US Politics

Mike Smalling

Full Member
Jan 27, 2018
at least 1/day, sometimes more. car insurance usually.
Multiple per day.
I get about two/day. Includes at least 3 recorded messages in Chinese (I think) a week.
It happened at work one time and I happened to be standing next to a Chinese-American colleague of mine so I handed her my phone and told her "it's for you". Her confused look until she listened to the call was funny.
Yeah, I'm still working there and so is she.
I got a spam call from my own number back in July. I also pay for a land line but no phone hooked up but I use the number when I don't want to give out my cell. It receives about 25 calls a day.
That sounds unbearable! I maybe get 2-3 unsolicited calls per year, usually related to either charity donations or some kind of survey. Amazing that it's legal.


weak willed
Mar 10, 2017
Political stunt that wouldn't do anything other than split the Dems and give leverage to the Rs.
It would get the opponents on record as being against and then you could primary them with progressives on that message. Access to healthcare is more important than Democratic party unity. They had fllibuster proof majorities under Obama and didn't even pass a public option.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
It would get the opponents on record as being against and then you could primary them with progressives on that message. Access to healthcare is more important than Democratic party unity. They had fllibuster proof majorities under Obama and didn't even pass a public option.
If it would actually advance health care the I would agree with you. The Dem platform is far more than just one issue, so squandering political capital on a dead end publicity stunt that wouldn’t result in MFA to a single person would be pointless and would end up poisoning the well on people working together on the rest of Biden’s agenda.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
If it would actually advance health care the I would agree with you. The Dem platform is far more than just one issue, so squandering political capital on a dead end publicity stunt that wouldn’t result in MFA to a single person would be pointless and would end up poisoning the well on people working together on the rest of Biden’s agenda.
It is a partisan issue, and if the leaders of that partisan bloc (AOC, etc) saw themselves as a bloc, they'd understand the need for it. A lot of voters don't see them as a separate bloc, and basically believe that Pelosi et al want the same things. Creting that disstinction on the record is important.

AOC was asked on twitter about this and said people should look at the co-sponsors list to get an idea of the priorities of your representative, but someone pointed out that co-sponsrship is less reliable than looking at floor votes when the thing has a chance to pass (since, for example, Kamala was a co-sponsor but dropped it the moment she ran).


weak willed
Mar 10, 2017
It is a partisan issue, and if the leaders of that partisan bloc (AOC, etc) saw themselves as a bloc, they'd understand the need for it. A lot of voters don't see them as a separate bloc, and basically believe that Pelosi et al want the same things. Creting that disstinction on the record is important.

AOC was asked on twitter about this and said people should look at the co-sponsors list to get an idea of the priorities of your representative, but someone pointed out that co-sponsrship is less reliable than looking at floor votes when the thing has a chance to pass (since, for example, Kamala was a co-sponsor but dropped it the moment she ran).
We need that vote on the record so that every Democrat who votes against can get primaried on that message. Trump is gone, it's time to start fighting for the things Democrat voters want.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
It is a partisan issue, and if the leaders of that partisan bloc (AOC, etc) saw themselves as a bloc, they'd understand the need for it. A lot of voters don't see them as a separate bloc, and basically believe that Pelosi et al want the same things. Creting that disstinction on the record is important.

AOC was asked on twitter about this and said people should look at the co-sponsors list to get an idea of the priorities of your representative, but someone pointed out that co-sponsrship is less reliable than looking at floor votes when the thing has a chance to pass (since, for example, Kamala was a co-sponsor but dropped it the moment she ran).
Its not wrong for anyone who supports it to promote it within the Dem party, but at some point there has to be a realization that its 100% not going to happen and that there is a broader policy agenda on the table for the Dems and Biden. If for instance, creating a dead end revolt creates bad blood between Pelosi and the progressives, it will only serve to poison the well on other issues that progressives and Democrats actually both want to implement - things like infrastructure, COVID stimulus money etc, and would in the end simply lock progressives out of having a seat at the table on other things they themselves care about (environment, police reform, etc).


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
We need that vote on the record so that every Democrat who votes against can get primaried on that message. Trump is gone, it's time to start fighting for the things Democrat voters want.
If this worked, it would've been done in the lead up to elections we just had. The things Democratic voters want are inclusive of who they just elected as President. Also, there are many other issues on the table beyond healthcare, so progressives and Dems should be incentivized to work together instead of start a war on day one because some YouTube pundit thinks its a good idea.


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
let's spend more time talking about whether Jill Biden should call herself Dr. Thats what really matters in this country!
Yeah, but this is a conversation that should be had. Should it lead? No, but misogyny in academia is definitely a thing.


Full Member
Jul 9, 2013

TRILLIONS given to keep zombie companies alive. Trying to get 2x $1200 checks in a year for people? GET A feckING JOB YOU SERF.

Do you Americans realise what countries like Australia did? We gave companies and people direct cash, fortnightly for MONTHS. We still have Jobkeeper and Seeker. They were not the best systems, granted, but we continually gave people money to just fecking live. You don't live in a normal society. You are being continuously fecked and almost half of the country seems to be fine with this. WTF is going on over there? It's like a mass psychosis. :mad:
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Full Member
Oct 1, 2010
Some god forsaken part of Middle Earth
I think it's a worthy conversation to have though. Should biologically born male trans athlete be allowed to compete against biologically born female athletes? There is really a lot to unpack and a lot the schools need to figure out.
I understand it is a problem that needs to be addressed. We've all seen the controversies so far.

However, the IOC already has a science based team looking into it for years and already has guidelines for it for a few years. They are also planning to introduce new guidelines after the tokyo olympics to govern the next cycle.

Current guidelines basically demand the participant has sex reassignment surgery and take hormone therapy for at least 2 years.

I'm not sure why so many competitions still remain naive and ignorant about these guidelines. I don't know if it will work. But I think it is a good start and it is the best we have right now. It seems to work to mitigate most of the performance differences (muscle mass, blood oxygen levels, etc). This will of course be an ongoing process as we learn to adapt to new situations in society, sports and gender science, etc. But I'm sure we will get there as the science reveals more ways we can improve.


Full Member
Oct 1, 2010
Some god forsaken part of Middle Earth
Sighhhhhh .. USA, a country by the 1% for the 1%

If this worked, it would've been done in the lead up to elections we just had. The things Democratic voters want are inclusive of who they just elected as President. Also, there are many other issues on the table beyond healthcare, so progressives and Dems should be incentivized to work together instead of start a war on day one because some YouTube pundit thinks its a good idea.
I'm sensing a huge push by certain media to start a war between the centrist and the progressive democrats.

A huge study of 50 years of tax cuts for the wealthy suggests 'trickle-down' economics makes inequality worse

Who would have thought.
Only the blind and the corrupt cannot see that. Sadly, both run the world we live in. The rest of us can just get fecked for daring to speak up.

Middle class unruly and needs controlling?
How dumb do people have to be, to believe these lies? Well, there are people dying using their last breath to claim the "china virus" is a hoax. So I digress. I grow more cynical every year as the hopelessness of how stupid human beings can be and how easy it is for the ruling class to manipulate people to get what they want.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
I'm sensing a huge push by certain media to start a war between the centrist and the progressive democrats.
The media generally ignore progressives since there are so few of them in congress. A vast majority of the noise appears to be coming from lefty youtube channels, so there's a pretty good chance there will at some point be a rift among competing progressive pundits/factions since they are all attempting to influence the likes of AOC to act as they want her to.
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