Television Tho Prop Grops Throps


Full Member
Oct 7, 2014
One ocean away from Old Trafford.
Top 5 matches (All WWE/NXT/CWC based) would be something like

Styles vs. Cena (the last one they did)
Zayn vs. Nakamura
Revival vs. DIY (also the last one)
Ibushi vs. Alexander
And let me have a think about this last one... I'm thinking the 5 vs. 5 Survivor Series match, but that might be just recent memory bias.

Top 3 Performers are Jericho, Owens and Styles.
I'd probably swap out Ibushi vs. Alexander for Triple H vs Ambrose at Roadblock and take Styles vs Ambrose TLC over the Survivor series.

Outside of WWE, so all matches in total might be a pretty tough one. Standouts I can remember are
Okada vs Tanahashi WK 10
Omega vs Naito G1 Climax
Okada vs Marafuji at King of Pro Wrestling
Young Bucks vs Briscoes vs The Addiction Ladder War at ROH.
Kushida vs Will Ospreay (NJPW Debut)
Scurll vs Ospreay (match where Scurll wins the title in Progress)
The Final Deletion (obviously)

feck, this year has been great for wrestling.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
I think AJ vs Jericho at WM is the only AJ match I didnt like, and that was more cos of the result.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
Big E Tweeted this rather awesome pic:

Which some people (idiots) called racist(!), which led Kofi to post this.

While much of the feedback has been positive, there has also been a lot of negative response with regard to the picture we posted illustrating Rich, Sasha, Xavier, E, and myself wielding our championship titles. Perhaps this is because many are in question of the motivation behind the post:

It does not come from a place of malice, spite, or gloating. It comes from a place of joy and a place of happiness. We have a very strong sense of pride in being the Black People simultaneously holding championships in WWE. Historically in our nation, there was period in time where this would not have happened, followed by a long period of time where it became possible, but had not actually materialized. Now, we are in the time in which the possibility has become a reality.

Why does this matter?

It matters because even though it is hard for some to fathom, the fact is that there are many people who feel as though it is impossible to attain certain goals because of the color of their skin. This is why we must acknowledge the color of ours in this instance. It is important for people of all races, but particularly people of color, and especially the youth, to see that it is entirely possible to achieve your dreams and aspirations regardless of your race. We are a shining example who want to be a source of motivation for others to believe in themselves and do the same.

Excellence is not the same as supremacy. #BlackExcellence is not meant to be divisive. For even if you do not fall into the specific category, you can still take enjoyment in our pride, because in the biggest picture, in a society that often focuses on the negative aspects of race relations, what has transpired with the 5 of us speaks positively to the progress we've made as a nation.
So yeah, great picture, and some people on twitter are morons. In other news, water is wet.


The Caf's Roy Keane.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
Big E Tweeted this rather awesome pic:

Which some people (idiots) called racist(!), which led Kofi to post this.

So yeah, great picture, and some people on twitter are morons. In other news, water is wet.
I think it's good to recognise in a company which has traditionally not pushed black superstars despite them being quite numerous and talented.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
Yeah, that's great and all but they badly need to drop the tag belts now.
No they don't - not yet anyway. They need to build up to it properly (i.e have a good feud with someone) and then lose it... ideally just before a landmark day (maybe day 549 days?) and losing it should break them up.

Problem before was nobody expected them to lose, but now we all know they can lose at any point, which should make their matches and feuds far more interesting.


Who needs races when you're racist?
Jul 14, 2010
I'm gonna struggle to name a top 5 for the year, there's so much good graps. May have to be a top 20 to be safe.


Full Member
Jan 4, 2013
Big E Tweeted this rather awesome pic:

Which some people (idiots) called racist(!), which led Kofi to post this.

So yeah, great picture, and some people on twitter are morons. In other news, water is wet.
Where's Reigns he's about as black as Banks
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Friendship is magic
Apr 24, 2010
You're...going to love me
Not ranking these but...

Zayn vs Owens Battleground
Cena vs AJ Summerslam
Revival vs DIY Toronto
Zayn vs Nakamura Dallas
Revival vs American Alpha Takeover The End

Props to the Survivor Series mens match, AJ/Reigns, Womens mania triple threat, IC fatal fourway at Extreme Rules, AJ/Ambrose TLC, Sasha/Charlotte from the first Raw after the draft and Bayley/Asuka at Brooklyn.


Full Member
May 1, 2009
So is this going to be something that only wrestlers from the UK can win, or is it like the European championship, where only two of the twenty-seven champions were actually from Europe?


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Looks like its for UK talent only. McGuinness and Cole doing commentary, interesting.

