is like there's just been an announcement that the Queen's died.

Why don’t you go and make it better? ;)
British overrating of their players and their league. Even in Europe countries like Italy, Spain and Germany are miles ahead in quality still british people like to think they are up there.