Using the term "Man Utd"...And all the nonsense that goes with it.

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New Member
Mar 16, 2010
To be honest, i'm wondering about that myself
the first thing that comes across my mind when someone utters Man Utd is ignorance and annoyance and a willingness to explain to the individual the terminology behind it is apparent within me. i can't help myself when someone says it out of ignorance


New Member
Oct 10, 2009
the first thing that comes across my mind when someone utters Man Utd is ignorance and annoyance and a willingness to explain to the individual the terminology behind it is apparent within me. i can't help myself when someone says it out of ignorance
It's pretty simple. People that actually watch Man United games and post on forums should know that the term 'Man Utd' are for ignorant United wannabe's
You are either on a WUM or have not read the first post and the subsequent thread. Either case it's making you look very stupid so drop it. And sorry to say, but your charade makes only you look like a wannabe.


New Member
Mar 16, 2010
To be honest, i'm wondering about that myself
You are either on a WUM or have not read the first post and the subsequent thread. Either case it's making you look very stupid so drop it. And sorry to say, but your charade makes only you look like a wannabe.
A Wum? no it's how i feel about someone who calls himself a Man Utd fan and doesn't know who Rooney is. FFS did you read my posts? are you stupid?


New Member
Oct 10, 2009
A Wum? no it's how i feel about someone who calls himself a Man Utd fan and doesn't know who Rooney is. FFS did you read my posts? are you stupid?
I did read both your posts in this thread. The point of this thread is not for plastic fan's who say they like the club just cause it sounds fancy, it is for people who do support the club but still refer to them as Man Utd as a matter or personal choice or out of ignorance. And the OP did take note of those points and has quashed the ill-facts. You still want to call me stupid? Cause this is what your earlier 2 posts say and trust you me, they have nothing to do with what you are saying now about the Rooney situation:

the first thing that comes across my mind when someone utters Man Utd is ignorance and annoyance and a willingness to explain to the individual the terminology behind it is apparent within me. i can't help myself when someone says it out of ignorance
It's pretty simple. People that actually watch Man United games and post on forums should know that the term 'Man Utd' are for ignorant United wannabe's
Bolded out a few lines in the subsequent, please do read and then reply if you deem fit. And don't brandish words when it in hindsight will make you yourself look stupid.

Due to my constant annoyance at this particular myth, I've decided to make a thread on it...finally. It's a particular problem in the newbs so hopefully this will clear up some stuff.

For a while there has been some vague assumption amongst some (usually younger) fans that the term "Man Utd" is some kind of heinous insult created by opposition fans after Munich to mock the dead. It's often picked up by posters on internet sites as an example of not being a proper fan or other such nonsense. Its gained considerable credence on the web because of this oddly paragraphed, grammatically mysterious rant.

If you scour the internet for proof of this, or a source, or indeed anything to back this up, you'll inevitably only be confronted with this masterpiece of the English language, posted and re-posted word for word on various forums and what nots. There's even bizarrely a facebook group, despite this being almost entirely the only source of evidence or opinion.

It is (and I can't stress this enough) complete bollocks.

Even if you bypass the bizarre logic of "u" being offensive because it's meant to imply "you", the main problem with this theory is it's terrible grasp of history.

The term Man Utd was created entirely by the news reporters of the 40s and 50s who used to refer to us as Manchester U or Man Utd to accomodate the name in print. Nothing more, or less. In fact the phrase Man Utd can be heard quite clearly on some of the old Pathe news reports of the babes triumphs in the mid-50s.

Furthermore to this, it was also used on club merchandise back in the day...before there was an official club shop per say and things like badges and pins were sold out of a shed outside the ground around about where the Munich clock is now...Probably by a woman called Brenda who more than likely smelt of gravy....but in a good way. The shop was - incidentally - owned by Sir Matt.

Geoff Bent, who died in Munich, emblazoned on a pin...what a disgusting shameful insult that is, why whomever made it should be strung up and tub thumped to death by internet warriors...Oh, it was the club... and Sir Matt?...ah... Whoops.

The chants themselves were indeed real (as far as I know) but the U in them was used BECAUSE we were often referred to as Man Utd, and not as an entirely new magical creation. Which again makes very little sense when you actually think about it.

But don't take my word for it, I'm just a 26 year old Londoner who cuts his own hair..why not take Tom Clare's word for it. A long time manc follower who has written several books on his experience watching the babes in the 50s.

