Tyrone Mings stamp on Zlatan | He’s at it again

If you did something like that on a night out you'd be looking at a GBH charge, it's a fecking game Tyrone, you could've taken one of his eyes out. What an unpleasant cnut.
I hope he has learned now, but you never know. Strike 2. If or when the third comes, he should never be allowed to play football again
Utter shitstain of a bloke, but I'm sure we will hear about how it was 'accidental' and that he's 'not that type of player':rolleyes:
He could have very easily jumped over, his stride would have automatically taken him over Oliveira's head. He decided to hang back to make sure he stamped. He really should get a huge ban and fine. And as for him clearing his mum's wages, what a pathetic thing to do to post it on social media. I'd even forgive him for the stamp but not for posting that. It's your mom you fecking moron, you are supposed to look out for them, disgraceful fellow.
May or may not be intentional, but definitely deserves a long ban for dangerous play. You don't punish this now, you open up the door for cnuts who'll use this instance as an excuse to defend themselves after intentionally stamping on someone.
If you've played at least a few times in your life, at any level, avoiding a stamp on an opponent's face is one of the easiest and most intuitive things you can do. He knew.
If you've played at least a few times in your life, at any level, avoiding a stamp on an opponent's face is one of the easiest and most intuitive things you can do. He knew.
Exactly. It's even rare to see footballers trample on a hand or something let alone straight onto his face. Shame they can't go criminal case on this.
Clearly intentional. Could have stretched his leg out more to avoid it, could have even fecking hopped on the other leg. fecking outrageous. Needs banning fir life.
He could have very easily jumped over, his stride would have automatically taken him over Oliveira's head. He decided to hang back to make sure he stamped. He really should get a huge ban and fine. And as for him clearing his mum's wages, what a pathetic thing to do to post it on social media. I'd even forgive him for the stamp but not for posting that. It's your mom you fecking moron, you are supposed to look out for them, disgraceful fellow.

Yeah, its something every footballer does. You'd have to be a special kind of cnut to earm millions and let your family live in poverty and squalor. Boasting about it on social media is a twatish thing to do
Players like that have no business in football. He should be suspended for an entire season and personally cover all the medical costs (although that won't happen as all the players are covered)
I wonder if Villa have the opportunity to cancel the loan after that incident?
That is disgusting and looks 100% deliberate. He deserves to be banned for the rest of the season at a minimum.
I wonder if Villa have the opportunity to cancel the loan after that incident?

Why would they? They posted on Twitter applauding his debut for the club.

As far as the stamp goes, I'm with the rest on here - clearly on purpose. How his leg stops midair to stamp down on Oliviera's face against the momentum of his movement is very telling. See how far his left leg moves, while his right stops just over his opponents head and steps down with full force. Could've definitely taken out an eye and ruined his career. Hope he gets a lengthy ban.
He can just lift his leg and avoid it. What a fecking piece of shit.
Strange how some seem to be capable of playing 20 years as a pro defenders and never stamp on anyone.
This guy is just so unlucky. Maybe he has a case of what Welbeck had, cant control his legs properly.

What a fecking knob.
Disgusting. I think the one on Zlatan was deliberate but unsure about this one.
If you've played at least a few times in your life, at any level, avoiding a stamp on an opponent's face is one of the easiest and most intuitive things you can do. He knew.

Not to mention if you do catch someone with a stud you'll give them a scratch or a small cut. The depth of those gashes on Oliveira's face requires some force.
I'd usually give players benefit of the doubt but there's no fecking way that isn't intentional.
The fact that he's done it twice in a relatively short period of time tells me he's a dirty shitebag. It rarely ever happens in football.
I have to say it looks deliberate. His leg should have been outstretched to keep balance, but he clearly brings it straight down. Not to mention if you were landing on someones face, you could try to take your weight off that leg and just collapse to the ground. Lengthy ban should come in.
And if you did do something like that by accident your natural reaction would be to instantly turn around and see if the other player was okay.
He knew he wasn't and didn't give a shit.

Utter wanker!!
And if you did do something like that by accident your natural reaction would be to instantly turn around and see if the other player was okay.
He knew he wasn't and didn't give a shit.

Utter wanker!!
"No one feels worse than me" is also another proof that he doesn't care. He's a moron of the highest order
I hope a bullet accidentally hits one of his knees and he never plays football again.
Come on FA, what are you paid to do?

No doubt hiring translators to find out whether one of those "derty foreners" have said a bad word in front of a camera, put a toe on the pitch or appealing bullshit decisions.

Nevertheless this should be a criminal matter. Hope that prick loses his livelihood. Being a professional footballer is a privilege.
That'd even be a disqualification in the UFC, never mind a football pitch.

Was there some argy bargy between them during the game at least?

Even if there was, there's no excusing that unless the other guy had tried to nail him earlier.