This black woman’s anti-Muslim rant shows how deep British racism goes.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
Attacking someone's religion or believes is racism? If that's true then in Northern Ireland basically everybody are racist.
questioning and not agreeing with fairy tales is racist these days

Mciahel Goodman

Worst Werewolf Player of All Times
Apr 27, 2014
Yes really, I said it shouldn't be a crime and you responded by pointing out that it is a crime. So, thanks for that?
You said being stupid shouldn't be a crime. She was arrested for inciting racial hatred.

Free speech has to have limits. Racially abusing someone on a bus is one of them.

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
You said being stupid shouldn't be a crime. She was arrested for inciting racial hatred.

Free speech has to have limits. Racially abusing someone on a bus is one of them.
Then it's not really free then. While the yanks have got their problems(And boy have they got some big ones)their laws of free speech are way a head of most(if all)of the world.

Mciahel Goodman

Worst Werewolf Player of All Times
Apr 27, 2014
Then it's not really free then. While the yanks have got their problems(And boy have they got some big ones)their laws of free speech are way a head of most(if all)of the world.
I agree and disagree. I think you should be able to say whatever you want, express your ideologies, etc, but I don't think that should extend to racially abusing someone in public. That's just criminal imo.

I do agree that the States are generally the best when it comes to free speech, though. They protect it better than any other country I know of.

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
Yeah it's a really difficult situation to where you draw the line especially when it comes to things like racism,xenophobia, subjects like holocaust denial or the most popular example about limiting speech - shouting fire in a crowed building that the only answer that works for everyone is to have no line what so ever.

The argument that clicked for me was that it's not just the right of the person to say whatever they want but it's also my right to hear whatever that person has to say.

Mciahel Goodman

Worst Werewolf Player of All Times
Apr 27, 2014
Yeah it's a really difficult situation to where you draw the line especially when it comes to things like racism,xenophobia, subjects like holocaust denial or the most popular example about limiting speech - shouting fire in a crowed building that the only answer that works for everyone is to have no line what so ever.

The argument that clicked for me was that it's not just the right of the person to say whatever they want but it's also my right to hear whatever that person has to say.
I think it's a balance between having the right to say whatever you want whilst not having the right to damage other peoples' rights in the process. It's always murky. As for holocaust denial, I don't actually think that should be a crime. It's absolutely nuts, but people should be able to believe what they want. But it depends on the context. Denying the holocaust outside of a Jewish temple would constitute racial hatred.

Chomsky defended a holocaust denier, not because he agreed with his outlandish beliefs, but because he thought he had the right to believe them without being prosecuted under French law.


Full Member
May 24, 2009
Then it's not really free then. While the yanks have got their problems(And boy have they got some big ones)their laws of free speech are way a head of most(if all)of the world.
Speech is never "free." It is always constrained by power and money, implicitly or explicitly. The Americans are great at projecting the formal appearance of freedom.

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
I think it's a balance between having the right to say whatever you want whilst not having the right to damage other peoples' rights in the process. It's always murky. As for holocaust denial, I don't actually think that should be a crime. It's absolutely nuts, but people should be able to believe what they want. But it depends on the context. Denying the holocaust outside of a Jewish temple would constitute racial hatred.

Chomsky defended a holocaust denier, not because he agreed with his outlandish beliefs, but because he thought he had the right to believe them without being prosecuted under French law.
I think it's so murky because mostly these ideas come from a good place(Although the shouting fire in a crowed room argument was actually was used against Yiddish writers warning people against WW1)in principle it's a good idea to have laws against hate speech and laws against such things as Holocaust denial seems a completely good idea with good intentions, that we can never forget or distort this horrible evil event seems like a good thing but as you said(And I completely agree with you) it's wrong to jail people for simply believing in something, for saying a thought at out loud. If there's a group people who all bar one person agree that the Holocaust happened then surely that one person should be listen to and it should be also my right to hear that person, no matter how disgusting their views might be.

Really interesting discussion.

Also anyone wondering if this sounds familiar I've pretty much just rehashed(In a very lazy way) a Hitchens speech on this subject.
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Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
My sister in law is Muslim. Wears the niqab and although speaks Arabic her English is perfect.
I am white British. Born and bred in Manchester now living in an area of London considered Arabic.
(Edgware Road near Marble Arch).
I have witnessed many occasions when she has been spat at, laughed at, threatened and bullied and by association myself too.

I have also suffered racism from the Arabic community who think Western women will fxxk them for the price of a glass of wine.
Racism is everywhere, in all cultures and every community.
I never turn the other cheek.
My kids are mixed Arabic British.
I want them to be proud of who they are and defend themselves when under attack (either verbally or physically).
No amount of educating or inter grating will make some people less racist.
Absolutely. There is racism in all race and religion. I don't care what anyone thinks about my race or religion in their minds, but i have a huge problem when someone abuses me openly in front of people like that women in the video. I suffered from this for years, turning the other cheek and walking away, but finally had to fight back to avoid getting humiliated all the time.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
I think there is a middle ground between saying nothing and beating the crap out of her.