Forever a Babe: Growing Up with Manchester United, by Tom Clare
Tom Clare's History of Manchester United - MUST - the independent Manchester United supporters' trust

So the only reason anyone should be picked up on using the term Man Utd is "sloppy pheaseology"...and quite rightly. No one calls the Geordies Newcastle U or the Hammers West Ham U...but there is no disrespect or insult in it. It's just a silly old rumour that has gained credence and notoriety purely by virtue of being on the internet.

It certainly shouldn't be used as a knowledge badge of honour, like some sort of scout badge of redness, because it's anything but. In fact bringing up someone else on it, especially if you do it righteously, actually makes you look a little bit like a pillock, since it's most likely you who doesn't know what you're taking about.

Even if it was all true, and the phrase was created as a heinous insult, 99% of all the opposition fans that use it would have absolutely no idea why...hence removing the actual insult completely.

In short, if you take one lesson from this, it should be "don't believe the internet".... except this obviously.

Thankyou, and goodnight. Make sure you brush your teeth.


New Member
Mar 16, 2010
To be honest, i'm wondering about that myself
@markgiggsy11 who the feck are you to call me stupid a WUM and a having a charade? what? you don't know what you're talking about, because you've not taken into consideration of the fact that i'm aware of all the stuff you posted and more from the OP.

You've taken something i've said to heart and missed my point i was making, which had no disrespect to any other member here, it's just a fact of life where i'm from and you're just gonna have to accept that it's different in parts of the world not know to you.

get off your moral high horse, deflate your ego dude. fella... this is a global forum


New Member
Oct 10, 2009
@markgiggsy11 who the feck are you to call me stupid a WUM and a having a charade? what? you don't know what you're talking about, because you've not taken into consideration of the fact that i'm aware of all the stuff you posted and more from the OP.

You've taken something i've said to heart and missed my point i was making, which had no disrespect to any other member here, it's just a fact of life where i'm from and you're just gonna have to accept that it's different in parts of the world not know to you.

get off your moral high horse, deflate your ego dude. fella... this is a global forum
Moral high horse? Egoistic? Me? Neither do I have an ego nor am I trying to put you down. I was replying in context to the thread.

If you had to rant, firstly this was not the thread for it and neither was it the right context. And even if it were, you have written things that are totally misleading so I'm sorry if I could not read between the lines and understand your true sentiments.

Just for the record, you yourself say this is a "global forum" but in the same breath you want to say that "it's a fact of life where you are from"? That's two opposite things in my eyes. But I must be wrong. You tell me?

I'm sorry I don't understand what you write cause where I am from, we don't read people's minds. It's not our thing. This is a text based internet forum so be clear with what you have to say. Wake up and smell the coffee "fella"!


Full Member
Apr 19, 2009
personally, i just don't like "Man Utd". just strikes me as something you hear kids referring to. where i am, we've always used united, so it's what i'm used to. there isn't a need for adding manchester in any form to it, because it's clear who it refers to.

there's no need for acting a cnut and banging on about how it's a derogatory term, because it isn't. it's each to their own.

some bigoted, possible xenophobe cnuts on here.


Lowering the tone since 2006
Sep 1, 2006
exactly, and it pisses me off from where i come from about the amour of people i come across claiming to me man yoo fans by saying it when they know feck'll about the team and its history
You've taken something i've said to heart and missed my point i was making, which had no disrespect to any other member here, it's just a fact of life where i'm from and you're just gonna have to accept that it's different in parts of the world not know to you.


Full Member
Dec 28, 2009
What a shame !! The official ManUtd Cafe Bar in Mumbai had this as their group photo on Facebook :( I have caught them for this and sent Mockney's post ;)



New Member
Sep 15, 2009
Feeky are you by any chance the guy that is trying to tell some of those 'top reds' on that link how wrong they are? Wasting your time if you are :lol:
Yeah that's me. Dunno why I bothered.
I don't really know how they can be arguing againstyou? You have come up with logical answers and points. There's no beating a top red ey? And you are only a top red if you can afford £10 a year to go on red issue it seems!!!


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
And if rival fans were to chant "Manchester United" in full, instead of Man Utd or Man Utd, would those strings of letters be banished to?

You people are stupid and worse than the jesus freaks, you're letting rival fans run your life.

I'm a stupid fecking manc who supports Man Utd or Man Utd or whatever you want to call it.

Now deal with it.


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
And btw, African-Americans fought racism partly by devaluing racist words like "nigger".

They didn't wet their crotches like some bitches here. They knew exactly what they were doing.


