Turning on Rangnick


The Caf's Ezza.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
How long has it taken you to turn on Rangnick?

5 games in and the footy is flaccid, no penetration.

Get Ten Haard in.
Anyone turning on him now is a bit silly to be honest.
I doubt Ten Haag could anything with this lot. We need 6-7 new good players. Our squad is shit despite the cost in transfers+wages.
The future is very very bleak.
He’s only just got here! We’ve had a corona outbreak since then!
I genuinely think some people thought Ole was some kind of joke who didn’t know what he was doing and that we would just immediately improve.
Football isn’t that simple.
If I could see what he's trying to do then I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, as it is it's the opposite he looks like he doesn't have a clue

Get him gone now
I can't even fathom how awful this game was.. I really thought Rangnick was going to get us playing well, the thirty minutes against Palace was what I expected.

He should have been able to change something in 5 games at least, we're not looking any different now than we did under Ole.
Players turned on two managers in space of weeks.

This must be somekind of achievement.
I doubt Ten Haag could anything with this lot. We need 6-7 new good players. Our squad is shit despite the cost in transfers+wages.
The future is very very bleak.

This you cannot polish a turd.
No matter who's in charge, these players arnt hungry enough.
Overpaid massively with relation to ability.
Well atleast he ain’t here to stay. He can’t get nothing out of this team and I see zero gameplay. This squad needs a reboot. Imagine that.
I’ve not turned on him but I’m certainly not onboard. He deserves more time obviously but I remain indifferent.
I was never a fan from the beginning. Everything about him screams Van Gaal and more except for the face he's never proven himself at the top level. He talks a good game but the sooner he fecks off the better.
Feel like he’s come in and try to maybe ease the changes so it isn’t a shock for the players. Not worked. Go all in Ralf feck these guys.
No one is turning on him. I think the consensus is that is isn’t good enough to manager United full time and we should still stick to the plan of getting Pochettino or Ten Hag in the summer. Ralf was never mentioned as a serious potential replacement for ole, but only as a caretaker. I feel that his job will better serve implementping the right mentali and philosophy into United.
I doubt Ten Haag could anything with this lot. We need 6-7 new good players. Our squad is shit despite the cost in transfers+wages.
The future is very very bleak.

I remember the start of the season and the thread "Top 10 squads in Europe" where 80 % of the people were putting us AT LEAST 3rd. Now more and more are starting to see the true reality where we are not even in the Top 10.
Anyone turning on him now is a bit silly to be honest.

People on here are ridiculous, let's judge every manager after 4, 5 games and hire another and so on, that is the Caf way! :lol:
Plenty of people were saying this guy was some kind of football genius. Before he signed. I didn't expect miracles, but I wanted to see something. We've seen nothing. It's no different to how it was under Ole. You usually get a new manager bounce. We haven't even had that.

Unless these players are all shit, this guy is nowhere near as good as many people made him out to be.
I still reckon he might be very good, I am not sure but I think a few games with a side devoid of confidence is not enough to override everything else I have heard.

With that said I do feel positive knowing that the worst-case scenario is that we get another manager at the end of the season. If it does not work/continues not to work then the end is in sight which is different to when things went wrong under Ole, Jose ect.
Has to be allowed to get midfielders in Jan, the last manager ignored the problem for too long
The players have! Nobody can tell me that this team is trying their hardest for this guy, they look MISERABLE, to a man, all of them. Not one is enjoying their football or playing remotely well except the keeper.

I haven’t turned on him but feck me he’s doing his best to absolutely make us look worse than we were.

Even at our worst under Ole the players seemed to create chances and be ‘in’ the game (last few games aside.) I struggle to fathom how we could be as bad as we are.

Look at the games he’s had as a collective, it’s been absolutely dire and against the worst teams in the league, the Norwich game and this one in particular have been awful. Just look like a bunch of strangers out there.
If I could see what he's trying to do then I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, as it is it's the opposite he looks like he doesn't have a clue

Get him gone now

That's the most worrying part. I've no idea what we are trying to do. Doubt the players do either
This just highlights how stupid a lot of people are.

The club has been rotting for 2 years~ with Ole at the helm. This squad is just poor. 1 month isn't going to be enough to fix it. Hell, 1 year isn't.

Rangnick's philosophy can't work with this squad, so he's going to have to adapt, and he will.
We all know that the reason why we wanted Ralf here is because we want him to be in that ‘technical director’ position and for him to provide modernisation of our dinosaur club structure. His interim manager stint is purely to see what we have to work with and deciding who’d be best to take it forward.
At the minute I’m much more inclined to blame the players.
Looks like he has already lost the players.

But we have been badly run now for about five years since Mourinho came. Mctominah is just not good enough. Neither is AWB. Cavani isnt a ten either.

Rangnick has backed those players so he cannot turn on them. But they are not good enough.

The 4-2-2-2 isnt working.
Rangnick is doing a lot of things wrong but today was one of the worst performances I have seen from the players in 20+ years . I am not sure he is responsible for everyone collectively having touches that go 10 feet in front of them
Still deserves time obviously but nothing about his past and recent jobs/successes suggests he should be anywhere near a club like ours.

He's never been anywhere near a club like ours probably for a reason.
I'm not naive enough to think its all going to change for the better overnight.

We're in a rut, and all we can do is use the next few weeks wisely to properly implement a style. Because this half way house isn't working.
What annoys me about him is in every post match interview he goes on about us not having enough control in the game, he’ll say the same today, but I’m not seeing him do anything about it. He needs to ditch this formation and get the control by filling midfield and have 3 across the top.
Why are we turning on the manager? It’s the players. How’s he meant to account for so many unnecessary errors?

I’m not even a massive fan of his but he’s been given a totally unbalanced squad and we’re expecting him to work wonders?

Tonight was shite as we’re the games at Newcastle and Norwich so I understand the frustrations. But these players didn’t look arsed under Jose, they gave up eventually under Ole and now seemingly haven’t even bothered for this guy.

They don’t deserve our support any more than the man coaching them.