VAR and Refs | General Discussion

Who’s gonna vote to keep it then? VAR isn’t the problem. It’s the people using it. Works fine in other countries. We need extra training for our refs.
VAR was never suitable to football and I’ve said that from minute one. People still double down on the whole “it’s the people behind it” they are part of the issue, but the bigger issue is that VAR doesn’t and never will fit in a game as free flowing as football especially with so many subjective calls. I hope to the lord above that they scrap it once and for all and we will bd one step closer to having the game I fell in love with back. City will be one club that won’t agree though as they get so many calls. I hope Utd vote the right way, it’s been absolutely nightmarish for us.
People will be up in arms the second an obvious decision goes against them.

It’s a good system used poorly by refs. It’s that that needs the reform, not scrapping VAR.
I haven't dared to hope we could ever get rid of VAR. I have been against it from the very start, it ruins the joy of football.

I do believe there is a potential usage which could work, in which it is genuinely used only for 'clear and obvious errors', i.e. the kind of howlers you get one in every 5 games.

I would be very happy if it went away though.
Scrap it. Keep hawk eye and develop a technology which can see whether or not there’s an offside in real time (I think UEFA are trialling this but could be wrong).

We need to stop trying to create the ‘perfect’ game where all decisions are made correctly. Just let there be an understanding that referees will make mistakes, sometimes terrible ones, but they’re human and just trying to do a job.
I get the issue with VAR but outright scrapping it is a bit short sighted. We'll continue to get bad decisions and continue to have teams moan. I think at the very least they should keep it for offsides where there isn't any subjectivity.

I think a lot of people complaining will soon realise that scrapping it doesn't all of a sudden make things better.
People will be up in arms the second an obvious decision goes against them.

It’s a good system used poorly by refs. It’s that that needs the reform, not scrapping VAR.
Don’t you think that the majority of the controversial incidents are subjective fouls? I’m not really sure how it’s possible to give better training and expect everyone to be happy.

It’s worth trying manager challenges. Each team gets one per game. It can only be used on offsides or fouls in the box. The referee has to go over to the monitor and look himself and doesn’t get any advice from VAR on whether it’s a foul or not.
People will be up in arms the second an obvious decision goes against them.

It’s a good system used poorly by refs. It’s that that needs the reform, not scrapping VAR.

This 100%

They need to be better as referees and then VAR needs to be consistent. They can make changes to make decisions quicker or allow the reasoning to be said in the stadium or whatever

Scrapping it will just cause people wanting it back again
I enjoy football in the lower leagues a lot more than leagues that use VAR. It might be more accurate but it's ruined the enjoyment.
Do I want it scrapped? Yes if the alternative is what we have now. I think there’s probably a sensible middle ground where the tech available is applied efficiently, consistently and without ruining the game for the fans.

Do I trust them to find it though? No. Do I enjoy football more without it? Yes.
VAR was never suitable to football and I’ve said that from minute one. People still double down on the whole “it’s the people behind it” they are part of the issue, but the bigger issue is that VAR doesn’t and never will fit in a game as free flowing as football especially with so many subjective calls. I hope to the lord above that they scrap it once and for all and we will bd one step closer to having the game I fell in love with back. City will be one club that won’t agree though as they get so many calls. I hope Utd vote the right way, it’s been absolutely nightmarish for us.
What people continually fail to realise that VAR is literally just a ref watching tv. You can’t say that VAR is not a problem, it’s the refs. They’re one and the same thing.
It'll never pass, but I like voting on it.

VAR doesn't work well at all so far, can give it some more time, but ultimately it might need to be scrapped or changed radically by IFAB.
Just limit it to offsides and make the offside rule more distinct and obvious - eg. one boot clear of the defender
There's nothing wrong with the tech, it's the referees. I wouldn't mind scrapping it for a year though, get them properly trained with the systems and then bringing it back in a better state.
You could give them 5 years of training and they would still be absolutely rubbish. Wolves are even more stupid to think this is the solution.