Full Member
Apr 19, 2009
I don't really know how they can be arguing againstyou? You have come up with logical answers and points. There's no beating a top red ey? And you are only a top red if you can afford £10 a year to go on red issue it seems!!!
doesn't cost anything to sign up, surely they haven't starting charging everyone? think the tenners only for the sanc.

haven't fecking bothered signing up there anyway.
Jan 18, 2009
No longer on the caf.
It's not the word or what you say thats important, but the intent behind it.

99.9% of all football fans DO NOT know the so-called derogatory meaning behind 'Man Utd'.

Their is no such thing as right and wrong, only opinion. People will form their own opinions regardless of your view. Trying to change those opinions of others is purely a waste of your own precious time. Now go out and cut the grass or something useful other than worrying about what other people think.

Feeky Magee

keen violinist
Oct 13, 2010
It's not the word or what you say thats important, but the intent behind it.

99.9% of all football fans DO NOT know the so-called derogatory meaning behind 'Man Utd'.
Oh dear. 'Man Utd' was created before Munich, and 'cleverly' twisted by opposition fans after it to mock the dead. Had they done the same with United, e.g. "United in all being dead", would United be banned?

Feeky Magee

keen violinist
Oct 13, 2010
I don't think anyone is advocating the use of Man Utd. It's shit. Just pointing out that it's not remotely offensive or disrespectful and the e-crusade by e-spastics trying to be e-red has got to stop, it's fecking annoying.


A Key Tool
Apr 16, 2010
It's not the word or what you say thats important, but the intent behind it.

99.9% of all football fans DO NOT know the so-called derogatory meaning behind 'Man Utd'.

Their is no such thing as right and wrong, only opinion. People will form their own opinions regardless of your view. Trying to change those opinions of others is purely a waste of your own precious time. Now go out and cut the grass or something useful other than worrying about what other people think.
I'll hold my hand up and say until I started posting on here, I didn't consider the chant that included the abbreviation "Man Utd" and lazily I used "Man Utd" as my abbreviation. It was something I had got used to, it rolls off the tongue, hence why used by rival fans.

I now use Utd, as I've got over the fact that United or Utd can also refer to a whole heap of other teams, but on here it is safe to say United or Utd will not be misunderstood. However, if I was posting on say a Leeds website after a match, I'm assuming Utd would be misunderstood, hence Man Utd or Man Utd would be alternatives. Typing "Man Utd" feels a lot quicker on a keyboard and less like hard work. Why make something more hard work then required. It is not like I even check all my spelling. It is a forum not a book!

I'll also refer to my posting on facebook:
Put simply though any abbreviation of any team cannot logically be an insult. It is ridiculous. We are men and as men should not be getting caught up on little word games. I seriously think you need to put your handbag away.

I think regardless of who has said what and when, you have to consider the logical and rational argument that just about any abbreviation of Manchester United could be used to insult us, and thus on this ground you cannot argue against the abbreviations, only against the actual insult.

Or to take a simile, people don't stop using the tube because of a terrorist attack. The tube is for transport, just because of a bad event you don't suddenly frown upon using the tube. Equally just because of a couple of offensive chants you don't stop using abbreviations of Manchester United.

If the above is not sufficient for you then also consider the lack of significance. When was the last time you heard this chant? Surely any bad feeling towards this should be null and void, unless of course you want to get your handbag out again and hold on to negative vibes for as long as you possibly can.

There are far more important things to be discussed, so why waste time going over and over about this. Or are you going to blame the Glazers for not speaking out against this abbreviation!
There is a real lack of grasping of context by all these fans bitching about the abbreviation "Man Utd", but if it takes you to know a story about a chant, then how can that in itself be offensive. Munich was also mentioned in that chant, should we no longer mention that City? Should they rename their city?

And if bad chants were made against every abbreviation would we then have to change our football teams name? And what if we were then insulted under the new name? or how about not even having a name? Then we could be insulted as the team with no name? or how about the team that keeps changing name? This is taking it to the extreme, but put simply context needs to be considered along with logic and reasoning ability.


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
Whenever I'm on scouser forums, I always use their language when referring to my team, like "manc", "scum", "miss Fergie", "Slur Alex" and so on.

That irritates them far more than me saying "Please, for the love of Sir Alex Ferguson, stop being so mean, my club doesn't deserve it, I'm about to cry!".

99 red balloons

Full Member
Oct 19, 2009
Whenever I'm on scouser forums, I always use their language when referring to my team, like "manc", "scum", "miss Fergie", "Slur Alex" and so on.