A kid being bullied is also not the same thing at all even if racism is being used to bully someone.
I have yet to find a middle ground with people like that. We can all talk about what is right and what is wrong, but when you are on the receiving end, then things are way different.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I'm sure they are. However, thump some racist wanker and they fall and hit their head and die it is you who ends up in prison for many years.

And shutting people up doesn't equate to changing their views. If anything it can entrench them.

Probably the worst thing about that video is that nobody intervened. Te driver did feck all when he should have called the cops or thrown her off at the very least as she was committing a criminal offense (I assume inciting racial hatred is a crime in the UK).


Full Member
Dec 9, 2013
For some reason I was under the impression they were having a pre-existing squabble and the black lady was "just" trying to use her opponents' religion against them (should hope it's obvious that that doesn't make it okay).

Just read that the Arab women were peacefully minding their own business when she overheard them speaking Arabic to themselves and proceeded to lose her shit. That's really, really terrible.


Half mast
Oct 6, 2013
Beside the sea-side, Beside the sea.
I know some Turkish guys in Green Lanes and Haringey who want to find this guy and dish out some 'street justice'. :nervous:
That type of response is par the course bro, either the black guy is oblivious to the strength of the words he used or the turkish guy did something really bad before the video started... Either way best to keep his head down now.


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
2 shocking clips. Breathtaking nonsense from the first woman. But as the driver bothered to get out of his seat, and not just ignore it like most would, why on earth didn't he turf her off? Turf her off, or get the police if she refuses.

Slightly different in the second clip, as that guy is clearly more of a physical violence threat, and would probably have turned on anyone who dared say a word. But the first woman? Mouthy ignorance is all she had.


Mediocre Horse Whisperer, s'up wid chew?
Nov 15, 2012
Why are so many people completely oblivious to their own racial prejudices when trying to highlight others?


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
These people recording it to me are just as bad, because what are they doing to intervene? Nothing. They're recording it and uploading it. The fact is these are isolated incidents that have been created because of the media. Leave them as isolated incidents. These people are just spreading the wrong vibe. All they do is serve the media that creates the tension. Put down your phones people for the love of God.

It's not about drawing peoples attention. You cannot define a group based on two people disagreeing here and there. Knob heads.


CE Specialist
These people recording it to me are just as bad, because what are they doing to intervene? Nothing. They're recording it and uploading it. The fact is these are isolated incidents that have been created because of the media. Leave them as isolated incidents. These people are just spreading the wrong vibe. All they do is serve the media that creates the tension. Put down your phones people for the love of God.

It's not about drawing peoples attention. You cannot define a group based on two people disagreeing here and there. Knob heads.
It's a criminal offence. What other way will it be picked up?

Jaqen H'ghar

I can't drive...55
Aug 26, 2015
Racism and bigotry have, unfortunately, existed at all times and in all cultures. Anyone who is surprised by black racism and bigotry hasn't been following events in Rwanda, Sudan, Central African Republic, etc.

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004
Wow. All of this stuff is shocking to see, regardless of the perp's colour. Sadly, I feel I would be one of those staring at the floor avoiding attention if I ever witnessed such a scenario.
It's a difficult one, i'd like to think that i would raise an objection yet i've never had my resolve tested under those conditions. It cold come down to something as arbitrary as proximity, for if the person sitting right next to you is being verbally abused you are more likely to say something i should imagine.

Buses do seem to be a particularly vulnerable mod of transport though, what with the ease by which a perpetrator can do a runner.


Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
I probably wouldn't say anything if the abuse was just verbal. Doing so could escalate it. I'd like to think I'd intervene if it ever got physical.


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
It's a difficult one, i'd like to think that i would raise an objection yet i've never had my resolve tested under those conditions. It cold come down to something as arbitrary as proximity, for if the person sitting right next to you is being verbally abused you are more likely to say something i should imagine.

Buses do seem to be a particularly vulnerable mod of transport though, what with the ease by which a perpetrator can do a runner.
Me neither, thankfully. The unhinged nature of these people that display such voluble levels of hatred is the biggest deterrent I guess. That and a rightly or wrongly perceived linkage with knife crime in the case of black perpetrators.
Thankfully, 99% of my bus journeys are the two stops between Blythe Road and Hammersmith Library for the tube, or vice versa, so I can leap off if there is any unpleasantness. Do miss the Routemasters though.


In love with @Eboue
Dec 13, 2013
British Columbia
All that video showed me is that Black people learned racism and discrimination from the best, white people.