Shame its in Blackpool since I wont be able to get there on the dates.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2014
Talk to me guys: Is this a positive or negative thing for the blooming UK indie scene?
Bad. Because they are basically trying to take the monopoly on a very good UK scene. They have basically shat themselves in case ITV's World of Sport takes off and they actually have a real competitor.

Plus, they aren't paying these guys very well from what I know.
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Full Member
May 15, 2007
They have basically shat themselves in case ITV's World of Sport takes off and they actually have a real competitor.
I think this is a big part of why its happening.

I do wish they didnt add Cole to the commentary for this. McGuinness is a good idea, but they could have used somebody else apart from one of the main commentators. (though they are probably counting Nigel as the local guy to give insight).

They pay might not be great, but im guessing the people who take part wont care too much short term due to the exposure and seeing it as a foot into the WWE door. Im mixed on what it means, but im excited for the show if its more like CWC rather than 205.


Friendship is magic
Apr 24, 2010
You're...going to love me
I'm sure I read a rumour that Vince is really worried about ITV's relaunch of world of sport. I don't know why as it will probably be a cheap version of WWE with none of the charm or great wrestling of an actual independent show.
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Who needs races when you're racist?
Jul 14, 2010
Can anyone make out who is in this pic?

Better pic

You've got Dunne and Seven front and centre with H, mid right you have Devlin followed by Bodyguy two down is Tyler Bate. Far left is Wolfgang. There's a full list knocking about on twitter.

Running the same night as Progress. Says everything.
Given that Progress' champion and tag champs are there I was initially worried although given the below promo and current storyline, this could actually play into everything.


Full Member
Oct 7, 2014
One ocean away from Old Trafford.
Given that Progress' champion and tag champs are there I was initially worried although given the below promo and current storyline, this could actually play into everything.
Progress's previous work with WWE might be beneficial in this case and would make them work together. Not sure which Face could take over from Dunne though, I don't think anyone is "there yet" at the moment besides Jimmy?


Who needs races when you're racist?
Jul 14, 2010
Progress's previous work with WWE might be beneficial in this case and would make them work together. Not sure which Face could take over from Dunne though, I don't think anyone is "there yet" at the moment besides Jimmy?
Yeah, Haskins injury left a massive gap, Will & Zack are likely to be busy elsewhere and Eaver seemingly went to far too soon. This is a point where they need some faces to step up, maybe helped getting over by facing Dunne trying to take the title off him over a lengthy period. Have him and BSS cheat their way through every challenger for a year or so (or until Brixton 17) then have someone (whoever wins SSS16) finally beat him and bring the title home...maybe Sexsmith, one of the Riots, one of FSU, or even someone who turns in the meantime? Doesn't have to be done now but if done correctly it could be great.

phelans shorts

Full Member
Jan 4, 2009
Gaz. Is a Mewling Quim.
Talk to me guys: Is this a positive or negative thing for the blooming UK indie scene?
LOTS of unknowns at this point, this whole thing has been rushedly put together, really not in a place to say, but to say I have worries would be an understatement.

Yeah, Haskins injury left a massive gap, Will & Zack are likely to be busy elsewhere and Eaver seemingly went to far too soon. This is a point where they need some faces to step up, maybe helped getting over by facing Dunne trying to take the title off him over a lengthy period. Have him and BSS cheat their way through every challenger for a year or so (or until Brixton 17) then have someone (whoever wins SSS16) finally beat him and bring the title home...maybe Sexsmith, one of the Riots, one of FSU, or even someone who turns in the meantime? Doesn't have to be done now but if done correctly it could be great.
What makes you think Pete won't be face by Brixton?

There's a lot to unpack, and a hell of a lot going on all over the UK at the moment. Nothing much would surprise me at this point.


Rehab's Pete Doherty
May 30, 2009
Do we actually expect anything from World of Sport? My understanding of the reboot is that they've shot a one off episode (albeit with Jim Ross on comms), that has Max fecking Beesley as the guy in charge, and features a handful of wrestlers, some of which end up appearing in 2 or 3 matches on the card.


Who needs races when you're racist?
Jul 14, 2010
LOTS of unknowns at this point, this whole thing has been rushedly put together, really not in a place to say, but to say I have worries would be an understatement.

What makes you think Pete won't be face by Brixton?

There's a lot to unpack, and a hell of a lot going on all over the UK at the moment. Nothing much would surprise me at this point.
Hmmm interesting analogy. If Jimmy can be face then anyone can. I'm a long term booking lover, I love a good pay off after a long story arch as I'm sure many do hence my ideas but suppose things are so unpredictable it is a wait and see job.

The whole scene is up in the air as things stands and god that's a great thing in one way, unpredictability is key in making wrestling interesting. Just happy that the British scene is getting the recognition it deserves without (as it seems at this point) harming the British Indy scene to any extent.
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