Top three actors in modern film


Full Member
Jan 16, 2010
In limbo with Cobb
The movie thread got me thinking about this. Much debate about what defines a great actor, how many good to bad films he's done, role depth and versatiltiy, character potrayal amongst others. So who would make your top three?
Aside from Nic Cage, my top three are:

1.Christolph Waltz - A show stealer and brilliant in pretty much every film I have seen him in - even the Green Hornet performance! Really like him and glad his abilities have also been noticed in industry as well :)
2. Christopher Walken - I don't know what it is about him but he seems to command attention whenever he is on screen in any film. I know he may not be everyones choice but I think he's brilliant.
3. Sam Rockwell. I was thinking Michael Fassbender but I can't think past Prometheus and Shame without checking IMDB for him. Sam Rockwell is brilliant in both comedic and serious roles. I've always liked him since Matchstick Men.

Of course I expect to get slated for my choices but these are the three actors that attract me to a film and I have always enjoyed watching them on screen.
I think Walken is becoming a bit too much of a parody of himself these days. Can't argue with Waltz or Rockwell though... in fact, Rockwell was the first name that came to my mind when I saw the title for this thread. I love him in pretty much everything I've seen him in.

Also, erm... Denzel Washington...
I take it this discounts TV then? Because some of my favourite performances in recent years have come from actors on major TV shows.
You know who I'm going to put out there? Matt Damon... the bloke always entertains me, has a decent hit-rate with films, and manages to get through different types of roles and genres.
No Cheesy, all input is welcome. I only used modern film in thread title to prevent major film buffs and coffin dodgers putting actors from the 50's and 60's.
No Cheesy, all input is welcome. I only used modern film in thread title to prevent major film buffs and coffin dodgers putting actors from the 50's and 60's.

In that case my three favourites are Di Caprio, Anthony Hopkins and Juliette Lewis.
In that case my three favourites are Di Caprio, Anthony Hopkins and Juliette Lewis.

Fine selection. Just mentioned Hopkins and Lewis is a brillaint choice although often plays a similar part (typecast). You know, the dippy hippy or slightly fecked in the head outcast kind of character. She does it very well though!
Di Caprio is underrated because he's a bit of a pretty boy, but he'd definitely be in my list. Probably Fassbender and Sean Penn would be my other two. But it could change 5 minutes from now.
Morgan Freeman plays the same character in every movie I've ever seen him in. And his range is hardly broad when he does.

He does have a great presence though.
Freeman is a good shout for sure. Surprised Brad Pitt hasn't got a mention, like him or not he's a very diverse actor.
Bloody Hell, I forgot to include the black man quota in my list. Now I'm a racist, FML.
Daniel Day-Lewis takes some beating.

Di Caprio is the standout "megastar" over the last few years for me.

There's a load of superb actors who are also always great, even when they are in shit films (Ben Kingsley, Geoffrey Rush, William H Macy, Brian Cox).

The likes of De Niro and Pacino have turned out so much shit recently, it's such a shame.
Freeman is a top actor and owns the show the majority of the time but Samual L. is far more versatile and has more 'range' imo. I like Freeman but he isn't top three material.
I don't necessarily think they're the best, but they're my favourite actors, and I'll always look forward to their films:
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Christian Bale
- Michael Fassbender

I really like Anthony Hopkins, Judi Dench, Jeremy Irons, and probably so many more I'm forgetting. Ah, Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Edward Norton... Al Pacino, Robert De Niro. It's too hard!

I think Nicolas Cage can be great in certain roles (his cop in Bad Lieutenant is one of my favourite acting performances) and I have a real fascination for him, and I think Liam Neeson is very good in the type of films he's now decided to go for, he's a very "solid" actor who can carry a film with his performance, which not many actors can do I think).
Daniel Day-Lewis takes some beating.

Di Caprio is the standout "megastar" over the last few years for me.

There's a load of superb actors who are also always great, even when they are in shit films (Ben Kingsley, Geoffrey Rush, William H Macy, Brian Cox).

The likes of De Niro and Pacino have turned out so much shit recently, it's such a shame.

Agreed. Also agree with Ben Kingsley being good. We need a Goodellas/Casino mob type film to come along cos the roles them two legends have played lately were shit. Was looking forward to Rightheous Kill starring those two and it was such a let down!
Forgot Tom Hardy too! He's an exceptional actor, there's not one film I've seen him in where I haven't thought "damn he's very very good".
You're thinking of Laurence Fishbourne. Django was played by Forest Whitaker.

I really don't think so, you've got it mixed up man. Forest Whitaker was Morpheus, Fishburne was in Ocean's 11. But I might have gotten it wrong indeed, could've been Eddie Murphy. It's easy to get them mixed up, they usually play quite similar characters you see.