Just limit it to offsides and make the offside rule more distinct and obvious - eg. one boot clear of the defender
Automatic offsides are coming to the PL in December i think.
What people continually fail to realise that VAR is literally just a ref watching tv. You can’t say that VAR is not a problem, it’s the refs. They’re one and the same thing.
Sure but the whole point is if the refs are crap (which they are) then VAR just adds to the issue. VAR fundamentally changes the game, slows down decisions, stops celebrations, over analyses situations and if they can’t even reach the correct decision then what’s the point in accepting all of that. What people have always failed to realise though is that VAR was never going to fix enough issues to be worth those trade offs. There’s too many subjective calls and I’d far rather get some wrong decisions in real time than getting them after all this garbage slow down analysis. At least you can accept real time human error.
Feck VAR. It's destroying a lot of what i enjoy about football. So what if we get the occasional decision against us? These days you can barely celebrate a goal before seeing if it will be allowed or not. Fecking bullshit, get out.
I think VAR needs to work far better. In comparison to the UEFA competitions and many European leagues, I think that the Premier League is seriously far behind. That doesn't mean I agree with every decision that is made, just that they appear to use it far more efficiently.

One thing I particularly hate is when most ex referees seem to call offsides a "factual decision" when doing their analysis. Ignoring the fact that the VAR official still picks a point of contact and on numerous occasions this season it has looked like the ball has already left the ball playing foot during the line placing process.

Handballs are still shockingly poor and incidents that don't appear to be an obvious error are still being overturned in what appears to be re-refereeing.
Don’t you think that the majority of the controversial incidents are subjective fouls? I’m not really sure how it’s possible to give better training and expect everyone to be happy.

It’s worth trying manager challenges. Each team gets one per game. It can only be used on offsides or fouls in the box. The referee has to go over to the monitor and look himself and doesn’t get any advice from VAR on whether it’s a foul or not.

A lot of them are yeah. I still think it is very useful for big offsides or fouls missed when goals are scored.

Imagine we scrap it and we lose a game due to a blatantly offside goal next season. Knowing with VAR we’d have not let that goal in would be very frustrating.
Feck VAR. It's destroying a lot of what i enjoy about football. So what if we get the occasional decision against us? These days you can barely celebrate a goal before seeing if it will be allowed or not. Fecking bullshit, get out.

Do people actually sit there refusing to celebrate just in case VAR intervenes?
A lot of them are yeah. I still think it is very useful for big offsides or fouls missed when goals are scored.

Imagine we scrap it and we lose a game due to a blatantly offside goal next season. Knowing with VAR we’d have not let that goal in would be very frustrating.

We already know how that feels with that Drogba goal.
Why on earth can we not implement it the way the European teams, the European and international competitions do? There’s absolutely no way we should be regulating the referees we have currently even less. It’s easy to forget how bad they were pre VAR. People were screaming for help for them.

We really need to just overhaul the whole refereeing system and import the best in class foreign refs.
Do people actually sit there refusing to celebrate just in case VAR intervenes?
Who said refuse? I always celebrate but there's always the thought in the back of my mind thinking i hope it stands.
Emmm constant moaning about decisions on here and on every single football show, when the replay showed something other than what the ref called, says different.
We still have that happening now. The only difference is it takes the refs 3 minutes to get to the wrong decision.
Who said refuse? I always celebrate but there's always the thought in the back of my mind thinking i hope it stands.

The way people give out about it's like they can't bring themselves to celebrate. I honestly don't even think about it unless they signal it's going to be reviewed or clearly looks dodgy.
Told ya.

In nearly every other league, in the CL, in international competition, VAR has been implemented successfully. Not perfect because no one is perfect, but well enough that it's accepted as part of football.

In the PL? They could not have done a better job at rolling it out in such a shit manner. Laying the groundwork for, "it didn't work, we're yanking it"

Luddites win
Scrap it. Keep hawk eye and develop a technology which can see whether or not there’s an offside in real time (I think UEFA are trialling this but could be wrong).

We need to stop trying to create the ‘perfect’ game where all decisions are made correctly. Just let there be an understanding that referees will make mistakes, sometimes terrible ones, but they’re human and just trying to do a job.
Managers, fans, and pundits won't do that.
When will people finally understand; VAR is a helping tool. VAR can't be in charge for everything on the pitch. Those idiots want to scrap Var because shit refs don't know how to use it and because refs on the pitch are shit.
I can't wait cries next year with dozen goals from offside, dozen regular goals disallowed because of non existent offside, penalty kicks after clear dives, red cards now shown for awful fouls etc......

In reality; how many times VAR (and only VAR) fecked up this year? Maybe 10?
And now, lets think how many times VAR helped about goals, offsides, penalties or red cards?

VAR is great tool and those idiots should concentrate how to use it better.