That irritates them far more than me saying "Please, for the love of Sir Alex Ferguson, stop being so mean, my club doesn't deserve it, I'm about to cry!".
I literally don't even know where to start with that post.


Mes que un Rag
Oct 19, 2010
La Côte, Suisse
What's the origin or connotation of ManYoo?...I've used that in the past but have no idea if it's frowned upon etc. :confused:


New Member
Nov 4, 2010
LOL, biggest load of shit ive read for a while. PLASTIC???? Dont think so, ive been a season ticket holder for years, travelled all over europe and for some knobhead to say that im a plastic fan.....load of shit....
well said mate your not the plastic fan,the people calling you that should look closer to home.the club would be no were near were it is today only for fans like you season ticket holder,travelled all over europe a real fan dont listen to this fools.


New Member
May 21, 2010
It's pretty simple. People that actually watch Man United games and post on forums should know that the term 'Man Utd' are for ignorant United wannabe's
your a proper wanker mate, ive been a red for 32 years and call them Man Utd when i wish to.


New Member
Feb 28, 2008
It's pretty simple. People that actually watch Man United games and post on forums should know that the term 'Man Utd' are for ignorant United wannabe's
there's so much one could say about what you've written, but i think ill keep it short...your a bell end.


New Member
Mar 16, 2010
To be honest, i'm wondering about that myself
Moral high horse? Egoistic? Me? Neither do I have an ego nor am I trying to put you down. I was replying in context to the thread.

If you had to rant, firstly this was not the thread for it and neither was it the right context. And even if it were, you have written things that are totally misleading so I'm sorry if I could not read between the lines and understand your true sentiments.

Just for the record, you yourself say this is a "global forum" but in the same breath you want to say that "it's a fact of life where you are from"? That's two opposite things in my eyes. But I must be wrong. You tell me?

I'm sorry I don't understand what you write cause where I am from, we don't read people's minds. It's not our thing. This is a text based internet forum so be clear with what you have to say. Wake up and smell the coffee "fella"!
you say you're sorry because you don't understand what i'm saying yet you ridiculed me for it? yes it was a rant in a way but not at the term 'Man Utd' rather, it was pointed to the people in my city that i come across and my words were directed at those people.

I've had some ridiculous conversations with random people either wearing something United, or just coming out by chance. some people don't have any idea about our club.

"oh you're a Man Utd fan too?" i've had said to me more times than i care to remember. and obviously its used by supporters by other clubs 'where i live' in an generalised term rather than an indented insult. and it's summed up by ignorance.... and that was my whole point, sorry if you missed it and maybe i could have said that it was the fickle football fans in Melbourne that piss me off, rather than the actual term itself, but either way you could have just asked me instead of jumping down my throat and for that i don't think i'll answer your rhetorical question because i've explained myself enough to you:smirk:

yeah i don't like the term Man Utd and i don't like it being used and all i was highlighting was the sheer amount of ignorance of the term in my neck of the woods. I mean, i'd rather a knowledgeable fan come up to me on the train and call me a Man Utd supporter with the intent it was created for by other fans.... id probably end up getting along with him after a while just because he's an opposing fan who gave me a bit of cheek....thats exactly what i'm like because i appreciate a knowledgeable discussion of football in Melbourne and i'm always making slight digs at people because i can tell what level of football know they have just by their reaction.

so sorry about the personal insults, i don't know, maybe i was drunk at the time;)


New Member
Mar 16, 2010
To be honest, i'm wondering about that myself
your a proper wanker mate, ive been a red for 32 years and call them Man Utd when i wish to.
oh yeah? maybe if your mind wasn't so narrow you'd of realised that i'd have no beef with a 'United' supporter of 32 years. I'd have reservations of the fact you desire the term, or use it loosely.... i don't know, maybe you're not used to the level of ignorance i am living in Manchester..... and you're at an age where you're above it all but don't be so quick to label me a proper wanker when i feel so passionate about United that i've put it in front of my job....twice.

there's so much one could say about what you've written, but i think ill keep it short...your a bell end.

maybe my subsequent posts have given a bit of clarity on the quoted text and you may actually want to say whats on your mind and perhaps get a better insight as to why i said it and the context in which it was said has been confirmed to be regarding Melburnians and i know its a facht that Man Utd ignorance happens a lot in Asia and N America. places i have been to before and also a huge influence over my thoughts regarding Man Utd have been from the Redcafe forums.... i have been a looong time lurker on here mate


New Member
Dec 18, 2008
No need to even use Manchester! United is enough everyone knows who you are on about!
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